Magic on Changeling Mountain

Chapter 15

After they were gone, Cindy and Carolyn walked back into the clinic and Carolyn asked Cindy “Have you heard from Ivan lately?”

“No. The last time was when my uncle Charlie brought him over here. He said he was hoping to come back sometime this week to work on the kennels but I haven’t heard when that will be.” Cindy replied.

“How did your father take to him?” Carolyn asked.

“Well, having Uncle Charlie bring him made a big difference. He seemed to accept him better but daddy’s still not willing to think of me as of age yet and would not let us be alone.” Cindy replied.

“Did Ivan act like he wanted to be alone with you?” Carolyn asked.

“Well, I’m not really sure. He kept trying to ask me questions but daddy wouldn’t give me a chance to answer them. Ivan asked “So now that you are out of school, what are your plans? And daddy answered, “She is going to veterinary school, like Dr. Masters, then she will come back here to the mountain.”

“Is that what you want to do, Cindy? I mean I know you want to go to school to become a vet but do you want to come back to the mountain?” Carolyn asked.

“Well, yes and no. I think I would like to go to Ivan’s mountain. There is no doctor for the changelings or animals there. I would be able to have my own practice but I would still be close enough to see my family often and to work with you. I’ve really enjoyed working here, Dr. Masters. I hope to do more of it in the future.” Cindy said.

“And I’ve enjoyed working with you, Cindy. I don’t know where I will ever manage to find an assistant as good as you again. You are going to be one tough act to follow.” Carolyn said sincerely.

“Well, thank you for saying that but I’m sure you are going to have lots of candidates signing up to work here once I’m gone.” Cindy said, with a slight flush to her cheeks.

“I have had several candidates sign up but I don’t think they will work out. I need someone who is first and foremost a changeling. Can you imagine me hiring a townie and having Charlie Woods come in half transformed with a thorn in his paw again?”

“No, I guess that wouldn’t work out too well. I wish I could say that some of my siblings might be good candidates but they are too young yet.”

“Don’t you worry, I’ll find someone. No one will ever be able to replace you but I’ll find someone to help out around here.” Carolyn said. “Well, I’m going to head home. How about you? I’ve got a couple of piles of laundry to take care of and some fairies need a new home.”

“Oh, do you mind if I tag along then? I’ve never seen a fairy before.” Cindy asked excited at the prospect of being able to see the fairies.

“Sure. Come on.” They locked up the clinic and Cindy followed Carolyn back to her house. She parked behind Carolyn in the driveway and followed Carolyn into the house. Carolyn opened the window and set up the microphone for her computer on the window sill then whispered “Foster? It’s alright. This is Cindy. She is my assistant at the clinic. She’s also a goat. Can you come talk to me? I think I know of a place for you to live.”

They only had to wait a few minutes before Foster flew over to the window sill. “Hello Cindy. Very nice to meet you. I am Foster.”

“Very nice to meet you as well.” Cindy whispered, following along with what Carolyn had done. She wished she had a magnifying glass because Foster was very small and it was very hard to tell what he actually looked like. If she had seen him on a leaf of the bush, she might have mistaken him for a bug.

Foster turned his attention to Carolyn and said “You said there is a tree where we might live in peace? My queen is very anxious to go see it. There is far too much human traffic here and we fear discovery. When can you take us there?”

“Well, the tree I’m thinking of is a little ways from here, closer to my parents’ farm, on the very edges of it before you cross the creek. The centaurs have been staying there. One of them had their baby under the tree. When I left my father’s house this morning, he was going to take their leader up to a cave high up on the mountain to see if it will be suitable for them to stay during the winter months but I’m not sure if the baby centaur will be able to make that long walk yet. It’s about 10 miles straight up to the very top of the mountain beyond my parents’ house, which is a good 10 miles from here.” Carolyn said. “Let me call up to my parents’ house and find out if they are back yet. If the centaurs have left, then I will take you to the tree. If not, maybe we can find a temporary shelter that is not so close to the road for you to stay in until they have moved.”

Carolyn walked over to the phone and called her parents’ house. Her mother answered and she was not happy with Carolyn. “Why didn’t you tell me that someone broke into your house last night? I was wondering why you came up here to stay last night. Since when have you started keeping secrets from me, young lady?”

