
Chapter Chapter Twelve

We stood in the long hallway, waiting for the doors to open for us. Amy had walked up front, to announce our arrival at the ball room. Upon waiting a few minutes, the doors had opened, the smell of testosterones, pheromones, arousal and just male arrogance, hit my nostrils.

Goddess, this was going to be a long, dragging night. I’m going to find my date, at the bar, as soon as I’m in. And whiskey is his name.

“Please welcome, Alpha Emerson, leader of the Mountain Peak Pack, together with her entourage!” The man at the entrance to the ball room yelled.

For a moment, everyone looked our way, gasping at me, trying to figure out what kind of woman I am. I even heard some glasses break in the back, not drawing away any attention off of me though. I growled, and quickly the music started playing again, and the people turned their heads away from me.

Soon, whispers and rumours filled the room, but eventually people were acting normal again.

“Alpha.” Amy whispered to me, so I turned around.

I could see my pack members waiting my approval to mingle and find their mates. They were pleading silently with their eyes, to be released into the sea of hormones.

“Remember, that I can’t protect you if you leave my pack. Choose wisely, should you meet your mate.” I said to them.

“Yes, Alpha!” They all said in unison.

“Off you go!” I yelled to them and they scurried into different directions.

Amy told me that she was going to walk around too, I wasn’t fond of her going into that mess of male hormones, but she is strong enough, to keep any unwanted male away from her. So, I let her.

Terrence walked with me, towards the bar, where we ordered some whiskey. He told me to relax, and I smiled to him.

“Well, well, well. Who do we have here? If it isn’t our mate killer.” A male voice said to Terrence.

I was still seated at the bar, facing my back towards the man, who was talking to my Beta with that loathing voice of his. As I took a sip of my drink, I waited for what Terrence was going to do. I was wondering, if the idiot was aware that he was now talking to one of the most powerful people in this room.

“Where have you been all this time, Terrence?” The man asked, while practically spitting out his name.

“Why would I bother to tell you? You are the cause, of what happened, and you caused me to be thrown out of the pack.” Terrence said, while leaning backwards against the bar, completely relaxed.

I could feel the heat coming off his body, anger was arising inside of him. He was clearly not really fond of the man, who he accused, of him becoming a rogue. He was restraining himself, from becoming a murderous beast, and he was doing a pretty good job at it too.

The moron that stood in front of him, was completely oblivious to the power that now resided within him. As becoming my Beta, granted him a lot of strength, will power, and the power to use a stronger command, than he had when he was an Omega.

“You are perfectly aware, that your so called ‘mate’ was more impressed by me, than by your weak appearance.” He said, while pushing a finger on Terrence’ chest.

In my peripheral vision I could see that the lousy wolf, was astound that Terrence didn’t bend down, or submitted to him. The man got angry and yelled to him, trying to get Terrence to submit to his weak Delta command. As I assumed that’s what his rank was.

He was balling his fist, but before he could strike Terrence in the face, I had stood up from my bar stool and moved myself in front of the man within a second. His fist came landing upon my left-cheek, but I didn’t move. It felt like his hand just barely grazed my face, only feeling a slight burn, from the collision between our skin.

He cried out in pain, holding his own hand in agony, as it was clearly contorted and broken in several places.

“How… Who are you?” He stuttered.

“Meet the leader of the northern region, my Alpha, Alpha Emerson. And I’d like to introduce myself anew, as the Beta of Mountain Peak Pack.” Terrence said with pride in his voice.

The man stumbled backwards, upon hearing this information.

“She has full rights, to kill you here on the spot, as you have disrespected an Alpha. Yet, I humbly ask of her, to not do that, as I want to see you wallow, in your own pity. You are not worth of a simple death.” Terrence spoke again.

I had listened to him, and agreed with his judgement. If he didn’t want me to kill him, then I followed his request. Clearly the man had something to do with him killing his mate, of which I don’t know the details, so he gets to decide whether or not, the man dies.

A low rumble left my chest, and the lousy Delta slithered his way out of the room.

I went back to take my seat at the bar, and started to drink my whiskey again. In one pour it was gone, so I ordered a new one.

“Emmy?” I heard someone ask me, in a familiar voice.

Can’t I just have a drink here? You know, I just want this night to end, to drink my whiskey and be off to bed! But as I was here, also for PR reasons, I put on a smile, and turned myself around. To face the man that was talking to me, without using the proper title.

“Is that really you?” The grey bearded man asked me.

“Hello father, how are you doing?” I said nonchalantly, and Terrence spit out his sip of whiskey.

I chuckled in my mind, about the fact that the bartender was now sprayed by him, trying to wipe the light brown stains from his white shirt.

“How are you here? You should get out of here, before our Alpha finds you!” He said to me, without replying to my question.

What is he referring to? Does he still believe that his Alpha, is still my Alpha? Didn’t he just hear the man at the entrance call out my name? I’m sure there aren’t many Alpha’s called Emerson. And besides that, does my father not even recognise my own power?

And to top it off, he killed my mother, sold me off, and planned it all with his Alpha. He can’t be ordering me around. Why does he want me to be safe and away from his Alpha?

“Send him to me, I’m not afraid of him.” I stated, while taking another sip from my whiskey.

“Then he can finally explain to me, why he demanded of you to kill my mother.”

“Oh, but that was all his own doing.” I heard from the side of me.

My former Alpha, was trying to intimidate me, by standing really close and let out a low growl, to try and push me into submission. I choked on a sip of my whiskey, mentally laughing at his act of little power. So far, I haven’t met a single Alpha, who could meet up to my strength and Alpha command. And I was constantly underestimated, by everyone who tried to intimidate me.

“Submit to me little girl! And I may choose to let you inside my pack again! To be used as one of my whores!” He said, using his Alpha command, again.

“Hmm… tempting, I bet you are just as strong as you were, when you made me leave.” I said with a lustful voice, when I stood right in front of him, touching his chest with my hands.

He thought that his power was working on me, and I had let him bask in his own arrogance, just a little while longer. A smile appeared on his face, he was sure that he could take me home with him.

I had slowly pushed his back against the bar, while still using a sensual voice.

He tried to step forward, to gain more power over me, but I pushed him back again. He let out an approving growl, lust filling his eyes. But I was done playing.

I shifted my right hand, forming it into a claw, and my body slightly grew larger in height, not to tear my clothes apart. Then he understood that his power had been futile against me. He shifted on his legs, trying to push himself forward, only to be met with my claws, slightly puncturing his skin, right at the place where his heart pounded behind his ribcage.

He was no match for me, and slowly he realised that he had made a mistake.

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