Maddox’s Pride - Warrior Wolves, M.C. ~ 2

Chapter 35 ~ I Read… A LOT

Delilah’s POV ~

It’s been several days.. and Maddox had been adamant that I take it easy a few days. So, I didn’t complain.. I’m nobody’s fool… I had my man catering to my every whim.. Fixing me dinner.. getting me ice cream at two in the morning.. Bathing my lazy ass? Yep.. no complaints here.

Several official looking vehicles arrived at the compound this morning.. Venom had the government officers sequestered in the conference room.. providing all the evidence we had gathered against Maxwell Unger.. and I was waiting to give my statement..

Maddox was in a foul mood… upset we didn’t just kill Max in what he’s calling an “oops” moment. He said the crimes he committed were technically on wolves pack land.. even though they are classified as crimes against humanity.. He’s worried we haven’t seen the last of him.. because ‘Max apparently has a hard-on for Venom’ … that’s a quote.

I was called in to give my statement.. in the middle of an argument between Venom and some general telling Captain Stone to stand down.. while Venom told him to kiss his ass.. So, I just stood inside the doors, waiting to be noticed.

Giving my statement, that same general was questioning me.. “In essence, when you heard the first gunshot, you didn’t seek shelter or call for help?” I laughed “Seek shelter? On the top of a waterfall? On private property.. I did call for help.. and in the thirty seconds it took for him to threaten my guard.. inject poison into our systems and abduct me, that help couldn’t get to us. Imagine that.”

He asked “Are you certain Captain Unger was responsible for your abduction?” Again… laughing.. I replied “Dead certain. He was the one in charge. I didn’t see who injected me.. but I did see who injected Brock.. I am well aware of who held a gun to Brock’s head, in order to ensure my compliance.. Stop what you’re doing! Unger is the man responsible.. you have over twenty witness statements.. and yet, here you sit.. questioning the innocent like they are somehow culpable in the downhill slide of one of your own. He did this.. you know he did this.. and now, I find myself wondering if he did this.. with your knowledge.. and possibly your authorization. Venom.. I believe releasing Max to this…. person… would be a mistake. We will never see justice through the courts of the United States government. Seems like they not only condone Unger’s actions.. but applaud them.”

Venom smiled “I was having my doubts, as well, little sister. And I believe you may be right.. Max will not be released to you today, General. He and I still need to have a little chat…or fifteen… depending on how much persuasion he requires to tell the truth… Something is off about this..and I will find out what.”

The General stood.. blustering.. demanding we release him.. when he was told no.. He threatened to get a warrant.. and Maddox snapped “Interesting.. You will GET a warrant? Not that you have already issued one? So, had we released Unger to you today.. he wouldn’t have been under arrest.. or even detained.. in custody?”

Venom stood, as Torin took over “Enough! You will leave now. Maxwell Unger will remain in MY custody.. I will no longer deal with any members of your government..except for the President, himself. If your officials ever actually get off their dead asses.. and file charges.. set a court date.. whatever, I will consider bringing him to appear.”

I busted out laughing “You guys always roll up in here.. believing you have any authority.. have any rights.. carry any weight.. Doesn’t feel good does it!? Having no power? Not being able to control the situation? Imagine an entire nation of people.. your own citizens.. who suffer that feeling of helplessness every day.. while your laws railroad them into compliance! What a great time to be werewolves! No wonder you people want to be turned.”

Maddox joined my laughter “I think you figured it out, baby. They are still hoping to create their own army of turned wolves. Holy fuck, Venom! Max didn’t succeed!! He is expendable! He wouldn’t have made it back to Washington to ever be officially charged with anything! Just like Colonel Slate.. Max was under orders to make sure he never talked.. remember? By any means necessary..”

Delaney looked at the general and asked him his name.. he said “Henderson” and she smiled softly “Well, Henderson.. you return to your home base empty handed today.. and make sure you let the powers that be know you failed.. You weren’t able to retrieve… or assassinate.. their target.. I can’t help but wonder.. Will this make you expendable, as well? Just a little something for you to think about.. on your flight home.”

I sit in awe of my family.. Now we are in a ‘fool me once, shame on you’ situation.. They will never have the opportunity to fool us twice.

Venom stood and said “This meeting is over. You know, Henderson.. I love this country.. My kind have lived here for millennia.. we have always cherished this land. I called your government out of respect.. out of the deeply instilled patriotism I feel.. in order to give that same government the opportunity to punish someone operating far outside of your constitutional laws. I want to thank you for allowing my eyes to be opened.. for making me realize.. My patriotism and yours are vastly different. Mine lies with the people of this once great nation. My dedication is to the preservation of this incredible land.. Your patriotism only runs as deep as your pockets. You are free to go.. this time. If you ever return.. under such false pretenses.. your lives will be forfeit.”

We followed them all all out.. watching them load into their vehicles.. Henderson stopped in front of Venom and lowly said “One day, I would like to tell you a story.. Call me when you’re ready to hear it. This is a secure.. untappable cell number.. Allow no one else to have it.. it literally would mean my life.” They shook hands.. and a piece of paper was transferred to Venom’s hand from Henderson’s.

Maddox shook his head “The government is so full of corruption.. it’s no wonder they face bankruptcy every few months. Too busy lining pockets instead of providing for the people.. Doesn’t their constitution say shit like of the people by the people for the people?”

I grinned “Yeah.. Wonder when that was ever true.. Because from what I have seen it’s of the corruption by the crooks for the money.”

Delaney started laughing “If they had only adhered to the constructs of the democracy created by Sequoyah to lead the Cherokee nation.. I mean, the foundations of the Declaration of Independence were based on his teachings”

Venom smirked “Yeah.. Well.. Something definitely got lost in the translation, then!” While Maddox asked “Why do you even know that shit? I pray to the Goddess no one ever finds the key to that lockbox in your head. We will be crushed under the trivial facts trapped in there!”

Delaney laughed “What can I say? I read… A LOT!”

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