Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 32

When everyone finished eating, Lucinda and Amelia insisted on handling the dishes so that Angela could join her family in the living room, the football game was forgotten as they visited and got to know the Mason’s.

“Mom. Dad. Where have you been all of these years? Why did you give me up?” Tammy hated to kill the happy mood but she needed the questions that had been plaguing her for years answered.

“We’ve been living all over the place, never staying in one place for long. We had to keep you safe. We had to hide you before they found out about you.

There was a coven of dark witches that wanted to steal you so that they could turn you to the dark side. We couldn’t apparate with you and they nearly caught us. We left you at that church because dark witches can’t go on holy ground, so they couldn’t get to you.

I placed a protective spell on you that blocked evil from seeing your white aura. We had planned on coming back for you but by the time it was safe enough for us to go back, the state had put you in foster care and we couldn’t get any information on where you were without telling them who we were. That would have left you vulnerable until we could get to you, even if they had given us a ride there.” The Mason’s explained.

“We decided to chance going back to Seattle to find out if the coven was still there and hunting us. Randolph said he had met you but he didn’t know how to get in touch with you himself but he led us to Lucinda and Amelia. We had known their parents too, many years ago.”

“The coven he’s referring to used to be led by that dark witch that was in the coffee shop that day you were there. She’s still a witch but she’s lost almost all of her powers along with most of her mind. Her coven fell apart when a succubus invaded them. It sucked almost all of the coven members dry of their powers. The succubus was Armand.

I believe that’s one of the main reasons Lucinda was so weak for so long after she battled him. He had been slowly feeding off of her powers, a little at a time, so that she wouldn’t notice but it made her magic weak. That’s how he managed to wound her in the first place. Otherwise, she should have been able to beat him on her own. There has been a lot of discovery in Seattle lately.” Amelia told them.

“All I know is we are very happy to have finally found you again and that we no longer have to run and hide anymore.” Julia Mason said.

By the end of the day, it was decided that Tammy would apparate back to Seattle with her parents. They still owned their home there but had not really moved back in yet since the house had been standing empty for so many years, they would need to clean before they could move back in.

After everyone opened their gifts, they had dessert and for those of them that wanted it, coffee or egg nog. Soon after that, everyone started bundling up to go home. Tammy and her family were the first to go accompanied by Lucinda and Amelia. Then Uncle Richard and his family left, leaving Uncle Ray, Carolyn and Colin. Kevin had assured Carolyn that he had not said anything to their parents yet and he was waiting for everyone to go home.

As Uncle Richard and his family left, Kevin looked at Carolyn and she nodded her head. Kevin cleared his throat and said “Mom, Dad. I’ve decided that I’m going to take an apartment in town come the first of the year. It will give me a chance to either put in more hours at the store or find a second job. I can’t do that living up here.”

“Why not?” Angela asked.

“Because it’s so far to drive home every night and that road is not exactly easy to drive on in the rain or snow. I want to make some more money so that I can save up for a house, like Carolyn has.” Kevin tried to explain.

“Well, we have land set aside for you, Kevin. Why don’t you live at home and spend the rent money on materials to build your place here on the mountain?” Daniel Masters asked.

“You know we will help you build, Kevin. Just like we did for Carolyn and will do for your sister and cousins, once they come of age.” Uncle Ray piped in.

Kevin was surprised and had not even considered this possibility, so he had to stop and think about it.

“You don’t have to make a decision right this second, but do think about it. Renting is OK for some but owning is much better.” Carolyn advised him. And Kevin agreed to think about it.

“Are you ready to head home? I’ve got to go back on duty soon.” Colin said.

“Yeah, let’s go. Mom, Dad. We’re going to head home. Colin has to go back on duty soon. Thanks for everything.” Carolyn said, as they stood up to pull on their jackets. They gathered up their gifts and loaded them into Carolyn’s jeep.

They hugged everyone good bye and Carolyn followed Colin back down the mountain to her cottage. He helped her unload her gifts and they finally had a chance to talk in private.

“So were you serious about a spring wedding? And you want it in the woods?” Colin asked as he perched on a stool at her kitchen counter while she put away the leftovers her mother had given her. They would be able to eat turkey for days with all that Angela had sent.

“When did you have in mind? And what kind of wedding do you want?” Carolyn asked back.

