Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 1


Keep running, Lainey. Keep running.

My legs hurt. My hands swipe at brush and branches as I tear through the forest.

Don't stop. Whatever you do, don’t stop.

I look behind me, quickly.

I hear them. The dogs bark and howl. Tears start to fall. If I had a working heart, it would be pounding in my chest.

I leap into the trees and jump from branch to branch.

They can’t catch me again.

I swing from a branch and grab the next one. My scared face turns to horror as it breaks and I fall from the tall tree screaming on my way down.

Landing on my back, I feel the pain, but I’m not dead.

A howl rips through the trunks.

I roll fast onto my stomach and look.

I see the eyes.

They surround me.

“NO!” I hiss and bare my multiple fangs.

One shifts. “You’re coming back, Lainey. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”

I get back on my feet. Tears soak my cheeks. “No! You won’t touch me again!” I yell.

I turn to leave and feel a sharp pain in my spine. I fall to my knees. Trying to pull the dart out.

Then I feel it. The blood. The dead man’s blood enter my system.

My face pains. “No…” I say as I fall to my hand. My vision gets cloudy.

The man walks to my front. He lifts my chin. My eyes glow green. My lip curls into a snarl.

“It was bad for you to escape, Lainey. We aren’t done with you yet.” He looks into my eyes with a smirk.

My eyes get even more cloudy. My glow fades.

He drops my chin and I hang my head.

“Load her up. The blood won’t last long.” He says standing up.

He walks away. “I want lab 4 prepped. Procedures start as soon as we get back.”

“Yes, Alpha.” Another man says.

“No…” I sob weakly.

“You’re important, Lainey. More important than you know. We need you.” He says and walks out of the woods.

I’m carried bridal style, too weak to hold myself up as the blood courses through my veins.

“Help…” I say quietly as another tear falls down my temple.


“NOOOO!” I scream. “LET ME GO!”

I thrash and struggle as my clothes are taken off and I’m strapped to a table by four men.

“NO! PLEASE!!” I cry.

The man walks around to my head and he straps it down. He holds a huge syringe in his hands.

“Lainey. This is for the greater good. We have to do this.” His dark brown eyes look almost satisfied. He puts a cap over his short brown hair and rubs his clean shaven, sharp chin and jaw. “You should be proud. You’re saving the world.” His lips turns up in a smirk.

He squeezes the syringe and pink liquid comes out. He moves to behind my head.

“NO! NO! PLEASE, NO!” I scream and struggle.

“Hold her.” He orders as he squats down.

I feel the needle enter my brain stem.

“AHHHHH!” I slam my eyes shut and scream as the liquid burns me inside me.

Soon, my scream turns to a loud growl and my eyes open and turn gold.

He stands up as my back arches. He undoes the head strap. I continue to scream and pull at the restraints. My fists are so tight, my nails drew blood.

My senses were all over the place. My hearing screamed at all the noise. My eyes couldn’t see anything, but bright light. My skin burned.

“The Alliance thanks you for your service, Lainey.”

The growl grows in my chest as my anger filled eyes whip to his and lock.

“Get the blood.” He barks.

I whip my head the other way and look at my arm. My fangs flash when the needle enters my arm and blood is pulled into a syringe.

“Get it into the others.” He says taking off his smock. “I want results in an hour.”

He places a hand on my head and leans to me. He smiles. “You’re so special, Lainey. Your blood will change everything.”

I struggle more until I feel it. A small rip. I’m weak, but not weak enough. I just need to eat.

He stares into my eyes just as my restraint rips off.

With incredible speed, I grab his throat.

His shocked face was the last thing I saw before I lifted him off the floor and threw him over me into the other doctors.

My voice is whiney as I rush to release my other hand and feet.

I jump off the table, putting it between me and them, as they get to their feet.

I shove the table hard and the Alpha jumps it, but it hits the others and they all fall to the floor.

His eyes glow gold and I take my stance.

I grab a bunch of needles and throw them.

They all land in his chest. He growls and pulls them out.

I try for the door and he grabs my foot. Making me fall to my stomach.

I twist to my back and kick him in the head with my free foot and scramble to my feet.

I try for the door again and he grabs my shoulder. He throws me across the room with an Alpha growl.

I smash into equipment and land on the floor.

He picks me up by my throat and brings me to his face. “Bad girl.” His angry gold eyes glare into mine.

The other men push the table out and causes the Alpha to look at them.

My eyes glow green and I grab his wrist. I squeeze it and twist, breaking it. He stumbles back and screams, falling to his knees.

The others surround me.

I’m a cornered cat. I spin and kick one into the wall on the opposite of the room. Another grabs me around the neck. I pry his arm forward and sink my fangs into his arms. I drink as fast as I can. He screams in pain and tears his arm away.

I stare at him and wipe my blood covered mouth with the back of my arm.

“You bitch!” He growls.

He rushes me and with my new found power, I blur around him. Stopping behind him and snapping his neck with ease.

I stand and watch his body slump to the floor

“Lainey. Don’t. We need you…” the Alpha stands.

I turn my head to the side, snarling at him.

“I don’t need you.” I growl in almost a demonic voice.

At inhuman speed, I’m in front of him and blowing in his face.

He stops everything and goes into a dream state.

