
Chapter Chapter Forty-Four

Fuck I’m in trouble!

Gasps were heard around me, other men chuckled and Terrence yelled to me asking if I’m alright or not. As the only thing I did right now, was still locking my eyes at this man.

This gorgeous, strong, giantlike man, with rough features on his face, such as a scar above his left eye, a bush of wild hair on his head, tattoos on his neck, his right ear pierced with a black spike and those muscles… they are to die for… Unknowingly I raised my hand and touched his arm and neck, and for a moment I glared into those black eyes of his wolf that had come to surface. His scent is mesmerizing and his aura is making me curious…

Shit! Snap back! I told my inner self. I forced to shake my head, and to tell him something witty. But I couldn’t think of anything. I’m really dumbstruck right now.

I took a deep breath, and came to my senses now. Shit this is hard!

“Stop!” I said to him.

“I’m not doing anything.” He replied, and he wasn’t lying, he just stood there, in front of me, watching me.

“Yes you are! You are watching me!” I said.

“Wow, that will impress him!” Dakota said sarcastically and I mentally slapped her, which wasn’t fair because I’m the one that was being stupid.

“Yes I am.” He said to me, while a smirk came upon his face.

He leaned forward and put his nose in my neck, taking in my scent completely.

“I have been waiting for you, for a long time.” He whispered in my ear.

My wittiness instantly came soaring in again, as I remembered that I’m not here to find my mate! This is getting all déjà vu again, because I have a pack at my mountain, and I can’t leave them! I don’t want a mate and I don’t need one either!

“Then wait a little longer!” I said clear as day, and turned around to walk out of the house.

My grandfather pleaded with me, to not run away, but this little Princess isn’t going to listen to that. I’ve been here for only a few hours, and already I had to face stupid wolves to get them off of me, met my grandfather, who turned out to be a King, which turns out that I’m a Princess then, and now Berrant’s Alpha, Aron, is my second mate?

I reached for the doorknob, and upon turning it and opening the door, Aron came walking in close and pushed the door back, so that I’m not able to leave.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked me.

“Leave this place, I don’t need a man.”

“I am no ordinary man! I’m an Alpha Lycan, and you will stay here!” He used quite a lot of his Alpha command on me, and it nearly pushed me into submission.

I know that he is not using all of it, and its full capacity might actually be more than I could ever muster, but right now, I’m not totally going to succumb to him!

“And I am an Alpha female Lycan! Don’t underestimate me!” I shouted to him, and pushed him back. Quickly I ran out the door, and had let Dakota take over control.

“Emerson!” My grandfather yelled again, but I was gone.

We took off with an amazing speed, as fury fuelled us with plenty of energy. Dakota soared through the wind, pushing off from the ground with a force that I haven’t seen her use before.

Behind me I heard Aron roar and shift mid-air into a quick pursuit, towards us. The stampeding sound of his paws landing on the ground, one by one, haunted us for a little while, until Dakota decided to go even faster. She used all her strength to push herself forward, creating a whistling sound in our ears, from the air that sped past them.

But even though we had pushed our efforts to go faster than we have ever done, Aron managed to get closer and closer.

We took some quick turns, jumped over brooks, slid ourselves over the grass, used the trees to make more sharp turns, and used our agile flexibility to jump over rocks. But still… He was faster.

In the distance I had seen a huge rock formation, between some trees and took a run for it. Going in a straight line, he was gaining fast, and he even nipped at our tail! I took control, and behind a rock I quickly shifted into my full Lycan, and waited for him to come around the corner.

But he did no such thing. I looked around the rock, to see where he had been gone, but he was nowhere to be seen!

Suddenly I heard a roar behind me, and quickly I turned to see where he was.

“You are fast, little one.” He whispered from behind one of the rocks, but the sound echoed between them so I couldn’t pin point where exactly he was hiding behind.

“Come here and fight me!” I yelled, trying to let him show himself.

“Why? Can’t you find me? You made a mistake, by coming here.” He said from what appeared to be my left side.

I crept behind the left rocks, slowly, and tried using all my senses to spot where he was. The moss that covered the silky wet rocks, was distracting me to keep my feet steady. I tried stepping on them, but slid away a few times, making stupid little noises.

I could use my claws but that would make me slower, and leave marks, for him to track me easier.

My nose had let me know that he was getting closer, as his scent of musk and rain had invaded my nostrils. This delicious natural scent that had come to me earlier in the house, was now clear, as no longer the smell of sweat and fear was disrupting it.

“Let him catch us!” Dakota begged.

“No! I don’t want this, and I’m not into games right now!” I said to her.

“Oh, I like games!” She said and I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly a streak of black and grey, jumped down from the rocks that I was clinging onto at the ground. He had managed to get on top of them, without me noticing, and due to all the small little sounds, he had found where I was.

He now stood in front of me, his most black, and here and there a white or grey stripe, intimidated us immediately. His height was truly amazing, as his shifted form is over seven feet tall, easily. And his ripped abs, broad shoulders and thick thighs couldn’t compare to anything I have seen before, which made Dakota drool in my mind.

The scar on his left eye, that he had in human form, shone through in Lycan form as well. The fur on that spot, couldn’t come out, so a white line of skin was there instead. And the black spike that was in his right ear, was still there in Lycan form too. Odd to see a wolf with a pierced ear though, I’ve never seen that.

Though I’m liking it. I like every aspect of his body.

“Yes, me too!” Dakota drooled again, almost making me drool for real now too.

He looked at me expectantly and came forward.

I took a swipe at him, he avoided it easily and began to smirk. As far as a shifted Lycan could, because the facial muscles of a half-wolf wouldn’t allow you to show a good smile. So this looked actually really funny, as his canines were showing, and thus not making the ‘smile’ really appealing.

I took another swipe at him and we began to fight each other. Well I tried hitting him and he either avoided my hits or took them head on, but he never hit me. He never took a swing at me, or raised his fists to knock me down.

I got furious that I wasn’t able to hit him properly, and used up more energy to land a hit. Finally I managed to knock him against his jaw, with a full fist and he shook his head upon receiving it. And in that little moment of distraction, I hit him in the guts and kicked him in the knee. He was grunting in pain, while bending on the ground with one knee down, but soon got up again and smiled once more.

He turned my body and took me in a strong hold, locking my arms in between his and gently used his canines to scrape my neck, to make sure that I wouldn’t move. He didn’t mark me, but if I had moved, it would have been my own doing, if he did.

“His wolf tells us to calm down.”

“The hell I will! He is able to mark us, right now, if he wants to!”

“Would that be so bad?” She asked me.

“Yes! What would we do with our pack then? We can’t do this!”

“I know, but we could figure out something for them later.” She pleaded.

“No Dakota, I can’t. I can’t commit myself, and you know it!”

I started to panic, I really can’t do this! I came here to relax, but thus far, I’m only getting confused, forced to fight and being overwhelmed with all of this. This whole episode of finding a way to leave my pack, or finding out what I’m feeling now, is just beginning all over again.

The moments where I had laid in Daniel’s arms on that rock at the ocean, came pouring in, as that was the first time where I had opened up myself to someone else. Daniel was the first to know about all of my past, including the parts with Terrence. Not even Berrant knows about that, so Aron doesn’t know either!

Aron’s arms tried to calm me down, by squishing me tighter and nearly penetrating the skin of my neck with his teeth.

My heart begged me to scream, to cry and make this stop, but my logical brain didn’t care for that idea. It just didn’t know what to do, as I’m normally not this weakly minded. So it only saw one way out, for now.

It chose to give up.

I gave up.

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