“The sooner the better for me. Heck, if there had been a preacher or a justice of the peace at the house tonight, we could have done it right then and there, as far as I’m concerned. But I can imagine that you want a big fancy wedding so whatever makes you happy is OK by me.”

“Well, I do want a nice dress and for all of my family and friends to be there. I want it to be something we will both always remember fondly and not something we rushed through. These things take planning and careful consideration.”

“Well, I’ll help in any way I can but for now, I’d better get home and get changed for work. My shift starts in a couple of hours.” Colin said as he slid off of the stool and straightened his pants. Carolyn came around the counter and slid her arms up over his chest.

“I wish you could stay. There are so many things I want to talk to you about. Are we going to live here in the cottage or do you want to build a bigger place? What colors do you want for the wedding? Music? Who’s going to be standing up with you as your best man and ushers? How many men will there be?”

“Oh goodness, that’s an awful lot of questions and I’d bet my last dollar that those are just the tip of the iceberg.” He smiled down at her as he slid his arms around her and pulled her close.

“I think the cottage will do fine for now. We can always add on later, as needed or we can build another place, if you want. As for colors, I’ll leave that up to you. I plan on wearing a black tux but would consider gray. Any other color is up to you. We’ve always liked the same music so I’m sure you will pick out some nice ones. I’ll have to get back to you on the head count but I would like Stuart to be my best man. How many women are you going to have?”

“Just 3. Tammy, Cindy and Donna.” Carolyn replied. “When do you have a full day off again?”

“Not until new years’ day. We are working this holiday schedule from now until the day after New Years’.” Colin said regretfully.

“Well, then I’ll come up with quite a list by then I’m sure. What time do you get off tonight?”

“I’ll have a break from midnight till 4 am, which I’m going to need to sleep since I have to be back on duty at 4 until 8 am and then I have to be back at noon. These short shifts are really hard because I just manage to fall asleep good and it’s time to get up again but it can’t be helped since we are short-handed this week. Stuart and Jason both went home to be with their families for Christmas. They get the short shifts over the New Year’s holiday. I had my long off shift today so that I could spend it with you.”

“Well, you certainly made the most of it, so far. I just wish it didn’t have to end so soon. Call me before you get off work at 8? Maybe we can go have breakfast somewhere?”

“Sounds good.” Colin agreed before he dipped his head and gave her a deep kiss. “Oh, lord, I wish I didn’t have to go to work.” He said and kissed her again.

Three more kisses and Carolyn reminded him that he still had to go home and change clothes before he finally patted her on the behind and left. “See ya, laters.” He called as he jumped down off of her front porch. He jogged to his jeep and Carolyn watched until he was out of site.

She looked down at the ring on her left hand and had to pinch herself. She couldn’t believe all that had happened that day. She wished Tammy was here. She wanted to talk through all that had happened. To begin planning for her wedding. She was so excited that she could barely stand still. She put away all of her gifts and decided to take a run.

She transformed as she jumped down off the porch and ran all the way over to Pence’s property. She decided to see if Cindy was home for the holidays.

She transformed as she crossed into their yard. She crossed the yard and knocked on the door. Ralph answered and smiled when he saw who it was. “Carolyn! Hi and Merry Christmas! What brings you here? Nothing wrong is there?”

“Hi Ralph! Merry Christmas. No. Nothing’s wrong. Is Cindy here? Did she come home for the holidays?” Carolyn asked.

“Yeah. She went over to the Wharton’s with my mom but they should be back soon.” Ralph said.

“Oh, I’ve missed her while she’s been gone and I wanted to find out how she’s liking school.” Carolyn said.

“Well, come on in and I’ll call over and see if, well, look there. Here they come.” Ralph said as his parents pulled into the yard. All of the kids bailed out of the back of the car and ran around in the snow as Mrs. Pence scolded them to get in the house out of the cold.

“Hi, Carolyn. Merry Christmas!” Mrs. Pence greeted Carolyn, as she came up the steps.

“Merry Christmas!”

“Come on inside and have some pie and coffee.” Mrs. Pence offered.

“Oh, no thank you for the pie. I had too much to eat up at my mom’s and I don’t think I’ll need to eat again for a week. I just came to see Cindy. Merry Christmas, Cindy! How are you?” Carolyn looked her former assistant up and down and noticed that she looked different. She had changed the way she dressed and had had her hair styled and it looked good on her.

