Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 22

Carolyn was so glad to be back home. She put away the things she had bought in Washington. She had totally forgotten about the gifts she had bought for everyone. She repacked the shopping bags and left the one with the gifts for her family on the counter in the kitchen. She would give them to everyone the next time she went up to their house. She quickly changed the sheets on her bed and then went to get a shower. She would run the washer later with the clothes from her trip and the sheets from both beds.

She had too much energy to go to bed, even though she was tired. Her mind needed to settle first and right now it was so full with all that had happened that day. It was almost 9 pm when she noticed a light outside her front window. It was Foster the fairy. She hooked up the microphone to her computer and turned it on. She raised the window and smiled at Foster who landed on the window sill next to the microphone.

“Hello Foster. How are you?” Carolyn whispered.

“Hello! I am fine but I need to ask if you know of another tree for us to live in? We’ve almost been spotted by the humans more than once. The Oak tree is almost the perfect place except that the humans can see us at night. We glow when we fly and we think the humans have spotted us.

They don’t come at night but they have been around during the day. Looking up at the tree and throwing rocks. One of my friends was hit by one of the stones when it ricocheted off the tree and hit him from behind. Luckily, we caught him before he fell out of the tree.”

“I’ll have to look around and see. There is another stream that runs from the cave where the centaurs live farther up on the mountain but not all of it is on Masters land.”

“We have no problems living close to the centaurs. We help things grow which helps them and they offer us protection from humans. Besides, the trolls have taken up in a drain pipe that leads to town and the wind often blows in from that direction. The smell is something awful.”

“They are one creature that is going to have to go. They are going to attract too much attention. I’m going to have to ask the sisters if they know of an alternative place for them and ask about perhaps apparating them there.”

“We don’t like having to ask, but could you check on a new tree for us tomorrow? The queen is very worried that we are going to be spotted. She has ordered that once the sun goes down we are not to fly unless absolutely necessary.”

“Sure. I do have to work tomorrow but I’ll make time to look when I do my rounds tomorrow.”

“We also wanted to let you know about something some of the humans have been putting down near the stream. We don’t know what it is but the queen told me to tell you about it. It’s metal and they hide it under the leaves.”

This news made Carolyn’s eyes get big. “They are laying traps? Can you show me where?”

“Yes. I saw them lay two of them along the edge of the stream a couple of days ago. They come back just at dusk every day to check on them but so far we have kept the forest animals away from them.”

“I’m going to call Colin. I don’t want to be going anywhere near any traps without him present. He will arrest the men putting them down. That is illegal here.”

Carolyn walked over to the phone and called first Colin and then her father and related to them what Foster had told her. They both agreed that they would be at her house late the next afternoon and would follow Foster to where he had seen the traps set and then they would lay in wait for the trapper to come check his traps and catch him in the act.

They also warned her not to go looking for them tonight. She might “find” one that Foster had not seen set. She promised before hanging up. She relayed what they had told her and Foster agreed to come back late tomorrow afternoon and to lead them to where he had seen the traps set. Carolyn wished him good night and closed the window as Foster set off back to the tree where they were living.

Carolyn sat and channel surfed on the TV for a while but it couldn’t hold her attention so she finally decided to go pick out the clothes for her date with Colin. He had said they were going to go somewhere nice for dinner so she wanted to dress extra special. She rummaged through her closet and came out thinking that she could have kicked herself for not shopping for a nice dress to wear when they had been in Washington. Maybe she and Tammy could apparate to New York and go shopping one day this week. Most of her clothes consisted of jeans and t-shirts and the few nice dresses she had were old and tight. She had put on a few pounds since she had last worn them which, when she stopped to think about it, had been years ago. Dresses were just not usual attire for someone who did what she did.

She glanced at the clock again and realized that she needed to get to bed as it was now after 10 and she wanted to be up early so that she could take a run up the mountain to look for another tree for the fairies to live in.

Carolyn slept fitfully and woke up before the sun the next morning. She crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom, then into the kitchen. She flipped the switch on the coffee maker and while she waited for it to brew, she looked out her kitchen window and was surprised to see a couple of trees on the edge of her backyard glowing. She stepped on to the back porch and called out to Foster, then went back in the house to set up the microphone so that they could talk.

Foster came to the window just as Carolyn pushed it up and she sat down in the chair with her coffee.

“What’s going on Foster?” Carolyn whispered.

“The hunters came back last night and were hitting the branches of the tree with long sticks. We hid in the higher branches until they gave up and left but we heard them say they were going to come back in the morning with something called chainsaws. What are chainsaws?” Foster asked.

“Machines used to cut down trees. They will not be cutting down anything on our property! We’ll see to that! Hang on and let me call my father.”

