Magi’s Path (Aether’s Revival Book 3)

Magi’s Path: Chapter 3

Gregory woke the next morning and lay in bed, looking at the ceiling. Did we do the right thing telling her? It looked like she believed us… Will it change anything between us?


“Greg?” Yukiko asked, her arm slipping over his chest. “Are you okay, dear one?”


“Didn’t mean to wake you, Yuki. I was just thinking.”


“About if we did the right thing?”


“Yeah. We haven’t even told our parents, but we told her. Was that right?”


Yukiko pushed herself up onto her arm so she could look down at him. “Is that what was distracting you?” She had a soft, slightly exasperated smile on her lips.


Gregory gave her a sheepish smile. “You got my attention pretty quick.”


“I would be upset if I hadn’t, but don’t change the subject. Is that what was bothering you when we went to bed?”


“Yeah, it was.”


Yukiko’s smile softened further. “Dearest, do you worry what she might do?”


“Others knowing could put you at risk,” Gregory said, reaching up to lightly touch her cheek. “I don’t want my heart at risk.”


Yukiko turned her head and kissed the palm of his hand. “And I will protect mine with everything I have.” Taking a deep breath, she met his gaze. “Even if it means needing others to help me.”


Gregory’s brow furrowed slightly at her words. “Huh?”


“I asked you once if you would give me something if I asked for it.”


“And I will. Anything my heart wants, she will get,” Gregory said, raising his hand to caress her cheek.


“I…” Yukiko started, but she couldn’t get the words out. Swallowing, she closed her eyes and exhaled a ragged breath. “I promised her…” she whispered.


“Yuki?” Gregory asked, worried for her.


Opening her eyes, Yukiko stared down into his. “Dearest, Jenn has a single wish. One thing she wanted so badly, that she put everything on the line during the fight with you. It’s a simple wish, and yet… complex. It’s why I know that she’ll never betray us.”


Gregory stared into Yukiko’s cyan eyes. “If you trust her that much, I do, too.”


Yukiko’s lips trembled. “Jenn’s wish is to be with us forever, dearest.”


“Okay,” Gregory said. “I enjoy having her beside us. She’s our dear friend, and we both care for her. If she wants to walk beside us, that’s fine.”


Yukiko’s eyes searched his, her heart both elated and trembling in pain. “I had thought you would balk, dearest.”


“Why would I balk at having her being beside us?”


Yukiko blinked slowly, then sighed. “Dearest, you didn’t understand. She wants to become your second wife.”


Gregory’s smile froze, and his eyes widen as understanding dawned on him. “W-wait? What?”


Yukiko giggled lightly when she saw the shock she’d been expecting. “Jenn wants to love you. I don’t blame her for wanting you. We’ve talked since she joined us in the clan. An agreement was reached, but only if you approved.”


“I… uh… huh. I don’t even know what to think.”


“I understand, dearest. It’s your choice if she’s allowed that close or not.”


“And you’re okay with this?” Gregory asked, looking up at her.


“Yes and no. Part of me wants to be selfish and keep you as mine alone, not even sharing you with Darkness, though I know that isn’t a possibility. The other part of me wants her to join us. We’ll be stronger together, and she’ll help me protect my heart. I promised her I would ask you— that was our deal for the tournament. If she’d lost, she would have to wait at least a full year before I asked.”


Gregory just stared at her. His mind was whirling, trying to come to terms with what she was saying. Seeing him struggling with his thoughts, Yukiko shifted a little more and lay her head on his chest.


“You don’t have to answer right away, dearest, and you can answer for or against. Jenn knows that our hearts belong to each other. She hopes that she might have a sliver of her own, though.” Swallowing, Yukiko added, “And a tiny part of me hopes that she’ll be allowed. I do want her to stay with us… not just for the academy, but far longer.”


“I told you I would give you anything, Yuki, and I meant that. I do care for Jenn. I want her to stay beside us, too, but I don’t know if I love her.”


Yukiko’s heart beat a little quicker, and she squeezed him. “Thank you, dearest. The decision is yours.”


“I wish I could use my foresight like Lightshield does,” Gregory sighed. “It would be so much easier if I could see where it might lead.”


