Luna - The Predator of Revenge

Chapter 11


Tah came to comfort me but I shook my head at her and left to the forest to let out Liza.

I know that I was dealing the wrong way, and that even others were shocked and hurt, but I couldn’t stand there any longer. Even though Liza didn’t like my decision she understood where I came from. Once I reached the forest, I changed into my wolf and gave Liza control.

She let out a howl of pain before running through the forest.

Here on, he is free to do whatever he wants without me having to get hurt.

Liza let out another cry before giving back control.


All were gathered at, what we called the disclosure area. It was a bit away from the pack house.

The area was more of ditch with a huge stone in center, shaped into a long flooring; a level up from the surface, for the pack leaders to inform or make announcements.

All the others stood around the stone.

Uncle, mother, dad and Tah stood on the stone flooring along with him and her. It was notable that no one was happy other than the pair, despite their smiles.

Noting a new presence, new rumors went around. A few reached my ears.

Is she his mate?

Wasn’t Caroline his mate?

Where is she?

Was she trying to nobble him?

They didn’t have the decency to quiet down despite our wolf hearing.

But one look from the alpha had everyone shut their mouths.

Uncle came upon front and raised his hand. Immediately all the attention was on him.

“We have gathered here for you all to witness my son, Noah Jones, take charge as the alpha of this pack.”, he said calling for him to the front.

Next round of whispers started before he started again.

“I, Orion Jones, Alpha of Red Moon pack, rightfully pass my position as the alpha to my son, Noah Jones.”

“I, Noah Jones, son of Orion Jones, accept the position as the Alpha of Red Moon pack and will act up to the rank.”

Before they could move on with the blood ritual, everything came to a stop, by a scream that split through the air.

“Alpha! Vampires!”

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