Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 38

Carolyn had chosen a “Sunday” outfit of a heavy wool full length skirt that had a nice navy blue plaid design, boots and a heavy sweater that she pulled over a plain white cotton button down shirt. The church had a tendency to be rather cold, especially in the evenings.

She made sure her hair was in place and then smiled at herself. Before she had gotten serious about Colin, she rarely ever paid attention to her looks. She had always been well groomed and so long as her hair was brushed, and her skin and teeth were clean, she didn’t give much thought to wearing make-up and such.

Normally she wore jeans and a shirt, maybe a sweater or jacket but that and hiking boots or sneakers were her normal attire. Now she wanted to look her best for him, but going to meet the minister to talk about not only helping to bless the land and about Mr. Wainwright’s funeral, they wanted to talk about their wedding ceremony, so jeans and a t-shirt just seemed out of place.

She walked down the hall and found Colin sitting on her sofa with Tammy’s father. They both stood up as she entered the room.

“My, don’t you look nice!” Tammy’s mother said.

“Thank you! Are you ready to go?” She asked Colin.

“Yes.” Colin said and helped her with her coat before opening the door for her.

“We’ll see you guys later.” Carolyn said and they left.

“You do look very pretty tonight.” Colin said, as he helped her into the passenger side of his jeep.

“Thank you! You look handsome as always.” Carolyn smiled at him.

They drove over to the church and Pastor Robins opened the door when he saw Colin’s headlights. It was beginning to snow lightly again as they hurried into the church. They walked down to the front pews and sat down.

“Well, it’s so good to see you both. Now what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” Pastor Robins sat down in the pew in front of them and turned to face them by sitting sideways.

“Well, there’s actually several things we need to speak to you about. First of all, I don’t know if you’ve heard but Mr. Wainwright has passed away and my father and uncles are going to bury him Sunday after church. We wanted to know if you would come up and say a few words over him at the grave site. He’s going to be buried in the family plot with the rest of his family.” Carolyn told him.

“Of course. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been up to their property, so I will need someone to show me the way, but of course I’ll come.” Pastor Robins said.

“Great. I’ll be sure to let my father know.” Carolyn said. She was slightly nervous about telling him the second thing on their list. “Pastor. Do you know anything about my friend, Tammy?”

“You mean that she’s a witch? Yes, I know. This is a very small community after all.” Pastor Robins said with a small smile.

“Well, Pastor. There is a dark warlock that maybe after Tammy and her parents. Our friends, Lucinda and Amelia are going to help them put up barriers to protect everyone on the mountain from evil. They want to know if you will be willing to come with us and help us bless the land?” Carolyn asked.

“Of course. People who have taken anytime to learn anything about it know that most witchcraft is from nature. Many of the old wives’ tales about not sweeping at night, or of the way they cut the top of an apple pie, all have meaning and were considered magic at one point or another.” The Pastor shared and Carolyn was surprised that he knew about such things but would wait to ask Amelia and Lucinda about them later as she was sure they would be a better source of accurate information.

“Great. I’ll call and let you know a time but plan on meeting at my cottage sometime in the morning.“ Carolyn said and then looked over at Colin.

“Pastor, you may or may not have heard yet but I’ve asked Carolyn to be my wife and she has accepted. Will you perform our ceremony in the spring, if not before?”

“Like I said before, it’s a small community! So yes, I would be very happy to perform your wedding ceremony and I must say, it’s about time!” Pastor Robins laughed with them.

“Oh, no, not you too!” Carolyn laughed.

“Yes. I’ve known for a long time that you two were meant to be together but I also know you both well enough to know that no one was going to push you into anything and to have tried might have driven a wedge in there that none of us wanted.” Pastor Robins confided.

They talked about where it was going to be and the vows they would like to have and Carolyn asked advice on how things were to flow. They spent over an hour with Pastor Robins and left, feeling peaceful.

“How about we drive out to look out point for a little while?” Colin asked, as he helped Carolyn back in the jeep.

