Maddox’s Pride - Warrior Wolves, M.C. ~ 2

Chapter 33 ~ For Our Mother

Third Person POV ~

Three hundred and ten bikers pulled out onto the highway.. heading west.. They rode through the Kootenai and were just entering Trenton Falls.. when Maddox mind linked Venom.. letting him know that Max Unger showed up with Marcus in town..waiting for the time of the challenge. Venom told him to have eyes on them both at all times.

Chained to water pipes.. under a bathroom sink.. in a filthy bathroom of a disgusting motel room.. a beaten and bloodied Delilah sat.. Pissed.. and thinking.. She had waited patiently.. listening to the conversations from inside the motel room.

She discovered Max was leaving Cabot to keep an eye on her.. and to bring her to the Warrior Wolves territory when the challenge begins.. they wanted her to watch Maddox die.. They had a plan.. a sniper would shoot him with a poisoned bullet.. then Marcus would rip his throat out.

Delilah was not going to let that happen.. In the last fifteen minutes, Blue had started rousing.. They had injected her with so much wolfsbane.. Blue had been unconscious all this time..

She was listening.. pretending to be unconscious still.. Cabot was whining.. then bitching and then she wasn’t hearing Max’s voice anymore. She waited ten minutes.. then fifteen.. she heard nothing from the room..

She asked Blue if she was ready.. and Blue snarled in her head.. Wrapping both hands around the pipes coming out of the wall.. she yanked and threw herself backwards.. Successfully pulling herself free.. armed herself with the pipe she had pulled loose.. Water sprayed everywhere.. she was soaked by the time she opened the bathroom door and jumped into the room.. to find it empty.

She mind linked.. first Maddox.. to be told Venom and Delaney should be close.. then Venom.. 🐺 Torin.. I have broken free.. I overheard Max telling Cabot he was to guard me.. then bring me to our territory to watch them murder Maddox.. A sniper is setting up outside our borders.. A sharpshooter.

Venom linked back to make sure Maddox knows.. so the sniper can be dealt with.. and to try and get away from the motel room.. if she could. They were still ten minutes away.

She checked the windows and found one facing away from the front of the motel.. and shimmied her way out of it. She closed it behind her.. in case she was discovering missing.. it might buy her some valuable minutes.

When Maddox got word of a sniper moving into position.. it made sense why Max and Marcus showed up in town two hours early.. They expected all eyes to be on them.. not suspecting their subterfuge.

Delilah heard the bikes.. rumbling up the highway.. and turning into the motel’s parking lot.. All of Cabot’s men scrambled to get their weapons ready.. while some shifted into wolves.. What they didn’t expect was the two humvees pulling in.. with mounted fifty caliber automatic weapons..

Venom stood off his bike and said “Cabot! Always wanting what isn’t yours.. Never being man enough to hold onto it.. Shame, really.. Never in a million years, did I think I would have to kill my brother. But… never in a million years, did I think my brother would be responsible for murdering my father.”

Cabot sputtered “I didn’t kill him.. That was Dylan’s doing.. He killed him.. Not me!” Delaney screamed “Because you killed Dylan’s father! It’s the same as if you killed your own father.. yourself.. you idiot!”

While they were arguing.. no one noticed the small figure.. moving in the shadows.. making no sound.. Until she jumped.. landing in front of Cabot.. She kicked him in the chest.. and swung her bathroom pipe like a ball bat.. Knocking him out.

She turned.. and Delaney gasped.. rushing for her.. reaching her just as Delilah collapsed.. She whispered “He deserves it. I hope Venom makes him hurt real bad before he dies.”

Delaney had Snake carry Delilah over to the truck.. so she could assess her injuries. Her nose was broken.. one eye completely black.. and the other was blood red from broken blood vessels.. She had been choked.. strangled. Two broken ribs.. Venom asked her “Did Cabot do this to you?” She nodded.. and said “In his defense, I did call him a pencil dick pig fucker.. and kicked him in the balls.”

Venom turned to the warriors that had accompanied Cabot.. and told them “I will be claiming my rightful title at Golden Lake. Cabot will not be returning. You have a choice.. Either return immediately to the pack.. and await my arrival.. or run.. go rogue.. Now!”

They all wolfed out and headed to the northeast.. in the direction of the pack. Only two remained with Cabot.. Venom looked at one and asked if he was Beta.. the man said he was.. and under Alpha command. The other man was Gamma.. Venom immediately negated Cabot’s hold on them.. and they both asked if they could return to the pack.. Venom said they could.. but there would be a pack wide mandatory meeting in a few days.

They locked Cabot in silver shackles and headed back to the compound. Delilah stayed in contact with Maddox the entire way.. until it was time for the challenge to start..

Maddox had made sure all his men were armed.. he had fifty of them surrounding the challenge ring.. For every one of Marcus’s men.. he had three of his own standing guard.

The sniper had been found and neutralized.. Although neither Max nor Marcus knew.. they thought their failsafe was still in play.

Venom mind linked they were twenty minutes out.. so Maddox decided to stall.. He stepped into the fight ring.. and said “You made a mistake when you murdered my mother.. You made a mistake believing you mattered to anyone.. after that. You made a mistake coming to my town.. A mistake teaming up with Max Unger.. the man is an idiot! Another mistake you made was challenging me.. Your biggest mistake.. Your fatal mistake.. Was taking my mate.. by hurting her.. Now! Tell me! Where the Fuck is she!? You want to be Alpha!? Then bring my mate to me.. NOW!”

Max tried to placate him “She’s coming.. She will be here before the challenge is over.” Maddox growled “You aren’t hearing me, dumbass! The challenge won’t begin without Delilah here.. You want me to concede my title.. bring me my mate!”

Marcus laughed “You ain’t calling the shots here, boy.. This ain’t your show.. It’s mine!” At that moment, Venom stepped up behind Max.. holding a gun to the back of his head.. Delilah stepped into the ring.. and Maddox grabbed her to him.. his big hands cupped her face… gently kissing her forehead “I am so sorry, baby. This should never have happened.. It ends today!”

She smiled and said “I wasn’t scared, my love. I knew you’d come for me..” She turned and looked at Marcus.. “You should have left well enough alone.. because of your greed.. you will die.”

She stepped out of the ring and into her father’s arms.. and Axe announced the challenge had begun.. Marcus lunged for Maddox and he sidestepped him.. landing a kidney punch..

Marcus spun and punched Maddox.. landing a blow on his shoulder. Earning himself a throat punch. Max whistled and Venom smirked “Oh. Yeah. That? That won’t do you any good, Max.. Your boy in the tree out there? He’s dead.”

The third time Marcus lunged.. Maddox hatchet chopped his neck.. snapping his spine. Marcus laid on the ground.. unable to move.. and Maddox smiled at him “You should have stayed out of our lives. All it did was get you killed. Delaney walked up and slammed her fist into Marcus chest.. yanking out his heart. She whispered “For our mother!”

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