Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 42

Secret Admirer

A little later, Daniel entered the house asking for Tah. Even though I had planned to not leave her, I let them go without any protest. I needed some alone time to think about things, like, my secret admirer who kept sending me gifts, Daniel who was taking away my best friend, and lastly Noah who was about to do a mistake again.

When I was thinking about all these, my doorbell rang. Without going out I knew who it would be. I also knew that even if I ran fast like a bullet, I wouldn’t be able to see them. I slowly got up and went for the door.

I opened the door to receive yet another bunch of chocolates and chips. I lifted them from the ground and looked into the note.

Meet me at five near the clearing. ~Secret admirer

So I finally get to meet whoever it was. It was two in the evening, so I thought it would be good if I took a shower beforehand, in case I am to sneak out.

Around quarter to five I left my house. The place was the same one as the one, where Noah and I were forced to go on a date.

I arrived two minutes to five and looked around for anyone.

“Well, you are early.”, I heard an all too familiar voice behind me.

I turned around to come face to face with him.

He looked the same as I had seen months ago, except for his five o’clock shade.

He seemed nervous in my presence, which was unlike him.

But why would he be sending me gifts in secret?

“Noah? What are you doing here?”

“Well, should I introduce myself as your ‘secret admirer’? Now that we are accustomed to it rather than my name.”, he said scratching his neck.

“Why all this anonymous thingy? I mean you were just a block away from me, that is if you wanted to meet me at all.”, I asked.

“Oh, I did want to meet you. But your dad and brother restricted me from being anywhere less than twenty yards around your surroundings.”

I laughed at that. It was so like them.

“Okay, so why this sudden meet then?”

“I wanted to tell you something.”, he said yet again scratching his neck.

“Okayyyyy.”, I drawled.

“Don’t worry, it’s a good thing. I want to tell you…”, he trailed.

“Tell me?”, I prodded him.

“I love you.”, he said breathlessly.

I waited for the bittersweet taste to settle on my mouth but it never came. Reality hit me hard on the face.

“Noah…”, I started.

“I know, I know. We didn’t have the best start, but I really do love you. We could always start over. I mean we are mates, we can always make it work.”, he babbled.

“No Noah, we can’t. I did love you. ‘Did’, it is in the past now. And just so you know, we were mates. We are no longer mates. You lost me the day you brought home Kira.”

“No Carol, don’t say such things please. It was a mistake. As for Kira, I don’t love her. She can’t love me like you do.”, he requested.

“No Noah, you have gotten it wrong. She is the one who loves you. And she is the only one who can love you so much.”

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