
Chapter 41: Renewing Water

Maliha’s hand shook as she clenched the blade in her hand. The trees rustled, and animals howled and wailed, all the while her heart thumped with every screech that rattled into the night.

Her feet were planted deep into the ground as she stood in front of Ujarak, her body tense in preparation for an attack. Footsteps crunched into the earth, getting louder and louder the close they came to her tent.

She bent her legs and as soon as the flapped moved open she punched. Her knife swung high as she prepared to stab the intruder only to halt when she realised it was Ujarak.

“Ciur needs you. She’s in labour.”

Maliha’s knife clattered to the floor and her body deflated. Her heart thudded with dread at what his words meant.

“Where is Makula?”

Makula was the healer and this was her job. Maliha couldn’t do this. She had done it once and the pressure of knowing that a life was in her hands had terrified her. She couldn’t do it again.

“She is there as well but she needs help and Darsan has never done this before. You are the only person that Ciur trusts that also has experience. She needs you.”

“Okay,” Maliha murmured, her hands shaking with fear.

“Okay, but we need to move Enzo.”

Maliha couldn’t fathom the thought of leaving Enzo unattended and was relieved when Ujarak agreed without any hesitation.

“I will take him to my sister.”

Maliha nodded noncommittally, her hands wringing together as she waited for Ujarak to lift up Enzo and take him to Nahi’s tent. She was wide awake when they approached her tent, her bleary eyes wide open as her daughter suckled at her chest. They left Enzo sleeping in her tent and then headed to Ciur’s.

“It will be fine.” Reassured Ujarak, his hand wrapped around hers as they approached the tent where screams of pain drifted from the tent.

As soon as the door flapped open, Maliha released her clasp on Ujarak’s hand and shot into action. The tent was set in gloomy shadows as the fire flickered and provided the home with dim light.

“Maliha,” Ciur sobbed, “I think there is something wrong with my baby.”

Maliha’s mouth burned in terror but she tried to hide her emotions.

“There is nothing wrong,” Maliha reassured Ciur as she washed she her hands and then made her way over to the woman.

Sweat glided down Ciur’s skin in rivulets and clung to her night clothes.

“Let me have a look.”

Maliha’s hands trembled as she first touched Ciur’s stomach to feel where the baby was positioned. Her hand then glided in between Ciur’s legs to see how far along she was.

Maliha tried to hold back the grimace of dread as she realised that the baby felt quite large. Though she didn’t think it would be an issue for Ciur, Maliha now understood why Makula had called her over. Two hands were always better than one especially with the size of this baby.

“You’re both okay.”

Ciur’s sobbed in relief and then gripped her sisters hand tightly. Xiuri stroked the frazzled pieces of her sister’s hair away as N’tan kissed Ciur’s face in support.

Maliha was sure that she had only repeated exactly wat Makula had probably told Ciur, but the expectant mother needed to hear it twice over and from a second voice.

“Let’s get you comfortable.”

Maliha helped Ciur strip out of her thin night gown and told Kamir to open the flap so some cool air could enter the sweltering tent. She dipped some cloths in cool water and began wiping Ciur’s body down with it. The repetitive swipes of the water took Ciur’s mind off of all that could go wrong with the birth.

Maliha and Makula spent over an hour talking softly to Ciur, giving her words of encouragement as she progressed into an active labour. They moved Ciur into a position she found more comfortable. N’tan sat behind Ciur on a chair and she squatted between his legs with her arms draped over his knees. Her feet planted heavy on the floor as she spread her legs wider. Her head rolling forward with every rippling contraction.

Words of love and encouragement were chanted by all six witnesses and drowned out Ciur’s cursing and screeching.

“That’s it Ciur” Maliha praised. “You are near Nearly there”

As the babies ahead began crowning Maliha stood to her feet and brought over a fresh cloth and placed it to the side.

“Yes ashra, one last push,” encouraged Makula.

“One more.”

Ciur’s eyes clenched shut and she gripped Xiuri’s hand in a deadly clasp as she bore down, her screech piercing into the night. Maliha rubbed her lower back as the head of the baby popped free. With one final push the shoulders slid through Ciur’s legs and then the baby was gliding through.

Makula caught the baby and then handed the wailing infant to Maliha who wiped the gunk from its face and body. The pink face scrunched up as Maliha she checked all of the fingers and feet, looking for any abnormalities.

“It’s a boy,” she cried. Handing the infant back to Makula who began speaking payers in an ancient language into the baby’s ear.

Maliha moved between Ciur’s legs and then prompted her to give birth to the placenta, coaxing the tried mother to give a final push. As soon as it slipped free, Maliha handed the placenta to nearest person who would know what to do with it. Ujarak threw into the fire, moving sticks about to make sure it had begun to burn.

Ciur was moved to a more comfortable sitting position and then her baby boy was handed to her. She cradled him lovingly, Ciur’s eyes tearing as her baby began to latch on.

