Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 28


With the battle coming, we all need to be prepared for the impending invasion.

I haven’t stocked my wolf pack in a while and when I picked it up, the bottom was soaked.

“What the hell?” I say, looking at the dripping liquid. I touch it smell it on my fingers.

“Shit.” A broken beer bottle. I put it in there a while ago. It must of broke.

I started to clean it out. “Ah…Fuck.” I pull out my finger and there’s a chunk of glass in it. I pull it out and my finger starts bleeding. I reach in to grab the bottle and I feel something that’s not mine.

I slowly pull it out. As it reaches the mouth of the bag, I see a pulsing orange light.

“No way…” My eyes fill with the orange color as I look over the C shaped iron bar. “How the hell?...”

I search my mind. My eyes go wide. “The church.”

The only thing that makes any sense is when Lainey pushed me into the shelves of the church where Ash found his. They must have had two pieces. My pack was open and it must have fell in there.

I look it over and see the orange letter. I wonder if I should push it now or wait.

I almost feel a pull to push it. Like I can’t fight my curiosity.

I press my lips together and place my finger on the letter.

My eyes go wide and I’m taken to a field.

I look around as people scream and cheer. I’m completely confused and turn.

I’m face with a pack of wolves running at me.

I hit the deck and curl up as the giant wolves pant and drool. It’s louder than fuck. I’m trying to not get trampled as they jump over me and run around me.

The last ones pass and I flip onto my stomach. The crowd cheers.

I stand up and it’s night.

I’m in the middle of the desert.

I turn my head wildly to either side of me. I see two rising dust clouds coming in hot.

My breaths are huffing while I look one way. The wind blows and I see Falcon Ridge and Phoenix, along with hundreds behind them, running at me.

I hear hundreds of hisses and whip my head.

I step back when I see hundreds of vampires with Gia in the lead on a collision course.

The armies are clashing with me in the fucking middle.

I scream and put up my hands in defense.

I heard the growls and fighting. Then I didn’t.

I lower my arms and I look for the desert, but is gone. I look down and lose my shit.

“FUCK!” My voice barely echoes in the roar of the raging snowstorm.

My hair whips as I look down the side of the Nordic mountain. I’m on a very small rock. My shoes slip slightly. I need to get off this wall.

I climb up the side of the mountain. I feel cold, but I’m not cold.

I trudge through snow half way up my calf.

I walk into a cave and hear something you wouldn’t expect.

I couldn’t see faces, but they were totally in the throws of passion.

As I tried to see who would be insane enough to up here, the cave started to shake violently.

The couple fell into a hole when the floor gave way under them.

I make my way to the edge of the hole. I can’t see them. “I’LL GET HELP!!!”

I get up and turn. My face turns to shock when I’m nose to nose with Eternity.

He grabs my shirt and glares into my face. “I don’t fucking think so.” He growls.

He pushes me and I fall into the hole.

My arms and legs flail as I scream into the black which fades into my room.

Once my mind catches up, I lay on my floor, breathing heavy with my hands clasped on my forehead.

“Oh, fuck…What the hell?...Damn…” I pant as I try to slow my heartbeat.

I lower my hands. “My phone.”

I scramble to my feet and get my phone off my bedside table.

I furiously type Zander to meet me in his office.

An hour later, I’m pacing his office. Rubbing my forehead explaining everything.

Zanders holding the piece. “You had this this whole time?”

I nod. “It was at the bottom of my pack.”

The other Phoenix Alphas watch me.

Brody rubs his head. “Ok. So obviously you saw the games.”

I look at him and nod. “Almost got trampled by wolves.”

He smiles. “Was I winning?”

I glare at him. “So, not the point right now!”

“OK. I was just asking.” He crosses his arms.

“OK, what happened next?” Zander asks.

I rub my neck. “Then I was right in between a next level battle. Gia was there.” I look at Zander.

He nods and leans on his desk. “So, she does make it here.” He said quietly.

I nod. “Looks like it, but I have a feeling what came after, might help in some way.”

“The couple in the cave.” Darcy says. “Why do you guys get the juicy visions?” He scowls.

Peter turns to him. “Because, Darcy, you were one of those visions. Right, Zane?” He smirks, leaning past Darcy to look at Zane.

Zane throws his hands up. “Ugh!! Why?!!” He glares at Peter as Peter laughs. Zane slams his hands into head pulling at his hair and arching back on the couch with a growl. You can feel the images of Darcy filling his head. I can only press my lips together.

I put my hands on my hips. “It’s not the couple, it’s what they find. A hole in the floor of the cave. I have a feeling it’s important because Eternity was extremely pissed about it before he threw me into it.”

“The prison?” Ash asks.

I nod. “Or maybe another piece. Either way, Eternity doesn’t want us near it.”

Graham rubs his head. “There is literally hundreds of caves up there. It would be a miracle if we just found it.”

