Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 7


I thump my pen on my desk as I rub my head.

Lainey leaving me in the prison really has my mind spinning.

I rub my neck as my wolf slams his body into his cage over and over. I feel my aggression raging through my bloodstream.

My thoughts are of finding Lainey and making her see what she walked away from. I’ll show her exactly why she can’t exist without me. Yep. I’ll make sure she knows that the only thing on this planet she needs is me.

I fist my pen and I don’t even realize how hard I’m squeezing it until it snaps in two in my hand.

I drop it and look at my screen. I’ve been having Trish find me the locations of the town Kay-Os destroyed.

Deacon told us vamps were seen traveling through these towns. Lainey must be with them by now.

So far, no ones onto me. As long as I stay ahead of everyone, I’ll find her first and get her into a safe place where I can take care of her and she can remain with me forever.

My mind swims with thoughts of having Lainey. Making her mine. Making her see how good she has it with me. Only me.

I stretch and lean back. I’m exhausted. I spent most of last night making Lainey’s room for when she lives with me. It’ll be so great. I smile to myself.

I've been trying to not let Lainey leaving get to me on the outside. If the guys pick up on it, then Lainey will be in trouble and I’ll have to draw blood. I don’t want to, but I won’t hesitate.

So I try to be normal. I went with them to search a church for the missing girl. Instead, we found a biblical representation of us! It’s so fucking weird. If we applied it to our mission, the scroll is basically an instruction manual to get Zanders prick of a father into his prison.

Then there was the Luna. Even though it had nothing to do with me, Lainey leaving had me so on edge, it took everything I had to not knock Ash’s mother right out. When she shoved her ass into the council, I may have acted courtesy and polite, but inside my wolf was shredding her to pieces.

Since the mission was squashed by Ash’s mom, I put my problem first and foremost.

“Trish, you got the list?” I ask as I put my wolf pack into my trunk. I’m finding her tonight. This is the last of possible locations she could be. After this I have to expand to the whole country.

‘Yes, Hunter. Downloading now. Setting up GPS.’ Trish informs.

I start the car. “Let’s find my little vampire.” I growl with a wicked smirk on my face.

I drive through the desert to one of the towns destroyed by the Evil Clint Eastwood.

I park on the outside of town and undress. I put my pack on and shift. I walk to the town. It’s a complete mess. This must have been where the cowboy clashed with the Alliance.

A ghostly wind blow papers and other garbage around the crumbling road. I look at the crumpled, scorched buildings. I guess the humans thought it wasn’t worth rebuilding. With half the shit I’ve seen, I don’t blame them.

I walk into what looks like a supply store. There’s stuff all over. I shift and make my way to the back.

There was a room with shelves and boxes. In the back, was a door. I could smell them. That familiar stench of death.

I stop and listen. My wolf picks up at least three in there in their movements.

My brows stitch together as I walk to the door. My hand grips the handle and turns it. It clicks.

My eyes side eye the door as I slide a stake out of my pack.

I steady myself and pull the door open.

I’m knocked on my back hard. I cringe at the pain of my pack digging into my spine.

I roll to my stomach fast and place my hands in the floor. I push up slightly and look.

Three vamps stand with fists at their sides. They hiss and flash their fangs.

I slowly reach out and grab my stake that rolled away without taking my eyes off them.

I pull myself into a stand. My angry eyes meet all of theirs. My grip on my stake tightens.

“I don’t want a fight.” I growl. “I need Intel.”

“What makes you think we'd tell you anything, shifter?” The one in the middle shoves his chin to me.

“I’m looking for a girl.” My head swivels across them.

The one on the right smirks. “Aren’t we all? I’m starving.” They all chuckle, slapping each others arms.

“She’s a vamp.” I narrow my eyes.

The one in the middle steps forward. “Why would shifters be looking for a vamp?” He tilts his head.

“None of your fucking business.” I grit.

He places a hand on his chest and looks back at his friends. He turns back to me. “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you wanted us to help you.” His voice was dripping in snark.

I bounce the stake in my fingers. “I just need to find her.”

“OK.” He steps closer to me. “I’ll bite.” He grins, showing his fangs. “Who is she?”

With him this close, my wolf is ready for fight. His jaws snap and snarl inside me.

“Omega. This high, black hair. You see her?” I glare into his eyes.

He crosses his arms and looks back at his friends. “You got a name?”

“Lainey.” I supply.

He again looks back at his friends who snicker and he turns back to me. “Say we know her. What’s in it for us?” He lifts his chin to me.

I tilt my head. “You live.” I growl. “Tell me.”

He scratches his temple and closes the gap. “See. I just don’t see any point in telling you. If you had something to offer, say food, then maybe I’d be a little more inclined to help you.”

I close the gap and snarl in his face. “Tell me or I’ll make you wish you were all the way dead.” I shoot fire into his eyes.

“Threats won’t get you anywhere, shifter.” He says low.

“Trust me, bloodsucker. It isn’t a threat.” I tick my head at my last words. My chest is puffed out and my wolf is clawing for release. I call my claws on my empty hand.

His eyes look down at my hand and back up to my eyes.

“Stopped in here 3 days ago. She fed us and left. We haven’t seen her since.” He stares at me.

“Where’d she go?” I ask.

“East.” He informs.

“Did she say anything?” I ask.

He smirks. “Besides screaming my name while I fucked her. Not a word.”

The guys behind him laugh and I eye them.

I look into his eyes. “Thanks.” My eyes glow blue and his go wide.

I whip my hand out and take a large chunk out his face. He falls to the floor.

I jump over him and rush the other two. They swing at me and I duck. I punch one and throw the other one into the shelves.

