Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 37

Mr. Wainwright was not an exceptionally large man but he was still very heavy and moving him was going to take more strength than Justin and Carolyn had between them. It wasn’t long before Justin’s father showed up, followed a few minutes later by Daniel Masters, who was out of breath and had to stop and bend over as he leaned on the porch rail. “Good lord, I’m out of shape. I need to lose some weight.”

Between the four of them, they managed to wrap Mr. Wainwright in the blanket that was on the bed, swaddling his body like you would for a baby. “I think he has a bobcat backhoe in his barn. I should be able to dig a grave for him with that.” Daniel Masters said.

“Do you think we should have services for him?” Richard Masters asked his brother.

“Old man Wainwright was probably the most unfriendly person I’ve ever known, especially after his wife died but it would be wrong of us to assume that others that live on the mountain would not like to pay their last respects. He was a member of this community for a long time. We’ll pass the word around that he has passed and will be buried Sunday morning. Anyone wishing to pay their last respects can come to the funeral then. I don’t think a wake or anything like that will be necessary. Let’s just make sure we lock up before we go and maybe ask Damien to keep an eye on the place to make sure no one comes up to steal anything out of the house. We’ll have an auction on the contents once the funeral is over but right now, we need to finish up what we started. How far have you made it?” Daniel asked Carolyn.

“This was our first stop after talking to Damien. We are going to have to see to the Wainwrights’ animals. The goats I saw outside look like they haven’t been tended to in a while.”

“I wonder how long he’s been dead.” Richard said.

“Several days at least, maybe a week or more. It’s hard to tell. From the look of the yard and animals, he wasn’t getting outside much at all.”

Just then, Ray Masters landed on the rail of the front porch and transformed before he entered the house. “I stopped in at your place and Angela told me about this. I was up here two weeks ago and while I didn’t see him in the yard, there was smoke coming out of the chimney. I’ve been meaning to come back and check on him since I noticed the yard was overgrown but I just got so busy that I never made it.”

They filled him in on what they had found out in the paperwork and Carolyn shared her idea about this possibly being a temporary place for the Pence’s. Everyone agreed that it would solve that issue but no one was sure that anyone was going to want to stay in the place with a dead body in it.

“Well Sunday is only 2 days away. I guess we can handle having the Pence’s stay with us for a couple more days. We can bury him then and they can move in if they are interested in staying here. Otherwise, they are going to have to go to a hotel. They are eating us out of house and home and unfortunately, they are not witches that can refill our larder with the wave of their wand.” Daniel said.

“I thought they were going to go stay at the Noble place?” Richard asked.

“They decided it’s too far to go back and forth to be able to work on their place and to keep up with their animals so they are still staying with us.”

“Well, we only have the Bennet’s before we reach the Pence’s place. I’ll stop and talk to Mr. Pence. He should still be there cleaning up. Uncle Ray, could you go up and talk to Damien about watching over the place and the animals until we can make other arrangements?”

“Sure. I’ve flown all over the mountain and I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary so far.” Ray Master said.

“Ok. We’ll see you at home later?” Daniel Masters asked Carolyn.

“I’ll call if I don’t come back up. I’m not sure what Colin’s plans are for later.” Carolyn said. She was kind of hoping for some time alone with him tonight. It had been days since they had seen each other.

They left the house and made sure it was securely locked up before they left. Carolyn and Justin went out to the barn and checked on the animals there. There were only the two goats and a cow left, all of which had no feed in their troughs and the water buckets were almost empty. Justin climbed up into the hay loft and knocked down what hay there was left up there and Carolyn found some grain in the tack room for the cow. They fed them and filled the water buckets and Carolyn did a preliminary check up on them as best she could without her medical bag while Justin mucked out their stalls. It was obvious that it had not been done in over a week and they were both thankful that it was cold and the dung didn’t have much smell. “Well, that should hold them for another day or two but that was the last of the hay up there so if they are going to remain here, someone is going to have to bring more.”

“I’ll need to come back with my bag and do a thorough check-up but other than being hungry, I think they are going to be OK. I’d like to give them shots and clean and trim their hooves. I’m sure they will bring a good price at the auction. I’ll talk to my dad later about either bringing some hay here or taking the animals back to our place. Another cow is always welcome, especially a milk cow.”

They secured the barn and then left for the Bennet’s. They told them everything that was going on and Mr. Bennet said he would be willing to go up and check on the animals at the Wainwright’s. “Very sorry to hear about his passing. He may not have been the friendliest person I’ve ever known but he was always a good neighbor.”

“Well, the funeral will be Sunday and I guess they will announce when the auction will be held then. The centaurs will be keeping an eye on the place as well.”

