Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 31

Carolyn drove down to the store and picked up some things she was out of at home as well as the ingredients for the dessert she was planning to make to take for Christmas Eve’s dinner.

She was heading for the check out when she ran into Stuart who was carrying a bottle of wine and a big bouquet of flowers. He smiled at Carolyn as she walked towards him. “Please don’t let her know?” Stuart asked with a big silly grin on his face.

“Don’t worry. I won’t ruin your surprise and good luck!” Carolyn smiled back at him.

She went through the check out and pushed her cart through the parking lot to her jeep. She was just loading her groceries in the back when Colin pulled into the spot a couple of stalls down. He got out and quickly ran over to help her.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Carolyn asked as he lifted the case of water she had bought into the back of her jeep for her.

“Just getting off of work. Today I get off at 4pm but have to be back at work at midnight. We start our holiday schedule tonight.” Colin reminded her.

“So you should get home and get some sleep.” Carolyn said practically.

“But I would rather spend my time with you, at least for a little while. I can get a couple of hours in before midnight and still make it till 4 am.” Colin grinned at her.

“Want to help me make dessert for tomorrow? I promised my mom I’d take care of dessert.” Carolyn told him.

“Sure. What are we making?”

“Banana pudding and pumpkin pie, of course.” Carolyn grinned at him.

“No green Jello mold?” Colin teased. They’d had a teacher in school that used to bring a lime green Jello mold with pear fruit in it every year for Christmas that had been awful but because she was such a sweet lady, everyone always ate the small little paper cup of the stuff or got rid of it where she wouldn’t see it in the trash.

Colin followed her home and together they spent the evening making the desserts and listening to music. “So what’s up with Stuart?” Carolyn asked, as she slid the last of the pies they had made into the oven and set the timer.

“What’s up with Stuart?” Colin asked back.

“Well, I saw him in the store buying wine and flowers. He asked me to not ruin his surprise.” Carolyn told him.

“Well that dog. I wonder if he’s going to ask Tammy to marry him?”

“He didn’t tell you?”

“Nope but then I’ve barely seen him in the past couple of days. He works the 4 am till 8 am schedule tomorrow, then he takes off to go to his family for Christmas.”

“Aren’t you the one that makes the schedule?”

“Yeah and while it’s been fun double dating with them, I’d like to be able to have a date with you, that’s just you and me again. We don’t seem to get very much alone time.”

Carolyn grinned at him as he backed her up against the kitchen counter and kissed her. Carolyn’s arms wound around his waist and pulled him closer as she returned his kiss.

Colin had not meant for the kiss to turn passionate so quickly but Carolyn’s response was quickly driving him wild. Suddenly their hands were everywhere, pulling at each other’s clothes when, like cold water on a fire, the pie timer went off causing both of them to jump apart and then laugh.

They both wanted to throw it out the window but Carolyn picked it up and turned it off as Colin pushed away and quickly turned his back to her to readjust the crotch of his pants. She removed the pies from the oven and set them out to cool.

Then the phone began to ring and Carolyn answered it. “Hello?”

“Carolyn? This is Lucinda. Is Tammy with you?”

“No, she’s working today. Why? Is something wrong?” Carolyn asked.

“Well, we think we may have found out what happened to her parents.” Lucinda said.

“Oh, that’s great! Or is it?” Carolyn asked.

“They are alive, if that’s what you mean. They have been hiding in Canada. I wanted to know if we can apparate them to your land before we just showed up with them in tow.” Lucinda asked.

“Oh, what a wonderful Christmas surprise for Tammy. Of course, you can. Can you bring them to my parents’ house tomorrow at about 11? Tammy will be there then.”

“Yes, that should work out perfectly. They are arriving here tonight.” Lucinda said and then hung up.

Carolyn was so excited for her friend. “Oh, it’s going to be a hard secret to keep but I’m so happy for Tammy. She’s finally going to get to meet her parents!” She told Colin.

“That’s great!” Colin agreed.

Colin stayed until about 7 and then Carolyn made him go home so that he could get some rest before he had to start work. As soon as he left, she called up to her parents’ house to give them a head’s up about Lucinda and Amelia coming and bringing Tammy’s parents. “Don’t worry, mom! You always have more food than we could ever hope to eat and I’m sure that if there is not enough, Lucinda or Amelia can replenish your stores.”