I look him up and down. “The experiment is over.” I grit.

I open my mouth and sink my teeth into his neck. His screams fill the halls as I tear his throat out after drinking him almost dry.

I grab my clothes and smash through the glass door. With as much speed as I can pull, I run through the halls. Using his key card, I run through the doors.

I can smell the outside as I get to the last door.

I open it and throw the key card.

I run through the long cave.

I see the night at the opening.

Once in the air, I skid to a stop and look around.

The moon lights up the desert sand and sparse vegetation. Mountains are seen off in the distance with city lights illuminating the horizon.

I look up and the moon is well past its peak, heading into dawn.

I need to find a hive now.

I burst into a run across the desert.

I ran for what felt like hours until I hit a forest.

I stop at the trees, hiding in the shadows as I watch the sun crest.

I shield my eyes from bright light. It’s so beautiful.

I take a few more minutes to watch the dawn.

I wrap my arms around my waist and turn into the darkened forest. There’s a hive here. I can smell them. I can feel them. They’ll protect me.

Soon, I see them entering a mine shaft to hide from the day.

I step into the small cleared area in front of the entrance.

My arm was grabbed from behind. I’m spun around so fast, my black hair hits my face.

The man leans down and sniffs me. He runs his fingers through his black hair. His thin face and milky skin almost glow in the shadows. He’s much taller than me and although thin, he’s still muscular. Wearing a tank top and black jeans with boots.

“Omega.” He growls, his green eyes bore into mine.

“Please, help.” I squeak.

He stares at me. “What’s your name?” He ask as he crosses his arms.

“Lainey.” I supply shyly.

“What happened to your hive?” He arches a brow.

“Dead.” I frown. “For a long time now.”

“Where have you been?” He looks at me suspiciously.


I don’t want to tell him where I actually was or he’ll eat me right here.

“You’re link?” He asks.

My eyes well and I sniff. “Broken.”

Sitting for so long in a quiet mind actually hurts. I need a connection.

He looks me over again.

“Renny. Follow me. Have you eaten?” He walks to the entrance and I follow.

“Yes.” I mumble.

“Good. The Master will enjoy what you have to offer.” He side eyes me and we walk into the dark.

I know my fate with this hive. I can tell it’s huge.

After traveling down deeper into the hive in an elevator, we walk through a cavern.

The room opens up to reveal a large vampire. He’s feeding off a half naked girl.

“I found her outside.” Renny shoves me forward and I almost trip.

I hold myself and keep my eyes low.

“Omega. You wish to serve me?” He throws the girl to the side and leans on his stone throne.

I nod.

“Speak, vamp!” He barks in an angry tone.

It makes me flinch. “Yes.”

“Have you fed?” He looks at me with irritation.

I swallow. “Yes.”

“Come.” He sits up and waves me to him.

I walk to him and close the gap.

He spreads his knees. “Sit.” He orders.

I turn and sit on the top step leading to the throne.

He slides my hair to the side. His hands are cold. Not in temperature, but cold with the evil I feel in him.

He slides the spaghetti strap of my black tank top off my shoulder.

He lowers his head and kisses my shoulder and neck in a way that makes me internally cringe. He tastes my skin.

He moves to my ear. “You’re different.” He growls softly. “You’re taste is exotic.” He seductively nips and sucks my ear. I can’t react to his advances or I’m dead. His lips stir something deep inside me.

The back of his fingers trail down my arm. “You certainly are beautiful and young.” He whispers as his lips tease my skin.

My eyes flick to Renny who’s standing and watching.

The Master kisses down my neck then I feel it.

His strong fangs sink into my shoulder.

My mouth falls open as I suck in my shock. My eyes go wide and glow.

He purrs as he drinks.

My body trembles and my hand shoots up to hold the back of his trimmed black hair.

My boots try to keep their grip on the step below.

He wraps his arm around my chest as he feeds.

I feel my blood drain fast.

“Please…” I beg as I scrunch my eyes. “Please…”

He lifts me up off my but under my breast into his mouth. My head rolls back onto his shoulder.

“Please!” I cry out as tears fall.

He drops me and I fall to floor.

He lifts his head and hisses as my blood enters his system.

I lift up to my hands. My shoulder dripping blood to the floor.

I feel so weak and hungry. I can barely hold myself up.

“You’re gift is tasty, Omega.” He wipes the blood off his mouth with a black towel. “Continue to bring me more and I’ll let you live.”

He arches a brow to Renny. “Give her minimal strength.” He orders.

Renny squats down to me and cuts his arm with his fangs. He lifts me up to his bleeding arm. I fiercely grab it and drink. I feel my hunger only start to fade when he pulls it away.

The Master looks at me and points to a spot on the floor beside his throne. “You sleep here.”

I crawl to where he pointed and curl up, laying my head on my arms.

He turns his head to me. “You might be my favorite.” He grins.

I lower my eyes from him.

Have I gone from bad to worse? Maybe, but at least, I’m safe as long as I keep the Master fed. I already feel the connection to the hive opening through Rennys blood. A sense of relief washes over me as the thoughts and voices flood my mind. I have to make sure my thoughts don’t include where I came from. I don’t want the Master thinking I’m an imposter. I’m just an Omega vampire looking for a safe home. That’s all I'll ever want.

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