Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 16

“Hey girl! What’s up?” she said, as she answered the phone.

“Carolyn? I’m up the road from your house. I think your intruder is back. I saw a big man on your porch when I drove up. I didn’t stop but just kept going. I’m about half a mile up the road from your place. I’ve called Colin and he said he’s on his way but he’s on the other side of town. I’m afraid to turn around and go back but there is no way my car will make it all the way up to your parents’ house again.”

“My dad and I will be there as soon as we can. Keep driving this way as far as you can and then stay with your car. Lock the doors and roll up the windows.” Carolyn said, as she hung up the phone and ran back through the house yelling for her dad.

“Dad. Tammy’s in trouble. She said the intruder is back at my place. She’s about half a mile past my place and doesn’t know if he saw her or not but he would have had to hear her. Her car can’t make it up the mountain again. I told her to lock her doors and windows and to just keep coming but slowly so that she doesn’t overheat.” Carolyn explained and without another word, they both jumped off the porch and transformed in midair. They hit the ground running as fast as they could. Carolyn easily outdistanced her father in a few long strides.

“Wait for me, Carolyn. You may be fast but if this guy is as big as Colin suspects, he might be too big for you to handle.” Daniel think talked to her. Carolyn slowed her pace a bit but still stayed ahead of Daniel. She was worried that the intruder would get away again or that he might go after Tammy. “I’m going to head towards the road so that I can check on Tammy. I’ll be right behind you.” Carolyn think talked back to Daniel. She veered off towards the road and Daniel kept going towards her house.

Carolyn found Tammy sitting in her car with the windows rolled up and the doors all locked. She jumped when Carolyn came out of the woods and quickly transformed in front of her car.

“Are you alright?” Carolyn asked as Tammy rolled down her window.

“Yeah, just a little scared.” Tammy said.

“Why? You defeated an evil warlock. One big human should be no trouble.” Carolyn smiled at her friend. “Look, you stay here for now. My dad is on his way to my house. I’m going to go and back him up. I’ll be back for you. We are definitely going to have to do something about getting you a better car.”

Carolyn transformed again and took off running towards her house. She got there about the same time as her father and she transformed just before stepping into view of the front porch. The man was obviously having a harder time getting in her house this time as he was still messing with the door latch. He had on a plaid flannel shirt and jeans and hiking boots, expensive ones by the look of them. What would someone who could afford shoes like that want inside her cottage? She motioned for her father to stop and wait while she stepped up to the bottom step and said “Can I help you?”

The man whipped around, surprised to see her. He was tall, like Foster had said but Foster had forgotten to mention how handsome the man was. He had dark hair and piercing blue eyes. An aristocratic nose and a solid square jaw made him a very striking man. He had to be at least 6’4”. His jeans were molded to what looked like very muscular thighs and the flannel shirt was stretched tight across a broad, muscular chest.

“Who are you?” The intruder asked.

“That’s my house you are trying to break into. Who are you and what do you want?” Carolyn asked.

“I’m looking for the white witch. Where is she?” the intruder demanded.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m the only one who lives here.” Carolyn replied.

“I followed her magic here, to this mountain. She has been here. I can sense her presence here.”

“What do you want with her?” Carolyn asked.

“I need her help.” He said.


“My witch sent me to find her. That’s all I can tell you. Do you know where she is?”

Just then Colin pulled up in his patrol car and got out with his hand on his weapon. “Everything ok here, Carolyn?”

“He’s looking for Tammy but I don’t know why yet.” Carolyn told Colin and then turned back to the stranger. “What do you mean “your witch sent you to find her”? Who is “your witch” and what does she want with Tammy?”

“Look, I’m not at liberty to tell you anything. The white witch needs to come to my witch and she will explain everything. She does not intend to hurt her. She needs her help.”

“Why didn’t this witch come herself? What were you going to do if she had been here? Were you just going to grab her and take her even if she didn’t want to go?” Carolyn asked, beginning to get angry that she wasn’t getting any answers out of him.

“Calm down, Carolyn. I think I know what’s going on and why he can’t tell you anymore.” Colin said as he stepped up next to her and put his hand on her arm. “You are her familiar, aren’t you? You couldn’t give out information about your witch without her permission even if you wanted to, could you?”

The intruder didn’t say anything but just nodded.