“Oh but how exciting for Tammy. Does she know they are coming?” Angela asked.

“No, so don’t say anything in front of her. We want it to be a surprise.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t say a word to anyone, except your father, so that everyone will be surprised.” Angela said and then thought to herself “It’s going to be a day full of surprises.”

“Well, I’ve got the desserts all ready and I’ll be up in the morning to help you cook but for now I’m going to clean up my kitchen and get to bed. See you in the morning.” Carolyn said and then hung up. She tidied up in the kitchen then went to take a shower. She washed her hair and shaved her legs and then decided to put some soft curlers in the front of her hair before blowing the length dry.

Then she gathered up the gifts she had bought for everyone and put them in the living room. She wanted everything ready to go in the morning. She didn’t know if Tammy would be ready to go up with her early or not but she planned on going up as soon as she got up so that she could help her mother in the kitchen. Just before she was ready to go to bed, her phone rang and when she answered she was surprised to hear her father’s voice on the other end of the phone.

“Carolyn, can you do me a favor?” Daniel Masters asked.

“Sure, Dad. Anything! What do you need?” Carolyn replied.

“Can you go to the store in the morning and get some large paper plates? I don’t want your mother spending the entire holiday cooped up in the kitchen cooking and then cleaning up. She should be able to join in on some of the fun!” Daniel said.

“Do you really think she is going to let anyone eat off of paper plates?” Carolyn asked, amazed that her mother might even contemplate the idea of serving the biggest meal of the year on paper plates!

“I doubt if we have enough dishes for what sounds like there are going to be a lot of people!”

“Who all is going to be there?”

“Well the whole family is coming in, plus Colin and Tammy and now Lucinda, Amelia and Tammy’s parents. Our table only seats 8 and there will be four times that many people here at least. I’m wondering where we are going to fit everyone!” Daniel said. “We may have to put the animals outside and set up tables in the barn!”

“Actually that sounds like it would be fun! We could play some music and have a dance afterwards!” Carolyn said, trying to be positive. “Don’t worry, I’ll pick up the paper plates and be there early to help with whatever needs to be done.”

“What time did Lucinda say they were going to arrive?” Daniel asked.

“About 11. Mom said we would be ready to eat by noon so I figured 11 would work best since it will give us time for the excitement of Tammy’s parents being there to die down before we sit down to eat.”

“Ok. Get some rest and come up early, if you can.”

“Sure dad. Night!” Carolyn said and then hung up. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 8:30 pm and realized that the store might not be open on Christmas Eve so she decided to get dressed and go to the store tonight. She pulled on some sweat pants and a shirt and stuffed her feet into her loafers, grabbed her jacket out of the closet.

She glanced at herself in the mirror and laughed. She still had the curlers in her hair. She quickly unwound the locks and was glad to feel that they were dry as she pulled a brush through her hair. She had to admit that the soft curls around her face looked good, even without makeup.

She pulled her jacket on and grabbed her purse. She got her keys off of the hook by the door, made sure that both doors were locked, then let herself out. She drove down to the supermarket and was not surprised that the parking lot was so full. It looked like half the town was there picking up last minute items before they closed for the holiday.

Her short trip turned into an hour long trek and running into people she hadn’t seen in years. She saw several of her old girlfriends with their kids and Carolyn really heard that biological clock ticking. Most of them had school aged children but one of them had a newborn in the car seat balanced on the shopping cart. A darling little girl dressed all in pink with the prettiest blue eyes had Carolyn envious of her friend.

“Oh she’s beautiful, Clara.” Carolyn gushed. Clara had married the captain of the basketball team. His family owned the local car dealership and they were considered well to do. They lived in a really nice house on the other side of town and Clara normally had servants doing for her so it surprised Carolyn to see Clara out doing mundane chores like shopping for groceries.

“So when are you and Colin going to get married and start a family?” Clara asked.

“Oh, not you too!” Carolyn laughed. “Has everyone always thought Colin and I would end up together?”

“Goodness I knew Colin was shy but I thought he would have made a move by now!” Clara laughed.

“Well, we are dating but only for the past few months.” Carolyn admitted.

Clara’s older child was a 4 year old boy who was obviously getting sleepy and becoming cranky as he begged his mother to pick him up.

“Well, I’d better go get in line and get checked out. This guy is getting cranky since it’s way past his bedtime! It was good seeing you Carolyn and Merry Christmas!”