“Sure, we can if you like.” Carolyn smiled at him. “Hey, before I forget, did you find out if Stuart is going to ask Tammy to marry him?”

“I know he wants to, but he’s unsure where he stands with her.”

“She’s waiting for the question but I think we had better stay out of it and let them deal with it on their own, just like everyone did for us.” Carolyn said.

Back at the cottage, Tammy and her parents helped Lucinda and Amelia make as many talismans as they had supplies for. The sisters and the Mason’s took turns showing Tammy new spells and practicing them with her. “These incantations are the ones we will be using the most tomorrow.”

Tammy was trying to concentrate but all she seemed to be thinking about was Stuart and she had to shake herself several times and make herself focus on the task at hand.

The phone rang about 8:00 and Tammy nearly fell over herself trying to get to the phone first. “Hello?”

“Carolyn?” The male voice that sounded very much like Stuart said.

“No, she’s not home. This is Tammy.”

“Oh, Hi. I was hoping Carolyn would be able to tell me how to get in touch with you. I’ve been calling your cell but no answer.” Stuart said.

“Oh, the ringer must be turned down. I’m sorry. I didn’t hear it. Where are you?” Tammy said.

“I’m just getting off duty and was wondering if there was any chance I could see you tonight?”

“Sure. I would like that.” Tammy said. “I’ll be at my apartment in about an hour. My parents are staying with me and we were just about to leave Carolyn’s.”

“So should I stop by or would you rather meet me somewhere?” Stuart asked.

“Stop by. I would like for you to meet them, if you don’t mind?” Tammy asked, afraid that she might be chasing him off. Maybe it was too soon to introduce him to her parents. Maybe she should have made sure he was serious and ready to meet them.

“Ok. I should be there in a little over an hour.” Stuart said and hung up. Oh lord, she wants me to meet her parents! Oh well, I guess now is as good as later. It’s going to have to happen someday. Stuart thought to himself as he left the station and climbed back in his vehicle.

Tammy turned to tell her parents that it was time to go. She wanted to get home and change into something nicer than her beat up oldest jeans and the faded T-shirt she had on. She found them all standing in the living room looking at her, each with a different expression on their faces. Lucinda and Amelia had small, knowing smiles on their faces with a twinkle in their eyes but her father looked as if he didn’t approve and her mother just looked nervous.

“Tammy, ……….” Jacob Mason started but Tammy held up her hand and said “No! I’m not a little girl anymore and I will not have you interfering with me and Stuart. He is a very nice man, a policeman in fact, as well as a changeling and I love him. This is none of your business. I mean, I do hope you like him but even if you don’t, if he asks me to marry him, I’m going to say yes.” Tammy said, as she firmly put her fists on her hips and squared her feet.

No one said a word for a full minute as Tammy stood glaring at her father, who seemed to be holding himself in check but then his shoulders began to sag and he said “You were right, Julia, she’s all grown up already.” Jacob said. “Tammy, please understand, we just want what is best for you and we want you to be happy. If this young man is the one for you, then I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

Tammy crossed the room and hugged her parents then turned to the sisters and said “Thank you for a wonderful dinner. Tell Carolyn we’ll be here in the morning.”

“You are welcome and we will be sure to tell her. Good night and tell Stuart we say hi.” The sisters said.

Tammy and her parents joined hands and apparated back to her apartment and she excused herself to go to the restroom to get cleaned up for Stuart. She could hear her parents whispering but ignored them. She prayed they would like Stuart and then realized that what she had said was true.

She loved him and would marry him if he asked. She just hoped that her father didn’t say anything out of line to scare him away. With that in mind, as soon as she was ready, she told them she would introduce him some other time and left the apartment just minutes before Stuart pulled up.

Carolyn and Colin left the chapel about 8:30 pm and decided to drive up to look out point and watch the moon rise. They sat and snuggled, talking quietly about all they had talked to the minister about tonight when another vehicle pulled in not far from them. It was Stuart and Tammy. Colin honked his horn and flashed his lights and Stuart backed up and pulled in closer so that they only had to lower their windows to talk.