The one I punched, grabs me from behind and I slam the back of my head into his face. He stumbles and I turn around.

I drive my stake into his heart. He screams in pain. I grab his head and pull it to mine. I give him a crazed look. “No touching.” I growl as I twist his head off.

The other guy gets up and I throw his friends head at him. Hitting him right in the gut. He catches it, doubling over. He drops it quick and it rolls away. I pull out a stake and jump. I hit his chest and pull it out. I stab him several more times. He screams with each stabbing.

He’s crying out and bleeding from several holes. He holds the stake as I grab his shirt. I snarl in his face. “You touched my girl? Mine?” I shake him with my words while I shoot him an enraged look.

He shakes his head fast. “No….I didn’t….” His eyes were wild.

I nod fast and crazy with a sick smirk on my face. My unnatural testosterone has my aggression rise to psychotic levels. I tilt my head back. “Um…” I lower my head and glare back at him. My eyes glow. My wolf has gone mad. “I think you’re a fucking liar.” I suck in my top lip and nod yes with insane snark. I head but him and grab his head, twisting it off. His body falls to the floor.

I turn, tossing the head between my hands like a ball as I stalk forward slowly.

The first guy is still on the floor, holding the gaping hole in his face. Blood pouring out of him fast.

My face has the look of a psychopath. I smile at him.

“You said you wouldn’t.” He begged as he tried to get up.

I walked over to him, tossing his friends head over my shoulder and squatted down in front of him.

I looked around and looked back at his fear filled face. I tilt my head. “I lied.”

I shift and my wolf tears him apart into literal pieces. His screams filled the ghost town.

I walk out of the store. I’m covered in blood.

“I’m finding you, Lainey! You can’t hide forever!” I yell into the empty town. I jump off the porch, shift and run to my car to head east.


After searching a few more towns over days and coming up bust, I'm at my last nerve with this.

One of the towns had a forest around it so I’ve been searching every acre of it.

I stop and get my bearings. I drop on a log and take off my pack. Pulling out water, I take a swig back.

I hear the wind, but it’s not natural. My eye moves to down the path I just took.

I slowly put my bottle down and my eyes glow as my wolf surfaces.

A twig cracks and I turn my head to it. I growl and shift.

My black wolf looks around. His ears flipping in all directions. His lips curl into a snarl.

Then we smell it. Black roses. “Lainey.”

My wolf lowers his guard and that’s when he’s uppercutted under the muzzle.

He flips numerous times in the air and lands on his back.

He was about to get to his feet when a force pinned him with his paws up and a sudden weight was on him.

When my brain caught up, I was staring into my little vampires face.

She snarled at me and bared her fangs.

My wolf whined and retreated. “Lainey. It’s me.” I say as I shift.

Her brow furrows and she leans to me. She looks into my eyes and hisses her fangs.

“Lainey, please…It’s me Hunter…” I kick at the forest floor.

“I know who you are.” She growls. “Why are you here?” She pushes on my wrists harder.

I’m overtaken by the heat of this. Having her pin me like this isn’t scaring me at all. It’s a fucking turn on.

“I came to save you. Lainey, you need me.” I lift my head to hers slightly.

“What do you mean?” She looks confused.

“You left me, but that was a huge mistake. A big mistake. You can’t be out here. Lainey you’re in trouble. You’re only safe with me. I need to protect you.” I’m rambling like a complete deranged lunatic.

She pushes on me and my dick twitches. “I don’t need you.” She snarls.

My eyes search hers and I give her a big smile. “Yes, you do." I nod. “Yes, you do. Lainey, you need to come home with me. Right now.” I bite my lip and look into her gorgeous face.

My heart is beating like a drum. My body is starting to sweat. Every minute she’s on me makes me want her even more.

“I’m not coming home with you. Leave me alone or I’ll kill you.” She growls.

I huff a laugh. “You’re joking.” I laugh a little more. “You’re joking…Lainey…” My face softens. “You love me.” I stare into her stunning eyes.

“What?” She looks at me like I’m nuts. “I don’t love you.” Her voice had a tone of disgust.

My smile falls. “Yes, you do.”

She pushes off me and gets off. “You’re crazy! Hunter, I don’t love you.”

I get up and close the gap. I grab her hand in my hands like a desperate fool. “You do. Lainey you drank from me. You love me. I know it.”

She ripped my hands off her. “I don’t, Hunter! I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but leave now!” She yells, backing away.

I look at her. “You…” I try to wrap my mind around her words. The fog increase as does my desire for her. “You’re lying.” I say quietly.

“No, Hunter! I’m not!.” She glares at me. She points to me. “Leave me alone. Don’t follow me.”

She turns and runs away.

I shake my head, laughing a sick laugh and I walk to my pack. I pull out a tranquilizer gun. I stand with a snarl on my face, aim down the path and fire.

I pick up my pack and walk down the path. Giggling to myself at the thought that Lainey could actually be so delusional to think she could just leave me again. I came prepared.

I come up to her on her knees. She’s whining and trying to pull out the dart in her back.

I walk beside her. “You'll see, Angel. You can’t live without me. You need me. I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time. You’re not getting away from me now.” I grin.

She looks at me with confusion and pain.

I pull out another dart full of dead man’s blood. I look it over in my fingers and she sees it too then I jam it in her ass cheek. She grinds her teeth, trying to fight it and passes out.

I stand and pick her up. I throw her over my shoulder. “Yep. You and me, Lainey. The hunt is over.” I slap her ass and grin as I carry her to my car.

Finally. I got my woman. This is going to be great, I think as I tilt my head and look threw my brows. My smirk is even more hungrier now as my wolf growls and howls in my chest.

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