Maddox’s Pride - Warrior Wolves, M.C. ~ 2

Chapter 36 ~ Ain’t That Some Shit!?

Maddox’s POV ~

Venom and Delaney have made a decision to move the original Warrior Wolves M.C. to Golden Lake pack.. He has decided it is time to take up the Alpha position and train the boys in the ways of the wolf.

I love that when it is time to pass the torch, my nephews will have the choice of which path they want their lives to follow.. One will become Alpha of Golden Lake.. and the other will become the president of the Original Chapter.

Dellene and Colleen will be raised as Alpha-born Lunas.. and as experienced as their brothers in warcraft, training and administration of both a pack and a motorcycle club..

Delilah is sad that they will no longer be living in our territory. But she is comforted.. knowing they’re only an hour away. We have also filed a detailed map.. with the werewolf commission.. and the council has signed off on the three territories being affiliated and allied. Henri applied to change the name of Tall Pines pack to Warrior’s Haven.. while Golden Lake has become Warrior Wolves One.

Construction on the Moon Temple began again.. and Delilah was supervising the positioning and installation of the dome.. I have to say, I am highly impressed with the craftsmanship.. Handblown into a literal upside down bowl.. dead center being beautiful light blue… while a multitude of colors traverse the sides.. fading from light to darker shades of blue.. into purples and reds.

Once it is positioned properly, the sunlight filtered through.. making the colors dance happily around the stone walls and river rock floor.. This being the ceremonial room, it was high tribute to our Goddess, indeed.

I asked her “So how do we let the Goddess know her temple on earth is ready for her?” Delilah leaned into my arms and said “In eight days. On the full moon.. you and I must perform a dedication ceremony.. The Goddess will acknowledge the dedication and.. if she accepts this temple.. She will appear before us.. at the altar. If she doesn’t accept.. then she will let us know what we have done wrong and how to correct it.”

It all seems so complicated.. but I am not about to question anything… I am still too new to being a wolf to know I have a lot to learn.

We got a mind link about our prisoners missing.. and we wolfed out to get to the cells quicker. Arriving, Hunter greeted us with clothes and we walked in to see all the cells emptied.. Eric.. his wife, Elizabeth.. Emily.. Tammy.. the four men we were holding.. Gone.

Geek linked he had the video feed.. and we all went to the second floor conference room to observe. Everything was set to play what was captured.. I am frustrated and angry.. Intruders made their way into our land.. and helped prisoners to escape. I want fucking answers!

Geek said “The intruders entered the property on the west.. closest to the cells.. notice they are all wearing dark clothing.. the video is time stamped for 5;38 this morning.. Meaning this should have been discovered at shift change.. but somehow.. the seven a.m shift didn’t show up.. so it wasn’t until the three p.m shift change that we were alerted.”

Hunter said “Four men.. entered the premises here… cameras lost sight of them here.. and here.. So they knew where our security cameras are located. They were here for Max Unger. We need to alert Venom.. The men took out our two guards.. and released all our inmates.”

I released a growl that shook the windows “Get this morning’s shift guards in here now! Geek! I have a feeling the government has hacked our computers.. check into that! Hunter.. email the video and conversation to Venom and ask him to call us!”

Delilah handed me a glass of whiskey.. and climbed into my lap. “We have two funerals to prepare for.. I believe we need to reset all our security cameras in different locations.. But I also think we should add trailcams to our repertoire of surveillance equipment. They are easily camouflaged and can be placed outside our borders.. Just additional security measures.”

I looked over at Derek and he nodded.. assuring me he was on it. I smiled at Delilah “Locking Emily in the cells at night.. may not have been the best move, on my part.” She laughed and replied “Either way.. she’s out of my hair. She certainly won’t be missed at the diner. She was mostly useless anyway.”

The two morning guards were brought in and I asked them why they didn’t show up for work this morning. Eddie looked confused.. and looked at Dwight.. he said “You emailed us at eleven last night.. I didn’t even see it until I was up and getting ready for work.”

I shook my head.. “I didn’t email you. If anything, Brock would have emailed you.. Bring it up.. Show me.” Eddie handed me his phone.. Sure enough.. an email was sent from my personal email… Not my club based email.. My personal one.. Telling them they had the day off.. that their shifts had been covered by a couple trainees needing the hours.

Delilah read it and handed it to Geek.. “Can’t you trace the IP address this was sent from? Because I sure as fuck do not want to believe we have a traitor in our midst.” He nodded, then said “It might take a couple days.. and I have that run with Derek down south..”

I told him we would send Manic in his place.. I want him on this until we have answers.. My phone rang and I immediately put it on speaker.. Venom yelled into the phone “Who did we lose? Those mother fuckers have crossed the line this time!” I responded with the two guards’ names and that we would hold service this evening..

Venom sighed heavily and said “I am going to call that General Henderson.. we need answers. And, don’t worry.. No one is getting Max out of my jail.. My father spared no expense in the detention facilities here. The prison is directly under the pack house.. State of the art electronic entry.. with fingerprint identification as well as retina eye scanners.”

I laughed “Having a heads up that they are willing to go these extremes is helpful. I have a feeling you had better start extracting information from Unger ASAP… They want him disappeared.. and are ready to kill anyone standing in their way!”

After we hung up, Delilah sighed “We should have just fucking killed him.” I chuckled.. shaking my head “We made the mistake of thinking he was in this alone.. the same as with Slate.. Hopefully.. with Unger’s laptop and everything that Aunt Vicki and Gizmo have gleaned out of the information Slate had.. this will lead us to completing the Operation Gemini puzzle.. it’s all tied together. It has to be.”

Delilah asked “They found what it is? Have they found who is behind it?” Shaking my head “Not exactly.. we know that an organization within the federal government is operating covertly and incognito.. allowing plausible deniability for the higher ups.. The women they were abducting were going to be changed into wolves.. then forced to deliver pups.. to specific types of soldiers.. to create a shifter military.. When we thwarted the abductions.. the concept of the operation changed. Dylan and Cabot both volunteered to turn humans for them to accumulate soldiers faster. And were charging out the ass for itThey were using prisoners for the first turnings.. to make sure it was successful. My father was one of the first to be turned.”

Hunter said “The problems they are running into is the fact that they didn’t realize the Goddess ultimately decides who gets which wolf… and she is a spiteful deity. None of the turned wolves, so far.. have been granted a wolf above Omega status..”

Delilah laughed “Well.. Ain’t that some shit!?”

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