Lyall's Story

Chapter 20 scheming

(warning sexual assault happens, and this is my own personal experience but a little dramatized and a bit of wishful thinking of what I wish I did then. It happened to me when I was 19 with an ex-boyfriend who didn’t like to hear no… it’s been almost a decade since then and I’m just now comfortable enough to talk about it. I wouldn’t wish this on anybody… I eventually got help but in the early years of dating my now-husband, but it was rough… I didn’t want to be intimate; I was almost dragged to therapy with my former pastor of the church I grew up in and my now husband, talked to another former pastor turned military PTSD counselor who diagnosed me with mild PTSD… and I couldn’t be home by myself for a month… I figured by talking about my experience would help me with my grief and to cope with it… it doesn’t just go away with time. That person is ingrained in your mind forever. It’s something I’ll never forget… anyway enough of my soap opera back to the story. Edited on Sept 24th, 2021, added things I wish I could’ve done then.)


Ugh… where am I? I smell wood… the forest nearby… Lou! Oh, thank goodness she’s alive!

“Louna?! Are you here?” I’m still groggy from whatever he used to drug me, but it was so good to know she was ok.

“Lucy! He got you too?!” Lou gave me a hug relieved to see a familiar face.

“Any ideas on how to get out of here and get back home??” By the look on her face, she didn’t get that far… “I’ll take that as a no…” Suddenly the door slams open and the guy from the shop comes in

“You?! The customer from my shop!” The realization of where I saw him before kicks in.

“Glad I made an impression, and I didn’t even need your suit.” Ugh, this guy is giving me the creeps!

“What do you want from us?! Let my sister go! You said in your creepy note that if I came by myself, you’d let Lou go.” Clearly, Lou didn’t know about the ransom note… she was just as shocked as I was when I saw it. It took a lot of willpower not to slap him all the way back to where ever he came from.

“I did, didn’t I, but I don’t want her spoiling my plan and where I’m hiding you… Ursa deal with the sister. Lucy is all mine!” A young woman of maybe upper 20s maybe early 30s (I’m not sure I’m not good at guessing ages) comes into the room with a sad, guilty look on her face and takes Lou away.

LOU! I’ll find you! Save yourself!” I scream at her as the woman takes her away… tears running down my face as I hear her screaming my name out the door. The creepy man walks towards me…

“Now you’re mine…” He comes towards me with a creepy smile on his face. He comes straight for me and bites my collar bone!

“What the heck!? What was that for?? What are you going to do to me?”

The next thing I know he strips his long-sleeved t-shirt off, I’m on the floor and he’s on top of me. He holds my hands down by my wrists so I can’t use my hands, and pinned them to the ground. He’s easily a foot taller than me so I can’t get off of him… he’s grinding on top of me luckily with clothes still on… I shook my head vigorously so he wouldn’t bite my neck… I was frozen in fear almost crying… it was the longest ten minutes of my life. He still holds onto me and has the creepiest smile on his face from what I can see. I try to calm down, but I don’t have time to. I have to fight! Luckily he didn’t hold down my legs and I’m short enough to reach his family jewels or somewhere on his leg. So I kneed him as hard as I could! Thank gosh for all that training! I headbutt him to get him off me. He tries to slap me but I catch his hand, wrap it around his back until he cries uncle.

Once he was done with me, he gets up, groans a little from the minor damage I could do to him, put his shirt back on, and just goes to an unfamiliar room as nothing had happened. I’m shocked and just sit on the floor in tears at what just happened not long after he left, I realized what he did to me… he sexually assaulted me… I’m glad it wasn’t Lou, and I hope she got some help, but right now I just want to run away from here…


Lucy wanted to clear her head, but something didn’t feel right. I looked around the backyard but didn’t find her. That made me worry… I headed back inside to start a search party when I heard something. I let out a growl to let whatever was in the woods to go away, but soon I hear a faint voice!

“Help! Somebody! Anybody! I need help!” It almost sounded like Lucy’s sister, but I couldn’t tell. Soon she came into the backyard and tackled me in relief of a familiar face. “Oh, thank goodness Lyall you’re here! Lucy’s in trouble!”

“What kind of trouble!?”

“I’m not sure but she sacrificed herself for me…” She sobbed into my chest from guilt.

“Lou it’s ok let’s get a search party together and we can figure something out, ok?” I pull her into a hug trying to comfort her.

“Ok…” I take her back inside, and while her parents were happy to see her, they had the look of worry.

“Where’s Lucy?” Her mom was on the verge of tears, on the one hand, they had their youngest back, but on the other, they were still missing one.

