Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 8


My hand goes to my head. Fuck. Not again.

My eyes open and I scrub my face. I sit up recalling what happened.

Hunter has lost his damn mind. I don’t know what is wrong with him, but he was acting like a crazed wolf. I sensed something in him, but I couldn’t recognize it.

I feel around in the dark. I’m on a bed. I rub my eyes so my night vision can come back. When I open my eyes, I have to blink a few times to allow myself to even register what I’m seeing right now.

My jaw goes slack as I plant my boots on the floor and stand up. I look around and I see the bed and the dresser. That’s it.

The room I’m in can’t be more than 6 feet by 6 feet. The stone brick walls have no windows. There is a light on the ceiling, but it’s not on. I’m not seeing a switch.

There’s a door. One door only.

I walk up and grab the handle. I push on it and it opens, but there's a lock on the outside of the door.

I push on it hard, but it won’t break. I’m too weak with hunger right now.

“Shit!” I kick the door and walk around. Running my fingers into my hair and holding my head.

If I could breath, I’m sure I’d be hyperventilating right now.

Did he seriously knock me out and lock me in his fucking basement? I can smell the wolf scent and the basement smells from under the door.

“I’m going to fucking kill him!” I growl and punch the door.

The pain hits my wrist and I flex my hand to make it go away faster.

I paced around some more when the light above my head went on.

I shielded my eyes from its unfiltered brightness.

I hear the lock on the other side open and he opens the door. Standing in the shadows, he’s wearing a black t shirt and jeans.

“Let me go.” I growl. I hold my hands in fists at my sides and my lips curls up.

His lips turn to a toothy grin. “You’re awake.” He walks in and stands in front of me. He runs his hands down my arms. “How’d you sleep?” He says through his grin.

I shrug him off. “Let me go, Hunter!” I demand.

He shakes his head. “No.” He wags his finger. “You’re just hungry.”

He grabs my arms and pushes me to a sit. He sits beside me. “Once you’ve eaten…”

I scowl and stand up. “No. I’m leaving!”

I stomp to the door.

He grabs my waist and picks me up. “No, you’re not!” He growls and tosses me on the bed.

He sits and holds up a finger. I back up to the wall as he gives me a crazed look. He closes his eyes and breathes deep. He tilts his head forward and looks at me darkly.

“No. You need to eat.” He says in an almost demanding warning.

I’ve been ignoring my hunger because of how confused and angry I am right now.

“Where am I?” I grit.

He sits on the edge of the bed, and takes off his shirt. My eyes glance over his muscular torso.

He calls his canines and bites into his arm. Putting his shirt under his bleeding arm, he pushes it to me. “Eat.” He offers.

“Where am I, Hunter?!” I lean to him and demand.

“My pack house. Come on, Angel. You need your strength.”

He’s talking like he’s completely clueless to my irritation.

“Let me go!!!” I yell.

He huffs a laugh. “Baby, I don’t want to force you, but I will. I don’t want my Angel getting sick, so eat, please.” He has crazy eyes and this almost twisted smile.

“I’ll kill you.” My eyes flick to the dripping blood drying on his arm. The cut he made is healed now, but Hunter doesn’t seem to be aware of it. Without my venom, he’ll keep healing over and over.

He pulls back his arm and flops it on his thigh. “Sweet heart. Let’s not fight Ok? Look. I brought you food. You have this nice room. I’ll buy you anything you want. Just eat for me please.”

I shake my head. “No…you’re insane…What’s wrong with you?” I growl low.

He sits straight. “You…you think I’m crazy?” His face is concerned like he doesn’t hear himself.

“Yes, Hunter. You’re bat shit crazy! Let me go!” I push him and jump off the bed. I try for the door and he grabs my legs.

“No…Lainey…” He flips me over as I kick at him. “You….just need…blood…”

I struggle to get him off me. “Help!” I thrash and try to push him off me as he grabs at my chin and then grabs my wrists.

He straddles his legs on me, his strong thighs squishing mine and pins my arms above my head. He’s fucking strong.

He leans down to my face. His heat and desire rolls off him. His scent increases, filling my nose. His chin juts out and he tilts his head with a crazed angry look in his eye. “You love me and I love you. I want to take care of you and you’re not FUCKING LEAVING!” His eyes flared at mine and his yell was deep, and growling. His face was twisted in obsessive anger.

His eyes glowed and I saw the blue with the green flash. I understand now.

My mouth was small and I struggled against his pin. My eyes wildly searched his.

He threw his forearm in front of my face. “EAT!” He yelled with an aggressive growl.

Without taking my eyes off him, I called my fangs and bit into his skin. I fulfilled my hunger as I watched his face. He looked satisfied. Like he was almost getting off on it. His eyes closed and he licked his lips.

I ripped my head away and he removed his arm. I turned my head back, my face full of disgust. His hand went up to my wrists.

