
Chapter Chapter Forty-One

“So, what are you going to do now?” Amy asked me over the phone.

Several weeks had passed and a lot had happened. Beta Michael was out of danger and recuperating well after the silver bullet was carefully removed out of his shoulder. Silver does some serious harm to werewolves, as the body stiffens, when the silver enters the bloodstream. Luckily the doctors had gotten it out, before the silver had reached his heart, otherwise he would have been dead.

Both Daniel and my father had suffered my sister’s wrath, for all the things that they had done wrong. I had laughed at the story that Amy had told me, about the moment those two entered the palace.

Upon seeing them arrive, she had rushed outside, pulled them both out of the car, and kicked their asses and hit their heads, while continuously yelling at them, until they were both inside. Some guards had to pull her off of them, of which her reaction was to knock one of the guards out, and continue her efforts to hurt the two men some more. And due to the training that I had given her, when she was still at my pack, she had managed to break my father’s arm and had kicked Daniel in his balls.

Nice going Amy. They would both not hear the end of her rant, until the end of days. Which will be their perfect torture. I bet that some people even think that she is the most powerful she-wolf alive right now, as she can control the King, to get everything that she wants.

Maybe Daniel’s Kingdom will be greatly improved with her attitude. As I know that she had done a great job here, I love how my pack turned out, together with her organizing skills.

“So?” She asked me again.

“I’m not sure, really. Berrant has been asking me to go with him to the Nordic continent, and I do want to see my grandfather, but…”

“Yes, you can’t leave your pack… I know, but you have to continue on living though. See it as a vacation, you have been through a lot, go and do some sightseeing and relax a bit.” She suggested.

“Hmm, yes that is actually a good idea.” I sincerely said to her.

We had finished up our call and after a few minutes both Terrence and Berrant came walking in. Berrant had been teaching Terrence the old language and he was catching up pretty quickly. Besides, Berrant and Terrance became really good friends, and caused some trouble with the other warriors, pulling some pranks and all. I never saw Terrence as a person to do stupid things, but I guess he never had a friend to cause these things with either. And I was actually glad that he was feeling happy.

“Ertu að koma fyrir kúk?” Terrence asked me and I frowned to him.

He cleared his throat and tried to say it again, clearly he was realizing that he was saying something wrong. And Berrant was stifling a laugh, trying to keep his emotions at bay, only making this situation worse.

“Ertu að koma fyrir kúk?” Terrence said again, with a big questioning look on his face now, as if he wasn’t only asking me this question, but towards himself as well.

Berrant couldn’t stop himself now and laughed out loud. Clearly he had taught his new friend something stupid.

“Terrence stop. I know we have taken showers together, but I will always do ‘that’ privately.” I said to him, while I walked in between the guys and went over to the kitchen, to grab me some dinner. Which is probably what Terrence wanted to ask me.

I heard him ask Berrant what he had said, and he explained that ‘kúk’ meant ‘poop’, of which Berrant immediately received a beating and I heard my office door break.

“Sorry! I’ll fix it!” Terrence yelled and I smiled.

Over dinner I had thought about Daniel, and how things could have been, if we both hadn’t had our own Kingdom to rule. Not that I’m regretting my rejection towards him, but just thinking about how he would have come to see me as, if I had went to his palace.

I don’t think that the way of life in the palace would have ever suited me. Having a council to report to, always sleeping in square rooms where eventually the walls would come at me. No fresh air, as the city and it’s buildings around the palace pushed away any of it. Besides, I would always have to be decent, not only in clothes but also in words. And I don’t like the city and the people that squirm around, only thinking about their watch and meaningless jobs.

No, I’m a nature person. The nature around me, is more home-feeling to me. The mountain, the creatures, the weather and view, all appeal to me. Being free in nature, that’s what I prefer. Even our way of hunting and gathering our own meat and hides, skinning animals, selling its fur and using every part of the creature for different purposes. And also the ability to walk around naked in the forest, on top of the mountain, or even sleeping naked in my bed, even though there are no doors.

Well, Terrence had put up a door at the entrance of my room, but I decided to never shut it.

Thinking about nature, I decided that I wanted to see the nature on the Nordic continent.

Berrant had been talking to his Alpha, and my grandfather had said to him, that I’m not obligated to do anything, but that he would love to see me anyway. Of course if someone would force me to go there, I might have been against going, as I don’t like to do what I’m told. But still, I could use a vacation, and I’m intrigued to find out who my grandfather is. Besides my father, he is the only living relative I have, so I do want to see him.

Berrant came into the kitchen, all laughing together with Terrance. They cleared their throats as they saw me looking serious.

“You alright?” Berrant asked me.

“Yes, I decided to go with you. Not permanent, just for a week or two.” I said.

“Great! I will be able to wear my normal clothes again!” Berrant replied, while tugging at his shirt.

“Normal clothes?” Terrance asked him, as he had understood the words easily.

“Yes, you will see, when we get to my home.” He said to him and patted him on the shoulder.

Berrant had informed his Alpha of our travel ‘home’ and within a few days, I had organized everything in the pack to be led by Timothy and my Delta’s. And there shouldn’t be any trouble, as Daniel and I had a silent truce, and there was no other threat looming on our lands now.

I had packed my bags, and made sure that my plane was well stocked with fuel and food, as the trip to the Nordic continent was going to take twelve hours at least. Only then was I wondering how Berrant’s Lycans had travelled to this place at all, as we hadn’t seen them arrive here by plane.

“By submarine. We docked at a beach in the south, and went from there.” Berrant had said, and I was amazed to hear that information.

He also said that the sub was being brought back by several other Lycans, as not all of them are here with me on the plane. There are about forty of them in here, and about two-hundred on the sub. Again, I was amazed by that number, he could have easily taken over several packs with those numbers. But I guess that they didn’t, as that was not the intent of their mission.

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