Lycan's Affection

Chapter Sweet Pudding

Conaan's lips parted as she moved her head, so her face was carefully tucked into the crook of his neck, her breaths teasing the sensitive skin. Slowly, he turned to her, his eyes slightly wide, his emotions conflicted.

He wasn't so sure if he was happy his mate was here, holding him close, wanting to go home with him, or if he should let himself realize she was doing it to save the man she was in love with. If he should realize she was probably looking at him like a monster, one that she had to sacrifice herself to so that the man who had her heart could go scot free.

She leaned slowly away, her eyes meeting Conaan's. His were a deep, swirling green, filled with emotions he probably would never know how to adequately convey.

His eyes darted across both of hers, soaking up the conflicting emotions like they were his.

"You would come back to the place you ran away from...just for him?"

Eleanor swallowed, then turned to Alexander. He had a small pool of plood on his neck and trickling down to the floor.

"I am coming back because...that is where I belong. With you."

Conaan's eyes squinted at the lack of sincerity in her words. "Prove it to me."

His voice was nothing more than a whisper as he spoke more with his eyes. And his eyes, they did not believe her. She swallowed, then brought her hands to each side of his face.

He fought the urge to close his eyes, and kept his gaze holding hers. Slowly, she moved forward, leaning in towards him, her eyes slowly closing.

Suddenly, he turned away just as she got to him. Just as he could almost feel her. Her eyes widened, and he let out a shaky breath, then swallowed.

Suddenly, his sword clattered to the floor, the hilt slightly grazing Alexander's forehead. He gave a small yelp, and Jane ran towards where he was lying, and immediately went on her knees, bringing his head to her lap.

"Please, have mercy. Please," she said, her voice teary as she wiped away the blood on Alexander with her hands.

Conaan gave a small sigh as he turned to Eleanor once more. "We leave tomorrow."

Without another word, he was gone, and all the lycans started to pull out from their battle stance.

Alexander slowly got on his feet, his eyes meeting Eleanor's. Tears pooled in her eyes as he watched her silently, his hand gently cupping Jane's waist.

Without a word to her or Jane, or Matthew who had run up to him with a towel, he turned and walked away, his anger evident in his brisk steps.

Conaan sat in the tent, his eyes closed. His breaths were slow, his thumb moving on circular motion around his hand. He gave a long sigh and opened his eyes as Eleanor stepped in, her hands clasped in front of her.


He tilted his head slightly upwards, but kept his eyes low still, avoiding her eyes. "What is it?"

"I am sorry. I came to say that. I am sorry for everything, and I know even if I say it a thousand times, it might not be enough. But I...I am sorry."

"Yes, you are. You are sorry, Eleanor. You are."


"Your tent is the next one." His eyes met hers this time, and they were stiff, his lips pursed. "I have sent for a proper dress for you."

She swallowed, her nail digging into her palm. "Thank you."

He didn't reply, and she slowly turned away and left the tent. He sat there, suddenly feeling weirdly empty. But he had felt that way for so long, he just wasn't sure why it came rushing now. Why it suddenly felt so real. A little too real.

His lips parted as he took in a shaky breath, his eyes suddenly filling. Like they were scared, the tears stopped right in his eyes, only covering them, but not quite daring to fall.

He felt his heart clench with dark jealousy as the scene from earlier unfolded before him again.

"Where is Eleanor?" Alexander asked as Matthew worked to clean the wound off and get a new robe ready for the ceremony.

"Maybe you should not say a word to her, brother. You saw how fiercely protective of her Conaan is. If anything happens, he might...annihilate the entire pack."

Alexander nodded, his hands clenching. "Not if I annihilate him first."

Matthew's eyes darted to his older brother's. "What do you mean?"

Alexander swallowed. "Get an omega to bring me a bowl of sweet pudding. I will meet Eleanor myself."


"Go!" Alexander yelled, his eyes widening, and Matthew immediately nodded, then walked away.

Eleanor sighed as the two lycan women helped fix her up. The ceremony would be tonight, and she didn't think she could watch it. It was hard to come to terms with the fact that she would have to go back to the place she had run from, to the man from whom she ran.

"Eleanor? It is Alexander."

Her eyes widened as she immediately stood up. He slowly opened up the tent, then walked up to her, in his hand a bowl of pudding.

Her eyes darted between the bowl and him, and she fought the urge to cry again.

He gave her a sweet smile. "You do remember this, don't you? We used to have it together so much."

How could she forget? In between those puddings and stolen kisses, she had fallen in love and that hadn't exactly gotten her anywhere.

"What..what are you doing here?"

He smiled. "I know things are not the way you expected to come see them, and I am sorry. But...we are not enemies."

She looked at the pudding. "You don't think I am going to go on my knees for you because of a bowl of pudding, do you?"

He smiled again, slowly closing the distance. One of the lycan women stepped in front of him, blocking his way.

"Keep your distance," she said sternly.

Alexander struggled to keep the smile on his face as he stepped away from her. "I brought this for Conaan. To try and foster peace between us. I am sorry about how things turned out, and I just want to make things right. Please, Eleanor. Do me a last favor and give this to him. I am sure he would love it if you offered it to him, judging from earlier."

Eleanor swallowed. He could see the conflict in her eyes, and he smiled brighter, his eyes twinkling as he stretched his hand to her.

She swallowed, then collected it, her fingers brushing his. Her breath held in her throat, and he gave a small smirk and a nod.

"Thank you. I will see you at the ceremony."

She didn't reply, and he didn't wait for one as he turned away, leaving the tent.

She looked at the pudding. It was still warm, and she knew it wasn't as enjoyable when cold. With a small breath, she turned to the women.

"I will see Conaan. I will be back soon."

Slowly, she stepped away, then briskly made her way towards Conaan's tent.

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