Chapter CHAPTER 24

It was Sunday. I woke up around 8 a.m., and when I came out of my room, I could hear Aaron’s laughter from the kitchen. What was he doing in the kitchen? As I made my way, I saw Aaron hugging Randolph from the back, and both were preparing breakfast. What a scene, so good to be true, and that jerk was shirtless. It was just like a perfect family.

"Mommy, good morning; breakfast is ready.” We took our seats, and Randolph served me toast, eggs, and coffee. The same was for Aaron with milk; everything was so perfect; I didn’t want Aaron to get used to it. Not with this bastard, who always creates something and ends up destroying it.

After finishing our breakfast, I cleaned the table and washed the vessels. Both were playing, and Aaron was so happy. I mean, more than usual. He is missing a male touch in his life, and I want to give him everything, but only a few things were out of my reach. Aaron should not get used to this, not at least with Randolph. This meeting should be their last one, and I should make sure of it.

After finishing my chores, I came out of the kitchen, and both of them were sitting on the couch. Aaron was showing his paintings and dolls to Randolph; he was praising, which was then necessary, and I made my way towards the bathroom to get freshened up. I was eagerly waiting for his goodbye to us.

Without asking, I started preparing for lunch. I knew that Bastard wouldn’t go. In between, I was observing both of them, especially Aaron, who was clinging to Randolph for not even a second; he was leaving his side. What the hell was happening? After preparing lunch, I called both of them. Instead of sitting on the chair, Aaron sat on Randolph’s lap. I was keeping myself from getting blasted, thinking a few more minutes: “Aaron, take your seat; let Uncle have his lunch.” “It’s okay; I don’t mind.” I do bastard something is burning inside me; how many more minutes can I control myself? “You can’t have your lunch properly.” As I said, it’s ok, Ana. Serve us. ” Ok.” With that, I served lunch to them; Randolph was having it and also feeding Aaron. I never knew he would like kids so much, did he?

In the meantime, he received a call, and my ears became more alert. Yeah, I will come soon. With that, he disconnected, and I breathed a sigh of relief at last.

After having lunch, Randolph spoke, “Thank you for everything Ana and I will get goi…..“, I should have waited a few more seconds immediately I replied, ”Ok, you should be in hurry, get going”, with a chuckle he spoke, “So eager to kick me out”, “No, no”, “Yes, yes from yesterday you are trying to kick me out”, “You barge in without permission what do you expect”, “Still why are you not liking my presence”, “Why the hell I would like your presence it was not even a few minutes Aaron is clinging to you, how the hell even possible you should not try anything with a kid don’t you think, spare him”, “What trying”, “Your way of getting everything, you are manipulating my baby it’s not fair and I don’t want Aaron turning as you, no never I won’t let that happen understood asshole”, “Sometimes Ana do think before spitting how many times should I remind you end up inviting something mark my words”, “Are you not getting late”, “Yes I am once again thank you for everything”, Aaron came running towards Randolph. Oh god, “Bye baby, meet you soon, ok? Here’s my card. Keep it with you in case of an emergency or anything else. Call me or give it to anyone, ok?” Aaron nodded his head. By kissing him, he bid his goodbye, finally.

The next day was Monday. I made my way toward the company after dropping Aaron off at school, and after reaching as usual, I prepared coffee and made my way toward Randolph’s cabin. “Ms. Merlyn, have you decided?” “I need time to think; well, I don’t have enough time, and I told you the same.” “You are engaged; I am not going to take any risk with your fiancée.” “As I said, I will take care of her; don’t worry; once we are done, we are going to get rid of each other. Yup, we are; you don’t want to stick over here, right? I am not going to let go of you that easily; trust me, I don’t think you left with any choice.” “Why are you doing this to me? Why the hell me? You can get anyone you want.” Why you? That’s a very good question. I didn’t bother to find an answer, maybe because I can’t trust others. If you want to get rid of me, just say ‘yes’, and it’s not like we are doing it for the first time. I am not getting why you are thinking so much.” Because you are with a psychopath who can do anything.” As I said, I will take care of her. I want your decision soon. Don’t you want to lead a good life with Aaron? Take your decision soon by considering everything, and by the end of this week, I need your answer. This jerk swore to himself not to let me live my life peacefully.

I was doing my work when I received a call from Randolph informing me that Aaron was with him, next second, I was in his cabin and saw Aaron peacefully sleeping on the couch. I saw Randolph with a questioning gaze: “I received a call from Aaron’s school informing me that he was not feeling well and was vomiting from the morning.” “How come they called you instead of me? I was his mother; only my number has been updated with them.” “They tried calling you, but you were not reachable. Then Aaron gave them my card, so they called me. After hearing that, I didn’t give any thought and ran towards his school and took him to the hospital. Nothing serious stomach upset; he is doing ok now on the way we had something; he took medicine and slept immediately”, “You also didn’t bother to inform me; you should have taken me with you right’, “Sorry at that time I didn’t think anything; I was worried of him”.

