
Chapter Chapter Forty-Five

Looking upon his mate:

I couldn’t believe that the tortured soul, of which Berrant had told me about, turned out to be my mate. The moment she had entered the building, her scent had pushed itself into my mind. Úlfur had roared upon seeing her fight against those other wolves, but I wanted to see how strong she was. And she had proven herself to be worthy, as she had easily knocked several of those strong men down, with just a few simple knocks.

Her feisty spirit riled me up even more, as she was reflecting my Alpha command with a massive amount of her own. I hadn’t used my full control, and I guess that she knew about it, as she quickly ran away and shifted into her wolf.

Her rare white fur, stunned me, as her beauty overwhelmed my senses. And she was fast, but not faster than me, and she was cunning, but I was more.

She is definitely worthy to be my mate, but what Berrant had told me about her, was troubling me.

I doubt that she knows that her Beta had told Berrant everything, as she brought him along with her. But I was fully aware of the torture that she had to endure, along with the abuse towards her and the way that she had to spend time with this Beta of hers. And to top it off, I knew about her rejection towards her former mate.

I know everything, and I could relate to what she must be feeling, as I had suffered somewhat the same torture as she did. As my own father didn’t want to have me, and had locked me up in the basement. My torture was from the age of five, until I became too strong for him to keep me locked up.

She, just like me, had built up a wall of stone. And we were both reluctant to tear it down.

And now she was passed out, and laid naked in my arms.

I would have never marked her, not like this, but I had to force her to calm down somehow. I never expected her to pass out, but I guess the experiences from today were a bit too much.

My walk back to the building, she stayed asleep, and upon reaching it, her Beta had rushed out.

“What did you do to her!” He began to yell, with a heavy accent to his words.

“She passed out. I haven’t hurt her!” I roared to him, and he immediately backed down.

“Don’t bring her to the hospital, she hates that.” He said with sorrow in his eyes.

I nodded to him, and took her to her grandfather’s place, after wrapping her up in a blanket.

From under the covers:

Soft pillows underneath my head, warm blankets on my body, and upon opening my eyes, walls of a cave was surrounding me. Am I home at my mountain? Have I dreamt about the beautiful lush green lands and meeting my grandfather and second mate? It must be… right?

But on the other hand, I don’t have such an imagination, my dull mind couldn’t come up with these kinds of things. Shit… This wasn’t my bed, and not my blanket! My heart began to race, as panic was coming in again.

I remembered how I felt yesterday, being overwhelmed by everything that had happened. My breathing became faster upon thinking about me being a Princess, as my grandfather is the King, all those men that had attacked me, and finally my mate, who had me in a predicament, with his canines around my neck…

“Calm down, you’re at your grandfather’s place.” A voice said next to me. I looked at him, and instantly realised that it was Aron.

“Why am I here?” I asked while grabbing my head, as a huge headache was forming.

“You like honesty, right?”

“Yes…” I dragged out, wondering what he was going to say.

“I know about your past, and I know how you must be feeling…”

“You don’t know anything about me!” I said angry, while getting out of the bed.

I realised I was naked, but I didn’t bother about it at all. If it were for me, I would walk around naked all the time. My emotions were in a roller coaster now, as my panic had subsided and anger came to the surface. I was going to search for Terrence, because I wanted to find out what he had said. As he is the only one to know our story. And if he is the one who couldn’t keep his mouth shut, he was going to suffer for it!

Aron quickly followed me, out of the room, never stopping me in my search, but not helping either. Room after room I had looked for him, but each time turned up with nothing.

“TERRENCE!” I roared, and used all of my Alpha command to get him as fast as he could to me.

Eventually, after several minutes of futile running, and not finding a way out of this place, he came around the corner.

“What the fuck have you told him?!” I yelled at him and instantly he bent on his knee and bared me his neck.

I got extremely annoyed by my Alpha command, as Terrence wasn’t able to answer me immediately as he had to bend his knee, and come up from it first.

“Everything, and you know why.” He said.

“If I did, I wouldn’t be asking you now, you asshole! Spit it out! WHY?!” I commanded him.

“Because you need a clean slate, you need someone who can relate to you. And I’m happy that he is your mate, as I had heard from Berrant that he has suffered in his youth too. He understands you!” He yelled to me now.

“Don’t you dare tell me, that someone understands what we both have gone through! And don’t you dare use that voice against me!”

“But he does understand you!” Terrence yelled to me again, which made him receive a slap on his face from me.

“Get out! And stay away for a while, in case I decide to kill you!”

“Then you might as well kill me now, because I’m not leaving you, and you should know that!”

“AAAHHHH!!!” I roared with all my power and I pushed him against the wall, while surrounding his throat with my claws.

I was so fucking angry with him, that he had told my story to someone else! It wasn’t his to tell, and I trusted him with all I got. He was my anchor, the only person who truly knows what I feel, and what I’ve been through. He has damaged our relation now. He has betrayed me.

“Don’t kill him. You know he did this for us! Because you weren’t going to tell him yourself, unless someone asks for it!” Dakota pleaded.

She was right about that. If someone asks me something, I’m never one to hold back about myself. Not that I tell my enemies what had happened to me, or to any of my pack members, but to the ones that are close to me, I would tell. But Aron didn’t know anything about me in the first place, he hadn’t heard rumours about my past, so he wouldn’t have asked me about it either. So, yes, Terrence was right to tell Berrant about what we have been through.

I still don’t like it, that he had told anyone, but Terrence knows me better than any other person on this damn planet.

It had taken all from me, to let him go, to release the grip on his neck, and to walk away. I went back to the room where I had awoken in, and for the second time, since my mother was dead, I cried.

This time my mind allowed me to cry, instead of shutting down. Somehow it knew I needed to unload myself from some of it.

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