Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 2


I rub my temples as I listen to yet another very bad rendition of Mozart on a violin. My head is about to explode with all these women. None are who we want.

“Ok. OK!” I put up my hand and pick up my pen. “We'll…um…call you.” I say, painfully.

I toss my pen and roll my head to Brody. “Please tell me that’s the last one.”

He looks around and Mateo nods as he walks into the unit lobby.

I throw my pen down on the table and flop my head back. “Thank God. I swear my brain is mush.” I raise my head and look at Mateo. “Which isn’t good for a my genius brain.”

Mateo smirks. “I'm sure that didn’t take much.”

I smirk back and throw my pen at his head and he catches it.

“I guess we’re at square one.” Zander walks over.

I stand and stretch from sitting practically all day while we auditioned Phoenix Mountains entire female population. My head hurts and I need a stiff drink. “What do we do now?”

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Right now, I need to get home and stop my ears from ringing.” Zander digs out his ear with cringe on his face.

We called the hunt for Cinderella off for the night.

I get to my Dodge Avenger and open the door. I pull off my sweater and throw it in the back seat.

Sitting in the drivers seat, I blow out a breath as I shut the door.

Although the whole day was a giant head ache, the amount of female hormones in that lobby had my wolf drooling and panting. It was hard containing my arousal.

I reach in my pocket and pull out all the numbers I collected.

“This should be fun.” I lick my lips as I flip through them.

I head on home to my pack. It’s too late at night to call any of them now, so I’ll suffer like I always do.

I breach the border of my small industrial town. Severn Station. Just a half hour from the mountain road that takes you into Phoenix.

Great pack, if you like fighters. The problem? They’re fighters. And primarily male. There’s more beta types and Alpha wanna bes here than anyone else. What can I say? It’s in the genes. The birth rate of females in my pack is about 5 males to every one female.

The buildings are old. A lot are rough and rustic and wooden with a few brick buildings here and there. Bars are definitely plenty as it’s a pick up place of choice for my heavyweights. Unfortunately, most nights, there’s nothing to pick up. Any action these guys get is when they go to Phoenix. Females don’t come here and those that are born here can’t get away fast enough. The testosterone level is too high for them or so I’m told.

We are 100 percent Unit money. Again, the towns just too damn tough for outsiders to visit. There’s not exactly a shopping district either.

Most of the males here are into trades. The females that do stick around, work with them and with the unit.

So lots of construction works, iron works, and other things like that.

Severn Station didn’t get its tough exterior by accident. At its conception, it was a labor town. Filled with workers who gathered here to be taken to work. Through time, it was needed less and less and my family moved in and took it over. We moved our pack from the south, hoping the area would change us, but no such luck of that.

I pull into the pack house driveway. It’s a grey slat house. It used to be a mill of some sort before my great grandfather turned into a symbol of the Alpha. He added 12 rooms with the Alpha room on the very top floor. The whole floor. It’s huge. I really could live up there and never come down.

I stare at my blue eyes in the mirror. They look tired. I am tired. I’m frustrated. I would go for a drink, but I know it would only end up in a bar fight. I don’t feel like knocking heads. I generally don’t like to fight, but I won’t turn one down either.

I walk into the house and the place actually looks like a bar. The common room has hi top tables with chairs as well as couches. A pool table and an industrial stainless steel kitchen island off the actual kitchen where my cook feeds everyone from.

“You’re late.” My Beta Ryan, takes a shot.

I throw my jacket on a chair and pick up a cue. “Yeah, this search for this girl is turning out to be harder than we thought.”

He scoffs and flicks his thick brown hair. “Don’t I know it. If you guys find her let me know how. I want to know the secret.”

He watches me sink a couple of pool balls. “We already know the secret, Ryan. We need to calm ourselves down.”

“We can’t make them. Enforcers already have a tough go of it. We need women, man.” He scrubbed a hand down his face in frustration.

“There’s a whole city of women a half hour away. They don’t stay, Ryan, because it’s not safe here.” I motion my hand to him. “No. There’s got to be some way to lower the aggression and hormones.”

Ryan leans over the table. He’s not as big as me, but he’s a close second. If we want to keep our titles, we have to be big.

He takes his shot. “We tried everything, Hunt. Suppressants, estrogen shots. Fuck, even heavyweight gyms don’t work. The females we do have, produced too many Alpha types. We need to stop the competitions. There’s got to be some way we can get girls to stay because the fucking moon ain’t helping either.”

