Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 49

Luna of Red Moon Pack

Third person’s POV


“Mel…”, her dad called.

He had always called her as Mel, as he thought that Melaine was a little too long name to call with affection.

“You have to be strong and protect your alpha no matter when.”

He always told her that, even before he had to go for the fight. Those were his words for her, every time.

“Dad?”, she said before looking up.

The whole room froze for a moment. Even Matthew Sharp was confused by her words.

But as soon as she saw the person’s face, all her excitement, from before, dropped. She slowly unwrapped herself, before acknowledging the person in front of her.

“Uncle Gabriel”, she said forcing a smile on her face, which everyone could look past.

Gabriel’s face fell, feeling that, he wasn’t wanted in that place.

Melaine who caused it, immediately felt guilty. It wasn’t in her intentions to make him feel unwanted.

“Uncle, please don’t feel like you are not wanted here. It was just that after seeing uncle I was expecting dad, and you just happened to call me the same way he does.”, she said hugging him and murmuring apologies.

He slowly hugged her. He smiled slightly on seeing one of his favorite children. He patted her head before she stepped out of the embrace. This time she had a genuine smile on her face.

“Uncle, where is dad?”, she asked looking at Matthew.

He felt at unease, under her gaze. He couldn’t bring it in himself to tell her, that he had died from saving him.

Fortunately, Caroline saved him from it. She slowly explained the fact that her dad was dead. While she did, she evaded the reason as to why he died. He couldn’t hold it in him anymore, so he burst out.

“Melaine, I need to tell you-”, he started.

“Grandpa, no. It was not your mistake. I definitely won’t allow you to take blame for it.”, Caroline said.

He shook his head at her.

“I can’t keep it away. Let her decide it.”, he said before turning to Melaine, “Your dad died trying to protect me in the rogue fight.”

He said it. He had dropped the bomb.

The room was silent waiting for someone to break it. The three men and the girl, who had remained in the back, waited for Melaine’s reaction along with Caroline and the two old men.

“Oh.”, she said finally. It was just one syllable, but it was enough to put the people’s heart, in there, in pain.

“I guess I will leave. I know it was not best thing to come here, but I couldn’t refuse Caroline and I took the chance to meet you. Gabriel, would you like to leave with me?”, he said approaching the door.

Gabriel made move to go along. Melaine stood still, void of any emotion on her face.

They were about to step out, when she finally spoke up.

“Uncle, stop. Please come back.”, she shouted.

They hesitated at the door, before sighing in defeat and turning back.

He moved forward and came to a stop before Melaine. He thought he might as well face it.

He didn’t raise his head. He didn’t have it in him, to look into her eyes to face the hatred in it.

“Uncle, look up. You are an alpha, why would you face down?”, she shouted at him.

He didn’t move even the slightest.

“Uncle, listen up. It is not your fault in the least bit. Do you know what dad used to tell me? He said that it was our duty to protect our alpha no matter what. He just acted true to his words. It was not, and will never be your fault.”, she explained.

His head shot up and his eyes held unspoken pride.

“It was me who didn’t act up to his words. I failed to protect Hana. I’m sorry, Uncle.”, she said blaming herself.

“No, no, no, Melaine. It was totally Hana’s decision to come find us on her own. And it is definitely the vampires to blame for her death. You are not to be blamed. Moreover, I am thankful, for you standing by her side all along.”, he said hugging her.

“Of course, uncle. She is my sister.”, she said smiling.

Once both of them were done with their blame game, she introduced her mate and Tahliya along with Richard and Daniel.

“If you had hurt my daughters in any way, you won’t be able to see tomorrow’s daylight.”, he threatened both his son-in-laws while having a protective arm around Melaine. Both of them felt a chill run down their spines at the threat. Even though it had been years since they found their mates, it felt like they had just found their mates that day and had to face their father.

All the witnesses stifled a laugh at their faces. Gabriel was especially finding it amusing.

During that time, Melaine remembered a thing she had particularly forgotten in the last hour.

“Carol, we called you to visit, for an important thing. Noah is going to take up his position as the alpha along with Kira as the Luna.”

Caroline was taken aback by a moment of shock, but she came out of her reverie pleased at the news.

“That’s so good. When is it going to take place?”, Carol asked excitedly.

“Today.”, she replied equally excited if not more.

It was like she had just dropped a bombshell.

“Mother…”, she whined.

“How could you do this to me?”, she added. ‘I haven’t even talked to him since then.’ she mentally added.

“I know, I know, this is last minute, I know. But please spare me dear.”, she pleaded.

“Fine, only if you help me get ready.”, she said teasing.

After two hours of getting ready, they were finally good to go. Noah and Kira had not been notified about Caroline’s presence yet. Mathew and Gabriel were taken into town by the three men, to get them change of clothes, seeing Matthew had none.

According to their plan, Melaine, Tahliya, Orion, Richard and Daniel would be present in the gathering before the ceremony started. When the ceremony is about to start, the trio would enter.

The trio waited for the right moment to enter while watching the pack members gather around.

When Orion stepped forward to speak they took it as their cue to make their entry. None of the pack members were surprised to see Caroline but the same couldn’t be said about the two men. They were shocked at the new presence in their pack. Nonetheless, they observed them in silence.

Unlike the pack members, Noah was shocked to see Caroline. He didn’t even acknowledge the others. He had to stop himself from hanging open his mouth in shock.

The ceremony soon started.

“I, Orion Jones, Alpha of Red Moon pack, rightfully pass my position as the alpha to my son, Noah Jones.”

“I, Noah Jones, son of Orion Jones, accept the position as the Alpha of Red Moon pack and will act up to the rank.”

It was the same as the last time, except this time everyone was happy about it and there was no vampire clan to break in.

After Melaine did the same ritual with Kira, Noah and Kira were announced as the Alpha and Luna of Red Moon pack officially. Once the ceremony ended, the family along with Noah and Kira gathered and were having some family time.

“Can I talk you for a moment alone?”

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