They said goodbye and Carolyn asked Mrs. Bennet if she would call her mom and let her know that they were on their way to the Pence’s. Mrs. Bennet said she would be glad too.

The day was more than half over and they needed to get a move on. They ran at a leisurely pace through the woods to the Pence’s. They found Ralph in the woods, measuring and marking trees with his younger brother, Peter.

“Well, I’ll be damned! Justin Masters! When did you get home?” Ralph greeted his friend.

“Yesterday. How about you?”

“Two years ago. I took a bullet in my hip that left me unable to feel part of my leg and foot. Can’t be a foot soldier if you can’t feel your feet.” Ralph said. “So are you home for good or are you going back in?”

“Nope, home for good. Retired out. Going to take my VA benefits and open a garage in town. Where are you working?”

“At the hardware store. In fact, I managed to make a deal with the manager for some lumber that will allow us to rebuild my parents’ house and in the spring we will cut and replace what we get from the store now. The only things we will have to buy are the hardware and appliances.”

“Well, we may have a solution for you that may save you a lot of trouble. Mr. Wainwright has passed away. We just found him dead in his bed. Looks like he passed sometime within the past week or so. Uncle Ray said he saw smoke coming out of the chimney two weeks ago but never got back up there to check on him since then. He has no heirs that anyone seems to know of and his place will go back to community property. My dad will be holding an auction on the house and its contents sometime after the funeral on Sunday.”

“Wow. That’s sad to hear. Wainwright had a nice place up there but we will have to talk things over with my parents. You know my dad is not one for a lot of change and this is going to mean a lot of change for him.”

“Well, where is he? We have some other news but I would prefer to give it all at once, since it’s not exactly good news.” Carolyn said.

“Uh-oh. Sounds ominous.” Ralph said. “Hey Peter, come on. Let’s go find dad.” He called out to his younger brother, who was measuring some trees about 50 yards away.

They all transformed and jogged back to the Pence homestead.

Carolyn couldn’t help but think that if Mr. Pence would agree to relocate to the Wainwright place and sell this place, that it would be the perfect location for Tammy and or her parents to buy. It would put her safely on the mountain and they could practice their magic more freely than they would be able to at most any other place they might find. They weren’t changelings but they were magical. But one step at a time.

She would have to talk to Tammy about it but didn’t want to say anything until things were settled with the Pence’s. They might not want to sell their existing location. They might want to keep it for one of their children. Like Ralph.

Carolyn knew he had moved out of his parents’ house and was currently living with his girlfriend but knew he really wanted his own place. Ralph might even consider buying the Wainwright place. There were just so many issues to be resolved right now but first and foremost, they had to get the magical barriers in place to protect them all from the dark witches that posed the most immediate threat.

They found Mr. Pence hard at work tearing down the burned portion of the house. The structure that had been the laundry room had burned but fortunately the appliances had not. They were a bit singed but still worked just fine. Mrs. Pence was standing on the platform of what had been her laundry room floor, loading another load into the washer when they arrived.

“Good more hands to help.” Mr. Pence said. “My goodness, is that Justin Masters? How good to see you again, boy. How are you?

“Good, sir. Just got home yesterday. Just let me know where you need help and I’ll be glad to pitch in as soon as we get the business at hand taken care of.” Justin said as he shook hands with Mr. Pence.

“Glad to help but first we need to talk to you about a few things. Mrs. Pence, can you join us please?” Carolyn called out to her.

Mrs. Pence replied. “Surely. Just let me add the soap and I’ll be right there. Does anyone want some coffee or something warm to drink?”

Colin pulled up just then and he was surprised to see Justin as well. They greeted each other and Colin kissed Carolyn hello but she pulled back and said “I’m sorry to say I don’t have good news this trip.

First of all, Mr. Wainwright has passed away. Justin and I found him dead in his bed a little while ago. He’s probably been dead for at least a week, maybe longer. Looks like he just went to sleep and didn’t wake up. My father and uncles are going to bury him Sunday after church and there will be an auction for the house and contents and the animals on the property sometime soon.

The land will go back to being community property and will be auctioned as well since he had no living heirs that anyone knows of but we have to do due diligence there. I know it’s kind of sudden but would you be interested in staying up there, once the funeral is over, at least until your house can be rebuilt?” Carolyn asked the Pence’s.

“Hell, I want to make an offer on the place. I’ve always admired that property. Great farmland up there. I made an offer to old man Wainwright after his grandson was killed in the war but he refused. He said “I’ve lived here my whole life. My family is buried on this land and here is where I will stay until I can be buried with them. Well, it looks like he got his wish.” Mr. Pence said.