“Well, hello to you too. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry about me. As far as we can tell it was just a random thing. He’ll probably never come back and besides Colin and his men are going to be patrolling my road every night from now on to make sure he doesn’t. And I’ve never been able to keep secrets from you. You always manage to find out any secret I’ve ever had. How do you manage to do that, by the way?” Carolyn smiled into the phone. When her mother didn’t answer she asked. “Has Dad come back from taking Damien up to the cave yet?”

“No, they haven’t come back yet. I don’t expect them to be back for at least another hour or so. It’s a long way up there and back, especially when they are walking it. He went in his bear form so that Damien and Eric would feel more comfortable around him.”

“Oh, did Eric go too?” Carolyn asked.

“Yes, and Uncle Ray.” Angela said. “Have you seen or heard the news on the radio today?”

“No, I’ve not had it on today. Why? What’s up?” Carolyn asked, coming to full attention. She knew her mother listened to the easy listening channel when she was canning but didn’t realize that she also listened to the news.

“There’s a big storm predicted to hit here in the next couple of days. It’s been cooler today than it has been. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get an early winter this year.” Angela said.

“Damien keeps saying something about a big storm that’s coming. How could he know? I doubt if centaurs carry around portable radios and listen to the news.” Carolyn said almost to herself.

“Well, humans aren’t the only ones who can predict the weather and a lot of times they are wrong or off by days if not weeks. Damien said he wants to have his family in the caves by tomorrow. He was asking your father if there is not a way to carry the foal up to the mountain if he cannot walk it by himself.”

“Wow, that must have taken a lot from Damien. I got the distinct impression that he does not ask for help unless he absolutely has too.” Carolyn said.

“Yes. He is very proud but the foal is very important to them and I think he would suffer greatly to make sure that the colt lives.” Angela said.

“Well, let me know if I can be of any help. In the meantime, do you think the centaurs would mind if the fairies moved into the tree they’ve been living under? I need to get them out of the bush next to my mailbox before someone finds out they are there.” Carolyn said.

“I don’t know. I guess you’ll have to ask.” Angela said “But be careful. They seem to be very skittish right now.”

“Don’t worry, I will be. Love you, mom. Tell Dad to call my cell when he gets back.” Carolyn said before she hung up. She walked back over to the window and relayed to Foster what her mother had told her. “I think it would be best if I go alone and talk to the centaurs first. They are very nervous because of the new foal.” Carolyn said when she saw Cindy’s face drop. “Maybe you can meet them some other time.” She said as she patted her assistant on the shoulder.

“I will inform the queen.” Foster said and flew off to the rose bush.

“You are welcome to hang out here until I get back, if you want.” Carolyn said.

“No, I’d better get home. I’ve only got two more weeks left before I leave for school and there are a lot of things I need to do before I leave.” Cindy said. “Good luck.”

Carolyn followed her out onto the porch and watched her get in her car and drive away before she transformed then jumped off the porch and headed out through the woods to find the centaurs. It had been a long time since she had run the woods during the day and she made sure to keep her senses on alert. Humans may not come into the woods often at night but she wasn’t so sure about during the day. Besides, she was easier to spot during the day as her dark coloring did not blend well in the sunlight.

She reached the spot where she had brought her father to talk with Damien and she transformed and called out to Sandra. “Sandra! It’s me, Carolyn Masters. I need to talk to you please.” She stood and waited and was just about to call out again when she spotted the blonde centaur coming through the woods.

“Hello, Sandra. Nice to see you again.” Carolyn said. Sandra nodded but did not say anything.

“How is Kala? Is she recovering well?” Carolyn asked. Again, Sandra nodded but did not say anything.

“Right. Well, the reason I’m here is to find out if any of you would mind if some fairies took up residence in the tree you’ve been staying under? They are currently living in the bush by my mailbox but it is very close to the road and I’m afraid they are going to be discovered.”

“I do not have the right to speak for all of my clan. That will be up to Damien and Eric. They are our leaders. We go where they lead.” Sandra said in her shy, quiet way.