Zander pushes off his desk. “Ok. So Hunter. Why don't you gather all the satellite imagery and scans of that mountain? Maybe there’s a way in from the bottom.”

The Alphas nods.

“I can do that. Graham you got the topography?” I cross my arms.

“Sure thing. I also get seismic readings. It weird for a cave to just rumble like that without cause.” He rubs his short, blonde beard.

“No. The magic I use is just fine. I don’t need your help!” Azriel walks in with Faith behind him. Jake immediately gets up and leaves.

Faith looks back and sighs, she turns back. “Azriel. You just said you can’t do it. I can. Let me help.” She has her arms folded and she motions to him.

“Um…what?” Zander arches a brow.

Azriel let’s out a frustrated breath. “Alpha. I must insist you cancel these games.”

“What?! No way, Bro!” Brody growls.

Zander lowers his head and shakes it. “I’m not doing that, Azriel. We already spent a large amount of money on them. People are already here.”

“My magic cannot contain this amount of people. I certainly can’t protect anyone for games outside the city limits. You’re putting people in danger of Eternity.” He looks at Zander with a face full of insistence.

“Azriel.” Faith walks up to them. “I told you. I can make a potion that will shield everyone. I just need them to drink it. So, like in sport drinks or….the city’s water supply…”

Zander points in her face. “No! Absolutely not.”

“Zander, it’s the best delivery system for this many people.” Faith says.

“No. The Shaman isn’t putting anything in my city’s water supply.” Zander walks behind his desk and sits down.

She leans on his desk. “There’s no way you’re going to be able to get thousands of people to drink it. It must be done this way to keep everyone safe."

Azriel turns to Faith, crosses his arms and smirks. “Told you he wouldn’t hear of it.”

She smirks back. “You still have nothing.”

“Yes, I do.” He leans on Zanders desk. “Cancel the games.” He arches a brow.

“No.” Zander points to him. “You find another way.”

Azriel stands straight. Faith is smiling, biting her cheek.

He looks at her. He throws up his hands. “Fine! We'll see what you have.” He turns and stomps toward the door.

“You know. I think you’re just miserable because you haven’t had your tea yet, Azriel.” She says to his back.

He throws up his finger. “Shut up!” He barks as he turns into the hallway and Faith follows.

We all look at the door and look at Zander.

He sighs and rubs his head. “This place is a zoo.” He whines. “Get out of here.” He waves us off and we all snicker as we leave. Clearly, Zanders head wasn’t taking anymore.



We all just got off the elevator when we saw Lucy run up to Brody. She’s dressed in low rise black track pants and a black sport bra. Her golden brown hair in a ponytail.

Brody scrubs a hand down his face. “Uh…yeah…what?”

She stands and kicks out a leg. “Don't what me. You called a re-qualifier for events 2 and 6. I’ve been waiting for over an hour.” She crosses her arms and scowls.

He rubs his forehead. “Damn.” He looked to us. “Desi was supposed to remind me.” He turns back to Lucy. “Uh…sorry…I’ll…Um…Be out in a minute.”

“You better, I don’t like being held up. I don’t care how cute the ass is.” She looks him up and down and spins around and walks away.

I catch Brodys brows cinch up and his jaw go slack as he watches her get swallowed up by the crowded hall.

I slap his chest. “Hey, you ok?”

He swipes his face again. “Uh…yeah, bro….I…I got to find Desi. I’ll see ya later.”

He jogs off into the direction Lucy walked in.

I shake my head. Peter looks down the hall and then at me. “Did you see what I saw?”

I nod. “I think Brody Bears in trouble.” I tried to contain my smile as I take one last look down the hall.


I get to the stairs of the science Unit hallway, when I see Trinity and Taylor coming down.


I turn and walk down.

“Oh, Hunter!” Trinity sings.

I stop and press my lips together. I know what they want. This is that girl thing they do every year.

I spin and smile. “How’s the Lunas today?”

Trinity smirked. “Where is she, Hunter.”

I pull out my phone and look at the time. “Uh…sleeping.” It’s just past lunch. Lainey has a raid tonight and she needs her sleep.

“We need her.” Taylor whines. “If she’s our newest Luna we need to have our shopping day.”

I push past them. “Sorry, girls. Unless you work the midnight shift, you’re going to have to skip this one.”

“But she can walk in the sun.” Trinity calls up.

I turn on the steps. “I know, but her hive can’t so she’s working with them right now.”

They both pout and I shake my head and walk up the stairs.

I’ll talk to Lainey about it. I don’t think she has yet to talk with the Lunas properly, but I think with Gia gathering her army, the moon and dress shopping are the last thing on her mind.

With the moon being a few days away, everyone is trying to be hyped up about it.

I'm trying too, but deep down, something doesn’t feel right. I don’t doubt Lainey and our bond, but something tells me a ball is not what we should be thinking about right now.

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