“Trust your heart. I do,” Yukiko said softly, kissing his bare chest.


“I’ll always trust you, Yuki. I don’t want to hurt Jenn, either. Do you think I should speak with her? Would she be hurt if I said I need time?”


“No. I think she would understand. Even the idea that you’re considering it will probably make her glow.”


“Okay. I’ll let her know you told me, and that I’m coming to terms with the idea.”


“I love you, dearest,” Yukiko murmured, kissing his chest again. “I worried about telling you. What if you hated me for even asking, or worse— jumped at the idea and went to her without hesitation?”


“I wou—”


Yukiko reached up and placed a finger to his lips, cutting him off. “I know you wouldn’t. It doesn’t stop that fear though. Fear doesn’t have to be rational. It made me happy that you asked if I was okay, first.”


Gregory kissed her finger, and she withdrew it. “You are my heart, as I am yours. I only want you to be happy, Yuki. I don’t know if Jenn will ever have a part of my heart, but—”


“Our heart,” Yukiko cut in softly. “She wants to be with both of us. You a little more than me, but still, the both of us.”


“Oh…” Gregory said, his voice trailing off as his mind ran off with that idea.


Yukiko began to giggle. “That way, too, but I meant that she knows that we would all have to share.”


“What’s the agreement, exactly?” Gregory asked, trying to distance his thoughts from the more provocative ones.


“That I will be your first wife. She will be subordinate to me and me alone, not including you, of course. She’ll only be allowed to have one child after we’ve had two. I’m sure things will become more clear and defined as things progress, but that is the base.”


“And she agreed to this before we told her?” Gregory asked slowly, trying to understand.


“All those times that she and I went off alone, or talked without you nearby, it was always about this,” Yukiko replied. “She is serious, dear heart. I know she’ll do what’s best for you. I have pushed her on different scenarios repeatedly, and I trust that she will be as protective of you as I am.”


“Guess I need to talk with her,” Gregory said. Looking at the head of white hair on his chest, he kissed the top of it. “Thank you, dear. Now that I know how you feel and what she feels, I can try to understand how I feel.”


“Is she connected to your previous life?” Yukiko asked softly. “That’s one of my biggest fears, that she might turn out to be Aether’s love and that I’d be relegated to a secondary position in your heart.”


“Even if she was then, you’re my heart, now,” Gregory said. “You will never be second to me.” His arms tightened around her and he kissed her head again. “You will always be my heart. Even Darkness knows that.”


“I hope, dearest, but it doesn’t stop the fear. Your words help temper it though.”


“I can do more than give you words,” Gregory murmured.


“It is early… maybe we can have a—?”


“Yuki, Greg,” Jenn’s voice came right after the knock that cut Yukiko off, “are you two awake?”


“A minute, Jenn,” Yukiko called back. “We just woke up.”


“Sorry, I know it’s earlier than normal. I’ll be downstairs.”


“We’ll be down quickly,” Yukiko replied.


Gregory exhaled as his rising hopes hit the rocks. “Well, that means we need to get going.”


“Yes, but we’ll have time for more of that later,” Yukiko murmured, kissing his chest again. “I’ll make sure of it.”


“I won’t turn that down,” Gregory replied, kissing her head and giving her one more squeeze before letting her go. “Okay.”


“We shouldn’t keep her waiting too long,” Yukiko sighed as she shifted off of his chest.


Gregory rolled out of the bedding and got up to dress in his new yellow kimono. “Yuki, I’m thinking it’s best to talk to her now. I’ll head outside when we go downstairs, if you’ll nudge her to join me. I know that the cooks won’t be ready since we’re up earlier than normal.”


“If that’s what you want, dearest.”


“I’d like to see if she’s okay with it,” Gregory said.




Gregory walked toward the hedge, his stomach flip-flopping the entire time. Just take it slow and be honest. It’ll either work or it won’t… But I don’t want her to leave. I enjoy having her with us. How did it get this complicated so quickly?


“Greg?” Jenn called out.


Turning around, he found her approaching. She was walking slower than usual, and he could see her hands clenching and unclenching. Seeing how nervous she was, he exhaled slowly and tried to calm his mind.


