Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 21

Colin and Carolyn took off across the yard in the direction Kevin had pointed to and Colin almost immediately picked up on Damien’s scent.

They quickly walked through the woods, all senses on full alert as Colin followed Damien’s trail. They only had to go a couple of miles up the mountain when suddenly Damien and Eric were standing before them. They had their arms crossed over their chests and their expressions were not exactly welcoming.

They transformed and Carolyn stepped forward. “Damien, first of all, thank you for bringing my Uncle Ray home. Next, I would like to introduce you to Colin Nolan. He is the chief of police in town. Can you tell me where you found Uncle Ray? And did you see which direction the arrow came from?”

Both Damien and Eric nodded at Colin, who nodded in return.

“He was circling an area about 2 miles south, below our cave. The arrow came from somewhere below him but I couldn’t tell you for sure exactly where. We heard noises coming from the forest and were going down to check when we saw him. He called out to me, that was the only reason I looked up. I think he was trying to warn us of hunters.”

“Hunters are not allowed on the mountain! Don’t worry, we are going to put a stop to this right now.” Carolyn said.

“From the sounds we heard, there are several of them. Do take care, Miss Carolyn.” Damien said and he and Eric nodded their heads and turned to go back to the cave.

Carolyn and Colin transformed again and took off in the direction Damien had told them about. When they had gone almost 2 miles, they stopped to listen and smell the air. The smell of sweaty, unwashed human bodies was strong in the air. Carolyn crouched close to the ground and looked back over her shoulder at Colin. He too had crouched down. Carolyn concentrated hard and tried to think talk to Colin.

After a moment, his eyes got really big and he gave her a wolf smile and she heard him answer. “Wow, I didn’t think we would be able to do that! Cool. I know they are close but I don’t see them either.” Suddenly he almost shouted “Run!”

Carolyn didn’t hesitate and took off just as a shot rang out. Someone was shooting at her! She ran as fast as she could go and glanced over her shoulder to make sure that Colin was right behind her and he was. So were the men who had shot at them. She could hear them yelling, “Did you see that big cat and that wolf?”

“Where the hell did they come from?”

“I don’t know but I’m getting me some pelts for my wall.”

Suddenly the forest seemed to come alive with animal sounds. Everything from wolves howling, to the growls of bears. Birds were calling and the squirrels and chipmunks were chattering. There were crashing noises in the forest that sounded like something big was coming their way and the men stopped running.

After a few yards, Carolyn ducked behind a large bush, followed closely by Colin who was panting hard after their run. They peeked through the branches of the bushes to see the hunters standing in one spot looking around them with terrified looks on their faces, then suddenly they were being pelted by small rocks, acorns and other forest debris. The two men looked at each other and took off running back towards their camp.

Colin and Carolyn transformed and took off after them. They caught up with them just as they entered their camp and were about to dive into their tents.

“Stop!” Colin commanded.

The older of the two men, whipped around with his gun at the ready but hesitated when he saw Colin’s badge and the gun in his hand.

“What are you doing hunting here? This is private land.” Carolyn demanded.

“We didn’t see no signs and besides, we have permits to hunt anywhere in the state.” The younger of the two men said.

“Anywhere on public land. Not private land and I happen to know that there are signs well posted anywhere you would have had to park to gain access to this land.” Colin informed the men. “Pack it up and get out of here now, before I run you in.”

“Come on, man, let’s get out of here. This place is haunted anyway and I’m not sleeping up here tonight.” The older of the two men said, pulling on his friend’s arm.

Colin and Carolyn watched as they quickly packed up their belongings and then followed them back down the mountain. As soon as they had thrown their stuff into the back of the truck, which was hidden behind some trees in a pull off on the side of the road, they pulled out and left in the direction that would take them back to the other side of the mountain.

“Let’s walk back along the road. I want to check to make sure that someone has not pulled down all of our keep out signs. We may need to post some more visible signs or more of them.”

As they walked along the side of the road, Colin took the opportunity to ask her about what she wanted to do on their date. “You are still going to let me take you out, aren’t you?”

“Sure. I’m looking forward to it. As to what to do, I don’t know. What are you thinking about doing?”

“Well, dinner in some place that’s nice for sure. Movies? Dancing? I promise to try not to step on your toes too much.” Colin teased.

“Sounds like fun. Saturday night?” Carolyn smiled at him and Colin felt his groin tighten. He loved her smile.

“Pick you up around 3? We’ll drive down to Asheville and have dinner.” Colin said as he followed her back to her house.

