Married My Ex-husband’s Uncle (Matthias and Sienna)

Married My Ex-husband’s Uncle Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Who Was That Man

“Huh?” Kaylee was surprised for a moment. Then, she quickly composed herself and said, “I understand.” After assigning the task to Kaylee, Sienna didn’t think about it anymore and went back to her room to sleep. Meanwhile, the man who had sent the message smiled indulgently when he didn’t receive a response. At that moment, someone knocked on the door and entered the room. “Mr. Callan, Old Mr. Moore wants to hold a grand feast. Since you rarely come back, he wants to celebrate the occasion. It will also be an opportunity for you to meet other relatives in the family.” The man replied calmly, “Don’t announce my return just yet. We can have the feast later. Also, please postpone my departure as I have some personal matters to attend to. I haven’t decided on an exact date yet.” “Understood. I will make the arrangements immediately,” the assistant responded promptly. By the time Sienna woke up, the sky was already bright. Since she didn’t have any plans until the afternoon, Kaylee didn’t wake her up. When she went downstairs, Kaylee informed her, “Ms. Ainsworth, Mrs. Ainsworth has requested that you return home immediately.” “Is something wrong?” “Mr. Johanson has come over.” Sienna’s face turned unpleasant. Matthias Johanson, that sc*undrel! He’s doing all this to make me clean up his mess, isn’t he? In the past, he never visited my mother during any celebrations. But now that we’re divorced, he has actually swallowed his pride and showed up for the sake of his sweetheart. I thought we would have nothing to do with each other after our divorce. I never expected to see each other even more frequently than before. That j*rk knows how to make one’s skin crawl. She arrived at the Ainsworth residence during lunchtime. The sound of her high heels broke the awkward silence in the living room, and the two women in the house felt relieved when she returned. There were no men in the Ainsworth family. Sienna’s grandfather passed away shortly after her birth, and her father also died in a car accident when she was eighteen. All eyes were on Sienna. The elderly Gloria Lawson, Sienna’s grandmother, and her mother Melanie felt reassured when they saw her. “Why are you here?” Sienna asked rudely, even though she already knew the answer. Matthias furrowed his brows, thinking that Sienna had become prickly after the divorce. Afraid that they might start arguing again, Melanie hurried over to mediate. “Enna, Matthias came to visit me and your grandmother. He’s a guest, so be nice to him.” Melanie was from the South and had a soft-spoken nature. She had been pampered by her parents before marriage and doted on by her in-laws and husband after getting married. After her husband passed away, she was then doted on by her daughter. She was so sweet and delicate that she would even shed tears at the sight of autumn leaves covering the ground. No matter how angry she was, Sienna had to suppress her anger in front of her mother. This j*rk took advantage of that vulnerability and deliberately came here to pressure me. She put on the house sl*ppers brought by the housekeeper, took off her coat, took a deep breath, and decided to “be nice.” Before she could say anything, Matthias suddenly grabbed her arm. His eyes widened in astonishment as he looked at her n*eck. “What’s that on your n*eck?” The love bite on her n*eck hadn’t faded even after a day, and it had turned somewhat purplish. “Why are you so worked up? Is it any of your concern?” she asked, amused by his reaction. Her nonchalant attitude made him even angrier. “Answer me! What’s that on your n*eck?” “Take a guess.” The more curious he was, the more she refrained from answering. Is he joking? He wouldn’t even touch me after we got married, saying I disgusted him. He spent our entire wedding night cuddling up with his sweetheart at their love nest, leaving me alone in our empty room. I lived like a grass widow until our divorce. Who is he trying to fool with this pretense of concern now? Matthias glared at her, his eyes filled with fury. He wished he could crush her into pieces. “How dare you? How dare you treat me like this? Who was it? Who was that man?” Sienna shook off his hand, thinking that his behavior was utterly ridiculous. “Why wouldn’t I dare? Who do you think you are?” She hadn’t had breakfast and was feeling hungry. All she wanted was to send Matthias away quickly so he wouldn’t ruin her appetite. “Let me reiterate once more. If there are any issues with the project, you should discuss them with the person responsible. If the problem is on our end, have someone communicate with the person in charge. I’m very busy. If every minor issue requires my attention, what’s the point of having so many employees? Wendy, please see the guest out.” Matthias stared fixedly at the love bite, his gaze almost burning through her skin. He didn’t even know why he was consumed with rage. She was a woman he had always wanted to break free from, and now, he had finally managed to do so. However, when he saw the marks left by another man on her n*eck, he found himself wanting to kill that man.

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