Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 58

Break the bond

Once the words left his mouth, time froze for me. It took me some time to process his words. I mean I knew he had to mark me sooner or later, but I wanted to get to know him first. I definitely did not want to do it with audience.

“What do you mean?”, Asher asked. Of course, he being a vampire wouldn’t know about marking.

“You both have to mark each other and then have your mate, in your case, your lover, to mark over it.”, he said.

That had me going in yet another round of shock. I thought only my mate will be doing but this was news for me. This was getting weird by each word, his to be exact.

I mean marking is a precious thing among the mates. I know for one that Raden wouldn’t be able to control Lucas when Asher marks me.

“How does this help the case?”, Raden asked.

“According to you werewolves, when a person marks you, the wolf side bonds with them despite its protests. So in order to break it, another person has got to mark you over it. In this case, it will be effective only when the true mate marks you.”, he said.

Hearing his explanation, it seemed logical, but that doesn’t mean I am, in any way, comfortable doing this.

Things finally fit in Asher’s mind. He looked at me with pleading eyes, as if reading my mind.

Oh right, he can read.

“Please, little mate. You have to help me in here. If you do this, you will also be free from me.”, he begged.

What he said was true. If I didn’t break this bond, I will not be able to be with Raden whole-heartedly, mate or not. There would be part of me which would long for Asher. I nodded reluctantly, after considering the pros and cons, which were not much.

“Another thing, once you mark each other, your mates have to mark you immediately, in order for the mark to neutralize. If the mark is not overdone within five minutes, the mark will turn permanent. There will be no revert back, whatsoever.”, he said in a serious tone.

“I will call for Sophia immediately.”, Asher said before leaving to call his mate.

I nodded at them before leaving the room. I went straight to my room and spread out on my bed, facing the ceiling. I heard the door open and close before he settled down next to me.

“You needn’t do this if you don’t want to. That leech doesn’t get to force you into doing anything you don’t want to.”, he said.

“That’s the thing. I want to do this for me, but I don’t seem to have the confidence to carry out the process. I am not ready to be marked.”, I confessed.

He remained silent for sometime before speaking again.

“I know.”

After that we sat there for what seemed like hours, with him listening while I poured out my thoughts from morning, until Gabriel came to fetch us.

I straightened myself and followed him, along with Raden, to grandpa’s office, where Asher stood along with a girl, whom I deciphered was Sophia.

She didn’t seem to be happy being in here, definitely not in my presence.

Asher gave me a strained smile. I smiled back before turning to Carter, who cleared his throat seeking our attention.

“You might want to get over with this soon. I ask the both of you to mark each other.”, he said pointing to me and Asher.

“Could we at least have some privacy?”, I asked, getting a little irritated with everything happening.

He simply shrugged at that.

Taking that as a yes, I brought along Asher to my room.

“Thank you for doing this. It means a lot.”, he said.

“Don’t worry, I am doing this for my personal reasons apart from wanting to help you.”, I said.

He nodded and sat there looking at me.

“Let’s get this over with.”, I said pushing back my hair, exposing my neck, where I am supposed to be marked.

“Sorry if it hurts.”, he said before his eyes turned red and his fangs grew out.

His fangs pierced through my skin causing me to arch my back in pain. Unlike when your mate marks you, the pain did not turn into pleasure.

I felt my bond with Raden break, when he did so.

Slowly, he raised his head licking off the blood from his fangs.

“Your turn.”, he said, tearing off the top buttons of his shirt, exposing his neck.

I felt my canines grow out and I knew my eyes were red like that of Asher.

I positioned my canines near the place where the mark is supposed to be, before piercing through it.

After making sure that I had made a mark, I stood up along with Asher following suit. I followed Asher out of the room, a minute after he did.

I went there to see Raden with a shocked look on his face.

As if answering my thoughts, Carter spoke up.

“Your bond with Raden has broken. If you want to restore it, you have to act quickly.”

Without uttering a word, I pulled with me a dejected Raden.

Once inside the room, I shut the door.

I bared my shoulder for him to mark me, but he didn’t seem to be interested.

“Raden, what are you doing? Mark me. We have only three more minutes. Fast.”, I shouted at him.

“Why do you think I would mark you now? You have marked the leech and were marked back by him. Why don’t you both have the happily-ever-after?”, he asked.

I felt the bond with Asher break.

“Because both of us have someone we love. So if you can keep your jealousy aside, it would be the best. Asher has finished his part of the deal. Now it is you who is delaying us. We have only 50 seconds Raden, act quick.”, I shouted at him looking at the watch.








“Act fast”















“Ra-”, I was cut short by a piercing pain down my neck. Soon it turned into pleasure.

He slowly raised his head sighing.

“I am sorry. I was jealous that he got to mark you.”, he said pulling me to him.

“You are mine, no one gets to have what is mine other than me.”, he said nuzzling into my neck.

“I know”, I replied putting my arms around him.

After we settled everything between us, we went out to meet the rest.

Asher and Sophia, who looked better then, left shortly after along with Carter, who decided to leave since his work was done.

Tired from the day’s events, I passed out in my room, skipping dinner.

~Next Day~

I woke up hazily with the pain in my neck gone. I looked into the mirror to get yet another surprise in the last 24 hours.

I rushed to the room where Raden stayed at, bursting through the door.

I woke him up hurriedly. Once I knew he was awake enough to comprehend my words, I shouted my surprise.

“The mark is gone...”

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