“Well, can you please ask Damien to come and see me when he gets back? I need to move them as soon as possible. There is a big storm coming this way and they need somewhere that will offer them more shelter than my rose bush.” Carolyn said.

“I will tell him.” Sandra said, then turned and walked back into the woods. Carolyn was surprised at how quickly she blended into the trees as she walked away. It was almost as if she had turned invisible. Carolyn wondered if they had the power to become invisible at will and that was how they had managed to be in the human world undiscovered for so long. She knew how difficult it was to be a changeling who had the ability to change into a human at will. Centaurs couldn’t change form but maybe they had a magical power that allowed them to be invisible when necessary.

Carolyn went back to her house and let Foster know that she had spoken to Sandra but that she did not have the power to give permission for them to go there yet.

“They don’t really have any rights to say who can come and go anywhere on this mountain but we are trying to keep the peace with everyone so for now, we’ll respect their wishes and not go near them until they say we can. Don’t worry, I will find you someplace safe to stay before the storm comes.”

Foster agreed but told her “My queen is most anxious for us to move. The storm is going to come in fast and strong. We have to make preparations in our new living quarters as well. I was wondering if, once we get moved, would you mind if we harvested the fluff coming out of the slotted hole on the side of your house?”

“Fluff? What are you talking about?” Carolyn asked. “Show me?”

She left the window and went outside and followed Foster around to the side of the house. Her dryer vent had built up a lot of lint and Foster pointed to it. “Oh, you mean the lint from my dryer! Sure, help yourself. I’ve been meaning to clean that out but just never do seem to remember when I’m out here. I’ll save the lint from my dryer screen too if you would like?” Carolyn whispered and Foster nodded vigorously.

“Ok, I’ll do that. Thank you for asking before just taking.” Carolyn had heard that fairies were notorious thieves and would steal small things like shoe laces and loose buttons.

Foster flew back to the window and Carolyn went back to the window so that they could talk and hear each other.

“So tell me Foster. What do fairies do with their days?” Carolyn asked.

“We help the plants grow and we help them prepare for winter. That is one of the reasons my queen is so worried about getting to our new home. We have to make sure the tree we are living in will not freeze and kill us. We have to insulate our burrows and make sure we will be able to keep the wind and rain and snow out.”

“Well, I’m sure I can get you more lint from my folks and others on the mountain and you are welcome to clean my vent anytime, but promise me you will ask before you take anything. No one will tolerate a thief on the mountain, no matter who they are. Understood? If there is something you need, ask. OK?” Carolyn tried to say it as nicely as possible.

Foster nodded and said “I must go tell my queen what it is you have said. I will bring some of my men and we will clean your vent for you.”

“Ok. Great. Let me know when you are done. I’ve got to get some laundry started but will wait to turn on the dryer until you are done.”

Foster flew back to the rose bush and Carolyn left the window open but went to start her laundry. They should have time to get the vent cleaned before she was ready to start the dryer. She loaded the washer and turned it on. She decided to clean her bathroom and got out her bucket with cleaning supplies. She sprinkled Comet in the toilet and sink. She scrubbed the toilet first and then the sink. Once she was done she wiped them dry and moved on to spray the shower and tub down with the scrubbing bubbles. She grabbed the wand, sprinkled some Comet on it and set to work. She hummed while she worked and felt good when she finished sweeping and mopping the floor. She moved on to her bedroom. She stripped the sheets off of her bed and went to look for new linens to replace them when her phone rang.

It was her father. “Carolyn, your mom said you wanted me to call?”

“Yes, daddy. Did Damien like the cave?” Carolyn asked.

“Yes, he said it will work very well, to quote Damien. They are going to start up there right away. Damien claims the storm will be here tomorrow. He seems most anxious to move them right away. I told him that if he needs help with the foal, to let me know. He seems to be confident that they can make it up there by themselves. If they start now, they might make it before nightfall.”

“Well, I hope that they will be happy up there. I’m also hoping that I will be able to get the fairies installed in the tree where Damien’s clan has been staying. Even the fairies are telling me that there is a big storm coming. Oh by the way, before I forget, tell mom to save her dryer lint. The fairies want it to use for bedding and insulation.” Carolyn told her father.