They parted company and Carolyn went to find the paper plates. She also bought some plastic utensils and paper cups before she headed for the check out, thankfully without running into anyone else she knew. It was almost 10 pm when she got home and now she was actually tired enough to be ready for bed. She left the plates and things in the jeep since it made no sense to carry them in only to have to carry them back out again in the morning.

She considered carrying her gifts out to the car so that it would be less to deal with in the morning but it was so cold outside right now that she decided to wait. She made sure the front door was locked and turned off the lights as she went through the cottage.

A quick trip to the bathroom to relieve her bladder and then she changed back into her nightgown and crawled between the nice clean sheets on her bed. She thought of all the wonderful things that were going to happen tomorrow and had a smile on her face as she fell asleep.

The next morning she overslept but was still up early and not at all surprised to see Tammy’s car coming up the road as she was carrying her second load of gifts out to her jeep. Tammy pulled in and parked next to her. “Good morning!” They greeted each other and Carolyn helped her load all of her gifts into the back of the jeep. “Are you ready to go up or do you have more to carry?” Tammy asked.

“There’s one more load of gifts and then the desserts that I made and then I’ll be ready to go. I overslept this morning. I had actually planned to be up and ready to go by now.” She explained about her father calling and asking her for paper plates and having to go to the store last night.

“Do you really think your mom is going to let us eat off of paper plates?”

“My dad said he’s not going to give her a choice. He wants her to not be in the kitchen all day and to join in on the fun for a change.”

“Oh that would be great!”

They finished loading up the jeep and just as they started to back out of Carolyn’s driveway, Colin pulled up. “What is he doing here so early?”

“Hey, are you heading up to your folks house now?” Colin said as he came up beside Carolyn’s jeep.

“Yep. I thought you were going to go home and rest before you come up.”

“We had a really slow night last night and I managed to sack out for a couple of hours. I had dispatch duty last night and so long as we answer the phone, if a call comes in, then there’s nothing that says we can’t shut our eyes.”

“Are you going to come up with us now? I bet my dad can use your help. He was talking about setting up tables in the barn to accommodate all of the people that are going to be there.”

“Sure. Otherwise I’m going to be sitting around doing nothing. There’s nothing open today!”

“Well, I would offer to let you ride with us but the back seat is full of desserts and presents.”

“That’s OK. I have to have my jeep with me in case something comes up and I have to leave in a hurry.”

Colin followed them up the mountain and parked so that he wouldn’t get blocked in if a lot of cars showed up. Uncle Ray was circling overhead when they pulled into the yard but he landed and came to help. Kevin and their cousin, Bernie were tossing the football in the yard and they also lent a hand in getting everything carried inside.

As soon as everything was in the house, Colin went to find Daniel Masters to see if he needed help. Daniel had called Colin last night and given him a head’s up about Tammy’s surprise. “I don’t want your proposal to be interrupted by the arrival of her parents so you might want to do it early.”

Colin’s stomach felt like there were a million butterflies trying to fly up his throat this morning and he was starting to look a little bit green so when he found Daniel Masters in the barn, Daniel burst out laughing. Colin tried to give him a grin but it came across as looking more like he was going to throw up or pass out.

Daniel pushed him down onto the hay bale and told him to put his head between his legs “Good lord, boy. You look like you are going to either throw up or pass out! I know how you feel though. I’ll never forget the day I asked Angela to marry me! I was scared to death!”

“I don’t think I would be so nervous but everyone is going to be here and watching. I think I’d rather take her somewhere private and ask her.”

“That’s up to you, son. Either way, you have our blessings.” Daniel said.

That seemed to help calm his stomach and he made up his mind. He wouldn’t do it in front of everyone. He’d never be able to get the words out if everyone was watching. Besides, if she said no, at least he would not have embarrassed himself in front of the entire clan. He just prayed she wouldn’t say no. He’d thought long and hard about it and if she did turn him down, he was going to leave the mountain. He couldn’t stay here, couldn’t be so near to her if she refused him.

“Want me to go up to the house and send her down here?” Daniel asked.

“Would you mind?” Colin asked.

“No, not at all.” Daniel smiled at him. “Good luck!”