“Lucy… she sacrificed herself for me… she traded herself to let me go… some creepy guy took me from school this afternoon, and Lucy must’ve found a note from him and she must’ve been drugged by him too. She smelled of chloroform when she came to this weird cabin in the woods somewhere. I was taken out of the house by force by some woman I didn’t recognize, but she seemed guilty about it. When we were alone, she gave me this charm bracelet and let me go.” Poor Lou… her mom and I held onto to give her some support. Her dad gently comes up to her too.

“May I see the bracelet?”

“Yeah sure…” She dries her tears and lets her dad inspect her wrist and sees the charm…

“I know who it belongs to…” Her dad smiles realizing this is good news.


After realizing that he assaulted me I just cried for hours well into the night. I had left my phone on the charger in my room so I couldn’t call for help. At least he didn’t come back, and I was lucky for that. So much for training… I should’ve done better! At least I got him a little... but all that training with the guys and I choke. Soon I heard a quiet knock on my door. I tried to put myself in a defensive stance, but I had no energy to fight.

“Who’s there?” Trying to sound tough but really, I just wanted to go home to my parents and Lyall…

“Please let me come in I want to help you.” The mystery woman sounded genuine, so I opened the door for her.


“I know you may not remember me, but I used to be your friend. My name is Ursa…” Flashbacks of quick memories came back to me, and soon it was like a movie was running in my head of our memories together.

“I remember you… we had been friends since we were pups.” Her face lights up when I tell her.

“That’s right! I didn’t harm Louna when Vincent told me to take her out. I gave her a charm bracelet that has a spell on it to summon me if she needs me. I told her the direction of your home and to get help.” I sighed of relief that Lou was ok… and hopefully, she found someone.

“That’s his name? Vincent?” Finally, I could put a name to the creepy face.

“Yeah… he was your intended mate… he’s been obsessed with you since I put the spell on your family to get away from him and his crazy family.”

“You did that!?” I didn’t believe she’d do that for us.

“Your father asked me to! He didn’t want you to be sold off like some slave. He wanted you to be happy with your true mate. That’s why he came to me for the memory potion. It made me sad to lose such a good friend, but I wanted to make you safe. So, I gave you and your family new memories, and once you got to your new home here in America, that’s when you were supposed to take the potion.” Everything seemed to line up with what dad said. She’s telling the truth…

“I believe you… so how are we going to get out of here without alpha stalker finding out?”

“I had made a similar potion as I did for your family, but instead of using it on you as he intended, I’ll use it on him. Give him new memories, and a new life. His father won’t be happy that he came back empty-handed, but he’ll get over it. He was always a man of power. It didn’t matter if you weren’t his mate, if you had alpha blood in you, he’d try to match make his kids keep the line pristine of only high-ranking blood.”

“He sounds like a psycho too… I feel bad for his proper mate… so what you’re going to spike his drink and he leaves me alone?”

“Eventually… we have to let him think he’s winning somehow. Feed his weird ego. Then I’ll put my plan into action. Until then…” Soon we both heard footsteps “I told you, you crazy wolf go to bed!” She fakes slaps me and storms off. Vincent seemed happy with that and gave me a creepy smile.

“Goodnight my love… sweet dreams.” I almost gag when he closes the door, and it gave me shivers up and down my spine… I tried to get some sleep but it was no use… all I could think about was Lyall and my family wondering about me.


Ugh… the way he talked to her gave me the creeps. I wanted to get away from him too and go back home to the mountains of Washington with my family…

“Is the potion almost ready?” He turns to me with the same creepy smile.

“Yeah, I can spike her drink anytime you need me to.” I’m trying to sound convincing but I really don’t want to do this to a friend.

“Excellent… spike her morning drink whatever it is. I want to bring her back to France as soon as I can. Dad will be so happy to see her again.” Ugh… there was no way I was going to allow my friend to go back with this creep knowing that she already had a mate who made her happy.

“Sure… it’s getting late I should get some sleep and so should you. Can’t fulfill this scheme of yours if you don’t have adequate sleep.”

“Yeah, I suppose you have a point. Alright, goodnight Ursa. See you in the morning…” He goes off to his room and I walk quickly to Lucy’s room to tell her what I knew.

“Lucy??” I whispered yelled for her.

“Yeah? I’m still awake. Come in.” I made sure he was truly in his room for the night and went into her room.

“So, what do you know?” I can hear the fear in her voice.

“Drink nothing at breakfast.” She looks scared but I just had to warn her.

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