“Look, it’s obvious that we are not going to “give” Tammy to you or tell her to go with you, when we don’t know this witch’s intentions. So go back to your witch and tell her to call this number tomorrow afternoon about 3 o’clock. She can explain why she wants Tammy to come to her and where it is that she would have to go.” Carolyn said. She took the pen from Colin’s shirt pocket and grabbed the man’s hand, intending to write the number on his hand but immediately felt an electrical charge run up her arm. She snatched her hand back and looked up at him. “What kind of familiar are you?”

“Normally, I’m a panther but I can shift to almost any animal.” He smiled at her. He had sensed that she was a big cat, just as he knew that Colin was a wolf and the other man standing in the woods was a bear. What he could not sense was the white witch he had come in search of. He took the pen from Carolyn and held it poised to write the phone number on his wrist. She gave him her home phone number.

“I will tell her to call and explain but please keep in mind, time is critical.” The intruder said as he descended the steps from her porch to the ground. Colin was a large man but not nearly as big as the stranger. The stranger walked to the edge of the road and suddenly transformed into an eagle and flew down the road.

“That’s why his scent disappeared. He flew away that night.” Colin said.

“Well, by the time his witch calls, Lucinda and Amelia will be here and we’ll find out what they know about this witch and what she wants with Tammy.” Carolyn said. “Daddy, would you go let Tammy know it’s safe to come back now, please?”

Daniel transformed back into his bear form and took off up the road to get Tammy.

“Want something to drink, Colin?” Carolyn said as she climbed the steps to her porch and pulled her house key out of her pocket.

“Sure. You got any beer?” Colin asked.

“Now you know I don’t drink.” Carolyn smiled at him.

“Not even anything for just medicinal purposes?” Colin teased.

“Sorry. Water, tea, soda, juice or coffee.” Carolyn offered.

“I guess there’s no chance of you getting drunk and seducing you, is there?” Colin teased.

“No there is not, Colin.” Daniel said as he stepped through the door.

“Lord, man, for a bear, you sure do move quietly. I was just teasing your daughter. You know dogs and cats don’t match.” Colin quickly offered in his own defense. Only he knew that it was a point he deeply regretted.

“Humph! Stranger things have happened. Especially lately.” Daniel said, as he stepped aside to let Tammy in.

“Hey girl. You OK?” Carolyn asked. Tammy looked visibly upset.

“I’m so sorry Carolyn and Mr. Masters. My being here is bringing trouble again. I didn’t mean to but it looks like it’s happening again.” Tammy said as she sat down on Carolyn’s sofa and looked like she was going to start crying.

“Hey, now don’t you start crying. You nearly warped my hardwood floors the last time.” Carolyn said as she sat down next to her friend and dropped her arm around her shoulders. “It’s going to be OK. My mom said Lucinda and Amelia will be here tomorrow. Maybe they can tell us something about this witch and what it is she wants. But for now, let’s go up to my parents’ house. My mom made vegetable lasagna for dinner and I’m hungry.”

The mention of Angela’s lasagna made everyone’s stomach rumble. Daniel couldn’t stand the pitiful look on Colin’s face and invited him to come to dinner. They left Tammy’s car and she jumped in with Carolyn. Daniel said that he would ride with Colin. Colin figured he was going to get a dressing down for teasing Carolyn but he was surprised by what Daniel had to say.

“If my daughter were going to mate outside of her species, I doubt if she could do better than you, Colin. But Carolyn seems to be waiting for something and I’m not sure what it is but I will know when my daughter has found her mate and I’m sorry to say, I don’t think it’s you.” Daniel told him. “Too bad because neither of you are getting any younger.” And added to himself “And you would be each other’s perfect mate, if only you would wake up and see it for yourselves.”

“Well, thank you for that and I think you are right. Carolyn is a very special person and she deserves someone who is going to share her life with her and show her the kind of love you and your wife share. That is something very special and the kind of love I want as well.” Daniel replied.

They drove the rest of the way in silence but it was a pleasant quiet. They arrived at the house and could smell Angela’s lasagna as they stepped out of their vehicles. They all entered the house and headed directly for the dining room but Angela made them wash their hands before sitting down to eat, which they all quickly did.