I watch him take his next shot. He’s right. In my reign as Alpha, we’ve only had 20 mated pairs. That’s not a lot in a town of 3000. I have no idea why we get the short stick from Fate. I think the cosmos just wants us to rip each other apart at this point. We usually get their male kids after they’ve moved and comeback, only to have the cycle continue.

“I have Trish analyzing the genetics of the pack. She should find something soon.” I take my last shot before hanging up my cue stick.

“You in tomorrow?” Ryan asks.

“Yeah, Zander is trying to find this girl. I’m sure it’s all hands on deck for a while. Night.” I wave at him and climb the stairs.

I feel everything he told me. I’m not free from this either. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been suffering my own hormone levels. It’s half the reason I fight everyday to not give in and start confrontations. I know what I’m capable of if I lose it.

Once upstairs, I peel everything off and fall into bed. In my sleep, the women today flood my dreams. Touching me, kissing me, climbing all over me.

I get action, it’s just not satisfying enough. I’m constantly hungry for more. Most hookups are just that, hookups. I had one girlfriend once that stayed for a week. She couldn’t take staying here. Whoever I get with has to be tough as nails. No fucking around. Not a lot out there like that.

I woke up a 4am with such a rager, I had to take care of it in the shower. I decided I’d be better off at work.

Later in the morning, Zander called a meeting.

“I think we really need to look at the kidnapping. Maybe Mateo’s vision is was some sort of look into the past.” Sawyer says.

Bear crosses his arms. “I agree.”

Mateo looks around. “It didn’t feel like it already happened.”

Zander nods. “Until we know more, the kidnapping is the most prominent thing. Which means…”

“A vamp hunt.” Brody grins, rubbing his hands together.

Zander walks to his laptop. “Since Mateo said the girl was in a forest, we have narrowed it down to three areas. A cave in the east, a ravine in the west and a mineshaft on a farm to the south. We'll split the units into three.”

“What about Gia?” Carmin asks.

“I’ve been in contact. She says there’s no rogue vamps and all she brought are accounted for.” Zander informs.

“You don’t believe her.” Bear states.

“Not in the least.” Zander arches a brow.

I cross my arms. “So what? Put her on watch?”

Zander nods. “Definitely. All eyes. I need to know what she’s up to.”

“On it.” I pick up my tablet and walk out.

As I walk, I get stopped by Declan. “Hey, got a minute?”

I tuck my tablet under my arm. “One.”

He wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Ok, you know how we’ve been working on this whole formulation for the pieces?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

He smiles. “Come with me.”

I follow him to the lab where the pieces are being studied.

He sits down and punches keys. The monitor comes alive and the diagrams of all the pieces we have show up in blue outline diagrams. I watch and the simulation lines up the pieces with Mateos lock in its center.

Declan punches more keys and a rough fill in shows a rough square shape. “It’s like a wall of it or something.”

“Not a wall.” I shove him out of the way and punch keys. I pull out my phone and download it into my phone. “It’s a door. The door.”

I punch more keys. “If I change the code just a bit…”

The simulation expands. To a large prison with a door on the right side. “That’s our prison.” I say as I stare at the floating blue outlined image.

“So it’s real. Not metaphoric?” Declan asks.

I look at him and nod. “According to my simulation. It’s real.” I stand up and clap his back. “I’ve got to tell the guys. Good job, De.” I smile.

He smiles back. “Thanks.”

I walk out and see Zane. “Zane!” I jog up to him. He’s in a hurry.

“Hey. Ready to raid some vamps?” He claps my back.

“Uh..yeah…” I push my findings out of my mind and pull up the vamp hunt. “I was just leaving.”

“Come on, then.”

Me and Zane head for the deployment area.


I stumble into the pack house and flop on the crouch. I’m dirty, tired and bloody.

Ryan walks over, rubbing the back of his head. “Uh…what?”

I roll my head to him with pain on my face. “Vamps.”

His brows scrunch together. “Um…oh. You won?” He sits in a chair at the end corner of the couch.

“Nope. Not even fucking close. Then this cowgirl chick and Indiana Jones practically feed us to them. If it wasn’t for the cows, we would have been vamp kibble.”

He looks at me with deep confusion. “K…what?” He says sharply.

I get up. “Never mind. I’m going for a shower and sleeping for a month.”

