Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 43

Harath Pack

Today, I was going to meet mother at her place itself. I needed answers and I needed them soon. I located her in the kitchen, looking around for something to engage her. Well, I had a very fine job for her, which she will have to do, whether she likes it or not.

“Are you going to come in or just stand there gaping at me?”, mother asked with her back still turned to me.

Blame werewolf scents.

I shook my head before proceeding and plopping down on one of the stools.

“So what brought you here today?”, she asked sitting opposite from me.

“I want to know more about you and my mom. What happened to my grandparents? What pack do you actually belong to?”, I asked her.

I cut her off before she could reject me.

“No, mother, I am not taking no as an answer.”, I declared.

“As persistent as her”, she murmured before speaking up.

“Harath”, she murmured.

“What?”, I asked not hearing her properly.

“Harath, it is Harath pack. I come from Harath pack.”, she spoke out loud.

Third person’s POV

Years after Melaine was taken into the Sharp household, Harath pack was attacked for the first time in years. It wasn’t much of a fight. It was more of warning signal, which Matthew Sharp had wadded off in his ignorance.

Seeing their alpha’s attitude about it, no one thought much to it. It was a few days later when Matthew was punished for his ignorance. They were ambushed by the vampires. He didn’t even have time to put the she wolfs and pups safely into the safe zones. He managed to put a few of his pack members along with his children inside the safe tunnel before the vampires took lead. It was an intense fight. Hana and Melaine did not know anything else, other than the fact that they were being attacked. Even though they were seventeen year olds, Matthew believed that it was his duty to keep them out of the fight and protect them as long as he could. While focusing on getting his girls in safely, he had missed his mate who became the bait of the vampires.

The fight did not cease easily. It was days before all those who had been in the secret tunnel came out. The whole land was a mess. The houses were burnt and roofless. Lifeless bodies of their brothers and sisters lay along with those of the vampires. Hana and Melaine searched through the bodies for the three people they loved, with as much courage they could muster. When they found out that their bodies were not to be seen anywhere, they were relieved for a moment before they worried about their whereabouts.

All the pack members, who were left, looked up to Hana, seeing as she was the alpha blood in there.

She passed her condolences for their loss and gave them her gratitude for being a part of the pack before telling them to go join any pack they liked. She asked them to get back to her if they were to face any difficulty. The crowd dispersed rather upset, but they understood where she came from. Their pack was totally destroyed and it would take time to actually rebuild it. And it wouldn’t be easy to afford to it either. The gamma who had been the girls’ head trainer was rather reluctant in leaving them, but they convinced him saying they would come to him if they were to have any difficulty.

Later after everyone left, Hana turned to Melaine and asked her why she hadn’t gone.

“We are sisters, we don’t let go of each other no matter what.”

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