“Oh, Carolyn, how good to see you and Merry Christmas! I was planning on coming down to see you but I’m so glad you came.” Cindy said as they followed her mother into the kitchen where she started to make some coffee.

“So how are you liking school?” Carolyn asked. She was picking up a vibe that she was unsure about from the quiet way they were acting.

“Would you take a walk with me?” Cindy asked.

“Sure.” Carolyn said, giving her a curious look. “Thanks for the offer of coffee, Mrs. Pence, but I think I’ll pass. I’m trying to cut down on my caffeine.”

“That’s OK. I know.” Mrs. Pence gave Carolyn a knowing look and nodded.

Cindy led her out the back door and across the back yard before she broke down and began to cry.

“Cindy! Cindy, what’s wrong?” Carolyn said as she put her arm around her young friend.

“Oh, Carolyn. I don’t know what to do. I met someone at school and I really like him but I’ve been afraid to tell him I’m a changeling. When he called earlier to wish me Merry Christmas, my dad answered the phone. Dad was really mad when I got off the phone and said that if I’ve gone away to find a mate, then he will not pay to send me back to school. I want to become a vet in the worst way, you know that, but I also like Kyle. He’s so sweet and handsome and he really seems to like me. I can’t afford to pay for my dorm if my dad won’t release my money. I just don’t know what to do.”

“What do you mean, your father won’t release your money? You are using the money you made working for me and your scholarship, aren’t you?”

“Yes, but when I was awarded the money, I was underage so I had to make a joint account at the bank with my father. I can only draw money out if he gives his permission. The money I made working for you, I spent on clothes and supplies for school. The scholarship money was to pay for tuition and some for boarding fees but it’s not enough. I have to feed myself and pay for necessities, so I had to get a part time job. I’ve been waiting tables at the diner not far from school. That’s something else my father is not happy about but I don’t want them to pay for any more than they already do.”

“Cindy, first of all, I’m pretty sure that bank rule only applied until you turned 18. You just turned 18 a few months ago, didn’t you?” Carolyn said and saw Cindy begin to calm but got a scared look on her face.

“Now, I’m not telling you to defy your father, unless you are truly ready to be on your own. He loves you and will eventually get used to the idea. But you’ve got to grow up sometime, especially if you want to have your own life.”

“I know. I guess it’s just kind of scary and so much to think about all at once. I’m loving going to university and I’m getting good grades. I thought my dad would be so proud of me.”

“I am proud of you, daughter.” Mr. Pence said from behind them. They had not even noticed Mr. Pence coming in his goat form. He transformed as he stepped up closer to the log bench they were sitting on.

“I just want what’s best for you. I know you are not a little girl anymore and I may have been wrong about keeping you at home so much when you were growing up but I was just trying to protect you. But I’m afraid it’s left you unable to tell when people are just using you for what they can get out of you and when someone truly cares for you. I just want you to be sure of him before you give yourself to him or anyone else.”

“Mr. Pence, I don’t think that’s something you will have to worry about with Cindy. She’s got a good level head on her shoulders.” Carolyn interjected.

“I would never tell our secret to anyone, daddy. But I really like Kyle and don’t feel it’s right to keep such a secret from him.” Cindy said. “But don’t worry. I will be very sure of him before I do anything.”

Carolyn knew what Cindy was going through. She remembered what it had been like having to keep her changeling side from everyone at school. She had been so lucky to have had Tammy for a roommate.

“Well, I won’t keep you from going back to college but please don’t grow up too fast. Seems like all of my children are determined to move away.” Mr. Pence said as he hugged his daughter and ruffled her hair in an affectionate way before going on to the house. “Don’t stay out in this cold too long or you’ll get sick.”

“Your dad acts like a gruff old Billy goat only to hide the fact that he’s really just an old softie!” Carolyn smiled at Cindy.

“Hard to hide anything from you, Carolyn. So, how is your new assistant working out? I heard you hired Randy. He’s a nice boy. We had several classes together in school. Such a shame he couldn’t afford to come to college.”

“Yeah, he mentioned knowing you. Seemed to me he mentioned you were a nice girl too. Did you ever date him?” Carolyn asked slyly.