“Well, I warn you. Apparently he has not been in good health for a while. The place has gotten kind of run down and it’s going to need some work. He’s got two goats and a cow that need attention but the centaurs and Mr. Bennet are going to look after them until everything is settled.” Carolyn said.

“Now for the next thing. There is an evil warlock that is hunting my friend, Tammy. She, her parents and the witch sisters that were here last fall have come back and are going to be putting magical barriers in place all around the changeling part of the mountain to protect us all.

Please cooperate with them in any way they need and be on the lookout for any strangers that might come around asking any questions. No one evil will be allowed to step on changeling property once the barriers are put in place but it may take them a few days or more to get everything done. We’re just trying to let everyone know that they need to be on their guard. Keep your children close and make them aware that they should not be speaking to strangers.”

“Will do. I’ll need to call Cindy and make sure she is aware too.” Mrs. Pence said.

“I don’t think Cindy will be in any danger since she is at school but it wouldn’t hurt to make her aware of the situation.”

“Well, we hate to drop bad news and then run off but I need to get back with Tammy and the witches and find out when we are going to be starting. Someone from the changeling community will be taking them around to show them where the boundaries of our part of the mountain are located. The fairies will also be making barriers but those are illusions that fool human eyes. Witches might be able to see through them.”

“Can you let my dad know I’m going to stay here to help? Looks like there’s lots of work to be done.” Justin said.

“Sure but I’m sure my mom will be counting on everyone being home for dinner on time. She usually likes to eat around 6.” Carolyn said.

“Ok. Don’t worry. I’ve been looking forward to one of her home cooked meals since I got my papers to come home.” Justin said.

“Colin, can you give me a ride home? I’ve walked all over this mountain today and I’m tired.” Carolyn said, after she said goodbye to the Pence’s. She was tired but she wanted to spend as much time with Colin as she could because with the way things were shaping up, she was going to be very busy for the next week or so with the witches.

“Show him your new coat.” Justin called after them as he followed Mr. Pence and Ralph around to the back of the house.

“New coat?” Colin asked, as they walked towards his jeep.

Carolyn transformed and struck a pose for him.

“Wow! You are beautiful in black but I must say, I do like the white too! You are gorgeous!” Colin said, as he looked her over.

She transformed back to her human form and walked over to him and pushed his bottom jaw closed. “Your tongue will freeze if you leave it hanging out like that.” She teased.

“Lord, woman, are you really going to make me wait till May to have you for my wife?” Colin said as he slid his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. She could feel his partial erection against her belly and she smiled up at him.

“Justin asked me today if I deserved to wear white for my wedding and I told him yes. I agree that so long as we are committed to each other, the wedding is just a formality but I would like to wait, I think. I’ve always imagined it happening on my wedding night.” Carolyn said, hoping he would not be too disappointed.

“I know and I can’t blame you but you do know that the first time can be slightly painful and a little bloody. I want our wedding night to be pure pleasure.” Colin said.

“I know but the pain only lasts for a few minutes and then its pleasure from then on, or so I’ve heard.” Carolyn said.

“Well, I dread even the thought of hurting you in the slightest but it can’t be helped. But I do want our wedding night to be everything you’ve always dreamed of so if it has to wait until then, I guess that’s the way it will be. All I know is I’m going to pray for an early spring and hopefully we can move the wedding date up a bit?”

“Deal. As soon as the snow is gone and when the first flowers of spring start to bloom, we will have our wedding.” Carolyn said. “Right now, we just have to get through what’s going on at the moment. Come on. The day is almost over.”

They drove back to the cottage and found that not only were Tammy and the Mason’s there but that Amelia and Lucinda had cooked dinner for all of them. There was even a place setting on the expanded version of her small dining table for Colin. “How in the world did you manage to make it so that all of us could sit at my four seater dining table? Oh wait, never mind. Looks good ladies and thank you. I’m starving.”

“Where is your cousin? I saw someone with you earlier.” Lucinda asked.

“You saw Justin with me? Where? How?” Carolyn asked, stunned.

“I had a vision of you. I saw when you discovered that man’s body today.” Lucinda said.

“Yes, Mr. Wainwright. He must have been there in his bed for at least a week. He just went to sleep and didn’t wake up.”

“Sad but it’s all a part of life. We all have to go sometime and that is the way I hope I go.” Colin said.

“Amen. But come on and let’s eat before it gets cold. We have been preparing all day. We have more talismans to make. Some we will make from things from the mountain itself. They are usually the most powerful anyway. It’s going to take a couple of days to get them all in place but once we do, the mountain shouldn’t be getting any more magical creatures coming to it in addition to keeping anything evil from ever being able to step on it. We are basically going to bless the land and make it hallowed ground.”

“But doesn’t the land have to be blessed by a minister or priest to make it hallowed ground?” Colin asked.

