Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 12


My body ached in all the parts. I opened my eyes to see that I was in an unfamiliar place. It smelt of the leeches, the vampires. That is when it hit me, the vampires had attacked us. Was I their captive now? I looked down to see that I was lying down on a bed with no chains to restrain me. I called out for Liza but she didn’t respond. My suspicion was proved right when I saw the syringe mark down my arm. They had used wolfsbane to neutralize my wolf.

I was settling down on the bed when a guy, a vampire, no older than Noah, came in.

He had blonde hair with orange eyes.

“I see that you have woken up.”, he said sitting down on the chair that I had failed to notice before.

“You leech, stay away from me. What do you think you are doing holding me hostage?”, I sneered at him.

“Shush, baby. Is that the way you talk to your mate?”

“What mate?”, I asked him, oblivious to what he was getting at.

“What? Isn’t that what you mutts call your betrothed?”, he asked me back.

“And what does that have to do anything here?”, still confused about him calling himself my mate. As if one rejected mate wasn’t enough.

“You, my beautiful, are betrothed to me.”, he said.

I couldn’t help but gasp at it, when he said that. And him? Well he was smirking at me, enjoying my reaction.

“What kind of sick joke is this?”, I said backing up against the wall. I had to keep myself at a safer distance, with Liza still blocked I can’t risk a fight with a leech.

“This is no joke Caroline. You are my mate.”, he said getting up.

The way my name rolled out of his tongue casually made me get tingles throughout my body which made me uncomfortable at the same time feel pleasant.

“You are a vampire and I am a werewolf, Moon goddess wouldn’t have paired us together.”, I said before mentally adding, I already have a mate who rejected me for another woman.

“And when did I say that it was that moon who destined us?”, he said smirking even though the hostility did not go amiss.

“It is the vampire king who brought us together.”

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