Lustful Hearts

Chapter 48: Thе Bіg O - P3

"Joel, if you hadn't already noticed I have some anger issues myself." I pointed to my bruised hand, and Joel kissed it tenderly.

"Ahh yeah, I'm annoyed I missed that, but I've already been on the backlash of one of your punches before, remember?" He tried his hardest not to smile, he had experienced my rage upfront.

I bit my lip remembering that moment only too well. "Ahh, but you kind of deserved that." I watched the smile instantly turn into a frown.

"I know," he whispered.

I instantly cursed myself for dragging it back up. I grabbed his face so his eyes locked with mine. "Hey, that's in the past, but you'll do good to remember I pack a mean punch."

His lips curled up in amusement. "As if I'm ever likely to forget, Izzy Balboa."


I laughed at his look of surprise, and I shrugged, not recognising the reference.

"As in Rocky Balboa?" He did a mock punch, but it still didn't register.

I shrugged my shoulders again. "Who's he?" I asked, pulling a face.

His eyes widened in shock. "You did not just say that!"

The look of horror on his face was priceless.

"Seriously, is it a film?"

He shook his head looking slightly bemused. "When you get out I'm making you watch the box-set."

"Well, that should be fun." I rolled my eyes at the very thought.

He jokingly narrowed his eyes at me. "Oh no way, no one mocks Rocky." His hand reached out, grabbing my ribs, and I flinched at his touch. "Joel, don't you dare! I have a bad head injury." I pouted again. I was hoping my words were enough to stop him tickling me at all costs.

He instantly stopped. "How is your head?" He frowned, and his hand left my ribs to gently stroke my hair back, staring intently at my bandage. "Sore, but I'll be fine." It was unbelievably sore, but I was not about to make him feel worse than he did already. I'd play it down for his sake. "Iz, do you not want to press charges against him?"

I closed my eyes to escape his concerned face, but I felt his stare burn into me. "No, I just want to forget. Please just let it drop-" I turned away from him. I knew he was worried and wanted to help, but I didn't want to face it.

"Okay, I'm not going to pressure you, but please tell me you'll think about it," he pleaded, kissing my hair.

I let out a loud sigh before answering. "I will, but I'm more worried about you getting arrested at the moment."

"If it happens, then there's nothing I can do. It's lucky Lee dragged me off when he did, else he'd be dead now." "How is he?" I asked.

"Do you really want to know?"

I heard the irritation in his voice. I turned around slowly and kept my eyes closed to avoid Joel's stare. "Yes," I whispered so softly the words barely drew any sound.

"He's alive, but he won't be leaving hospital for a while."

I sighed in relief, and my eyes opened to find Joel's questioning my concern. It was for my own selfish reasons-the thought of Joel being up on a murder charge would have destroyed me. "Can you promise me one thing?" I whispered.

He moved in closer so we were barely inches apart. "Anything." His eyes grew larger in expectation, hesitating slightly.

"That you won't just leave again, that whatever we have to face in the future we'll do it together. That you'll always tell me everything. Don't lock me out again, I don't think I could take it."

He looked away when my eyes grew more urgent. I needed the reassurance only he alone could provide. I brought my hand up to turn his face round to mine. "Please, Joel."

"Okay, I promise," he murmured, closing his eyes.

I knew it took a lot for him to open up. He had lived such a closed off life but, I wanted him to come to me, to talk to me. I didn't want him bottling up any more secrets.

"Thank you. You don't know what that means to me." I kissed him again. This time his eyes fluttered open. He responded, and his kiss was more urgent. I knew he needed me just as much as I needed him.

We lay kissing, our bodies wrapped around each other, losing ourselves in the moment. Only for the nurse to come in, shattering our tranquil state of bliss.

She pursed her lips at out current sleeping arrangement. Joel reluctantly climbed out of bed, murmuring he was off for a coffee, and left me lying there awkwardly.

"Well, someone looks well enough to go home, no wonder you're flushed. The doctor will be doing his rounds in an hour."

I openly blushed as she glared her disapproval. I wanted to hide under the covers to avoid those piercing eyes. She eventually looked away, making a note on the chart before leaving. Breakfast arrived and so did Joel. He slinked back in, helping himself to some of my toast.

"Hey," I yelled.

His eyes snapped automatically to mine. "What? Heard of the saying what's mine is yours." He took a large bite, chewing with a massive grin on his face.

"You haven't put a ring on it yet." I lifted my hand to show my ring less finger.

He shook his head in amusement. "All in good time." He grinned, taking a gulp of my orange juice before grabbing another piece. My heart nearly stopped beating with shock.

Mrs Isabelle Sinclair.

It had a nice ring to it.

I quickly shook my head to shift the thought before it planted seed and I started planning the wedding.

"I have something you'll want." I grinned smugly.

Joel's eyes quickly scanned the room. "What? Tell me?" He pouted, and my smile grew wider.

"Go get me a latte from the canteen, and I will."

He narrowed his eyes. "It had better be good."

"You won't be disappointed," I replied giving him a wink as he disappeared out the door.

I smiled when he came back with my latte in hand. I instantly took a sip. "Ahh bliss, just what I needed."

"Ahem." He raised his eyebrows expectantly, but I wanted to have some fun first.

"Something wrong with your throat?" I asked innocently, taking another sip.

"Do I have to tickle the surprise out of you?"

I flinched at the thought; he knew I hated being tortured that way. "Oh yeah, now I remember, open the cupboard beside me." I chuckled, carrying on sipping my coffee.

He bent down and pulled the door open, throwing his head back laughing. Grabbing the two pots of strawberry jelly sitting on the shelf.

Before I had the chance to speak he had the first pot open, sloshing the jelly into his mouth.

I shook my head in amusement. "Jelly freak," I muttered into my latte cup. It always amused me the weird addiction he had with jelly.

I couldn't abide it myself, but my mother always made him one once a week, which he happily devoured much to our amusement.

Several minutes later he was scraping the pot of the second jelly. "For god's sake, put the pot down, we can buy some more on the way home." He chuckled and licked the spoon once more, placing it down on the tray.

The doctor stopped by shortly after, giving me the all clear. So Joel quickly gathered up my belongings. I was soon dressed and packed, ready to go.

Joel picked me up to carry me out to his car. I reminded him I could walk with my crutches, but he insisted on carrying me.

We passed all the nurses that eyed me enviously. "Bye, ladies." He grinned, and I shook my head. "What?"

"Always the charmer." I rolled my eyes, and he grinned again.

"As long as I have you charmed, that's all I care about."

My eyes stared deep into his. "I think it's pretty evident I'm under your spell."

He kissed me softly on the lips. "Good, cause that's all I need to know."

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