“OK. I’ll be ready.” Carolyn smiled again. She couldn’t seem to keep the smile off her face at the thought of going out with him.

As they reached her house, Colin stopped and caught her hand. “Carolyn?”


Colin took a deep breath and asked “Can I kiss you?”

Carolyn stepped closer to him and put her hand on his chest. She looked up at him and gave him a slight nod as he lowered his head and wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her close and kissed her gently, his lips barely brushing hers.

Carolyn ran her hand up his chest and behind his neck. With the slightest pressure from her fingers, he accepted her invitation and kissed her more fully. They clung to each other as the kiss ended. “Oh, girl. I have wanted to do that for so long.” He whispered and thought, forgetting that she might overhear his thoughts, “and so much more.”

Carolyn’s voice had deserted her at the moment. Her head was spinning and her heart was racing. She opened her eyes and found him watching her. She hoped it didn’t show on her face how much she wanted Colin, in a way she had never wanted anyone so much in her life.

She knew she needed to step back and take her time but she wanted to let go and say to hell with everything. She wanted to take him into her house and lead him to her bed but suddenly there was rustling in the woods and a small cough. They broke apart and turned towards the sound to find Donna peeking around a tree. “Sorry but mom is worried and told me to come check to see if you had made it back here.”

“We’re heading back to their house now.” Colin said as he released Carolyn from his hold on her. “I’ve got to go back and get my car anyway.” He said and then transformed and took off through the woods. He wondered what she had been thinking when he had opened his eyes to look down at her. He had seen desire and uncertainty for sure but there was something else. He wished they had had just another few moments at least.

“Yeah, me too.” Carolyn said and walked over to her sister and just before she transformed, whispered “Mention a word of anything you saw to anyone and I’ll tan your hide.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t tell.” Donna said with a grin then transformed into her deer and followed her sister back through the woods.

They ran into her parents’ yard and found Daniel and Angela standing on the porch waiting for them. Carolyn ran right up to the porch and transformed. “We found the hunters and chased them off. They were from the other side of the mountain.”

Daniel and Angela looked at each other and seemed to know that something was different about their daughter. Daniel’s eyes shot to Colin, who couldn’t look him in the eyes. “Well, I’d better get back to my patrol. I’m going to drive that way and make sure they don’t come back, at least tonight.”

“Stop in at the Pence place and tell Chester to keep an eye open. They can see the road from that direction from their place.” Daniel said.

“Will do.” Colin said. He glanced at Carolyn and he couldn’t keep the smile off of his face when she smiled and waved at him.

Daniel Masters looked from him to his daughter and wondered what was going on. He had always liked Colin but as a mate for his daughter? When he really stopped to think about it, from her choices of men on the mountain, he couldn’t think of a better mate than Colin, even if their animals were so opposite.

He looked over at his wife and remembered how everyone had told them it would never work out for them. A bear and a deer!?! Everyone had said it wouldn’t last. He would end up eating her! But they had been wrong. The last thing in the world he would ever do would be to hurt his beloved Angela. He would rather rip out his own heart than ever cause her any harm.

Daniel wondered if Colin felt the same way about Carolyn. Angela had been trying to convince him for a long time that he had better prepare himself for it but he had convinced himself that it would never happen. He was torn with feelings of not wanting to lose his daughter and of wanting her to have a full and happy life with a man who would love her like he loved Angela.

“So how was your trip?” Angela asked, as she turned to go back in the house.

Tammy stayed with her for dinner and they told Carolyn’s family all about the island and apparating there and back. “It feels kind of like being in the washer on the spin cycle but is definitely faster and cheaper than flying on a commercial airplane.”

“I think I’ll stick to ground travel, thank you very much.” Daniel said as he stood up from the table. “I’m going to go spread some moth balls around the chicken coop. Hopefully it will keep the trolls from stealing anymore of our chickens.”

“I need to get home too. I feel like I’ve been gone a long time.” Tammy said. “Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Masters. It was wonderful as always.” She carried her dishes into the kitchen and waved her wand. Instantly all of the dishes were done and back where they belonged.

“Well, thank you! I wish I could do that all the time.” Angela said as she stepped into her kitchen to see the last of the plates glide into the cabinet and settle on the stack.

“I just wanted to thank you for dinner.” Tammy said with a smile.

“Well, you are welcome to come any time, even if you don’t do the dishes!” Angela said with a smile.

Carolyn and Tammy left the Masters house and drove back to Carolyn’s cottage. “Are you going to stay over tonight?”

