Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 48

Visit to Red Moon Pack

All the work had been going on perfectly fine. Today, all the remaining houses shall be built. The pack looks so full and how a pack was supposed to look like. Grandpa was very happy with the developments and immensely pleasured, when his old house was rebuilt in its original place. I had requested the men to construct it just like how it used to be by telling them the structure, which I had learnt from grandpa. The day it was finished, he had thanked them non-stop until I had to force him away from them.

As for the food, after a few days of eating ramen and hunted animals for meals, I went into the human town, to buy some food items. By that time some of the houses were built, so I used one of them to stock with appliances needed and turned it into a temporary kitchen.

I was fixing breakfast, when I received a call.

I picked it up without looking into the caller id while pouring water into the pan.

“Look who decided to answer the call.”, the person on the other side replied.

“Look who decided to talk to their sister.”, I replied equally snide.

“Hello to you too, sis. I take it that you never read my letter.”, Daniel replied.

Upon his mention, I remembered the long abandoned letter lying inside my bag.

“Sorry, I had things going on and I was busy with the reestablishment work.”, I said, smiling sheepishly before remembering that he can’t see me, shaking my head at my stupidity.

“Seems like it. It’s been a month since you left and you never bothered to contact us. Dad thinks that it is time for you to make a visit to the pack, and taking a break from your busy schedule would definitely do you some good.”, he said.

“I will try my best. You see, the pack is almost done with its establishment. All that is remaining is gathering few of the old pack members around, before requiting new members. Maybe after the building work is done, I will come.”, I said.

“That’s good. I will inform dad the same. Stay safe. Love you, sis.”, he said.

“Love you too, Dani.”, I said before hanging up.

I went ahead, finishing the last bits of cooking before serving everyone lunch. I ate my lunch and cleaned the dishes before retiring to my room to try contacting a few pack members who were around in different packs.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was five days, since then, when the pack was finally primped and arranged completely. The alpha house and the pack house were stashed with furniture and appliances while other houses were cleaned neatly made available for future occupants. My credit card might have crossed its limits if I had swiped it a little more. Thankfully, grandpa told that all that might be needed for now were purchased and needn’t have to worry about it for some time.

Seeing that all the work was done, I asked grandpa about going to the pack.

“Grandpa, dad asked me to make a visit to the pack.”, I said testing the waters.

“That’s good. All the work here is done. I can take care of it while you are gone.”, he said weakly.

“I thought both of us could go there. Mother would love to see you. She missed you all. And you could meet your son-in-laws, grandsons and the other granddaughter.”, I said throwing the ball in his court.

“You have a brother?”, he asked surprised at the new information.

“Yes, an elder one, Daniel. Mother has a son and daughter same age like us.”, I said.

“Would it be proper if I come? Have you informed them about my presence?”

“No, grandpa. I plan on surprising them. Please.”, I pleaded giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

Definitely it worked on him. He sighed before saying, “I will come. We could bring along Gabriel, he would love to meet Melaine.”

“Of course, we can. I will call Daniel and ask him to send a car. How does tomorrow sound?”, I asked excited at the thought.

“Sure, I will go inform Gabriel.”, he said smiling before leaving the room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Daniel had sent the car almost immediately, once I informed him about my arrival. I also informed him that I will be bringing along two other people, with me. When he tried luring me into telling him who they were, I told him that he will get to know when he sees them.

We reached the pack border where the guard recognized me as well as the car and let us pass. He didn’t question about the extra presence, maybe uncle had told him, what Daniel might have told him, what I had told him.

Once we reached our house I told the both of them to wait outside till I gave them signal, while I talked to the others. They were unusually quiet throughout the journey. Maybe they were nervous about meeting someone dear to them from their past.

Once I entered the house, as expected, all of them were there, including mother, who was the one I needed at the moment.

I smiled and accepted their welcome hugs and kisses with open arms. Once everyone was done dad pulled me to his side having his arm around me protectively.

“Dad, I have a present for you all, especially for mother.”, I said knowing everyone’s attention was on me.

“What is it, Carol?”, mother asked, seeing that her interest had been piqued.

“I would love to show if he wouldn’t hold me back.”, I teased pointing to dad and his arm around me.

He smiled shaking his head, before letting go of me. I smiled back before going outside to lead them inside the house.

I came back inside, only to see an impatient mother, who was becoming further impatient seeing me return empty handed.

“Where is it, Carol? Why do you p-”, she was cut short by a voice from behind me.

“Impatient as ever…”

“Uncle?”, she sounded shocked, but one could tell that she was happy from the looks of it.

Once he stepped in, she ran to him and hugged him, all the while muttering something under her breath.

“Mel…”, another voice added from behind.


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