Magi’s Path (Aether’s Revival Book 3)

Magi’s Path: Chapter 4

“You’re early, Apprentices,” Rafiq said, just settling into his place at the front of the archive. “Aren’t you leaving the academy today?”


“We are, and we are,” Gregory replied with a grin. “We woke up early and don’t leave until the time classes would normally start. It means we can get some studying in before we go.”


Rafiq shook his head. “I doubt I will see novices as studious as you w—”


“I told you they’d be here,” Daciana said.


Rafiq glanced over to Daciana and Nessa and snorted. “Outside of you and your friends for years,” he corrected himself.


“Maybe our clan will continue this tradition?” Yukiko smiled. “We’ll be at our usual table, Rafiq. We’ll miss being here for the next month.”


“And these walls will be darker for that loss,” Rafiq replied. “I will have the materials brought to your tables. May your minds expand and your aether grow.”


After thanking him, the five magi walked to their normal tables.


“Nessa didn’t think you’d be here,” Daciana told them, “but I knew better. Since you’re in yellow, does that mean we get plain white now?”


“We’re only here because Dia wants to leave when classes would normally begin,” Gregory told her. “It could have easily gone differently. As for your clothing, you’ll have to ask Keeper Clau about that.”


“I knew you’d be here if you had a choice. Ness, we need to ask about our new clothes to get rid of these bands.”


“We can when we go back to the dormitory later,” Nessa said before turning to Yukiko. “Your wedding was beautiful.”


“Thank you, Nessa,” Yukiko smiled. “Thank you both for coming.”


“We were glad they let us out to attend,” Daciana said.


“Keeper Clau telling us that we could go was surprising,” Nessa added. “I had no idea there was any way for us to leave the walls yet, even for a short time. A wedding between magi is apparently one of the few exceptions. If our parents hadn’t been attending, they might not have let us.”


“We were glad that there was an exception,” Yukiko said. “Oh, and you left your ring behind at the hall. It was returned to me yesterday.”


Daciana started to say something when Gregory bumped her with his hip. “Oops, sorry about that.”


“No, it’s fine,” Daciana said, clearly flustered.


“We had no idea you had a mind-increasing ring,” Yukiko went on, grateful for Gregory’s help. “You must be trading it with Daciana every day, right?”


Nessa nodded slowly. “Uh… yes, yes, we have been. Silly of me to have taken it off at all. It must’ve been the small bit of wine I was allowed.”


“We don’—” Daciana started to say.


Gregory bumped her with his hip again. “Sorry, I have two left feet today, apparently.”


Daciana’s nostrils flared and her brow furrowed. “Okay…”


“I think today is Daciana’s turn,” Nessa said, sliding over to her friend. “Wear this.”




“Wear. It,” Nessa said with a bit more force, staring at her.




“Friends help each other,” Nessa said with more determination. “Today, you wear it.”


Daciana stared at her before realization finally dawned and she slipped the ring on. “Sorry.” Her eyes went from Nessa to Yukiko and back. “I know I’m not as smart as you, but I’m trying.”


Nessa gave her a soft smile. “I know. You’re learning fast, and you do things I can’t. We cover for each other and help each other grow.”


Daciana lowered her head. “Thanks, Ness.”


“Magi Squares first,” Gregory said as they reached the tables. “And Daciana, good friends are hard to find. Be glad you have Nessa beside you.”


“Things are easier when you have friends,” Jenn added with a smile at Yukiko and Gregory.


“I’m very glad,” Daciana said, taking her seat, “and grateful to all of my friends.” She looked at Jenn, Yukiko, and finally, Gregory, once she’d finished talking.


“Six months might seem like forever, but it goes by faster when you focus on your work,” Yukiko said. “Trust me, I know.”


Daciana laughed softly. “Yes, you would know. I have time to learn to make myself worthy of the clan. I will show you how much I’ve grown when you return.”


“We will look forward to it,” Jenn said.




Returning to the clan hall, the three friends found Dia waiting for them on the porch. “Good, I would have been upset if you were late,” Dia said. “Let’s get going.”


“Yes, Dia,” they each said.


Dia led them down the path toward the gates. “Was your studying with friends appreciated?”


“Yes, Dia,” Yukiko replied. “They’re both pushing hard to be worthy of being invited to the clan.”


“The clans can’t begin to show interest until after the classes begin,” Dia said. “Do all three of you feel that they would do well with us?”


“Nessa would fit in well. She is studious and eager to learn,” Jenn replied. “Daciana is applying herself as much as she can, and she’s assertive in a way that none of us are.”


“She is definitely assertive,” Gregory chuckled. “Daciana has all the self-confidence in the world, but she’s aware of her flaws and is working on them. Nessa is more timid than any of us, but with Daciana beside her, she’s starting to grow.”


“They balance each other very well together,” Yukiko said. “Apart, I’m not sure either would do as well.”


“I see. Since our former novices endorse them, it does mean I am more inclined to invite them. I wouldn’t do that until the tournament, though.”


“Because the novices of the Eternal Flame would target them if it became known,” Yukiko said. “Would we be able to let them know?”


“Use it to motivate them,” Dia told her. “If they are to follow after you, they need to be able to bear the weight of the scrutiny.”


“Yes, that does make sense,” Yukiko nodded.


“Daciana will be even more focused,” Jenn snickered.


“Have you heard of any other novices that might be worth approaching?” Dia asked.


“No, but we can ask them when we return,” Gregory said.


“I would like to hear what they have to say on the matter, but alas, I can’t speak with them directly.”


“We’ll help, Dia,” Yukiko said. “Discreetly, of course.”


They were nearing the stable and heard a commotion growing ahead of them. Gregory frowned and triggered his foresight, looking into the future by a handful of seconds.