I went near Aaron; he was sleeping, and his face was quite pale. “Next time, please do inform me no matter what; don’t make any decision regarding Aaron alone; he is my son, and I mean it.” “Sorry, I won’t, I promise.” “I want half-day leave; Aaron needs rest; I will take him home,” and “Ok, I will drop you.”

I didn’t have any intention of arguing with him. Randolph took Aaron in his arms and started walking. I followed him. On the way, Aaron was awake after seeing Randolph; he was smiling. Thank God, I was relieved. After reaching home, Aaron ran inside. Finally, my baby was back to normal, and Randolph was following him. After seeing his smile, we were also smiling.

Randolph spent the rest of the day with us. I wanted him to be kicked out, but thinking about what he had done to Aaron made me shut my mouth. Aaron was so happy to see him, and their bonding was taking some turns. Where the hell was it going? It was only their third meeting. It was giving me some sort of headache. Something was going to start between me and Randolph soon, and it would end. After that, we won’t be in contact. In this gap, I don’t want any attachment between Aaron and Randolph. How the hell am I going to make them understand? Aaron is small, and Randolph won’t understand these things; he wants everything his way.

I started preparing for dinner, fed Aaron, and gave him medicine. After that, he was off to sleep. Randolph was on his way home this time; I didn’t need to remind him, which was good every time he acted this way; there was no headache for me, and there was no argument between us. On the door, he took a pause and turned towards me. “When are you going to make your decision?” “Are you serious? Is this the right time to ask?” “Common Aaron is good. Don’t worry too much. Are you going to take forever?” “You are not leaving me to take a peaceful breath. Now and then, why are you asking the same thing? As I said, give me some time.”

He came close and brought his face near mine. “How much more, baby? Are you not feeling pity for me?” “Why would I feel pity, as if you are out of options or what? I bet your sexual life is very active.” “As I said, she is possessive. I am not a playboy anymore, so I want to try again with you. You know I got a list of girls with whom I dated and had a one-night stand. I didn’t think of anyone else other than you. Here you are making me suffer.” “Should I be happy after hearing this when the hell you started to manipulate by using sentimental dialogues? Are you getting an upgrade or what?” “Shut up, ok, I am serious, common baby; I am carving for you, and of course, your tight womanhood.” With that, he was massaging my thighs. “Knock it off, watch out your hand bastard.” “Trust me, baby, I am trying my best. Usshhh, baby, feel it. Don’t you miss me, Common? You know very well that you are going to give in. Why not now?” “No, no, we will make too much noise. Aaron will wake.” He was not stopping; his hand was massaging.

I was trying to stop his hand from further exploring. I knew very well where it was heading, but my grip on his hand was not strong enough; it was slippery. In no moment, he was near my womanhood. Oh god, someone save me from him. He will always get his way, especially with me.

I was getting aroused. Our breath was getting heavy. “Correction, baby, you will make too much noise.” “And the reason is you.” “Of course, it’s one of the accomplishments of every man to make his women scream at the top of their lungs. I want to be successful every fucking time.” He was successful in entering my womanhood; he was teasing me before entering. I was trying my best to stop myself from moaning, and he started finger-fucking me. That was it, “babyyyyyy”. I couldn’t hold it anymore and started moaning. First, he entered one finger, followed by two, three, and all his fingers, pulling again and entering, playing that was so intense, “Don’t shout, Aaron will wake.” I was trying my best to control the sound, but nothing was in my control; my whole body was at his mercy. He was trying his best to reduce volume but was not completely successful. Soon, I released Orgasm. I was aroused, and I needed him now.

He carried me to my room after a few minutes of foreplay. He was inside me, and once again I was feeling the same pain as the first time: “You are fucking tight, like the first time.” We had sex three to four times, and what had gotten into him was beyond my thinking. I was so done for the night; he was too.

I managed to speak because I needed to know something: “Did you use any condoms? I didn’t have any.” “You know I won’t take the risk I carried; don’t worry.” “We had it like 4 to 5 times.” As I said, I carried, “But I felt something inside me.” “You know me better; I will be careful in these things, and besides, I am already taking one.” “And also dragging me,” “Spicing your life, baby, you don’t want to die boring way right”; “Asshole, I got Aaron now, ok.” Yeah, I am not talking about emotional life; sexually, what you are doing is daring, don’t you think?” “Considering your psychopath fiancée, yes, it is. I am tired. Let me sleep now. I hope you are going to hell when you die.” “Trust me, I will drag you along with me, honey.” He was pulling me towards him, making me sleep in his arms. I was trying not to, but in the end, I gave up and slept in his arms.

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