“Ok. That makes sense, I guess. I’ll tell her. Are you going to come stay up here tonight?” Daniel asked.

“No, I’m doing laundry right now and once I hear from Damien, I’m going to show the fairies where the tree is. I think Tammy is planning on coming back over here tonight but I’m not sure about that. Speaking of Tammy, has anyone heard from Lucinda and Amelia?”

“Last I heard they were planning on coming but I don’t know when they are expected to be here. They are going to stay at your place, aren’t they?”

“Yes, daddy. The next time they come, they can stay here and I’ll come stay with you guys.” Carolyn said, with a giggle.

Just as they hung up, Carolyn looked out the window and spotted Damien crossing her yard, headed for the rose bush. She opened her front door and watched as Damien crossed over to stand within a few feet of the rose bush and speak softly to the fairies.

He listened for a moment, then nodded, stepped back and bowed. He turned to Carolyn who was sitting on the top step of her porch and approached her. “Sandra told me you came looking for permission for the fairies to move into the tree where we have been staying. Thank you for showing us that courtesy. I just talked with the fairy queen and told her we would be vacating it today and they are welcome to move this afternoon.” Damien told her.

“I’m glad you liked the cave. I also wanted to let you know that the witches will be coming back soon. They will be staying here at my house. They wore their welcome out at my parents’ house the last time they were here.” Carolyn said.

“Where will you be staying while they are here?” Damien asked.

“With my parents. They are coming to teach Tammy how to clear the area after she does magic. Tammy has never been trained and needs to learn how to use her magic.” Carolyn said.

“Yes. She is a very powerful white witch.” Damien said. “Well, I had better get back to my herd. It is a long walk up there and we will have to go slow so that Kala and the new foal can keep up.”

“Good luck. My father said to remind you that he is more than willing to help you move the foal if you need it. He has a trailer that he could ride most of the way up there. Keep in touch and don’t be a stranger!” Carolyn called after him.

Damien smiled and then took off at a trot through the woods. He too seemed to disappear into thin air.

Carolyn looked over at the rose bush and she saw not only Foster but several other fairies. Foster pointed to the window and Carolyn stood up and went back inside. As soon as she was by the window, Foster and another fairy flew over to the window and landed on the sill.

“Hello. What is your name?” Carolyn whispered.

“Dr. Masters, this is my queen. Her name is Rose. She wanted to meet you.” Foster said.

“Well, your highness, I’m honored.” Carolyn whispered and stepped back and gave a curtesy like she had seen women do on TV when meeting royalty.

“It is very nice to meet you, Dr. Masters. Thank you for allowing us to stay in your bush and for allowing us to collect the fluff from your vents. It will go a long way to make beds for my subjects with the approaching winter weather.” Queen Rose said.

“I have asked my parents to save theirs as well and I will make sure that it’s OK for you to collect from their vent as well. I will try to find others that will be able to save theirs for you as well.” Carolyn whispered. “Are you ready to go see your new home?”

“Yes, please.” Queen Rose said.

“Do you mind if I go in my cat form?” Carolyn whispered.

“Not at all.” Queen Rose said.

“Well, excuse me while I lock up my house. I do not want to give intruders easy ways to get in while I’m gone.” Carolyn said as she pulled the microphone back into the house and reached up to close the window. Foster and Queen Rose flew back to the rose bush as Carolyn pulled the window closed. She checked that the back door was locked then left through the front.

Carolyn transformed on the porch then jumped down to the ground. She looked over at the bush and was surprised to see hundreds of fairies flying around it. She took off through the woods towards the stream. Once she reached the stream, she followed it until she reached the large old oak tree that grew near its banks.

The tree had to be at least 100 years old and its limbs spread wide over the forest floor and that section of the stream. She transformed and wished she had a way to hear what the fairies had to say. She hadn’t thought about it but she would not know if they liked it or not because she couldn’t hear them except when she was in her cat form but then she would not be able to speak to them. She guessed she would just have to watch and see what happened. If they needed to talk to her, then someone would have to come back to the house with her.