After dinner, Colin sat on the porch with Daniel and Kevin while the women cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen. As soon as the dishes were done, Angela, Carolyn and Tammy wandered out onto the porch. Donna headed back to her homework upstairs. “Better enjoy this night because Lucinda and Amelia will be here tomorrow and who knows how crazy it’s going to get after that.” Tammy said. “I’ll try to keep it down to a minimum of chaos.”

“Hey, none of this is your fault Tammy. Don’t feel guilty. We’ve all had issues from being part of the magical community. We stick together up here. We will be here for you for this too.” Daniel said and Angela nodded her agreement.

“I wonder who this witch is and how did she find out about me? Did what happened a few months ago get me on some kind of magical radar? I mean, I’ve gone my whole life without anyone ever knowing I’m a witch and now all of a sudden, I’ve got all kinds of magical creatures looking for me for my powers. First a dead warlock wants to take over my body. Then the centaurs show up. Now another witch sends her familiar after me.”

“Don’t forget about the fairies.” Carolyn said.

“Oh yeah and the fairies. What happened to them?” Tammy asked.

“I moved them to a new home. They are living in the big oak tree down by the creek.” Carolyn said. “Hey, dad, I forgot to ask if Damien and the centaurs made it to the cave Ok?”

“I think so. I showed Damien the way this morning and then he led them back by himself. Richard said he was going to check on them when he finished up at his place today but he hasn’t come around yet. Too bad too. He missed out on some great lasagna.” Daniel said.

“I’ve got a piece in the fridge for him.” Angela said.

“Well, I’d better get back downtown. Thanks for dinner, Angela. It was superb as always even if it didn’t have any meat in it.” Colin teased.

Carolyn stood up and walked to his car with him. “Ok, what did my dad say?”

“That’s he sorry we are not more attracted to each other. Said neither one of us are getting any younger. They been making a lot of hints about you finding a mate?” Colin asked. Colin had not let on that he had “heard” what Daniel had thought about them not getting any younger and it had him thinking.

“Sort of. Especially ever since Sebastian was here. Granted they definitely didn’t want Sebastian to be my mate but the hints have been getting stronger since he was here. I think they want grandchildren. Donna is growing up fast and they are missing the patter of little feet around the house. Why they think I have to be the one to provide them with babies is beyond me.” Carolyn smiled at Colin.

“I told your father you were waiting to find someone who will love you like your father and mother love each other. Can’t blame you there. That’s the kind of love I want too. Wolves mate for life.”

“You have no idea how attractive that fact is, Colin.” Carolyn teased back half-heartedly.

They had always had that kind of relationship. They both knew their human sides were attracted to each other but because of their animals being total opposites, they had never taken it any farther.

Colin got in his car and left and Carolyn walked back up to the porch. “Tammy, are you ready to go back to the cottage? I’ve got laundry to finish and I want to finish cleaning before Lucinda and Amelia get here.”

“You don’t think the intruder might try to come back tonight?” Angela asked.

“No, I don’t think we will hear anymore until tomorrow and then it will be by phone.” Carolyn said.

“Well, I’m putting a protection spell around your cottage when we get back, just in case.” Tammy said.

“Good. I’ll definitely sleep better knowing that he can’t get to you.” Daniel said but Angela knew that he would more than likely sleep in the forest just outside of her house tonight. That was until they heard the sound of thunder off in the distance.

“Sounds like we might get some rain tonight.” Carolyn said. “I guess the fairies and centaurs were right. They have been saying that there was some bad weather coming. Well come on, Tammy. Let’s get going. I want to be home before the bottom drops out. That road can be tricky when it gets wet.”

“Be careful and call if you need me.” Daniel said as Carolyn bent to kiss him on the cheek. She hugged her mother and thanked her for dinner before heading to her jeep.

They made it back to the cottage just before the rain began. Thunder and lightning and a torrential rain pounded the cottage for over an hour. The power flashed a few times and then went out all together for a little while. Carolyn and Tammy sat folding the load of laundry that had managed to finish, before the power went out, by candlelight as they talked.

“Man, I was really hoping we were going to be able to get away to Myrtle Beach this weekend but looks like we are going to be stuck here entertaining Lucinda and Amelia. I do hope they are going to come and show me what I need to know about clearing the air and maybe a few spells that I’ve been researching. And then go home. Does that sound terribly ungrateful?” Tammy asked.

“Just a little but they kind of bring it on themselves when they come to “visit” and stay for over a week.” Carolyn said. “They could have at least offered to help in the kitchen or taken care of the rooms they were staying in but they seemed to think my parents’ house was a hotel and my parents were their servants.