Colin paced up and down the center aisle of the barn as he waited for Carolyn. He heard the screen door slam as Daniel entered the house and then a few minutes later, it slammed again as Carolyn left the house. She was carrying a small plastic bag and looked beautiful as he watched her walk towards the barn. He was standing well inside the door in the shadows and she didn’t see him until she was almost all the way inside.

“Hey Colin, my dad said one of the calves looks sick. Do you know which one?” Carolyn asked as she approached him where he was standing next to one of the stalls.

“I think he meant me.” Colin admitted.

“Are you sick?” Carolyn asked, reaching out to touch his forehead.

“Love sick maybe.” Colin thought but said “No, actually I have something I need to talk to you about in private.”


“Well…….um, I…….. um.” Colin stumbled, then took a deep breath and said “Carolyn, even though we’ve only been dating for a few months, we’ve known each other for a long time and I for one have always known how I feel about you. I love you, Carolyn. Will you marry me?” He said in a rush.

Colin would never be sure if his knees actually buckled or if he had smoothly made it down on one knee but suddenly, he was down on one knee, holding the ring he had bought in the little black velvet box out to her. He hoped his face looked hopeful and not pitiful as he tried to smile up at her.

Carolyn gasped and froze right where she was standing as she stared down at him. Her eyes got huge but she didn’t move or say a word. Colin wasn’t sure if his knees were going to hold him as he reached out and grabbed hold of the stall to help him stand and he was beginning to fear that she was going to say no when she almost knocked him over with her enthusiasm as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

“Does that mean yes?” Colin asked, when she finally pulled back to look into his eyes.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! And I love you, too!” Carolyn said with a big smile.

“Oh, Carolyn. I was so nervous and afraid that you would say no, that you weren’t ready to commit to anyone yet or that we haven’t been dating long enough yet. I’m so happy right now I could bust.” He said as he buried his face in her neck and hugged her tight.

“I think I’ve been hoping for this ever since the first time you asked me out, maybe even before that.” Carolyn admitted.

“You mean I didn’t have to wait this long?” Colin teased.

“Well, the way everyone kept saying that they couldn’t believe you hadn’t asked before now, I was hoping you didn’t think I was putting them up to it.” Carolyn said

“No, this is all my idea and I’m thrilled that you’ve said yes!” Colin said and kissed her deeply. Carolyn returned his kiss as they clung to each other, totally unaware of anything around them.

Donna coughed twice to make them aware of her presence and when they broke apart, she said “Sorry to interrupt but mom sent me to tell you that Lucinda and Amelia just called and they are on their way. They should be here any minute.”

“Oh, let’s hurry. I want to be there to see Tammy’s face when she finds out they are bringing her parents.”

They hurried back to the house and were just climbing the stairs when Lucinda, Amelia and an older couple that just had to be Tammy’s parents appeared in the yard.

The man was tall and handsome with dark hair that was going white at his temples but it was his eyes that were so arresting. A gray so pale they almost looked white. He was fair skinned and very thin, almost sickly looking as if he had not been well for a while.

The woman wasn’t nearly as tall as him, the top of her head barely reached his shoulder and whereas he had dark, almost black hair, hers was so blonde it was almost white and she had hazel eyes. She was also very pale and thin, as if she had been sick but she was still a very beautiful woman. They stood very still, hand in hand, staring at Carolyn.

“Carolyn, come and meet the Mason’s. Jacob. Julia. This is Dr. Carolyn Masters, Tamaura’s best friend and her fiancé, Colin Noble.”

The surprise on Carolyn and Colin’s faces caused them to laugh. “Did you think we did not foresee this coming? I don’t think I’ve ever met two people who were so meant for each other as much as you two. Congratulations!” Lucinda said, as she hugged and kissed each of them on the cheek.

“How do you do and congratulations.” Jacob Mason said, as he shook hands with them. As she took Carolyn’s hand, Julia Mason looked at Carolyn deeply, as if she was examining her soul and then she smiled and the resemblance to Tammy became even more apparent. They had the same smile.

“Where is our daughter?” Julia asked, as she shook hands with Carolyn.

“Come on. She’s probably in the kitchen with my mom.” Carolyn said as she began to lead them into the house but just then the screen door squeaked and Carolyn turned to see Tammy standing on the porch. Carolyn smiled at her and said “Merry Christmas, Tammy.”