Carolyn stood and crossed the floor to where her house phone hung on the wall and called her parents’ house.

“Dad, did I wake you up?” Carolyn greeted her father when he answered the phone with a sleepy voice.

“No, I was awake. Just pouring my first cup of coffee now. What’s up?”

“The hunters came back to the fairy’s tree last night and were beating it with sticks. They said they were coming back in the morning with chain saws to cut the tree down.”

“Call Colin and tell him to meet us there as soon as he can get there. I’ll get dressed and be at your house as soon.” Daniel Masters replied and then hung up.

Carolyn called Colin and woke him up. She repeated the same thing she had told her father and he assured her he would be there as soon as possible. Carolyn hung up and told Foster. “The Calvary is on the way! My dad and Colin are going to come and put a stop to this right now. I’m going to go get dressed. Tell the queen that as soon as we handle this issue, I’ll go up the mountain and find you a safer place to live. For now, you should be OK in those trees. I’ll need you to go with us. I don’t want us to chance stepping on one of those traps. Just give me a few minutes to get dressed.”

“Thank you, Miss Carolyn. We’re sorry to be of so much trouble.” Foster said.

“Don’t worry, Foster. You are actually helping us by alerting us to activity on the mountain that might save the life of someone else.” Carolyn did not see the big smile on Foster’s face and how his chest puffed up with pride. He liked that he was able to help her.

Carolyn went to get dressed and was just pushing her feet into her sneakers when her father came up onto the porch. He knocked and then opened her front door.

“Good morning, daddy.”

“Morning, baby cakes. Did you call Colin?”

“Yes, sir. I woke him up but he said he would come as quickly as he could.” Carolyn said as she sat down on the sofa and bent forward to tie her shoe laces. Just then Colin pulled into the yard with his blue lights on. He parked behind her jeep and left his car running. He got out and came up to the house.

“Good morning, Colin.” Daniel said.

“Good morning, Daniel. Carolyn.” He said, with a smile for her.

“Hi Colin. Sorry to wake you like that but these guys are getting rough. Foster told me they have been setting traps along the stream bed and last night they came with long sticks and were beating the branches of the tree where the fairies have been living. I’m going to relocate the fairies today but I’m worried about the traps these hunters have set. Foster is going to lead us back so that we don’t step on any of them.”

“Ok. I tell you what. I’m going to hide my car down on the side of the highway and enter from that side. Why don’t you two come at them from the other way? Just be very careful. They might have guns.” Colin said. “And be careful of any traps they might have laid.”

Colin left in his patrol car and Daniel and Carolyn gathered her pocket radio and the microphone she used on her computer and after checking that the connection would fit, she stuck them in her pocket and locked up her house. “What’s that for?” Daniel asked.

“So I can talk to the fairies. They are so small, I can’t hear them in my human form and I can’t talk to them in my animal form.”

Carolyn called out to Foster and when he joined them, she whispered to him who Daniel was and then asked him to lead them. Together they transformed before setting off through the woods. They kept their noses to the ground, hoping to smell the scent of the men and their traps.

They had only gone a couple of hundred yards when Daniel suddenly stopped and called out to Carolyn. “Freeze. Don’t move.” He thought to her. “There is a trap here. I’m going to set it off but there might be others close by. Trappers usually set them in small groups. Be extra careful where you step.” Then he picked up a stick and dropped it on the trap. “Damn!” Daniel exclaimed as the trap snapped the thick branch in half with its jagged metal teeth. “This is a killing trap meant for large animals!”

Carolyn carefully made her way over to where her father had set off the trap! “Oh, how cruel! That would not only break someone’s leg, it would take it off!”

“Be very careful where you step. Drag your feet in front of you so that you can nudge them instead of stepping on one.” Daniel instructed.

It was an unnatural way for them to walk but they slowly made their way to the fairies tree without finding another trap. Colin was there in his wolf form, waiting for them when they finally arrived.

Carolyn took the radio out of her pocket and plugged in the microphone. She turned the volume up and held the microphone out to Foster. He flew down and Carolyn whispered “Foster, we found one of the traps the men set. It’s a killing trap. It would have taken my fathers’ foot off if he had not seen and smelled it before he found it. Can you please show me where the other traps were set?”

“Yes, we saw them set two more traps. One is right over here.” Foster said and flew down to the bank of the creek and pointed at the water. Sure enough, there was another killing trap set just below the surface. Carolyn caught her breath as Daniel mumbled several choice words. Everyone was thinking of Kevin and of how he might have been injured if not killed by the awful steel contraption. Colin picked up a large stick from the creek bank and snapped the trap.