“Well, of course that is the strongest way but we have some holy water that we have soaked some of the talismans we’ve already made in. Unless you know of a priest or minister that would be willing to come and give his blessing to what we are doing then this is going to have to suffice.”

“Actually there is a changeling minister on the mountain. He holds church for us every Sunday. I have been meaning to call him and talk to him about performing the ceremony for our wedding but just haven’t had the chance. I could call him and make an appointment to go talk to him.”

“That would be great if he’s willing to help. A lot of the clergy won’t participate in things like this. Most believe that all magic is evil.” Amelia said.

“Well, if he’s free, I’m fairly sure he will be willing to help out. It’s of benefit to the whole community that he be involved. That’s how I will argue it if I have to.”

They all ate quickly and Lucinda waved her wand and cleaned up all the dishes. Carolyn called Pastor Robins and asked to meet with him. He agreed that they could stop by in an hour as he was just sitting down to dinner.

“He’s just starting dinner. He said we can go over in about an hour.” Carolyn told them and then looked at Colin. “Do you have to go back to work tonight?”

“No. The Pence house was my last thing of the day. Jason and Stan are on duty tonight. I want to go home and take a shower and change my clothes. I’ll be back to pick you up as soon as I can.” Colin said. “Lucinda, Amelia, thank you for an excellent dinner. I’ll see you ladies later?”

“Good to see you again, Colin. Be safe but hurry back.” They replied.

Carolyn walked out to the jeep with Colin. “They are right. Be safe but hurry back.” She reached up on her toes and kissed him as he stopped to open his door.

“I will. So it looks like you have a full house for a while.” Colin commented.

“Yeah but hopefully it will only be for a few days. Once we have the barriers in place there will be no need for them to stay and they will go home. What do you think of Tammy’s parents buying the Pence place if Mr. Pence wins the auction on the Wainwright place?”

“Don’t get your hopes up in that direction. I think Ralph will have something to say about that. His girlfriend is already making noises about her grocery bill so I don’t see that arrangement lasting very long and soon he will be back living with his folks. This will give him a chance to have his own place but not have to live with his parents.”

“Yeah I thought about that too. Oh well, we’ve got to find Tammy a place on the mountain.”

“Well, if she and Stuart get married, then she will have a place on the mountain.” Colin said.

“Is he going to ask her?” Carolyn asked, not completely surprised but more hopeful.

“I think so. As soon as he convinces himself that he is good enough for her. Stuart has some self-esteem issues. In other words, he’s terrified that she is going to say no.” Colin confided. It had only been a little while since he had been feeling the same thing so he fully understood what Stuart was feeling.

“Then he’s going to be delightfully pleased because I’m more than fairly sure she’s going to say yes.” Carolyn confided back. “I just wonder how he’s going to feel about her parents coming with her.”

“Do you think they would? I’m not so sure about that. Stuart, like me, has always been more of a loner.”

“Strange. I thought wolves were pack animals. Why do you think of yourself as a loner when, with your job, you are around people all the time?”

“Well, you would think that but as soon as most people see the uniform, they kind of tend to not include you in a lot of things. I guess that’s why the guys at work become so close, like a family of sorts. For us, being changelings, it’s even more so since we don’t share our secrets with the public.”

“Well, when we are married, you won’t be a loner anymore.”

“I’m so looking forward to that.” Colin said, as he smiled down at her before kissing her.

He wished she didn’t have a house full of people to go back to as he got in his jeep and left and Carolyn went back inside.

“So, where do you want to start tomorrow?” She asked, ignoring everyone’s knowing grins.

“All along the edge of the changeling property between here and town. We’ll spread out and go in two different directions. Tammy will have to stay here where we’ve already put up barriers to keep her safe. The rest of us will break into pairs accompanied by a changeling that can show us where the boundaries are. Two of us will start from the middle and work our way towards each boundary and two of us start at the boundary and work our ways back to the middle, we can protect the most vulnerable section quickly. Then we’ll go in pairs and work our way up the mountain along the boundaries.” Amelia said.

“The climb up the mountain will be the hardest part because we’ll have to go through the woods.”

“Well, we’ll all just have to dress for it and take our time. We’ll need to collect things as we go too. Can we get some apples?”

“I’m sure we can, either from people along the way or better yet, get them from the supermarket. Well, I’ve got to go get a shower and get dressed to go meet the minister.” Carolyn said and excused herself.

She quickly bathed and washed her hair. She blew it dry and then pulled on her housecoat to make it over to her bedroom. She was almost finished dressing when Tammy came knocking on her door.

“Colin’s here.” Tammy called out. Carolyn opened the door and said “Tell him I’ll be out in a minute.”

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