“No. You know Daddy never let me date. That’s one of the nice things about being at college. I don’t have to ask my parents’ permission for every little thing I do. I spend a lot of my free time with Kyle. We go to the movies or the museums and he even took me to a concert!” Cindy seemed to glow whenever she talked about him and Carolyn knew the feeling well.

She was dying to tell Cindy about her and Colin so she held out her hand to show Cindy her ring. “I know what you mean. Colin finally asked me to marry him and I said yes! I want to know if you will be a bride’s maid at my wedding in the spring?”

“Oh Carolyn, how wonderful and yes! I would love to be in your wedding!” Cindy said as she threw her arms around Carolyn. “It’s about darned time! When did he ask you?”

“He asked me this morning before we had lunch at my parents’ house.”

“Oh, what a wonderful Christmas surprise! You were surprised, weren’t you?” Cindy asked.

“Well, seeing as everyone kept telling me how they always thought we were meant to be together and I think I always knew, but yes I was surprised that he asked me now. I thought we were going to wait and date a bit longer. But why waste time on dating when we can go on and start our lives together.” Carolyn seemed to be convincing herself as well as Cindy.

“I know you will be happy together. I just hope I manage to find someone who loves me like you two love each other. So tell me, what are your colors going to be? Who else besides me will be standing up with you and who’s going to stand up with Colin?”

“Well, Tammy and Donna and you will be standing up with me. I think Colin is going to have his fellow officer, Stuart and maybe his brother. I don’t know who else yet and I think I would like blue and white to be my colors. At least, that’s what I’ve always envisioned.

I want a willow arch, covered in blue and white flowers and I want everyone to come. I want to cater it so that my mom can spend the day being the mother of the bride and not hiding out in the kitchen. I can’t wait to see my dad and Kevin in their tuxes.”

“And where are you going on your honeymoon?”

“I don’t know yet. We haven’t talked about that part yet. I wish Colin didn’t have to work tonight and we could have spent the evening making plans but he’s going to be around tomorrow.”

“Where’s Tammy? I’m surprised you are not with her somewhere.”

“Oh that’s right, you don’t know yet. Lucinda and Amelia found her parents. They brought her with them as Tammy’s Christmas surprise this morning. Tammy’s gone back to Seattle to be with them for a while but she’ll be back. After all, she’s got her business here and she’s been seeing quite a lot of Stuart. I think they are getting pretty serious about each other. I’m hoping her parents will decide to sell their house and move here.”

“Wow, that’s great. Man, there was hardly ever anything exciting happening around here except when hunters would come on to the mountain and I go away for a few months and all kinds of things happen!”

They visited for a few more minutes but it was cold outside, so they finally said goodbye. Carolyn finished her patrol and then returned home. She felt as if she was floating on a cloud in some ways as she got ready for bed that night. She lay on her bed, looking at her ring. She had to pinch herself to be sure it was real and that the day had been so perfect in so many ways. She fell asleep with a big smile on her face.

She woke up the next morning to the sound of someone tapping on her door. She glanced at her clock to see that it was barely past 8 am and it must be a cloudy day because it felt like it was still night time. She grabbed her housecoat off the hook on the back of her bedroom door and slipped her arms into it as she went down the hall. She expected to find someone in need of help but it was Colin.

“Good morning, sunshine!” He smiled at her. He was holding a bag from a fast food place and a cup carrier with two cups of coffee.

“Morning! What are you doing here so early? And why so perky? It’s too early to be perky!” Carolyn said as she stepped back and urged him to come in so she could shut the door. “Hurry, you are letting all of my warm air out.”

“I’m sorry if I woke you. I’m just getting off of work and I have far too much energy to go home and go to sleep right now, so I brought you breakfast.”

“Well, thank you but let me visit the bathroom first.” Carolyn said, as she stumbled back down the hall.

Colin was a little disappointed at her greeting but what did he expect? He woke her up and apparently, she’s not a morning person.

He unpacked the sausage biscuits he had brought and sipped his coffee while he waited for her. She came back after a couple of minutes. She had washed her face and combed her hair and looked more awake. He stood up and she came right to him, wrapping her arms around his waist as they hugged. “I didn’t realize you were sleeping in this morning.”

