Maddox’s Pride - Warrior Wolves, M.C. ~ 2

Chapter 32 ~ Biker Brotherhood

Maddox’s POV ~

We had located almost all of Dylan’s warriors.. and we also found Cabot’s base camp.. killing anyone who resisted.. but didn’t find Cabot.

I asked Venom “What’s going on with his pack, bro? He’s been gone several months now. Anyone could come and take it away from him. That’s your dad’s legacy.”

He nodded “I know.. and I have eighty warriors watching over it. Golden Lake was once a great pack.. and it was my dad’s legacy. Cabot stole what was mine.. by birthright.. He will die for it!”

I was finally close enough to club territory I could mind link with Lilah.. Goddess… I had missed her so fucking much! She was so excited and animated about the temple.. and it was contagious.. Having me laughing out loud at times.

There was a lull in conversation while they hiked to the peak of the falls… several minutes later her disjointed mind link came through.. and I only needed one word to figure out what happened… Unger.

I Steele’s angry growl “Get to the falls! Unger took Delilah!” Hunter slammed the pedal to the floor.. and we were there in under ten minutes..

Manic had been hit in the chest.. but it missed anything vital.. and Brock was unconscious… Just as I turned to start searching for anything to tell me where he had taken her.. Marcus stepped out of the tree line “If you ever want to see her again.. tomorrow.. you lose.” He turned and ran back into the trees.

Venom told two men to his left..”Track him. If you lose him, don’t come home.” I stood there long enough.. “Is he serious, right now? What is this? Because it seriously feels like some 1950s gangster movie.. First of all, they are underestimating the shit out of my mate.. Secondly, I have never thrown a fight in my life.. and now it’s a fight for my life.. so Fuck that!”

We had trackers out following trails.. False scents.. for hours.. When Brock started waking up.. I kept trying to nudge Delilah and Blue awake… to no avail..

Henri and Kathy arrived.. just as Delaney pulled in with some trackers. She said “I got a lead on Cabot.. and guess who he’s hanging out with?”

Not in the mood for guessing games.. I growled.. and she said “Okay.. okay Growly pants! He is with Max… and they are in that seedy motel on the other side of Trenton Falls… headed towards Oakville..

Venom looked at Snake.. “Take three hundred… We roll out in ten minutes… MadDog.. get ready for the challenge.. We will bring Delilah home.. Keep Marcus alive long enough for her to watch him die..”

I groaned “The challenge isn’t for another four hours.. I won’t be able to focus without Delilah.. I keep trying to mind link her.. but she is either too far away.. or still drugged.”

Delaney rubbed my back “She’s okay, Buddy Roe. She’s a fighter.. and if she’s too far away to mind link you… then it’s important we get as close to where she is as we can.. so she knows a rescue is coming.”

I nodded and knew she was right.. but I want to be the one to rescue my mate! “It’s the not knowing that’s doing my head in.. If they have hurt her.. they will not survive this day!”

Henri walked over to me.. laying his hand on my shoulder.. I turned into his hug.. as he whispered “Focus on her life link, son.. Visualize it in your mind… When you see her tether.. the one that’s tied directly to you.. tug on it.. If she is awake.. she will feel you.”

I turned my focus inward… searching for her tether.. It was the brightest one.. glowing gold.. I reached for it and tugged it.. not hard.. just two little pulls.. to see if she responded.

I went to check on Manic and Brock.. wanting Delaney to be able to let Lilah know they were okay.. Knowing that would be her main concern..

Manic was sitting up.. practically healed.. which was really good news.. Except now, he’s arguing with Derek about going on the rescue mission.. I said “Manic.. stand down.. your Luna would be very angry with us both if I let you go.. She would want you to recuperate.. That’s what’s most important to her.

Brock was awake.. but extremely groggy.. and even more pissed off than Manic. “They didn’t give her a choice. She wouldn’t fight them.. and they knew it.. They put that gun to my head.. and she hit her knees.. begging them to not hurt me. Mother fuckers! Cowards!”

I responded “We will make them pay, brother.. Not one of them walks away..” Venom mind linked me.. letting me know they were getting ready to pull out..

I reached for my Delilah’s tether and tugged again.. This time.. I felt a tug in return.. I whispered “Baby? Can you hear me? Help is coming.. You will be home soon.. I promise.”

She tugged back.. twice.. and I realized she can hear me.. so she is either too weak to mind link back.. or it’s being prevented.. somehow.

I told Delaney what had happened with the tether.. and she told me “Keep talking to her, Bud… She needs that hope.. We go in praying for the best.. and expecting the worst.. Tell her to tug once if she’s hurt.. and twice if something is preventing her mind link from getting through.

I did as she asked.. and Delilah tugged once. I nearly lost control of Steele in that moment.. Then she tugged twice.. I told my sister “It’s both.. she is injured and something is preventing her link.”

Venom yells “Mount up, men! We ride for Diamond! We die for Diamond!” Everyone of them made a fist.. thumping the left side of their chests.. twice.

Nothing in this world is like a Biker Brotherhood!

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