Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 57

Carter Lynch

Raden contacted him immediately. Carter Lynch was on his way here. He was the vampire who had saved his life earlier. Raden said that he was a wise man.

While we waited for him to arrive, I filled in grandpa on what was happening. He knew about the whole vampire mate thing. I hadn’t explained to him about the blood bond though. When I told him about it, he was shocked, but he did know for a fact, that it wasn’t as easy as a mate bond. He waited along with us in his office, while Raden went to bring along Carter Lynch.

Grandpa had already informed the guards out there, so they wouldn’t have a problem letting them pass.

As if on cue, the door opened below. A new scent evaded my senses. The door to the office opened and in came, Raden along with a man around 45, which of course wouldn’t be his actual age. He had jet black hair, with stubble across his chin. He had black eyes, matching his clothes and hair. He instantly locked eyes with me.

“She is a vampire.”, were his first words.

I was shocked at that. With just a look he could tell that I was one. He was indeed a wise man.

“She was turned, like me.”, Raden answered for me.

He nodded but still he looked weirdly at me.

“Please settle down.”, grandpa gestured for him.

He sat down and turned towards Asher.

“You are the vampire king right? What are you doing here?”

“Actually, I am the one in need of your help.”, he said.

He looked back at Raden, who nodded in confirmation.

“Raden gave me brief view of your problem. But, if you could explain it yourself, then it would be fine.”, he said looking at him.

“Caroline here and I were bonded by blood, under the supervision of the former vampire king. Neither of us is interested in it though. We have loved ones of our own. But we don’t have any idea as to how to break the bond. That is why we asked for you here.”, he said.

He nodded at that.

“Could either of you, explain the procedure that took place during the ceremony?”, he asked looking at both of us. For the first time, since he had arrived, he looked at me without any eeriness to it.

“Well, she was just two months old when she was bonded with me, while I didn’t pay much attention to it.”, he replied, a little sheepishly towards the end.

He shook his head at that.

“I don’t mind being called mean. But how do you expect me to help you if you don’t tell me anything that happened then?”, he asked irritated.

I promptly remembered about the diary that was kept on grandpa’s table.

“If it is of any help, you could refer to this book.”, I said handing the book to him with that particular page open.

“It has written on it about what had happened that day. I hope it will put some light on the situation.”

He examined the book before looking back at me.

“Give me some time. I will figure out what can be done. While I am at it, I need a room for me to think in silence.”, he said.

Grandpa nodded promptly at that.

“Have some refreshments, I will get someone on it immediately.”, he said before going out to call someone.

~two hours later~

We were gathered at grandpa’s office, for the second time that day. Minutes ago, Carter had sent word for us to meet him at the office. He was expected to make his presence anytime now.

Finally what seemed like a long wait, the door opened and in came Carter.

He closed the door and sat next to Raden.

He returned the diary, thanking me for it. Those were the only words he spoke before going back to silence. He seemed to be contemplating something. I couldn’t bear the silence, but I wouldn’t dare to break it either, unlike someone.

“Well?”, Asher prodded.

“Your mates have to mark you.”

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