Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 27


My eyes watch the soft sunlight dance on my Queen Bee’s skin as she lays with her back to me. I can see the scars from the Alliance, but I also see a scar that’s not.

I wrap my arm around her and kiss it. I settle my chin into her neck.

“How come you never talk about it?” I whisper.

“Talk about what?”

I gently run my fingers over her turn mark. “This.”

She rolls to face me. “It’s not important.” She mumbles.

“It is though. I want to know all of you, Lainey.” I softly hold her chin in my fingertips and kiss her.

“You will.” She gives a small smile. “In time. I just can’t right now.” Her fingers trace my chest.

“I won’t care, Lainey. I love you. When Damon created you, I can’t even begin to understand what that was like, but I want to.” I kiss her nose. “I was born a shifter. I want to know what it’s like to be made a vampire.”

“Well, it’s not a picnic at the park.” I smirk.

“No…” I chuckle. “I guess it wouldn’t be.”

My eyes dance with hers as a small smile grows.

“What?” She grins.

“You’re so beautiful.” I whisper.

I swear, I almost saw her cheeks turn a very tiny shade of pink.

I move closer to her. “I want to spend forever with you, Lainey. I don’t care how that happens.” I place my forehead on hers. “You’re my everything. I want to be your everything too.”

“I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you.” She traced my jaw with her finger. Tiny electric warmth filled my face. “Hunter, I promise to give you as much as my forever as I can. I will live on, but I want you to know that this life I have with you will be the only one for me. There will never be another love. You’re the only that will hold my heart for my forever.”

She stares into my eyes and I roll into her lips.

“I hope the moon gives you to me.” I mumble.

She smiles. “I know it will.”

“How?” I pull back a little.

She shrugs. “I just do. I…have a feeling.” She gently puts her hand on my cheek. “Our love can create beautiful things in a world so filled with evil. Our love will create the things to save it.”

I scrunch my face. “You think so?”

She nods. “Destiny put us together for a reason. I know this now.”

I kiss her again and was about to show her how true her statement really was, when my phone went off.

I groan and Lainey giggles.

I smirk at her and swipe it open.

“It’s Zander. Something’s happened and he’s calling a meeting.” I look at her.

She pushes me off. “Let's go.” She says coldly, bouncing off the bed and getting dressed.


I walk into the council room and it’s packed. Everyone’s here.

“What’s going on?” I say. I sit Lainey down in her seat and I take my seat next to Peter.

I look around to Falcon Ridge and Phoenix, all with concern on their faces.

Zander looks at Ricky and she nods.

“Ok. There’s no easy way to say this, so here it goes…” He places his hands on his hips. “The war has officially started.”



“What happened?”

“Zander?” I join the growing voices in the room.

He holds up his hands. “I just got word from London. The vamps broke the treaty and left the Nordic countries. A massive army marched and attacked the high council prison.”

“Gia.” Lainey leans on the table with her fingers laced. “How long?”

“Three days ago.” He rubs his head. “They attacked the council chamber. Thankfully, my guard beat them back, but we have a bigger problem.”

“You lost them.” River interrupts.

Zander nods. “We’re scouring the country side, but it’s a very good chance they’re not in the country anymore.”

Lainey presses her lips together. “She’s coming for me.” She says low.

“Baby, this isn’t your fault. Zander, it’s not her fault.” I point to him.

“No.” Zander shakes his head. “Lainey, we won’t blame you for Gia’s actions. You’re doing what’s right. If anyone is to blame, it’s me.”

“What are the numbers?” Ash says from his wall with Lucius beside him. They both look equally irritated.

Zander slightly paces. “Hundreds…Thousands…It’s hard to tell at this point.”

“So my vision was right.” He glares at me.

“This is not her fault, Ash!” I point to him and yell.

“No. It’s yours!” He pushes off the wall and yells back.

Lucius slams a hand on Ash’s chest. Ash looks at him and Lucius shakes his head no.

He slumps back against the wall. Lucius nods to Zander.

Peter leans to me and tells me to calm down.

“Yeah…whatever.” I grumble shooting daggers at Ash.

“Can we beat them?” Wren asks.

“We will die trying. That’s all I can say. I’ve prepared Units to run to all the borders. Any vamps found will be destroyed.” Zander says.

Christian walks up to the table. “You have our numbers.”

Zander bows his head. “Titus has also agreed to shore us up.”

“You’ll have ours too.”

I turn to a solid alpha with short blonde hair. His thick arms and chest pressing against his jersey.

“Finn? What the hell?” I sit, wide eyed.

Five more walk in and stand behind him in sport jerseys. All huge Alphas.

“We caught the news on the Comms when we saw the Units heading to the Canadian border. Vamps affect us too, right?” He says.

Bastian smiles. “Does this mean Axelridge is joining the Alliance?”

Finn looks at him and points. “Hell no. We’re protecting our own interests.”

The other Alphas behind him, nod and fist bump each other.

“We aren’t military, but we can fight. We can help.” Finn says.

“We thank you.” Zander bows his head.