“Hey, how are things in town?” Colin asked as Stuart parked.

“All quiet.” Stuart replied. Tammy waved at Carolyn through the window and it did not go unnoticed that Tammy had a big smile on her face. Carolyn was dying to ask all the questions a girlfriend would ask of her best friend but not in front of the guys. She also caught the look that Stuart was giving Colin and said “Colin, I’d better get back to the cottage. I do have guests staying with me and we have to be up early tomorrow!”

Colin looked over at her and said “Ok, babe!” He turned to Stuart and said “Don’t keep her out too late. We’ll see you two tomorrow.”

They drove home and Carolyn looked over at Colin. “Do you think he’s going to ask her tonight?”

“I don’t know for sure but it wouldn’t surprise me one bit!” Colin smiled at her.

“Oh, wouldn’t that be great? I love Tammy to death but she’s going to have to hold her own wedding though. I want our day to be just us! Does that sound selfish?” Carolyn asked.

“No, not really. I want our day to be just us too!” Colin said.

Stuart had been practicing how he was going to ask her ever since he had been at his parents’ house and had been practicing his speech for almost a week but now that he was here with her, face to face, he couldn’t remember one word of it, which was so frustrating and downright scary.

He suddenly found himself tongue tied and his mind raced, trying to think of something to say. But now that they were alone and he finally had the opportunity to ask her, he was so nervous that the words just would not come, so he concentrated on his driving. Tammy didn’t seem to notice and babbled about something to do with putting barriers around the mountain and her parents staying with her for a while, which caught his attention and he started to ask about it when they arrived at the lookout point. He started to park when someone honked and flashed their lights and Tammy said “Isn’t that Colin’s car?”

They pulled in closer to Colin’s car and Stuart rolled down his window. He could see Carolyn in the passenger seat and waved to her. They visited with their friends for a few minutes but luckily, Colin caught on to Stuart’s look that he wanted to be alone with Tammy and they left.

After they pulled out, Tammy said “Oh I hope we didn’t interrupt their romantic evening. Seems like they don’t get enough time alone as a couple. They went to talk to Minister Robin’s tonight about their ceremony and about putting up the protective barriers around the mountain.” She was nervous and babbling but couldn’t seem to stop herself. She glanced up at him through her lashes and caught him smiling at her.

“What?” she asked.

“Lord, I’ve missed you!” Stuart said and pulled her into his arms for a kiss that left her breathless.

“I’ve missed you too!” She said when he finally let her breathe. They had barely had any time to visit since he had been home. “I’m so glad you are finally home! Did you have a nice holiday with your family?” Tammy said as she pulled back. She could feel the tension in him and wondered why he was acting so funny. He was usually more talkative than this. “Is something wrong?”

“No! No, nothing. I had a very nice time with them. It was good to see them again. It’s been a while. The kids are getting so big! My sister had twin boys last year and they are growing like two little weeds. Getting into everything and really keeping her on her toes. How was your holiday?” He asked as he leaned back and watched her. She looked so pretty with the moonlight shining on her hair through the windshield.

“Oh, it was great! I had the best Christmas present ever! Lucinda and Amelia found my parents and brought them to the Masters house right after Colin proposed to Carolyn. It was certainly an eventful day! The only thing that was missing to make it perfect was you!” Tammy said as she looked at him.

“Well, I’m very sorry I missed it but it had been a long time since I’ve visited with my family and had to use some of my built up vacation time or lose it. I’ve still got a week left and due to qualify for another week here in a month or so.”

“That’s one of the nice things about owning my own business is that I can take as much vacation time as I need so long as I work my schedule out right.”

“All the way back here, I practiced what it was I wanted to say to you but I’ll be darned if I can remember one word of it.’ He admitted, almost not realizing that he had spoken what he was thinking out loud and when he saw her smile disappear and a frightened look cross her face.

“Oh, goodness, did I really say that out loud? I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m feeling very uncertain of myself, which is not a natural feeling for me so I guess I’m kind of nervous.”

