Chapter CHAPTER 23

This bastard—what the hell was I supposed to do—give in for the last time and get rid of him forever? What about that psychopath? Is he going to marry her? Whatever, why the heck is he involving me? He was planning something whenever I wanted to stay away and not fall for any of his traps. I ended up doing the same, and this is another trap I was going to fall into knowingly.

If I didn’t agree, how the hell am I supposed to compensate such a huge amount? Do I want to be stuck with him forever? Hell no, she will fucking keep showing me hell now and then. Now the only option I had was to give in and get rid of him. I have a life and want to lead a good and peaceful one with Aaron. How the hell did everything turn upside down? Did I ask for it by being stubborn? No, I don’t want to give him satisfaction. Is it getting backfired? Oh no, no, no, it’s not. I am overthinking. Let me give my thoughts a break, as it is the weekend. Let me enjoy a peaceful time with my baby. No thoughts of that bastard should barge in between us.

It was Saturday, and after doing some shopping, we were in a park, and Aaron was playing with other kids. His voice could be heard from a long distance. Such a strong voice he got. I was reading my book when someone sat beside me. When I saw the person’s face, it was enough to ruin my weekend.

“A lot is going on in your life when the hell you became a ‘Mother’, I bet he is 4 to 5 years old and not mine for sure, considering your dating history chances are zero on top of it I was the one who broke your virgin so tell me, Ms. Merlyn, how the hell kid popped-up”, “Does it matter you Mr. Anderson as you know it’s not yours so stay out of it”, “Still I am curious shall I ask the boy”, “Don’t you dare why you want to know none of your business”, “Are you going to tell me or shall I call the boy and clear myself”, “I am trying to stay away from you and your business can’t you do the same”, “Will you say it or not”, “Are you not getting what I am saying”, “Are you not getting what I am asking or am I asking the wrong person I guess the right person would be that boy right”, “You are an asshole you know that”, “Well sometimes few people ask for can’t help being one for them”, “He is my son, adopted”, “What?“, “I have adopted, Aaron doesn’t know that don’t you dare to open your mouth”, “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry I am not an idiot”, by that time Aaron came running towards me.

Aaron was staring at Randolph. “Mommy, who was this uncle?” “He is no one, baby; don’t bother to know.” “Hi baby, I am Randolph, your mom’s friend. Nice to meet you.” Aaron was giggling and shaking his hand. ”What’s your name?”Aaron, Aaron,”Nice name, come here.” With that, he took Aaron, made him sit on his lap, and started kissing his chubby cheeks.

They started conversing, and I didn’t like it a bit; nothing I liked. The giggling sound from Aaron was irritating. Was I jealous? Hell yes. Why the hell with him? Aaron wouldn’t go to anyone so easily. Sometimes I would force him, but he wouldn’t budge. Why the hell has everything changed with this bastard? A 5-year-old kid can also get manipulated. Does his charm work on the kid too? Oh god, save my child from him.

"Aaron, you are cute, baby. Do you want ice cream?" Say no; don’t nod your head. “Yes, ice creammm,“Wow, great, “Common, let’s get ice cream.” With that, he was carrying Aaron with him. I am his dam mother sitting here; doesn’t he have the sense to ask my permission? I ran behind him and asked, “Don’t you have common sense? I am his mother. You should ask my permission.” “Well, I am taking Aaron to get ice cream. If you want, you can join us.” “What is this way of asking permission?” “Were you expecting more?” “Why not? You are doing whatever you want; you can’t take my baby at your will. “ Will you join us or not?” “Mommy, I want ice cream, please.” That was enough for me to give in, and he was making his way towards his car.

“Hey, the ice cream parlor is within walking distance.” “Then you walk, and reach will come by car,” this bastard without any choice joined, and in no time, we were in the parlor.

“Aaron, which flavor do you want?” Aaron was pointing at every flavor. “He can’t have too much; he will catch a cold soon, so don’t buy whatever he asks, ok?” “Yeah, I will try.” “No try; don’t buy everything.” Yeah, ok don’t annoy me by repeating the same thing which flavor you want select and go let Aaron make his choice”, “I am his mother why the hell you are not listening anything”, “Because you are too much worried for no reason”, “Because I am his mother”, “Why can’t you stick a board on your forehead stating same I am not getting why the hell you are stressing word ‘mother’ from past few minutes”, “Because you are not giving dam to whatever I am saying doing whatever you want”, “I am being friendly with Aaron why the hell it should bother you and he wants ice-cream so we are here what is wrong with that”, “You didn’t ask my permission”, “Well I informed you”, “I didn’t say yes and you informed me after I asked for the same didn’t bother waiting for my answer anyone ask permission this way”, “Well I can’t ask permission your way, I asked so close of the chapter stop annoying ok”, “hmmm sir, madam you are holding the que”, than we were back to the reality so many customers were watching the show.

Randolph didn’t give a dam. “Look what you have done. Go and take your seat. I will join you. Not even a single word should come from that mouth.” Of course, I didn’t utter a word. I went and took my seat. After that, both of them joined me.

Aaron was full of smiles while holding his ice cream. Thank God Randolph listened to me and didn’t buy too much. They purchased my favorite chocolate fudge with chocolate chips. I was having the same and observing both of them. Aaron was having his ice cream, giggling, and soon his mouth was covered with cream. Randolph took tissue, was wiping his mouth, and was also feeding his flavor. Why the hell am I feeling as a third person? I am his mother, right? He should feel that way, not me.