I wish that were true. My women from the Cello girl search turned to fangs and blood. No sleep for me I guess.


Two weeks later, we get the go to go down the mineshaft again. This time with a whole plan. Billy and Michael hopped up their cows with shifter blood and when the vamps were past out, we went after the Master and to try and save the missing girl.

We didn’t find the girl, but I found something else. I don’t know what, but I know I couldn’t walk away.

While Zander drove a stake into the Masters noggin, I saw her.

Cowering by the stone throne. Her stunning green eyes watch us in horror as we fought the Masters private guard. Her face was full of fear, but it was so gorgeous, I could barely concentrate on the fight.

When the other Omega girls started getting staked, I panicked. I couldn’t let her die. I knew we needed information so, that was my opportunity.

She went to attack with the others, but I clotheslined her. I grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her close. The smell of black roses hit my nose. It was a weird, sweet scent. Not something I expected from a vamp. Her body has my wolf drooling for action. He’s crawling with desire. Not really different behavior for him in the presence of a female, but it’s weird it’s for a vamp. It has been a large, long stretch for me. Most likely he’s desperate.

She looked at me with wild eyes. Her mouth small and her body felt like it was trembling.

I glared at her with a serious face. “I’m getting you out of here…” I look around. Everyone else is preoccupied I look back at her. “I’m sorry.”

I pull back my arm and punch her square in the face with enough power to knock her out cold. I felt like a fucking monster, but I knew she wouldn’t come willingly.

I slung her over my shoulder and followed the guys out of the mineshaft.


“Ok. Close all the vents. Get me my laptop, cameras and a bucket of sensors. Laser.” I say to my team and the guards in the prison unit start closing all the air vents.

“Double check the door on that food door. We don’t need her able to lust lock during feeding.” I’m breathless as I talk. I lay her down on the cot. “Get medics down here. I want status on health and what I need to input to the security systems.

“Yes, Alpha.” The guard leaves.

I look at her with my face fallen and soft. I don’t know what it is, but I feel like she’s safer here. Safer with me.

My thoughts were broken as the medics enter the cell. It was then I realized I was slightly petting the top of her head. “Alpha?”

I clear my throat. “Yes.” I turn to the medics. I stand back and they do their thing. They check her eyes and her temperature. They take some blood and inject her with belladonna. It won’t kill her, but it will keep her knocked out long enough for me to set up the vampire security systems I developed from Wade’s incarceration.

While I patched into the cameras and tapped the screen of my laptop, my eyes floated to milky white legs. They go on forever. The slight sight of her belly button under shirt had me bite my lip.

I shook my head and went back to work.

I set up laser sensors at the top of the door that will activate if the glass is smashed or opened without authorization.

I was standing on a ladder facing into the cell on the outside wall. I lean my arms on the glass and my forehead rested on them.

At first, I stared at the ground. My mouth went small and my eyes slowly rose to the sleeping girl in the prison cot.

I swallow the heat that’s filling me. I have no idea what I’m feeling. This is crazy. This just because she’s female and just happens to be a goddamn angel.

My wolf is pushing on me. It’s not happening, bud. No way. I may be frustrated, but not enough to make me want to sleep with a vamp. Forget it. Still he gnaws on my ribs.

He wants to tear her apart, but not in the way you think. I would too if she wasn’t a sick creature that eventually will need to be put down.

My eyes look at her pale pink, full lips. Her almost baby like features. My heart races a tiny bit.

I shake my head. “No, Hunt. Don’t even.” Just get the job done and get the fuck out.

I shut the door and bring up the security systems. I check the camera feed and stop at the feed of her bed. My eyes get lost as I try to figure out my head. My fingers touch her image.


I wake up and turn. Zander is coming with Sawyer behind him.

“Hey.” I turn the feed off before they approach.

“She conscious?” Zander asks as he approaches.

I run my fingers through my hair. “No…uh…she'll be out until tomorrow.” I glance back her then Zander.

“Ok. When she does, call me right away.” Zander orders.

“Will do." I take one last look and go back to finishing up arming the security and patching up to the Comms unit.

I turn my head and watch Sawyer and Zander leave the prison.

I stand and twist my lips. My wolf still spinning circles.

It’s just a want.

That’s all it is.

I don’t want her. I want what she is. I want relief. I want satisfaction. That’s it.

The pressure in pants starts to grow the more I stand here and think.

… … …

I got to leave…Like, right now.

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