Suddenly they heard someone coming and voices. Foster immediately retreated to the tree and went into hiding. Daniel had to fight his natural instinct to turn into his bear form and do some serious damage to the hunters. Colin motioned for them to stand behind him and they all waited until the hunters burst through the bushes about 20 yards down the creek. They immediately saw Colin and Daniel and started to turn and run but Colin yelled out “Freeze or I’ll shoot.” One of the men stopped and brought his gun level but Colin shouted “I wouldn’t try it! There is no way I will miss you at this range.” He said as he pointed his service revolver at the two men. “Drop your weapons, NOW! Put your hands on your head.” Colin yelled as the men dropped their weapons and slowly raised their hands in the air.

Daniel saw the two men glance at each other and then the second one looked down at the water where Colin was about to step into the stream. “Look out, Colin! I think there’s another trap in the water.”

Daniel picked up another long branch that was laying on the ground and started jabbing the creek bed with it. Sure enough within 4 or 5 paces, he sprung another of the traps.

“How many of these things did you set?” Daniel demanded.

Neither of the men said anything and Colin stepped forward and repeated Daniel’s question. “How many of these did you set? If anyone gets hurt from one of these, be it animal or human, you will be going to jail for a long, long time.”

“There are 12 of them. Some in the water, some on land.” The second man said.

“Shut up, you idiot.” The first man scolded.

“I ain’t going to jail for nobody. Right now, all he can do is fine us and pull our hunting license.” The second man said, apparently knowing his legal rights.

“That’s true, if you had set traps on public lands but this is private property and Daniel here is the owner of this land. If he wants to press charges against you, you could be looking at some jail time.”

“And I do want to press charges! My son got hurt a few years ago from a hunter’s trap.” Daniel said.

“Hey, now, this is the first time we’ve ever been to this area and we just set these traps a couple of days ago. Not one of our traps has been sprung so far and we’ve checked every day so it couldn’t have been from one of our traps.”

“No. The trap that he accidentally stepped in did not have these teeth on them. Have you ever seen what happens to someone when one of these things closes on their leg? It not only breaks the bone but tears the flesh around the bone to the point that it can never heal so the person ends up losing their foot.” Carolyn said as she stepped forward, glaring at the two men.

The second man had the good sense to apologize and the look on his face said he meant it. His buddy however didn’t seem to care one way or the other.

“Where are the rest of your traps set?” Colin asked.

The first man crossed his arms over his chest and said “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Marvin, you idiot. Don’t make matters worse.” The second man said.

“Stanley, you are a pussy! You show them then. I’m not showing this cop a damned thing. I don’t like being threatened.” Marvin told him as he glared at Colin.

“Daniel, if you will gather up their guns and keep an eye on this one, I’ll go with Stan and he can help me disarm and collect the other traps.”

“I’m curious to know why you picked this area to set your traps. It’s not particularly known for any real game.” Carolyn asked curiously.

“A farmer down the road has been telling stories of seeing a big cat loose in this area. He said he cut him with his scythe a few weeks back. Said he’s been seeing some strange lights up here next to this tree too.” Stanley said. “Said something has been stealing his chickens.”

“Farmer McNair! I’ll be having a talk with him.” Colin said as he followed Stanley along the creek. They picked up two more traps set in the water and then returned to the bank. They picked up four more plus the one that Daniel had sprung on this side of the creek and the rest were on the other side. Colin confiscated all of them, put the two men in the back of his patrol car and took them off to jail.

Daniel was not satisfied that they had removed all of the traps and walked with two large sticks through the stream for several yards in both directions, stabbing at the creek bed. Foster flew down and in front of Carolyn to get her attention. She turned the radio back on and held up the microphone.

“They took all of the traps. What is your father doing?” Foster wanted to know.

“Just making sure. Are you sure they took all of the traps?” Carolyn whispered and then smiled when Foster nodded vigorously.

“Do you know of a new tree for us yet? My queen is very anxious to get away from here. She is very afraid that the humans will continue to come back.” Foster asked.

“Well, I haven’t had a chance to go up there yet but I will go look now. Would you like to come with me?” Carolyn whispered and then laughed when Foster nodded vigorously again. “Just let me tell my dad that we will be going.”

“Ok. I’m going to tell the queen that I’m going with you and will be back soon.” Foster said and flew back up to the tree where the fairies had taken refuge during the night.

“Dad! I’m going to go take Foster to look for a new tree for them to live in. Are you going home or are you going to stay here and keep stabbing the water?” Carolyn called out to her father.

“No, I’m going home. Be very careful, Carolyn. There may be more traps that the men didn’t tell us about.” Daniel said as he climbed out of the water. “Man, that water is cold. Winter is going to be here soon. I’m surprised we haven’t had any snow yet.”

“We will soon enough. You should be careful going home. Make sure you change your shoes and socks.” Carolyn advised. Foster came back and they left to go tree hunting.

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