Lyall's Story

Chapter 6 you got some explaining to do part 2

“Um… crazy dad say what!?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing… I only find out days ago and he’s found out in just one afternoon!?

“Let’s go to my office…” He takes me down the hall to hopefully not disturb our sleeping guests.

“Ok now start talking. How in the world do you know when I just found out a few days ago?!”

“You know?!” He looks at me like I had three heads.

“Yes, I know. I went early to help with Lyna’s party that I told you about and saw that it had already started. They were talking in a language that I didn’t know… beta, pack, alpha, and luna. I saw an ending of what I guess what a very special ceremony to them. So, I questioned them… once they told me… I got scared, angry, betrayed… like I didn’t know who my friends were. Then Lyall showed me who he really was… we sat in the woods just taking it all in… eventually Lyna and Conall and the rest of them come too… they tried to explain to me the best way they could since I couldn’t understand them, but I could sort of talk to Lyall. I’m not sure how I could, but that’s not the point. The real reason I didn’t come home after the party was, we had fallen asleep in the forest and he was still in his wolf form… it was comforting and relaxing that being out in the snow didn’t bother me.” I could see my dad getting angry but yet comforted.

“I’m sorry for not telling you and Lou sooner… Lupe and your mom already know… remember long ago when we lived in France, and I’d go away for business… well that was wolf stuff. I wanted you and your siblings to live a normal life as much as we could. We were being hunted down and forced out by a rival pack in France… Lupe had barely just learned to shift, you and Lou hadn’t yet. Luckily before they found us, we had already fled. I had found a local witch to help disguise us, hide our house from anyone who isn’t family, and suppress your wolves until you found your mate. By the sounds of it, I think you have…” I look at him with shock, betrayal, angry that he didn’t tell me sooner…

“Tell me dad… what was our actual home?” I asked him with tears of anger in my eyes that I was trying to hold back but not succeeding.

“Our pack was called Pack Lune Noire… black moon pack… we were the alpha family. I was alpha, your mom luna, Lupe was going to take over with whoever his mate was after your mother and me… we had to lie to you for so long so we could keep you safe from that other pack. Who knows if they could’ve made the trek to the US? I know these people are your friends and I didn’t want to be rude, but please be careful who you trust.” It felt like the world around me was crashing and crumbling into tiny pieces. My whole life was a lie… my tears of anger fall down my hot cheeks. I storm out of his office and found Lyall on the couch in the living room where I had left him before having this conversation…

“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” He cups my face into his hands trying to comfort me. I can tell that he mostly slept off the champagne and was coherent enough to talk to me again.

“I just found out my whole life has been a lie…” I explain to him what my dad had just told me, and he looked the same as I felt… he pulled me into his chest for a hug and just let me cry. My dad tries to find me but finds Lyall and me and he can figure out that Lyall now knows our secret.

“I’d like to talk to the both of you in my office. I need to get my wife up for this one.” We reluctantly go to his office, but I didn’t mean to wake mom up this early in the morning…

“Well, how much do you know?” My dad has an angry look on his face while talking to him which makes me angry at him for talking to Lyall like this.

“All I know is that Lucy is upset about something and that you lied to her. That’s all she told me before you found us.” I’m still cuddled up to his chest but I’ve at least stopped crying. It wasn’t long before mom comes into the room in her fuzzy wintery light blue PJs and matching robe.

“What’s going on dear that this couldn’t wait until normal morning hours?” Mom comes in groggy and tired.

“Lucy knows… and I’m presuming that Lyall does too.” Mom snaps awake and looks at me in shock.

“How could you have lied to me for all these years?!” I look at her with anger and betrayal.

“I’m still in the dark, all she told me was that she was lied to, and she felt betrayed by you two.” He looks at them with daggers in his eyes as he holds me gently.

“I’m sorry you had to find out this way but better than you finding out when you’re mating.” I’m not sure what he meant by that but I’m sure I’ll find out whether or not I like it. He tells Lyall what he had just told me and I can feel his blood boiling.

“Why did it have to take this long to tell her??” I had limited knowledge of werewolves but I knew it wasn’t a smart idea to make them mad.

“It was for their protection! I didn’t want them constantly looking over their shoulders for the rest of their life!” Dad takes a deep breath not to harm Lyall and mom walks over to give us a group hug. Mom always had a calming effect on us…

“Alright, now that we’re calm. We didn’t want to hide it from you sweetie… we wanted you to have friends like us, but when we left France, we thought our rival would follow us and we were scared not only for our lives but yours… we love you and your siblings too much for you to get targeted. That’s why we support you in everything you do. So, you can live as life as much as you want without the worry of someone trying to hurt us.” Once we realize why they were doing it I suppose I can understand where they were coming from.

“So how do I let my wolf out? I know you had briefly mentioned it, but I was too upset to listen.” I ask meekly but honestly as I unbury myself from Lyall’s chest.

“During the mating process, he’s supposed to bite your marking spot on your neck. When he does, that’s how the spell breaks, and you’ll be able to meet her. I know we should’ve told you sooner so you could have your wolf’s back, but we didn’t want to take chances.” Mom gives me an apologetic look and dad gives me a heartfelt hug. “We love you sweetie, and we’re happy you found your mate.”

“What’s a mate, mom?” I ask sheepishly… they’ve kept talking about it and I have no idea who or what it is…

“A mate is someone who is picked especially for you. Your other half, you have to be around them, your heart aches when you’re not. You want to be around him all the time.” I look at Lyall and he gives me a sheepish smile.

“Yeah, I guess I have…” I blush as I look at him again and he hugs me. “Who was this rival pack, dad?”

“Pack de lune chasseur… translation hunter moon pack… I even asked my brother to help me when they tried to attack us the first time, but he refused… all because of titles… my brother is all about prestige… he was jealous and grief-stricken over the loss of his mate and son… when he had heard about me and your mother he got jealous because before she was my mate, she was a French princess… how she ended up with me I’ll never know, but she gave up the royal life to be with me, and I’ll always be grateful to your mother… anyway after he had heard about us he became jealous and didn’t speak to me so when we were attacked I was desperate for help. I knew he was in the country and I begged and begged him, but it went to mute ears and he ignored me and refused to help… we haven’t spoken since…” I’m shocked I never knew this of our family history… mom a princess!? A family I never knew about!?

“I have an uncle and aunt… maybe even cousins??”

“Yes, but I have no idea where they are or if they’re even alive… I still don’t keep in contact with my brother… probably better that way.”

“Oh… well on that note I think we should go back to bed it’s late and I think some sleep will help process all this…” I suggest trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah, I agree let’s go back to bed, and Lucy, try not to be too mad at us. We love you very much.” They hug me goodnight and we all go back to our rooms.

“I guess you can stay with me, Lyall… I don’t want to be separate from you now that I know…” I give him a hug and bury myself in his chest.

“Sure Lucy… but we don’t have to rush on mating.”

“Well, I want to just not right now when all of this news is dumped on me.”

“Fair enough… goodnight sweet dreams, Lucy.”

“Goodnight Lyall…” We fall asleep in my bed wrapped in each other’s arms.

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