Maliha lingered a little longer just to make sure everyone was okay and then she left as they began the babies first feeding. The moment was too private for her to witness. The first feed belonged to the family and them only.

Maliha allowed Ujarak to lead her back to the tent, her body too tired from all that had happened that day. The scar on her back was beginning to pain her and her mind was already shutting down for sleep.

When they reached her tent, Ujarak motioned for her to wait outside whilst he went inside. Maliha huffed in annoyance as she waited for Ujarak to finish doing whatever it was he was doing. Her head was propped against the material as her eyes shuttered closed.

She jolted awake when the swooshing sound of the tent alerted to his exit. He reappeared with a small basket with clothes and soap.

He stretched his hand out for her to take and without question she placed hers in his. He directed them to the river back and then lit a torch and imbedded it into the ground, so they could see where they were going.

He spread a blanket onto the grass and then slowly began undressing Maliha. His hands were gentle as they pulled her night dress over her head and then untied the small piece of material she used to cover her private area.

His eyes lingered over her body heatedly and then his gaze was locking with hers as he slipped off his shorts and then the small piece of material that covered his growing erection.

“Come,” he muttered, outstretching his hand for her to take.

She wrapped her hand in his and then walked into the cool water. The ripples of the river lapped at her pebbling nipples as Ujarak gently washed her body, paying extra attention to not knock against the wound on her back.

Maliha’s head rocked back on his chest as she stood in his embrace. His soapy hands glided over her neck and across her clavicle. She felt the hesitation in his movements as his hand crawled slowly across her chest. His actions turning from platonic to sexual the lower his hand slipped.

A sharp gasp of pleasure splintered into the air as his callused palms rubbed across her rock-hard ripples. Her head tilted into his skin and one of her arms wrapped around his neck. His warm breath ghosted against her skin as he rubbed and pinched her nipples. Stroking them with the rough pad of his thumb before flicking them with a cold splash of water.

Maliha felt the fire growing throughout her body even as she stood in the cold water. The waves lapped at the underside of her breasts creating a feeling of pure decadence and eroticism.

Her hips slanted backwards, and she climbed to the top of her toes, so her bottom was flush with his straining erection.

The water didn’t seem so cold anymore. Not with the heat emanating off of Ujarak’s flesh and seeping into her pores. His hips rotated slowly as one of his hands slipped into the water. He streaked the remaining suds of soap into her belly button. Her breath halted in her throat as his fingers toyed against the top of her pubis.

“Ujarak,” she whimpered, rocking back into him.

“Shh,” he crooned as he parted her sopping folds.

Her teeth sunk into her lips as she tried to suppress her cry of pleasure and relief. She braced her legs wider and slipped her free hand into the water with his, her fingers covering the back of his hand as she moved his fingers further between her legs.

“You want me here?” he growled. Fingers tracing the softness of her outer lips.

Maliha’s head rocked forward as she pushed his hand further down until he was cupping her in his large hands. One finger plunged inside her, tentatively feeling her readiness. Her warmth was spread with another finger, until she was filled with his curling and twisting fingers but still it wasn’t enough.

Her hand rose back to his head, her nails raking against his scalp as she yanked his face down to hers. He met her might in a carnal kiss. His hips rocked behind her as his fingers continued to plunge in and out of her tight clasp. His free hand tweaked her nipples and massaging her breast.

The water lapped at their skin as their hips moved languidly. She reached behind her and gripped his heavy erection in her hands. He fingers working as hard as they could in the awkward position she was in.

She tried to spin around and face him, but he forced her back to his chest. His free hand gripped one of her breast and he thrust his hips into her ass.

“Not here,” he grunted deeply as she reached behind to stroke the tip.

His thumb flickered against her clit, rubbing the tiny pearl until all pretences of supressing her moans were desecrated.

“Oh, goddess Ujarak,” she wailed into his shoulder.

Her hand slipped back to her side as her teeth sunk into his bicep as she gyrated on his digits. His tongue flickered out and lathed at her earlobe, his full lips tugging gently as his open-mouthed kisses moved down to her neck. The sharp bite of his teeth sinking into her skin and the rough brush of his thumb against her clit sent Maliha’s pulse skyrocketing and her body crashing. Her body rippled around his fingers as her climax cashed over her. Stars shooting behind her eyes as she gasped for breath. His thumb continued to rub at her tiny pearl until her tight quivering clutch eased around his finger and her shuddering eased.

The dreamy smile she shot him was about all he could take. His fingers wrapped around her head as he pulled her lips to his.

’I can’t wait to taste you” his voice husky with arousal and dark promises of what was to come.

He carried a delirious Maliha to the blanket he had laid out and then headed back into the water to hastily wash his skin.

Maliha could barely look away from. His erection stood heavily between his legs.

Her mouth watered at the aroused sight of him and her thighs clenched in anticipation.

He was magnificent.

Ujarak silently made his way back to Maliha’s side and began drying her off. Helping her dress into fresh clothes. He packs dip their items and then lifted her into his arms, completely naked.