She sat down near the stream and watched as the fairies investigated the tree. They flew in and out of the branches, into the little holes that woodpeckers had created and where broken limbs that had been eaten out by ants and termites. Foster flew down to make wild hand gestures to her but she shook her head that she didn’t understand until he put his hand by his ear and pointed to her ear. He was trying to tell her that he was going to fly close to her ear and he wanted to make her aware so she didn’t swat at him with her paw.

Foster flew to her ear and was careful not to touch any of the hairs, knowing that they were very sensitive. He had to shout but Carolyn was able to make out that they liked it and the queen wanted to say thank you. Then he flew back in front of her.

Carolyn transformed and whispered “I heard you and I’m glad you like it. When I come back, I’ll bring something that will allow me to hear you. I have a portable radio that I can plug the microphone in to so that I can hear you. I look forward to visiting with you and learning more about you, if that is OK?” Foster looked over at the queen who nodded and Foster nodded at Carolyn. Carolyn smiled and waved as she walked a few feet away and transformed then took off back through the woods.

She headed up to her parents’ house and smelled her mom’s vegetable lasagna cooking and her stomach growled. She jumped up on the porch and transformed, before pulling open the screen door. She went into the kitchen and greeted her mom.

“Hi, mom. I smell lasagna.”

“Yep. It’s been a while since I’ve made it and dad said he’s been wanting it for dinner. I traded Cindy’s mom for some cheese and I ran out of jars for canning so I decided to make some for dinner and I’ll freeze some. With Lucinda and Amelia coming, I’m going to need back up meals. They called by the way. They will be here tomorrow.”

“Ok. Does Tammy know? We were kind of planning on going down to Myrtle Beach this weekend but I guess that’s out the window now unless Lucinda and Amelia come and go in two days.”

“We can only hope.”

“I’m sorry mom. I never should have had them come up here.”

“You couldn’t have done anything else, hon. I don’t blame you or Tammy but I will say that this time, I’m going to let them know right up front that their time here will be limited to only long enough to take care of the problem. If they need to train Tammy, then they need to take her back to their place.”

“I would miss her like crazy but I understand you not wanting any more magic so we can only hope. We have enough magical creatures showing up here now. Have you heard anything about the centaurs? Did they make it to the top?”

“I don’t know. Your dad showed Damien up there and then he went to work in the barn. He hasn’t been back in the house since he got back. How about the fairies? Did they like the tree?”

“Yes. In fact, before I forget about it, have you been saving your dryer lint?”

“Yes, there’s not much yet because laundry day is tomorrow. But I did keep what was in the trap and I cleaned out the outside vent for you. There’s a bag on top of the dryer with a little bit in it.”

“I think they might be able to use some other things that we might think of as trash, like Popsicle sticks, chopsticks, bits of string, and broken bits of plastic or empty bottles. I bet your empty laundry soap containers will come in very handy for them. Even little scraps of fabric that you can’t use, save it. I’ll take it to them to use.”

“Natural recycling! I like it.” Angela smiled at her.

“I’m going to go check in with dad. Want me to tell him dinner will be ready soon?” Carolyn’s stomach growled as she snatched a slice of tomato and popped it in her mouth. “Wow, these came out good this year.”

Angela looked in the oven and replied “In about 15 minutes.”

Carolyn went back outside and jogged across the yard to the barn in search of her father. She found him mucking out the cows stalls.

“Hi dad. Mom said dinner will be ready in about 15 minutes! Want some help?” Carolyn said as she grabbed a shovel and began scooping the mess into the wheelbarrow.

“Hi. And yes, I wouldn’t mind it if you would climb up and knock some of that hay down here.” Daniel said as he took the shovel from her and made quick work of the mess he had scooped into the center aisle.

Carolyn climbed up into the hay loft and when her dad gave the signal, she began throwing hay down to him so that he could spread it in the stall. 15 minutes later, the cows had fresh new hay in their stalls and both Carolyn and Daniel were hot and sweaty.

“Thanks for the help. Are you staying for dinner?”

“Mom’s vegetable lasagna, do you need to ask? Of course!” And they both laughed when their stomachs growled in unison.

Angela was standing on the front porch when they came around the corner. “Carolyn, Tammy is on the phone for you.”

“Ok, thanks mom.” Carolyn said as she ran up the front steps and into the house. She picked up the phone that was sitting on the counter in the kitchen.

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