“Stuart, you can tell me anything, don’t you know that?” Tammy asked.

Stuart smiled at her and nodded as he reached into his jacket pocket. “Well, this is not exactly how I had this all planned in my head but it’s too cold outside for us to get out right now. But I love you, Tammy, will you marry me?” Stuart said, as he opened the box and held it out to her.

Tammy was truly surprised. She had hoped but had been so unsure. Her heart was beating about a hundred times faster than it normally did. She felt her eyes tear up as she looked from Stuart to the beautiful ring in the box he was holding in a slightly shaking hand. “Yes!” she screamed and then jumped into his arms, bumping her hip on the steering wheel. She would probably have a bruise on her hip tomorrow but right now she didn’t care as she covered his face in kisses.

“Whew! I wasn’t sure what you were going to say! But I’m so very glad you said yes!” He returned her kisses and helped her to settle more comfortably on his lap. “I can’t believe it but I’m so very happy!” He said as he kissed her deeply.

“I told my family about you. My father started to puff up and act all protective but I told him to stay out of it and that if you ever did ask, I was going to say yes.” Tammy admitted, not wanting to start off this part of their new relationship with secrets.

“I can’t say I blame him. After all, he’s just getting you back after how many years and already there is a man wanting to take you away from him! Not going to have to fight him for you, am I?” Stuart joked.

“Hahaha! No. I’ve already set him straight. If he wants to continue to be a part of my life, he’s just going to have to accept you.” Tammy said with one final hug. “I really hate to say this but my back is going to be really sore if I stay like this much longer and besides, I have to be up early tomorrow to help with the barrier. When do you have your next day off?”

“I’m not sure. I haven’t seen the new schedule yet but I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know after I get to work in the morning.” He said as he helped her back over to her side of the truck. “Blasted bucket seats.” He muttered under his breath. He drove her home wishing that he could take her back to his place but he doubted it would go over well with her parents to keep her out all night. Besides, he had not really cleaned his apartment in a while and he needed to get home and clean up before he invited her to spend the night.

A few more kisses and he walked her up to the door of her apartment where she let herself in and it was obvious that her parents had gone on to bed, so he kissed her goodnight one more time and then left.

“I’ll call you in the morning. Sweet dreams, my love.” Stuart said, as he walked away.

Tammy watched him until he got to the door leading outside before she closed the door and leaned up against it. She brought her left hand up to look at the ring on her finger and had to pinch herself to know that it was true and not a dream.

“It’s a wonderful feeling, isn’t it?” Julia whispered from the shadow of the bedroom door.

“Oh! Goodness! You startled me.” Tammy jumped and clutched her chest. “He asked me mom! The most wonderful man in the world has asked me to be his wife! I’m so happy I could bust!” She hugged herself as she literally danced around the room.

Julia giggled as she joined her in the living room. “I’m so happy for you, baby girl.” She hugged her daughter and held her hand so that she could see the ring. “Very nice. He has good taste in jewelry as well as women.”

“Oh, mom! I’m so very happy right now. This past couple of weeks has just been so wonderful! First Colin and Carolyn get engaged and then I get you and dad back and now this! I do hope daddy likes him.”

“Now, don’t worry about your father, he’ll come around. We’ve been running and hiding long enough. We are finally back among people we know and can trust. He’s going to have to learn how to do that again. But come on now. It’s getting late and we need to be up early. I’ve made your bed ready for you.

Don’t worry, we are only going to be here long enough to get the barrier in place and then we will be heading back home and you can have your bed and your apartment back to yourself again soon.”

“Oh, mom, it’s great to have you here. Maybe I could get a bigger place or we could find another apartment for rent in this area?” Tammy suggested.

“We’ll see, dear. Right now, let’s just get through the business at hand and then we’ll see what comes next.” Julia whispered. “I just got up to go to the bathroom. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Good night, mom! Love you!” Tammy whispered loudly. She glanced at the clock and realized it was too late to be calling Carolyn as she began to get undressed. Her mother had left her night gown draped across the pillow at one end of the sofa. She pulled the nightgown over her head just as she heard the bathroom door open again and her mother tiptoeing back to bed. The bedroom door closed almost completely and then she heard her bed creak slightly as her mother climbed back in with her father.