“Dia, wait!” Gregory called out to her, stopping.


Dia stopped walking instantly, as if her feet were frozen to the spot. She looked back at Gregory with a raised eyebrow, questioningly.


“Eternal Flame. They’re causing trouble,” Gregory said.


“You three, wait here,” Dia said calmly. “I’ll return in a moment.”


They moved to the side of the path and Dia started toward the stable yard again. Gregory wavered on if he should try to push his foresight. Taking a deep breath, he chose to hold off, as he had no idea if he’d need his aether or not.


“What were they doing?” Jenn asked.


“Harassing the carriage driver,” Gregory replied. “It’s their entire novice class, a handful of apprentices and initiates, and Magus Elkit.”


“And Dia went alone?” Jenn asked tightly. “We can’t leave her to them.”


Gregory exhaled and held out his hand. “I’ll push. Give me a moment.”


Yukiko moved to his side. “I’ll be ready to support you, dearest.”


Jenn was on his other side a heartbeat later. “I’ll help.”


Closing his eyes, Gregory focused on foresight and looking further into the future. Several paths opened up to him, but he focused on the one where they went to help Dia. That path split into a dozen more, and in most of them, conflict came. Feeling his aether draining, he pulled back and focused on the future where they waited for her. Another multiple-branched pathway came to him, and in the majority of them, Dia returned uninjured.


Panting as he let go of his foresight, Gregory’s legs shook slightly. “Wait. She’ll be fine.”


Jenn and Yukiko both watched him closely and he gave them a tired smile. “I’m fine, and she will be, too, if we wait.”


Jenn nodded. “Then we wait.”


A loud voice drifted over to them and Yukiko’s head tilted as she listened. “The sergeant is there. I think the situation is being resolved. I can’t hear him anymore.”


“What happened?”


“He demanded to know what was happening, and ordered his men to fall in on him,” Yukiko said. “He’s been fair to us in the past, so I think it’ll be okay.”


Gregory thought and nodded. “She’ll be fine. She mentioned them in one future.”


Minutes ticked by, each feeling like a dozen. When Dia appeared on the path back to them, her expression was neutral. “We may go. Unfortunately, it is known that we’re leaving now. I had hoped we would go unnoticed, but there’s nothing to be done for it. However, the instructions from Elder Lightshield are now more clear.”


Gregory shook his head and wondered when he would have the power to look that far into the future. He went to take a step, but his leg buckled.


Jenn grabbed him. “Easy, Greg. I’ve got you.”


“What happened?” Dia asked.


“He used foresight,” Yukiko said. “We were concerned.”


Dia’s lips twitched up for a second before returning to neutral. “What would have happened if you’d disobeyed me?”


“Conflict,” Gregory said as he felt his legs firm up again. “A fight that could have become very nasty very quickly.”


“I’m glad you obeyed me, then,” Dia said. “Come. It’s time for us to get on the road, as our journey just got far longer.”


“To lose anyone who might try to follow us?” Yukiko asked.


Dia’s lips creased up again. “You’re very astute. Now, let us go.”




Gregory yawned when they stepped out of the carriage. It was well into the evening, and they had traveled in a seemingly random pattern. Part of him wondered about the different carriages they’d used during the day, including the last, which had a speed enchantment on it.


“I will make sure our rooms are still ready for us,” Dia said as she got out of the carriage. “Collect the bags and come inside once you have them all.”


“Yes, Dia,” Gregory said.


“That was amazing,” Jenn said softly. “We were going so fast.”


“The need to switch carriages was more intriguing to me,” Yukiko said. “I wonder what Lightshield saw that he thought that much precaution was needed?”


“It is a worry,” Gregory agreed, “but we shouldn’t keep Dia waiting. I’ll take her bags in.”


“I’ll take them, dearest,” Yukiko said. “You can take mine.”




“I wonder if we have work in a few hours,” Jenn said as they picked up their bags and headed for the side door to the inn.


“That might be interesting,” Yukiko said, then yawned. “We’ll have to get what sleep we can.”


The taproom of the inn was nearly empty. Dia stood by the stairs that led up to the rooms and beckoned them to follow her. She didn’t wait, going up ahead of them. She went to the third floor and stood there until they reached her.


“Rooms twenty-one and twenty-two,” Dia said, pointing to the corresponding doors. “I’m in twenty-three. I will be taking you to your instructors after midday tomorrow. Until then, the day is yours. Sleep well.”


Yukiko handed off Dia’s bags to her. “Thank you, Dia. Sleep well.”


“See you for studying in the morning?” Jenn asked them with a yawn.


“Yes. I hope you have pleasant dreams, Jenn,” Yukiko said.


“I will. Don’t stay up too late,” Jenn replied with a mischievous grin, then yawned again.


“We’ll be going straight to sleep,” Gregory replied.


Yukiko’s smile and wink to Jenn went unseen by Gregory, and Jenn just shook her head. “See you in the morning,” Yukiko said.


Gregory and Yukiko went inside their room, and Gregory paused in the doorway— it was pitch black inside. “I see a candle on the table,” he said.


“I’ll get it,” Yukiko said, slipping past him. She found a striker beside the candle and got it lit. “There we go.”


Gregory shut the door now that there was light inside the room. The dim, flickering candle gave him enough to navigate by. He placed their bags next to the armoire and smiled when his gaze went to the bed. The only time he’d ever slept in a real bed was on his wedding night. He looked over toward Yukiko, who was already disrobing and watching him.


“Time for bed, dearest,” Yukiko said, “and even sleep.”


Gregory shook his head— he wasn’t going to refuse what she had in mind. “We shouldn’t stay up too long, but I agree.”


“Oh, I’m sure we’ll be ready for sleep quickly,” Yukiko giggled as her kimono slid free from her shoulders.

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