My mom ran herself ragged and she said they ate almost everything she had left over from last winter, which believe me was a lot of food! They never offered to pay for anything or to help out. That’s why, this time, they will be staying here instead of at my parents’ house.

My larder is not nearly as well stocked as my mom’s but they can each stay in their own rooms and I’m going to make it plain that I expect them to replace whatever they eat and they are to keep my cottage as clean when they leave as they will find it when they get here tomorrow.” Carolyn said firmly.

“Maybe they should just go stay at the hotel in town?” Tammy asked.

“That is totally up to them. But I’m not going to run myself ragged waiting on them hand and foot, that’s for sure. We both have our businesses to run and I for one will not let mine suffer in order to accommodate them.”

“Goodness. I’ve never seen you so decisive before. What brought this on?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I just feel like my life is spiraling out of control right now and I need to do something to regain control. My parents are dropping hints or rather bombs about me finding a mate and giving them grandchildren but with the exception of Colin, there’s not one man in the area that I’m the least bit interested in but Colin is a wolf and I’m a cat.” Carolyn said, totally forgetting that no one knew of her interest in Colin and was a little surprised when Tammy took the news like she already knew.

“Well, I know it’s not exactly the norm but then who in your family has mated with their own species in the last few generations? I mean your father is a bear and your mother a doe. Aren’t they usually considered opposites?” Tammy said. She was treading into unknown territory for her and she was trying to be delicate in her questions. She had always thought that the sheriff and her best friend would make the perfect couple and had wondered why they had never paired up.

“Yeah. And there is a definite physical attraction between me and Colin when we are in our human forms. I can’t remember if we’ve ever both been in our animal forms when we were together since we became adults. When we were kids, we’d run and romp and play all over this mountain as friends but as we’ve gotten older, we seem to stay in our human forms more when we are around each other.”

“Maybe try it and see what happens?” Tammy suggested.

“Maybe I will but not for a couple of weeks for sure. Too close to my time of the month. I’m due to start my cycle tomorrow.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well, for me as a human, I get cramps and don’t want to do anything but lay on the bed and eat all the chocolate I can get my hands on, like all women, but when an animal goes through the monthly cycle, we go into heat. Every male animal in the woods will come sniffing around and will take full advantage of my heated condition, if I let them. That’s why you will rarely if ever see me in my cat form during that time of the month because the urge to mate with anything and everything becomes almost overpowering.”

“Wow, I never realized that about you.” Tammy said.

“Yeah, I guess we’ve never really talked about it before because in school we were so driven to get through our classes with the best grades possible. Sure we dated but neither one of us was really serious about any of the boys we dated. But we’ve been out of school for 8 years now and our 30th birthdays will be here before we know it. My parents are getting older and they want grandbabies. But I’m not so sure I’m ready for that yet. I had always imagined that when I finally did settle down and get married and start pumping out babies, that I would become a stay at home mom. I’m not ready to give up my practice yet. I like being Dr. Masters, country vet slash doctor.”

Tammy smiled at her. She knew Carolyn loved her profession and helping animals and people but her parents were right, she was not getting any younger.

“At what age do big cats stop having kittens? Man, I bet you’ll put out some beautiful kids.”

“I guess so long as they can come in heat, they can breed. One of my other concerns is that single births in cats are uncommon. I could end up with a huge brood in one birthing. I’m not financially ready for 5 or 6 kids all at once. Can you imagine having to put 6 kids through college at the same time? Lord, I’d better hit the lotto!” Carolyn laughed at Tammy’s comical expression.

“Maybe mention that to your parents and it will make them think twice about pushing you to become a mom before you are ready.”

“Yeah, I’ll tell my mom. She’ll understand, I hope! Well, girl, I don’t know about you but I think I’m going to hit the sack. It’s late and I’m tired. I’m almost betting that Lucinda and Amelia won’t show up till nearly noon but still, there are several things I want to get done before they get here but with the power off, there’s not much I can do right now.”

“Yeah, I should too. I’ve got an early appointment with a client in the morning so I need to get up early but I should be back before they get here.”

They each took a candle and blew out the rest of them and then headed off to bed. The sound of the rain and the thunder as it moved off into the distance made falling asleep easy.

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