Tammy seemed to be frozen to the spot as she stood on the edge of the top step. Everyone stood and waited for one of them to react. Carolyn looked back at the Mason’s and saw tears in their eyes as they looked at their daughter. Then Julia Mason opened her arms and took a step forward and Tammy nearly flew down the steps as she rushed into her arms.

“Come on inside everyone and give them a few minutes.” Amelia said, as she began to wave at everyone to go inside. “Besides, this is not the end of the surprises for today!”

They all followed Amelia into the house and she called everyone to gather around. “Colin, would you like to do the honors?”

With a big smile he said “She said YES!” He held up Carolyn’s left hand to show everyone her ring and everyone gathered around to congratulate them.

When the excitement settled down, Angela pulled Carolyn into the kitchen and asked her “Have you decided when you want to have the wedding?”

“I didn’t know he was going to ask until about half an hour ago but I’ve always dreamed of a spring wedding in the woods.” Carolyn said.

“That sounds lovely. You will be living in the cottage, won’t you?” Angela asked.

“I guess. It would make the most sense, I suppose. What’s up, mom? Why the 20 questions?” Carolyn asked.

“It just seems like I’m going to be losing all of my children all at once and it’s kind of killing my joy this Christmas.” Angela said, near the verge of tears. Carolyn suspected that Kevin had not been able to wait any longer and had had the talk with his parents already.

“Oh, Mom. You are not losing us. We will always be your children but we are growing up and it’s only natural that we want to live our own lives. We’ll still come back here for holidays and special occasions or when you call and say you’ve cooked our favorite dishes.” Carolyn said as she hugged her and tried to lighten her spirits.

“I, for one, have no plans to leave the mountain. I want a safe place for our children to grow up, where they will know who their family is and where their roots are. Don’t worry mom, there will be little ones in this house again someday. Maybe not right away but someday.” Carolyn hugged her mom and said “Now come on, let’s get this food on the table. I’m hungry!”

Carolyn picked up the large bowl of baby peas and carried it to the table and called out to Donna. “Donna, come help us, please.”

Donna bounced into the kitchen and asked to see her ring. “Oh, Carolyn, it is so pretty. You are so lucky. Colin is a great guy! Congratulations!” She said and then picked up the two large baskets of rolls and carried them out to the table. They carried out all of the food except the turkey and called everyone to come eat. “Daniel, I’m going to need your help to get this bird to the table. It’s too heavy for me.” Angela said.

Tammy had used her magic to expand the dining room and the table and chairs so that there would be room enough for everyone. Carolyn went to the door and called Tammy and her parents. “Come on, it’s time to eat!”

“Come on, I want you to meet some wonderful people. They are not witches but they have accepted me and treated me like family from the first day I met them over 10 years ago.”

“Lucinda and Amelia explained that they are changelings.” Jacob Mason said.

“They are good people and have treated me well.” Tammy said, picking up on her father’s disapproving tone and not liking that he was ready to pass judgment on her friends before he had even met them.

“Jacob, let it go. We are guests here.” Julia whispered to her husband.

They entered the house and Tammy introduced her parents to everyone. They all stood behind their chairs and joined hands and Daniel said grace. “Lord, we thank you for allowing us to be together for this holiday meal and ask you to bless this food and all of those who are here and those who could not be with us today. In our savior’s name we pray. Amen.”

“Sit everyone. Come on and help yourselves before it gets cold.” Angela encouraged.

It was a loud and noisy meal as everyone seemed to talk at once as they helped themselves to the delicious feast that had been prepared.

About halfway through the meal, Tammy finally noticed the ring on Carolyn’s finger and squealed. “He proposed? When?”

“Just before your parents got here. Out in the barn.” Carolyn couldn’t hide the smile that had been on her face ever since Colin had asked her to marry him.

“So when?” Tammy asked.

“I don’t know yet because we haven’t really had time to make any plans but I’ve always dreamed of a spring wedding in the woods.” Carolyn said, as she smiled at Colin.

“Are you really going to make me wait until spring?” Colin grinned at her, trying to give a puppy dog face.

“Well, when did you have in mind?” Carolyn asked.

“After lunch?” Colin replied and wiggled his eyebrows at her causing her to laugh.

Everyone laughed and teased them both. Even the Masons’ seemed to enjoy themselves and Tammy was over the moon happy. This was truly a very special day for her. She had her parents back and her best friend had been proposed to by the man of her dreams. In her opinion, it couldn’t be a better day.

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