There was no denial in Maliha’s mind of what would come next. Her thighs slickened in anticipation but when they reached her tent the sexual tension that had run rampant had simmered to a lull.

“What is it?” she questioned, sensing that something was on his mind.

He sunk down into the sheets and pulled her to lie with him. The silence carrying tension that went beyond just the sexual tension churning between them.

“Uja,” Maliha stared wearily at him, hoping that he wasn’t having doubts.

“I just- Maliha I am so proud of you.”

Maliha was stunned into silence by his heartfelt words.

“seriously.” He added earnestly.

“You did so well, not only with Ciur but with helping everyone today. I know the day hasn’t been easy and you probably have some questions for me.”

Maliha curled into his arms as she listened to his deep voice, each word sinking in and making their mark against her.

’I- I want to be completely honest with you before we take this next step because you mean a lot to me and I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I think-” she whispered, “I think no matter what we do or say now, I am always going to end up hurt.”

Maliha’s pain was inevitable just as this moment was. They had been volatile from the start and feelings as consuming as hers were for Ujarak would only end in pain. Especially when he only gave her small snippets of himself.

“I have resigned myself to feeling the pain, if only I can have these moments with you.”

It was the sad truth but Maliha was in too far to back out. She had fought this, fought them but she couldn’t anymore. This was where she was meant to be, and she welcomed the pain if only she could have a few moments of bliss with him.

“Mothing you can say will change my mind, but I think if it is heavy on your chest, you should tell me.”

He hummed in thought, sighing deeply as she stroked the fine hairs on his chest.

“I always want to hear your worries. I never want anything between us,” she added sheepishly.

Ujarak pressed his lips to her head and then rolled to his back, staring up at the tent.

“Did you ever wonder where Nahi’s mother was?”

Maliha nodded slowly, braving herself for whatever Ujarak was going to share.

’I had her banished shortly after my mother died. I told the council it was either me or her. I was only nine and they listened to me. Packed Mina and her new born up and sent them on their merry way.”

Maliha had always wondered why Nahi had piercings and markings that no one else in this tribe had and now it made sense. She hadn’t been raised in this tribe.

“I also banished Urik as soon as I turned sixteen. I told him to leave and never return but he returned a few years later and delivered an orphaned Nahi to me. It seemed whatever tribe they ended up with didn’t treat Nahi or her mother right.”

And the abuse was likely another thing that Ujarak felt guilt over. He was such a complex man. Burdened with the scars of a past that was not his. He took his father’s sins as if they were his own and he always would.

That was why he was telling her this. He wanted her to know that his father’s actions had made him into this man. This man who cared but was too scared to show it. he was telling her that he would let her in now but Maliha knew that he would go running soon.

They would play this game. Going around and around in circles until something eventually gave.

He wanted to know if she was willing to go through it.

“You’re a good man, Uja,” She murmured leaning up and hesitantly kissing him on the lips.

As she rolled away from him Ujarak followed and gripped her face in his hands. His lips pressed to hers in a demanding kiss. Their tongues furled with each other as he rolled her flat onto her back. One of his heavy thighs pressed over hers as his tongue plundered into her mouth. Their kiss grew carnal. He hands sinking into his hair as she riffs don’t he silky locks. He nails raked along his scalp, across his neck and down to his back. Her nails biting into the hard muscle.

Her hips twisted along his pelvis and the heavy feel of his erection had what was left of Maliha’s restraint slipping away.

Maliha could see the hesitance in his eyes, she knew what he dreaded, and she feared the same but if the events of the past day had shown her anything, it was that time stopped for no one. All they had was now.

“Don’t hold back,” she purred against his lips.

Ujarak gave her everything he had in him as he kissed his way across her body. Not one part of her was left untouched. His lips glided across her pelvis and then his tongue was flicking against her swollen nub. Her hands flew into his hair as she gripped him closer to her weeping centre. His tongue delved inside her as he devoured her nectar, his lips suctioning against the nub as a finger slipped inside.

“Enough” she cried pulling his shoulder until his glistening mouth was aligned with hers.

“Now, Uja” she sobbed needlingly, “now”

She was delirious. Quivering and whimpering for his touch as he sunk inside her. The burning stretch sent her mind reeling with sublime bliss.

“Goddess Maliha” he groaned in her ear.

“Goddess you fit so perfectly around me.”

His erotic words had Maliha’s body slicking with more arousal, his hips jerking as her walls quivered around him.

He reared up on his forearms, eyes connecting with each other’s as he slowly began to move. Her lips fell open in a silent inhale as he sunk deeper, deeper until he was all the way inside her being.

She could feel him everywhere. Her soul heavy with the overwhelming feel of him.

His eyes deepened into swirling pools of fire. Her hand wrapped around his back and her legs fell around his hips, cradling his body into hers as she cradled his heart in hers.

Tears pricked in her eyes as her body climbed higher and higher.

Her world splintered apart as his crashed into her and sent them both spinning out of Axis with nothing for them to clutch onto but each other.

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