“I forgot to set my alarm last night and I was having such a nice dream that I just overslept.”

“Nice dream? What about?” Colin gave her a teasing smile as he looked down at her.

“You. Our wedding. Our honeymoon. Speaking of which, where would you like to go for our honeymoon? We didn’t get much of a chance to plan yesterday.”

“How about somewhere warm? The Bahama’s maybe? Where do you want to go?”

“Bahama’s sounds good to me. I would love sometime in the sun. Maybe we can find a deserted island and we’ll be able to change at will without being afraid someone will see us.”

Colin nodded in agreement and then asked, “What do you have to do today?”

“Well, the clinic is closed this week so realistically, nothing. Why? What did you have in mind?”

“Come eat and then go get dressed. I want to take you somewhere.”

They ate the sandwiches he had brought and then Carolyn excused herself to go get dressed while he gathered up the wrappers and threw them in the trash.

Carolyn came back dressed in well-fitting jeans and a pretty sweater, she had received as a Christmas gift from her mother, over a tank top and fur lined boots. She was carrying a down jacket and a pair of gloves.

“Where are we going?”

“I want to show you a place I think you will like.” He wouldn’t tell her any more than that as they left the cottage. He helped her into the passenger side of his patrol vehicle. She tried to be patient as he drove north along the main highway, passed the town and all of the few houses that dotted this part of the mountain. He followed a road that led off to the northern side of the mountain. It was still part of the changeling’s mountain but Carolyn hadn’t been to this side in a very long time.

Colin drove slowly since the old road and its pot holes were covered in snow. After about 10 minutes, he turned off onto another older road that was barely a track between the trees and pulled the vehicle to a stop. He got out and came around to her side to open her door. “Come on. I want to show you something.” He said, holding out his hand to her. “It’s not far from here.”

They walked through the trees hand in hand until they came to a small clearing overlooking a small partially frozen pond. There was a small sloping open field of what would be grass in the spring but right now it was a pristine blanket of snow.

“Oh Colin, it’s beautiful. Is this where you come to go fishing?”

“Sometimes. But I was thinking you might like it as a place to have our wedding? Turn around.”

Carolyn turned and spotted a natural arch of trees that had grown together because of the vines that had wrapped themselves around the trees and along its branches, entwining upon themselves in the lower branches causing a natural arch. “The vines are wisteria vines with flowers that are a pretty deep blue, almost purple and white honeysuckle that makes it look like it’s streaked with white.”

“How did you know I wanted blue and white as my colors?”

“Every dress you ever wore to any of the school or church dances were always blue and white. I remember every one of them.” Colin admitted.

“You do? Heck I can’t even remember most of them but from what I can recall, you are right that they were usually blue with white trim. I guess I never realized I was being so predictable. But how sweet that you remember. This would be a lovely place for the wedding. Plenty of room for everyone.” She slipped her arms around his neck and rose up on her toes to kiss him as his hands slid around her waist and pulled her close.

She felt his desire for her pressing against her belly as he pulled her closer. It surprised her for just a moment but she couldn’t resist rubbing up against him and was rewarded when he growled low in his throat and froze. “Oh Carolyn, if you keep doing that, I won’t be held responsible for what could happen. I want you so bad it’s almost a physical ache.” He put his forehead on hers as he fought to get his hormones under control.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t tease but you are not the only one having those feelings.” Carolyn said, as she eased away from him. She could feel the deep red her face must be as the heat of her blush rushed to her hairline. She had never admitted wanting anyone before and it made her feel wanton. She had never been more aware of her own sexuality as she was at that very moment. “I must be coming in season.” She thought, trying to remember how long it had been since her last period.

“You are so lucky that the ground is covered in snow right now, because you might be in season in a few days at most and now that we are committed to each other’……………he hesitated and then cleared his throat and added “I don’t care anything about the actual wedding. So long as I know you are committed to me as much as I am to you, do we really have to wait till after the wedding?”

“You are definitely saying all of the right things, Colin. I meant it when I said I would be your wife. I’ve told you before, I would not lay down with a man who wasn’t going to be there for the long haul. I’m here to stay! Are you?” Carolyn turned the question back to him.


“Then let’s go back to the house.” Carolyn said and held out her hand and they walked back to his patrol vehicle, hand in hand.

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