Lyall's Story

Chapter 8 reborn


“Adolphe, Doc Bader come here, please!” They rush into Lucy’s room.

“What is it beta Lyall?” Both of them practically breaking down the door to wonder what was wrong.

“Something that dad said when we found out just stuck out to me. You said that her wolf will come back when we mate. If I mark her would it wake her?” Adolphe was shocked that I called him dad.

“It’s possible it might work but since that isn’t something my medicine can help with; I would like to catch up with my former alpha and luna.”

“Of course, go ahead. I’ll let you know” They leave us alone and to be honest, I had an entirely different plan of when I wanted to mark her… this definitely wasn’t it…

“I’m sorry Lucy that it has to be done like this, but I have no other choice.” I gently kiss her lips and gently caress her cheek as I make my way to her marking spot on her neck. My fangs elongate and I bite down so my venom gets into her bloodstream. I let go of her when I think there’s enough venom in her to hopefully wake her up. I let the venom run its course through her body and wait… and wait… and wait… soon it was nightfall and I was losing hope… until I feel her grab my hand.

“Lucy!? Can you hear me!?” I’m downright panicking…

“Yes, I can… but I am not Lucy…” I look up at her face and notice her eyes had changed from her normal icy blue to more of a darker midnight blue. “My name is Scarlett. It’s finally nice to meet you Lykos…” Her wolf!? I did it…

“When can I see you? We’d love to see you in wolf form.”

“My dear Lucy is too weak to shift right now, but for now we can talk. Thank you for awakening me. It has been too long since I’ve been asleep. I know her father meant well for keeping me asleep for this long, but I’m not meant to be caged up!

“I’m sure Doc Bader and her dad would like to see you awake. Adolphe! Doc Bader!” I hear them running upstairs and they barge in again.

“Lucy! You’re awake!” Adolphe hugs her tightly almost crying into her hair.

“Dad… it’s not your fault that you’ve kept me asleep for all these years…” He looks at her to realize that it wasn’t technically Lucy.

“Scarlett…” She nuzzles him to prove that she doesn’t hate him and kisses his cheek.

“I know our pack is no more, but if you allow and Lyna allows maybe we can join her pack. Doctor Bader seems to trust her.”

“She was a great alpha and an amazing luna.” Doc Bader vouches for her. He always had her back, he’s such a loyal member.

“A female alpha!? Impossible.” Adolphe is surprised at the thought.

“Not heard of very often, but not impossible. She had to take over when the former alpha and luna, meaning her parents, were murdered by another alpha.” I bow my head in respect for her parents.

“It’s true Adolphe, I did the autopsy myself. Shot with silver bullets laced with wolfsbane.” Doc Bader bows his head in respect too… it was a sad time for all of us.

“Wow… that’s cruel…”

“Well, that’s not our story to tell. Lyna I’m sure will be happy to tell you.”

“She seems like an excellent leader. I’ll think about an alliance with her. I’ll leave you alone to get some rest, Scarlett.” It made me smile that my mate’s family was thinking of joining our pack.

“Scarlett is it? Let me see if you are alright.” Doc Bader takes good care of her with her checkup. “Well, it seems like your venom, beta Lyall seems to have helped her wake up from her unconscious state. Nothing else seems to be wrong for now but if you wouldn’t mind Scarlett, we’d like to have Lucy back.”

“Of course, it was good to see you again…” Scarlett shifts back to Lucy, and she slumps back into her pillow.

“Lucy? Are you alright? Can you hear me?” She groans and slowly sits up.

“What happened? Why does my head feel like it’s exploded?” She grabs her head trying to soothe her aching head.

“It’s ok Lucy you’re in your room. You were unconscious for three days…”

“Three days!? The last thing I remember was I was taking my shower and then everything just goes dark.” I explain to her what had happened and who the doctor beside me was. She just seemed in shock and falls back onto her pillow.

“Easy Lucy… it’s ok to go into shock.” I try to catch her before falling.

“I… I remember you…” She looks to Doc Bader with a pale face like she had seen a ghost or something.

“It has been many years since I last saw you. I see your memory has come back along with your wolf.”

“I lost my memory!?” She hyperventilates and I grab her hand to comfort her.

“Easy Lucy… in through your nose out through your mouth,” I remember this all too well when Lyna went through a similar situation…

“Now that you’re awake I’d recommend taking it easy, but if you want to go through your first shift, I’d recommend having either Lyall or a fellow she-wolf help you. If you have another panic attack, I’d ask for Alpha Conall. Now I’m sure you’re hungry and I know your mother likes to make lots of food. Why don’t you go downstairs and have something to eat?” I smile at the thought of letting her get out of her room for a while and helping her shift. I’d love to help her experience that, true it’s excruciating pain when you do it for the first time, but it’s special. I take her hand gently to help her out of bed.

“What would you like to eat?” I ask her with a smile.

“Something simple, maybe mom can whip up something. I’m not sure what’s been going on without me.”

“Mostly worrying about you.” I kiss her cheek as we go downstairs and shield her from everyone who will be happy to see her again.

“LUCY!” Everyone gets up and tries to hug her but I shield her from getting bombarded.

“Easy everyone let her breath for a moment.” I chuckle as everyone cares for her as much as I do. Everyone takes a step or two back except for Lyna.

“We’re here for you if you need anything, alright?” She gives her a shy smile. Trying not to overwhelm her.

“Thank you, Lyna. I’m glad I’ve got you guys to guide me, but right now I’m hungry and I’d love to have some food.” We all laugh as she tries to lighten the mood. Her mom made us some lunch and her mom filled her in on what happened while she was asleep.

“Lou has found out about us and seems to be taking it well. Lupe found his mate in Ulva, and we get reacquainted with our old friend.” As she smiles at Doc Bader. Lupe seemed happy with Ulva. She’s a nice girl I’m happy for them. We had a pleasant conversation around the table, but I could tell Lucy was getting tired.

“Do you need some more rest, Lucy?” I ask her with concern and tenderness.

“Maybe in a bit, but I wanted to bring this up with everyone… I want to have my first shift, I know that it’s probably going to be painful, but I want a familiar face with me.” I put my hand over hers and smiled, but Lyna spoke up before I could.

“I’ll help you. I remember my first shift. Right in front of everybody…” She blushes at the memory of her shift. I remember it too. Conall had come over for the first time to her parent’s house and it triggered her wolf, Emmy.

“Thank you… I want you, Conall, and Lyall, and of course family to be there. That way it’s not overwhelming.

“Saying family is pretty much everyone at this table, Lucy.” I smile gently at her and caress her hand.

“Oh, right… well, then I guess everyone can.” Everyone gave her a reassuring smile, and we all walked outside to an empty spot in the woods.

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