“Now, we have no movement yet. When we do, we will deploy. Hopefully, the border units can shut it down before it even starts.” Zander says. “Stay alert and protect each other.”

The meeting was adjourned, but we all stayed to talk for a bit.

Everyone is interested in Finn and his council. He was right. They have a military, but they aren’t militaristic like us. They’re celebrities. All of Axelridge’s council Alphas are professional athletes. Basketball, hockey, baseball, snowboarding, lacrosse and soccer if I remember correctly. The entire Axelridge Alliance territory lives and breathes sports. It helps being in an area with such diverse weather and land conditions. Very different from a desert city.

“No way the Devils will beat the Hawks.” Luke scowls.

A tall Alpha with tanned tattooed skin and a slim, but still quite muscular, build stands with him. He runs his fingers through his long on top, blonde hair. “The Hawks couldn’t sink a net if there life depended on it. Their caption is shit.”

“They have the best defense in the league! Are you kidding?” Luke’s arms go out.

“We dance circles around them. There’s no way they’ll beat us in the playoffs.” The guys smirks.

“I say you’ll still get your asses beat.” Luke smiles.

“Buy tickets and watch us humiliate them on the court.” He goes into a cocky stance.

Luke points at him. “I will. Court side seats, baby.”

The guy was about to leave when Luke held out his hand. “Before you go, can you sign this for me?” He grins.

The guy arches a brow and Luke produces a pen.

He takes the pen and Luke’s hand. “To my best friend, Luke.” Luke smiles.

The guy shakes his head and signs his hand.

Luke takes it back and reads it. He’s awe struck. “I’m never washing this hand again.”

Darcy puts a hand on his chest. “Um…Isn’t that your…working hand?” He looks between Luke’s hand and eyes with a smirk.

Luke looks at his hand and slowly makes the motion with his fist. “Shit! Sign the other one.” He shoves his hand to the guy and the guy sighs at the stupidity.

I laugh and turn away to Gideon and Finn.

“So you guys beat back Antonio?” Gideon asks. He looks confused.

Finn nods. “We may not have the hardware you guys do, but you’d be surprised what 60000 pissed off sport fans can do.” He crosses his arms and smirks.

“Huh." Gideon rubs his chin.

I pull Lainey into the circle.

Finn looks at her and gives a smile. “So this is the little woman, huh?”

Lainey scowls. “I’m not a…little woman.”

I lean to her. “It was a joke.”

She still keeps a scowl on her face.

I shake my head. “Lainey Spencer, Finn Treznor.”

Lainey eyes him. “Interesting name.” She grumbles.

He shrugs. “My agents a huge Nine Inch Nails fan. He thought it would sell more tickets.”

“What’s your real name?” Lainey turns to him.

He leans to her. “Only my real friends know that. Become my friend and I might tell you one day.” He smirks.

She smirks back. “I like him.” She says in a monotone voice as she eyes him.

I chuckle. “Are you staying for the games?”

“Naw. I got playoffs before the moon. Finals. We’re taking the cup this year. Maybe next time. I’d love to see what military games look like.” Finn crosses his arms. “We’re a phone call away.”

He hits my shoulder and walks out with his council behind him.

I take Lainey in my arms. “Let’s get out of here.”

She smiles.


A couple of hours later, we’re in the trees of the forest after a run.

I have my back on a trunk and Lainey straddled in my lap.

My lips travel slowly from her collar bone to her chest.

My hand travels to the back of her neck as she slowly slides up and down on my shaft.

I feel every inch of her soft skin. My desire for her is almost too much to handle.

My other hand slides down to the small of her back. The heat from her body drives my lust for her to levels I never thought possible.

She speeds up, her hair hanging back as she moans to the canopy of leaves.

I kiss in between her breasts and lick her hot flesh. I feel our skin sweating between us as she rides me.

I pull her to me and grip her ass. I help by thrusting and matching her rhythm. Our bodies are always so in sync. It only makes me more heated.

“Yesss…..Hunt….” She breathes in my ear.

My fingers indent her skin as I speed up. “Baby, you feel so good…” I pant.

She lifts her head and her hands hold my cheeks. Her lips engulf mine and I kiss her deep. Both of us moaning on each others lips.

The forest breeze did little to cool off this euphoric feeling I had as her pussy got tighter and wetter on my dick.

She speeds her hips up and starts to scream on my lips. My hunger for her grows and I kiss her even harder.

I give her my girth harder and as I deep as I can in this position. I feel her orgasm crest and I thrust harder. She crashes and her hands hold my cheeks harder.

Her body shakes and she arches back. “Yessss!!”

I hold her and stroke her fast.

“Yes, baby…” I growl.

I feel my dick swell as I climax. My release explodes in her and her pussy squeezes me until every drop is out.

I pull her to my chest. Kissing her softly, I look into her dreamy eyes.

“My everything forever.” I mumble on her soft, pouty lips.

Her fingers caress my cheeks. “Forever.” She whispers.

We kissed and held each other while the sun kissed our skin through the leaves and the forest sounds filled the air.

This is all I need. All I want.

Nothing will ever take this away from me.


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