“Jenn, thanks for coming out here. Yuki and I were up early, and we were talking.” Jenn’s eyes widened, and her breathing hitched. “She told me what the bet was about before the tournament.”


Jenn swallowed hard, but didn’t say anything. The fear on her face was obvious.


“I’m not opposed to the idea, but I wanted to make sure you understood where I stand. Yuki will always be my heart. I’m sorry, but I don’t think that will ever change.”


Jenn’s brow furrowed, and her hands went white as she balled them tightly into fists. Lips twitching, she fought to stay calm as she felt her heart breaking.


“But, I am willing to see if my affection for you becomes more than friendship,” Gregory said quickly, seeing her reaction. “I don’t want to harm our friendship, either. My biggest fear is that this will go wrong and you’ll hate us.”


Jenn’s heart unclenched and she exhaled a shaky breath. “You’re not saying no, but you aren’t saying yes, either?”


Gregory rubbed at his face. “I’m making a mess of this.”


His reaction eased the rest of Jenn’s fears and she touched his shoulder. “Greg… I want to be with you and Yuki forever. I felt something when we met, and it’s only grown over the times we talked. It became harder to ignore the longer I was with you. I hated that I was jealous of Yuki, but my heart wouldn’t let me deny what I wanted. I don’t want to hurt you or Yuki. I’m not asking for you to wed me right now, nor am I asking to be Yuki’s equal, but I just hope that you’ll give me a sliver of love that might grow in time.”


Gregory dropped his hands and met her gray eyes. “I’m willing to try, but I have a condition.”


“Anything,” Jenn said without hesitation, the hope in her eyes growing.


“If you start to feel bad about this, tell us. I never want to lose your friendship. I will also tell you if I do.”


“Yes. I promise.”


“And, uh…” Gregory rubbed at his neck. “Just give me time to wrap my head around the idea, okay? I mean, I don’t know how to feel about it. I do care for you, but I don’t want to hurt you or Yuki, and I’m going to make mistakes.”


Jenn nodded, her smile bright. “I understand. I’m not your heart, not yet and possibly not ever, but the chance to be part of your heart is enough…” She trailed off and looked away. “You know that I like Yuki, too, right?”


Gregory’s face went red, and he coughed, looking away. “Yeah… Yuki mentioned that… and, uh…”


Jenn giggled softly and she lightly punched his arm. “It figures you’d think of that first. I mean that I want her love as I want yours. Not as strongly, but I still do. Maybe I’m greedy, but I want both of you to care for me.”


Gregory coughed again and rubbed at his arm. “She said the same thing. I know of your agreement and what she has in place. I’m not going to tell either of you not to love each other and well, frankly, I hope that it works out for all of us.”


“Thank you,” Jenn said, stepping forward and hugging him briefly.


Gregory returned the hug on reflex, but when she went to step away, he deliberately held her a moment longer before letting go. “And you wanted this before we even told you about me?”


Jenn stepped back and nodded. “I was barely able to sleep last night. I kept thinking about what you said and wondering how you’d ever accept me when you’re… him… reborn. I was so worried, and then you called me out here to talk… my heart was a knot.”


“I never thought of it that way,” Gregory said. “You still came out to talk.”


“I had to know.”


“And now?”


Jenn’s smile gleamed in the predawn gloom. “I feel like I could take on the emperor and win.”


“Is that so, Apprentice?” Dia’s voice came from the doorway to the clan hall as she stepped outside.


Both Jenn and Gregory jerked. They stared at her as she took a seat and lit her pipe. “Dia? I didn’t—!”


“Easy. I intruded on your private conversation. If anyone is at fault here, it is me. I’m surprised that you’re missing one. Is she okay?”


“She’s fine, Dia,” Gregory said, his heart slowing from the scare. “We just needed a moment to discuss a few things, and Yuki was getting breakfast ordered for us. We were just about to go inside again.”


“Very well. Your things are packed and ready to go?”


“Yes, Dia,” they replied.


“I will see you later, then. Enjoy your meal and training.”


Gregory and Jenn hurried inside, wanting to tell Yukiko that they had come to a tentative agreement.

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