I couldn’t take it anymore and was not getting reason for his presence so I spoke, “What are you doing here”, “Hmmm what?“, “What were you doing in a park I bet it was not a co-incidence”, “Trust me baby it was I was passing by and saw you in the park”, “Please feed your lies to anyone else, tell me what were you doing bas….“, “Zip it not a single bad word in front of Aaron as I said it was co-incidence that’s it if you want, take it or leave it”, “Both of us know very well it was not, you came to park with some intention”, “What intention, my intention is now open book don’t you think, told you what I want you have asked time so I am willing to wait for your answer”, “Than why are you here”, “As I said baby co-in….“, “Knock it off ok”, “Whatever have before it gets melted at least you will be in cool state”, “How the hell your presence let me be in the cool state tell me, always some or other tricks you would be playing and making me drag along with you”, “Sometimes give less work to your brain don’t over think. Somehow, sometimes it’s working through this overthinking; you will lose that too.” “Shut up, ok, I mean it.” “Make me, baby; I am desperately waiting. Tell me, when the hell are you going to answer? I started thinking of our time together, which I had forgotten.” “Not in front of Aaron.” “I know what to say in front of a kid. Take your decision soon, that’s it.” “Don’t pester me; let me take my time.” “Don’t take forever.” “It’s not even a day passed, you jer...” He was staring at me. I swallowed that word.

“Aaron, do you want anything else?“, “It’s enough”, “I didn’t ask you”, “Aaron, do you want”, he nodded ‘no’, thank god, “Ok, thank you for your treat; it’s getting late; will head back home”, “Let me drop you”, “No, no, it’s near”, “As I said, I will drop” With that, he carried Aaron in his arm after making payment and made their way towards the car.

“Why the hell won’t you listen to me? I am his mother. How many times do I need to remind you?” We were in the car. “Buckle up and guide me.” I didn’t respond. He was waiting for my answer. Should I let him know where I stay? Is it a good idea? “As I said, sometimes use your brain less one way or another; I will come to know where you are living, so will you guide me now?” Yeah, that’s right. I started guiding him in no time, and we were in front of my house.

As I said, it was near, and it took only 5 minutes. “Thank you so much, Aaron; let’s go inside.” “Won’t you invite me in?” No, I won’t; don’t even think of coming in. “Ok, thank you.” With that, he took Aaron again, making their way, this bastard. Why the hell is he bothering me so much? It’s my home and my kid. Without any option, I opened the door, and Aaron ran inside, followed by us.

Aaron was in his room, and Randolph sat on the couch. “You dropped us.” “Yes.” “Don’t you think you should head back? Clearly, I am telling you I am not liking your presence.” “I am tired, and I don’t care about what you think.” “Go and take a rest.” “I am doing the same.” “I mean at your place?” “Will you leave me in peace, at least for a few minutes? I really need to rest, so what I mean is shut your mouth.” With that, he was lying on the couch.

After a few minutes, Aaron came running, not toward me but toward Randolph. One of the reasons for hating his presence was that my baby was getting manipulated. It’s only been a few hours, and I hated their bonding: “I am preparing dinner, Aaron. What are you going to have for dinner?” “Prepare something for me too.” “Hell no, go to your place and have.” “You don’t know how to treat a guest?” “You are uninvited; your barge-in doesn’t matter to me. Go home. After having dinner, I may think”, “Will you?” “Only if you cook?” “Of course, I will. Are you going to keep your word?” “Sometimes talk less, go and prepare dinner till then we both will be playing.” He took Aaron and started tickling his belly; his laugh could be heard all over the house, and I made my way towards the kitchen.

Dinner was ready. I called them, and we were at the dining table. Randolph was serving food to Aaron and making sure he was having the same, and I wanted to cry. He saw my stare and was like, “What?” “You know right, he is my baby.” “Yeah, so?” “Just reminding you, you know any tricks won’t work on children, and my Aaron is innocent.” “You and your pathetic thinking, have your dinner and let me have peacefully, ok?”

After having dinner, I finished cleaning the table and washing the vessels. By the time I returned, Aaron was sleeping in his room. Randolph was sitting beside Aaron and was going through his cell. I was desperately waiting for his exit. Doesn’t he have any shame? How much more openly should I say that I was not liking his presence?

“I am tired I will sleep here”, “What, no, no, you said you would go after having dinner, “Well, changed my mind”, “You can’t change whenever you want and do whatever you want”, “And says who?“, “Me because you are doing that to me, you can’t do that go your home and take rest”, “Go and sleep I will sleep with Aaron”, “I am not allowing, and it’s a small bed”, “It’s ok I can adjust this time and I didn’t ask your permission”, “It’s my house”, “And your point is”, “I am not liking your barge in”, “Are you not getting I am not caring, stop irritating let me sleep now, good night baby sleep tight let me not come and bite you in middle of the night”, “Don’t call me that I will keep the knife and sleep for sure I will stab you trust me”, “Ha oh god how can you be so heartless can think something like that, and top of it you will miss me babe”, “Hell no, I will relive forever bastard.” With that, I exited the room and made my way towards mine, a shameless jerk.

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