
Chapter Chapter Forty

After getting dressed, as I had picked a shirt from the closet in the room, from the unknown owner, we had talked for a little, to make sure that everything that had just happened, was truly for the greater good. And after finishing our conversation we had walked outside, still unmarked luckily.

Everyone that we had left outside, before Daniel had dragged me to the bedroom, was still there. My warriors, Berrant and his warriors, Daniel’s warriors and of course my former lousy Alpha Steven, and my father.

Steven was confused. He had tilted his head to find out where the markings on my body were, as his stupid mind thought that Daniel actually had managed to get to me.

My father stood up instantly upon seeing me, and asked me if I was alright. I nodded to him that I was, and told him that he should go with Daniel to the palace. He was a rogue now to the Crescent Moon Pack, as he had dismissed his Alpha’s command.

“I’ll take you into my pack, as an Omega.” Daniel had said, and my father agreed to it immediately, as he didn’t want to stay a rogue, and he didn’t want to get back to his rank as Beta, to the pack we were currently ‘visiting’.

I agreed with Daniel to take him in. Sure, he had killed my mother, but only out of stupidity. Besides, he had shown his remorse, and was willing to fight alongside me, and gave up his pack. And he still had another daughter to attend to, which is going to give him hell for all he did. He has to turn around his life, and he will get a chance this way. With his true mate that is, as she had come walking out of the packhouse just now, and hugged my father dearly.

And then there is that other one, I had to pick a bone with.

“Don’t kill him.” Daniel said, teasingly.

“Awww… Please? Why not?” I pouted.

“What? No please!” Steven said perplex, as he noticed that Daniel had meant him.

I tossed the big shirt that I wore, aside, and fully shifted into my white Lycan. Steven gasped upon seeing me, raising my height, about two inches higher than he stood. He stumbled backwards and tripped on a loose patch of grass. His ass dropped in a muddy puddle, and mud splattered all around.

“Hmm. That colour suits you!” I said with an animalistic voice, while brown water was splattered all around his clothes.

I reached down, and put my claws on his chest, pushing him further down into the mud. The water from the puddle seeped into his mouth, and he coughed loudly.

“Listen up!” I said while grabbing his shirt at his throat.

“I don’t want your pack. I don’t want you to come close to me, ever again. And I don’t want to hear any bad word from anyone, about you, or I will come back and kill you! And next time, the King won’t be here to save you from harm! Am I clear?!” I roared to him, and he nodded ferociously.

But I wasn’t done, yet.

I dropped him back in the puddle and used some good force upon his chest. With my fist I slammed into him, and broke his sternum and several of his ribs. He roared in pain, and gurgled with his mouth as blood sputtered towards me, letting me know that his lungs were punctured by his broken bones. With his hands he grabbed onto his own chest, and quickly he rolled over, to try and catch a good breath. Of course that was practically impossible, as his lungs had trouble expanding now.

His pack members stood by him, watching.

“Help him! And remind him daily, that I’m his worst nightmare!” I roared to those lousy pack members, and they stumbled towards him.

Even though he is a werewolf, he will have to face surgery for his wounds and recuperate for several weeks. And once he has left the hospital, he would probably have to face a lot of members who wish to leave his annoying pack, or who wishes to challenge him for his rank. Suits him just fine, in my opinion.

Looking towards his former mate:

“Ertu búinn að spila núna?” One of the men around her said.

Wasn’t he one of her warriors? He speaks that same language as those who attacked my packs!

“Já mér leiðist, förum.” She replied.

Every other man and woman, who didn’t know about this strange happening, strained their ears, and looked up at her with amazement.

“You can speak that language?” I asked her, after she had put on her shirt again.

“Yes, my pack had captured a few, because every time I tried to reach a packhouse that was under attack, I was too late. And now it turned out that they speak the fairy tale language that my mother had taught me.” She said easily.

Just like all those other times that she had let me in to some of her knowledge, like that her gamma is her sister, or that she has a gold mine in her mountain, or that she had taken showers with Terrence and so on, she just told me this. As if it was the most common knowledge in the world.

I laughed on the inside, as she constantly is able to amaze me. Even though she isn’t my mate anymore, and I don’t have the urge to make her mine, she is truly magnificent.

Slowly I’m beginning to understand why she rejected me in the first place. She was never meant to be mine, even though the Goddess had chosen us to be together. We could have made a good couple, but only if she would have decided that my life was good enough for her. Which wasn’t.

Our classical way of living wouldn't suit her, and her becoming my submissive Luna, wouldn't either. Maybe it would have, if she hadn't suffered in her past, but due to her torture she isn't one to let herself be controlled by just anyone. She is like a rough stallion, waiting to be found by a handler who can actually tame her.

Seeing her laugh and talk in that odd language, makes me guess if there is someone for her on a different continent. And if there is, then I wish all the best for her. Because the things that she has done for me, are probably things that I couldn’t have given her.

The respect that she deserves, for saving me and my wolf, is of such a magnitude, that I will be forever in her debt. And each and every single person here on this field knows the same. I have no shame of what had happened in that room just a few moments ago. I’m glad that she chose to save me, instead of letting me die, or worse, let me live without my wolf.

“Winston. I’m terribly sorry, for what I have caused. Would you do me the greatest honour of all times, to forgive me my mistakes?” I asked him sincerely.


“Dick!” I said to him.

“Well not if you talk like that, I won’t!” He replied and I laughed.

It will take some time, but I’m sure we will find each other to be friends again.

Suddenly I remember something that the Lycan in the cell, at Red Mesa Peak, had said. About them finding the heir, and be done searching for it. Instead of a ‘he’, could ‘she’ be the one? Could she be the heir of perhaps the continent in the north of our planet? If she is, and she doesn’t know yet, I’ll let her find out on her own, as she is smart enough for that. And someday I’ll send her a text and ask her how she is doing. I’ll probably get scolded by her, but that would be something funny to look forward to.

We had rounded off our conversations, and got ready to leave to our respective homes.

“Goodbye my Queen.” I said to her, and bowed to her as they did in old times.

“Goodbye my King.” She said to me, while granting me the same curtesy.

We smiled to each other, and left in separate ways. It would take some time, maybe never, to see her again.

A/n: This is not the end! A lot more is coming! Stay tuned! 💛

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