“No, I think I’m going back to my place. I’ve got clients coming in the morning and need to go over some paperwork I left on my kitchen table before they show up.” Tammy said as she followed Carolyn into the cottage. “I’ll just send this stuff ahead.” Tammy said as she apparated the things she had bought in Washington back to her apartment.

“Well, I’m going to do a patrol and then come back and get a shower and call it an early night anyway. I’ve had just about all of the excitement I can handle for one day. Apparating all the way across the country, coming home to find a family member in need of medical attention and then chasing the men who shot him. I sure am glad there are not many days like this.”

“And finding out that the man you’ve loved all your life, loves you back.” Tammy said. It wasn’t a question but a statement of fact that shocked Carolyn.

“What are you talking about?”

“Colin kissed you, didn’t he?”

“Yes. But how did you know? Donna! I’m going to skin her alive. She promised not to tell anyone.”

“She didn’t tell me. I could tell when you came back with Colin. Your aura was glowing slightly pink and so was Colin’s. Pink means you were in a very romantic mood, that you have found your perfect mate and will be loyal and loving to each other for life. I’m so very happy for you, Carolyn. You two truly do belong together. This seeing the future thing has its advantages and its disadvantages. I suspected it was going to happen but when you came back, I knew it had.”

Carolyn hadn’t been sure about sharing what had happened with anyone just yet as she was still trying to sort things out in her head. Tammy already knew what had happened, but what she didn’t know was how Carolyn was feeling about it. How was she feeling about it? Giddy, giggly, euphoric? All of the above!

“Well, we are going to have our first official date Saturday night or rather Saturday afternoon and night. He’s picking me up at 3 and taking me to Asheville for dinner and dancing.” Carolyn said, as she clapped her hands together under her chin. “I just pray nothing comes up that puts a hole in our plans.”

“Not that I can foresee!” Tammy smiled at her.

Tammy left not long after that and as soon as she left, Carolyn went out to her back porch and transformed. She jumped down off the porch and began her normal patrol along the boundaries of her family’s land. She counted off how many no trespassing signs that were hung on the fences and trees and found several that had been torn down and were blowing through the trees. She made mental notes of where they were as she continued on her patrol.

She had her senses on full alert as she got near where the men they had chased off the property had come through. She stopped in the bushes just before she got right on top of the path they had used and crouched down to listen and scent the air. There were no new smells and the only sound was of the leaves slightly rustling as the wind blew through the woods.

Carolyn took her time as she proceeded farther along on her patrol. She soon found herself at the edge of Pence property and Ralph Pence was on his patrol. She transformed and approached. She saw Ralph transform and wave to her. “Hey Carolyn! Long time no see!”

They occasionally ran into each other when patrolling but it had been a while.

“Hey Ralph! How are you? See or hear anything?”

“No, it’s been pretty quiet tonight. I heard about your uncle. Sorry to hear about that. Is he going to be ok?”

“Yeah, he’ll be fine. He just has to stay in his human form until he heals. It was mostly just the meaty part of his upper arm. The arrow must have been losing momentum when it hit him because it didn’t go in very deep. Luckily he stayed in his bird form until I was able to treat him. If he had transformed with the arrow in him, it would have done a lot more damage. I’ve been out of town for a few days. I noticed that several of the keep out signs have been torn down. I’ll tell my dad and get some new ones put up.”

“With humans, it doesn’t seem to matter. They come and go as they like. They have no respect for other people’s property.”

“You know as well as I do, not all people are alike. Most of the towners respect our boundaries and steer clear of us. The ones that were here were from the other side of the mountain.”

Ralph didn’t answer and Carolyn changed the subject. “Did Cindy get off to college OK?”

“Yeah, we took her down Saturday and saw that she’s all set up in her dorm. She’s got a pretty nice roommate too.” Ralph grinned at her.

“Ralph, you rascal. Isn’t it enough that you have half the women in town chasing after you, now you are going to start chasing ones as young as Cindy around?”

“Good lord, no way! I just said she was a nice person. I’m happy with the way things are and right now that does not include any one woman.” Ralph said, sounding slightly irritated.

“Ok. Sorry I asked.” Carolyn apologized.

“I’m sorry but I guess I’m kind of on the defensive lately. My folks are bugging me about finding a mate and settling down. All of their children are almost grown and they are starting to want grandkids. Being the oldest, they had hoped I would be married by now. It’s not easy when our immediate family is the only family of goats in the area and my dad is insisting we only marry goats.”