Tammy finished dressing for bed and went to use the bathroom and to brush her teeth before turning in and it was her first chance to get a really good look at the ring Stuart had given her. It was truly beautiful and it fit perfectly. The diamond was at least half a karat above a gold band that was delicately carved down either side of the support and on to the band. She wondered what the matching band looked like. She wondered if Stuart wanted a plain gold band or something carved like hers. They had a lot to talk about and she fell asleep with a big smile on her face as she imagined them curled up in front of the fire, making plans for their wedding and their lives together.

Stuart decided to stop by the station and look at the schedule before heading home to his apartment. He wasn’t surprised when he pulled into the parking lot and saw Colin’s patrol car parked in his usual spot. He got out and quickly jogged into the station. It was starting to snow again and the wind was picking up.

“Hey! Welcome back! So did you ask her?” Colin said, not beating around the bush for even a heartbeat.

“Yep and she said yes!” Stuart smiled, feeling so happy he couldn’t hide it if he tried.

“Well congratulations, man! Great feeling, isn’t it!” Colin said, as he pumped his friend’s hand and they man hugged.

“So what are you doing here?” Colin asked.

“I wanted to see what my schedule is like.” Stuart replied.

“Well, since what is going to happen tomorrow is not for the general public to know about, if you are up to it, I want you to work with the witches to set up the barrier tomorrow. I don’t know if the other guys are aware of Tammy’s special talents or not and I think the fewer people who know about them the better. I’ve scheduled Jason to cover town and I’m thinking about hiring someone to cover the phones during the day so that we can all be on patrol instead of having to be here covering the phones.”

“Sweet and yes, I’m up to it since it will mean I get to be involved with something going on with Tammy. When will I have another day off? I want to get up to my lot on the mountain and see if the cabin is still livable.”

“You’re not planning on moving Tammy in there are you? Dude, that place is barely suitable as a hunting cabin for men needing a place out of the weather when they are hunting. A woman would not be able to tolerate it for long.” Colin said. “What about your parents’ old place? They are not planning on coming back here are they?”

“Yeah, you are probably right about the cabin and I’d have to talk to my folks about their old place. No one has lived in it in years either. I bet it’s a mess but as far as I know they are planning on staying where they are. Do you think Tammy would like living up there? That’s kind of high up.”

“I know Carolyn has been looking for a place for her on the mountain so that she can practice her magic without the fear of being seen.”

“Well, then that would definitely be a good place then. No one ever goes up there as far as I know. Hell, it’s been years since I’ve been up there myself.”

“Well, we’ll be working the entire mountain over the next few days so you should have a chance to check it out when we get to that area.”

“Well, I guess I’d better get home and get some sleep. I’ve got to find time to clean my apartment too so that Tammy can come over while her parents are in town. Any idea how long they are planning on being here?”

“Until the barrier is in place, I guess.”

“Well, then I’m going to get home and get some sleep so that we can get it done tomorrow. See you in the morning.”

“We’re meeting at Carolyn’s place at 7 am.”

“Ok, I’ll see you there.” Stuart said as he left the station. He hurried out to his car and drove over to his apartment. He dropped his duffle bag on the floor just inside the door and looked around. It was messier than he realized. There were clothes draped over the backs of chairs and the sofa, empty soda and beer cans all over the place and the sink was full of dirty dishes. He spent the next hour picking up his dirty clothes and put them in the hamper and then doing the dishes. He’d have to wait to do laundry but at least the apartment looked better without his dirty laundry draped all over the place and the floor had been swept. As he put the broom back in its place, he glanced at the clock on the stove and realized it was nearly midnight. Mopping was going to have to wait for another day. No wonder he was so tired. He took a fast shower and climbed into bed. He looked forward to one day being able to climb into bed next to Tammy and with that thought in mind, he fell asleep with a big smile on his face.

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