Lycan's Affection

Chapter Take Me Home

Conaan's hand slowly dropped from Alexander's neck, and the other finally got to breathe, his eyes wide with terror.

"Co...Your highness Conaan. We really don't have to do this. This is the system. When we find our mates, we can leave everything for them. Including the women we once loved."

A shaky breath escaped Eleanor's lips as she turned to Conaan's back, her chest filling with guilt. She had done the exact opposite, and even took a part of his beauty with her too.

She swallowed, then lowered her head, the tears running down her cheeks. Conaan nodded slowly.

"In any case, Alpha Alexander. I congratulate you. Your disrespect however, I will not forgive."

Alexander swallowed as Jane suddenly sauntered towards Conaan, her eyes wide with anger.

"Who do you think you are? Diluted blood of a wolf spirit? A fake wolf? Everyone knows the only breed with true wolves as spirits are the werewolves. The lycans are a silly mutation. You take that little slut and go back where you came from, because Alpha Alexander is marrying me."

Conaan smiled as his eyes lifted towards Alexander, whose mouth was open. He pulled Jane to him, then shook his head.

"Conaan, please. Please, she does not mean all of these. I swear. It was just..."

Conaan smiled and took a step forward, towering over Jane. She took a step backward, her back hitting Alexander's chest, her eyes wide. Her fists clenched as Conaan covered the distance.

His fingers slowly moved to her hair, and he gently tucked it behind her ear. "How about...I show you a little something, little one?"

"W..what?" Jane asked, her eyes wide.

"How about...Alexander prove to me that he is worthy of my forgiveness and my peace? How about the alpha of the higher wolf bow to the king of the so called mutation? How about you watch your spineless mate try hard to defend himself against my weakest soldier?"

Alexander pushed Jane to his side, then stepped in front of Conaan. "What do you mean?"

Conaan shrugged. "I took her the other time because I believed she was one of your more important persons, your wife to be. Turns out this potty mouthed vixen here is going to be your wife. I feel deceived."

"Conaan, you don't mean..."

"Yes. Win a duel against one of us, and I will let this ceremony go on. Otherwise...she will become the price for peace."

Eleanor sucked in her lips as she looked up to Conaan, her cheeks stained with tears. All the humor was gone from Conaan's face, as Brandon walked to him holding two swords.

Before Alexander could say a word, he threw one to him.

"Conaan, please have mercy. Please have mercy. Today is my marriage for goodness sake!"

Conaan nodded. "That is why I have brought a gift. Which you so blatantly disrespected. How about you accept my sane decisions before I lose it?"

Alexander swallowed, then gripped the sword, looking around intensely. He caught Matthew's eyes amongst the crowd, and shook his head a little.

Matthew stood back, his hand on his lips. He had said this before. It had been too fast to get over a woman that had been sacrificed for the pack. But Alexander had been adamant.

Conaan moved away, as a few omegas came together and cleared up the place on Alexanders orders.

Soon enough, Conaan was occupying a large rug, his hand rested on a padded pillow, his eyes thin as he watched Alexander. He had changed into a different attire, a more flexible one, and he seemed a little more confident now with the lanky lycan that had been brought to do the duel with him.

Eleanor stood behind Conaan, her eyes still filled as she watched the man she was in love with fight for another woman.

She swallowed, then started to turn away, unable to watch the fight.

"Eleanor," Conaan's voice cut through the heated silence.

She stopped and turned to him, her eyes barely holding back the sea of tears that filled it.

"Come sit with me."

She swallowed, then looked up at Alexander who was standing a distance away, his eyes thin. He shook his head a little disgustingly, then turned away.

She swallowed, then slowly moved to the rug Conaan was occupying. Slowly, she sat close to him, her eyes filled with tears.

"Is that not enough tears for a man who does not deserve you?"

She turned to him, and he had moved forward, closing the distance between them. "I am entitled to feel what I feel. Didn't you bring me here to prove a point? To torture me?"

They were vaguely aware of the duel starting with the sudden clashing sound of the metal. Conaan didn't blink as he held her gaze, his eyes a little soft.

"You hurt me, Eleanor. With more than just your adamant abstinence." He leaned further, then slowly grazed his thumb on her cheek, wiping away the tear that stained. "You hurt me with those tears. If you can cry them for a man who does not even want you...why not for a man who does?"

She met his eyes, and swallowed, trying to keep her tears back. His gaze hardened, and he gave a small nod, then started to lean away.

"You said you do not have a place for me anymore. I am hoping to find my place with him."

He turned away from her to Alexander who was having the upper hand in the duel. He swallowed, his fists clenching.

Before anyone could say anything, he grabbed the golden hilt of his sword, then stood up, walking slowly into the open space.

Alexander's eyes darted betwen the lycan he was trying to fight off, and Conaan who was suddenly approaching. Alexander's eyes widened as Conaan suddenly pushed the lycan off, then attacked viciously, his sword thrusting hard against Alexander's weak defense.

Alexander managed to put up a rather weak defense, just before Conaan's boot came in contact with his chest, causing him to fall back into the sand, and Conaan's blade came up to his throat.

Eleanor gasped as Conaan turned to her, his eyes filled with raw hate.

"What would you rather I do?"

Eleanor's lips quivered hard as Conaan placed a single foot on Alexander's chest. Jane started to cry hysterically, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.

His teeth gritted as he felt his anger surge, his breath short, his hair falling out of the bun she had made for him.


"How much more...of what belongs to me will you let him take?"

Alexander let out small breaths under Conaan, as Matthew ran forward to Eleanor, and then immediately went on his knees. The alphas watching held their breath as Alexander lay in the dust, awaiting Conaan's next judgement. He looked like only one thing could control him, and it was exactly what made him lose control.

"Eleanor. We know we are wrong. Please do something. Please stop him, please. I don't know what he wants, but please give it to him. I beg of you. Please."

Eleanor's tear filled eyes fixed on Conaan who had turned rather monstrous from his usual calm personality. She swallowed, then took a slow step forward.


He only raised a brow, his blade digging a small cut in Alexander's neck. Slowly, she moved forward, then broke into a small run. She didn't stop as she got to him, then lunged herself on to him, slightly offsetting his balance, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips moved to his ear, her slow breath sending tingles to his skin.

"Please, Conaan. Please take me home."

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