“Guess you’ll have to do some traveling then. Aren’t there other goat families on the mountain where your uncle Charlie lives?”

“Last time I was there was several years ago and I didn’t see any then but we didn’t stay for very long.”

“Lord, don’t you guys keep in touch with your family? I know you have a phone at home. Why don’t you call him and find out?”

“Maybe I will. Thanks Carolyn. Well, I’m going to go. There’s a show on TV I want to see tonight. Catch ya laters.” Ralph said and then transformed.

Carolyn transformed and continued on her rounds. She climbed up a little higher than she normally did and had just started to cross through the woods back towards the road that would take her home when she heard something. She froze in a low crouched position as she sniffed the air, her ears lifted and twitching in every direction as she tried to figure out what she had heard and where it had been coming from as her eyes scanned the shadows. The moon was almost full and the light from it filtered through the trees, giving them an eerie glow.

Suddenly she heard it again. She listened carefully as she turned in the direction she had heard the sound come from. She lifted her head and saw Eric and his mate, Sandra. Carolyn sniffed the air and could smell that Sandra was in heat. Carolyn put her head down and crept quietly away, giving them their privacy.

She was rather surprised that they were down this low on the mountain. She had assumed that they would stay closer to the caves for safety. But now was not the time to be asking them any questions. She knew she would not want anyone interrupting if that were her and Colin. That thought shocked her for just a moment but she knew that actually it was something she hoped for one day. She had dreamed and thought about him a lot when they were in Washington.

She jogged back along the side of the road to her cottage. She had come out of the forest about half way between her house and her parents’ place. She wasn’t surprised when she found her father patrolling the woods just before she reached her cottage. “Hi dad. What are you doing out here?”

“I was down at your place, looking to talk to you, but you weren’t home.”

“I was running my patrol before I go get a shower and some sleep. What’s up?” Carolyn asked, already suspecting that she knew what her father wanted to talk to her about. “Did you know the centaurs are coming down the mountain to mate? I just saw Eric and Sandra in the woods. She’s in full heat.”

“Yeah, I smelled her last night too. But what I wanted to talk to you about was Colin. What’s going on with you two?” Daniel asked, seeing no need to beat around the bush.

“He asked me out and I said yes. Other than that, nothing so far.” Carolyn answered honestly. “Why?”

“I just want to know that you are happy, Carolyn. I know everyone has mentioned that we’ve all known for years that you two would be a good match but I want you to be sure that, whatever you choose, it’s what you really want.”

“Do you think Colin and I would be a good match, Daddy?”

“Yes but it’s not for me or anyone else to decide. You have to follow your heart, my daughter. If you feel it is right in your heart, then go for it. Just make sure it’s your heart talking and not your loins.”


“You are no longer a child, daughter. I know you have your time of the month. And I’m sure Colin does too. I know you don’t go catting around but I also understand how strong the urge can be. Choose wisely and you will never regret it.”

“I know cats are not normally known for monogamy but if I do choose a mate, I want one who will remain true to only me. Wolves mate for life with only one partner.”

“Well, then it sounds like you’ve made up your mind already.”

“Well, it’s kind of early in the game to make that decision. Colin and I have grown up together and have always been friends and I would hope that even if we don’t work out as a couple, we will always be friends. We have our first date Saturday afternoon. We’ll just have to see where it goes. Don’t worry, Daddy. I’m not rushing into anything.”

“Are you worried about having children, Carolyn?”

“A little. I mean I want to have children someday but I’m just not sure I’m ready for a whole litter of them right now. Cats usually average about 4 to 6 per litter and while I’m not 100% sure about wolves, dogs usually have at least that many depending on the breed. I mean, one at a time sounds ideal but 4 to 6 all at once? I’m not so sure I’m ready for that.”

Daniel got a big smile on his face and he chuckled “6 at once would surely please your mom and shut her up about having grandkids, at least for a while.”

“Well, don’t go making her any promises. I’m just saying that’s what happens with cats and dogs. I’m hoping to do the human one at a time thing.”

“Well, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem. From all the changelings I’ve ever heard of, we only have children one or two at a time. Multiple births would be very rare. I just want to know that whatever you decide, be happy, my daughter.” Daniel Masters said as he gave her a fatherly hug. “I’m going to get home now. Everything was clear between our house and your clinic.”

“Ok. Daddy. See you later.” Carolyn said and transformed to finish her journey home. Daniel Masters watched her as she disappeared into the brush and then transformed and went home.

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