He leaned down to my face. “There. That’s better. I need to feed my angel.” His lips brush mine and I feel that spark again. “You’ll never go without again, baby. Don’t worry. I’m going to take good care of you.”

The feeling in my middle increases as he teases me with his lips. “You love me, baby. You need me.” He mumbles.

My eyelids start to get heavy. I start to lose vision.

“You’re staying with me…forever.”

It’s the last words I hear before everything goes dark.


My hunger woke me up and I sit up from the bed. The lights are on and I look around.

Hunter is crazy, but his actions aren’t his fault. It’s mine.

My lust lock did something to him. It’s stuck in him somehow. It should if worn off by now, but it’s like he’s infected. Diseased. I did that.

I lean my arms on my knees as I try to figure out why.

I mean, it could be a number of things. It could be the fact that I’m Omega and my lock is too weak to be controlled properly. It could be something in Hunter that I should have sensed was off. It could be…

“The experiments.” My eyes go wide.

Oh God. I don’t know what I did, but whatever it is, I’m going to die because of it.

Hunter’s so crazed, that he’s a fuse on a keg ready to explode. That he made clear on the floor. There’s a lot going on in the body of Hunter and I fucking made it worse with a chemically modified lust lock.

I grip my hair and growl with frustration. What the hell am I going to do?

My hunger makes me too weak and Hunter’s too strong to fight.

I lift my head between my fists. I look at the door.

I get off the bed and go to the door. I fall to my knees and start to look for any type of weakness.

I feel the doors wood. It doesn’t feel that strong. If I have enough strength, I can push on it hard enough to break the lock.

I stand. My stomach growls, but I can’t think of that right now. I need to get away from Hunter as fast as I can.

I turn the handle and start throwing my body into the door.

“Come on.” I grit. Even though I’m super weak right now, I know I have just enough to do this.

I keep going. Hitting my shoulder into it over and over. Soon, I start to hear the crack of wood.

Yes…a little more.

I hit it even harder and after three more, the lock breaks and I practically fall out of the room. I regain my balance and look around. There’s a few windows and a set of stairs.

I run for the stairs and try the door. It’s locked too. This has to be the door to the house. It’s probable not my smartest option.

I run to a window. It’s just big enough for me to fit through.

Opening it, I punch out the screen and jump up through it.

I look out to the night.

I look at the house. “Bye, Hunter.” I salute and run off to find a hive. First, I need food then I need an offering. At this point, it’s the only way I’ll get in. It’s got be good. Something or someone live.

I ran for about an hour, before I found a few rabbits to eat.

After, I walked around the woods. I don’t know where I am, but I hear something familiar. Footsteps.

I stalk the trees. Through the trees, I see her. I smell her fear.

She’s walking aimlessly like she’s lost. I sniff the air and smell her blood. I smile and lick my lips she’s a shifter, but not acting like a normal one.

I run toward her and go into hunt mode.

I run at her and shove her into a tree. I skid behind a trunk. She gets up. She’s confused and her fear rises. She looks around starts to walk around again.

I run at her again and knock her down on her stomach. Again, I hide and watch.

“Who’s there?!” She cries out.

I laugh at her as I play with her.

I run circles around her. She's spinning around, crying. Her fear smells sweet to me.

“STOP IT!!” She screams.

I stop to right in front of her face.

I tilt my head and hiss. “No.” Her eyes go into a state of shock and surprise.

I grab her, bite into her shoulder, drink fast and run. The whole thing took a second. She screams into the night as I carry her away. She’ll make a good offering and get me in good with a hive.

I ran till almost dawn. The girl passed out which was good for me.

I felt a hive when I entered a broken down town.

I walk through it, looking at all the destruction.

“HEY!” I call out.

The dawn was creeping toward the horizon.

Four vampires entered the street in front of me.

“Omega.” They hiss at me. They look hungry.

“Yes! I need shelter!” I yell at them and adjust the girl on my shoulder.

A woman steps forward. “What do you have there?” She tilts her head and her short black hair hangs to the side. Her cat like green eyes look at me with curiosity.

I drop the girl at my feet. “Food.”

The three guys walk up to me and look at the girl. They smell her. One looks back and nods. The woman nods back.

The guys pick her up.

“Lock her up.” She orders. “We won’t eat her yet.”

The men agree and run off.

She walks up to me. “What’s your name?”

I bite my cheek. “Lainey.”

She wraps her arm around me. “Welcome to the hive, Lainey.”

I give a half smile and follow her to a small church at the end of a dead end street.

I find a spot to rest in a dark corner of the main area to rest. It’s not much, but I’m not a slave or a prisoner so, right now, is far better than any situation I’ve been in.

Sleep found me and although Hunter is sick and twisted, I can't blame him for his actions. I’m just glad I got away before my colossal mistake got me killed.

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