Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 3


It has been two days since running into the woman from the diner and the dog park. He could get her out of his mind and hoped to run into her again. Hopefully, to finally get her name. To busy thinking about everything that has happened in the past couple of days. His cell had to start to ring. Looking at the caller ID to read as his father checks in for an update.

"Hello" Lucius answers.

"Son, Did you find anything new since entering Billings, Montana?" Miles questions Lucius.

"Nope, still nothing. The vampires didn't pick up on anything. I think the criminals might have bonded their magic somehow to blend in. I can not sense them either." Lucius admitted.

"Did you try looking around the city to see anything odd? " Miles asked.

"No, Dad. I think of spending some time here. I will still see if the trio hiding out here." Lucius said.

"Why?" Miles asks suddenly strained.

"Because I feel like I need a break from anything supernatural for a while. You did tell me to find something to enjoy myself. I think this time I did." Lucius told his father.

"Alright, but you will keep me updated on the criminals and everything else that goes down," Miles instructed.

Lucius promised his father and hangs up soon after. He decided to take a shower and go out. Needing to clear his head of how demanding his father can be sometimes. Since his father became the head of the council, his life had changed more than he wanted it to. Lucius lost the freedom to do his own thing. He couldn't party anymore. All it was finish college or take a break to focus on the council business. He just wanted to be himself.

Leaving the motel, he made his way to the diner after his visit the first night he came to the city. The hostess recognized him and ushered him to follow her. She seated him and gave him the menu.

"Your server will take your momentary." The hostess explained.

Lucius only nodded and read the menu. Also, was not paying attention until he heard a throat clearing.

"What can I get you today?" The waitress asked.

Chocolate chip pancakes and decaf coffee" Lucius ordered.

Looking around the diner, he noticed a familiar person. It happened to be Margo. He did not know that Margo started over and wanted to move on. Maybe seeing her made him think about his current position. Should he leave the council for good?

He was lost in his thoughts until the server came back with the food. Then ate silence. Lucius paid and then left a tip. Soon leaving so Margo would not notice him. He can barely sense her magic at all. That made her invisible almost too other supernaturals in the area. Lucius wondered how she managed to do that. Not watching where he was going, chases into someone.

"Ouch," a woman said.

"Sorry," Lucius apologized.

Noticing it was the girl with the Yorkie. It was strange timing for them to be meeting like this. It was becoming uncanny almost. Her black hair was dark as midnight. He could see his reflection by looking at it.

"I do not mean to be blunt. Why is it we always crash into one another outside the street?" The woman said, "Figuring I should at least introduce myself so that this does not keep happening. My name is Chloe. What is your name?"

"Lucius. I am sorry honestly," Lucius introduced and apologized again.

Both shook hands and went on their merry way. Upon discovering who she was, Lucius tried her name a couple of times. There was a sudden spark of magic in the motel room. But nothing lit on fire. It was coming from him. It was a stack sensation coming off his body. It was something that never happened before until now. He just did magic without having to absorb it. It scared him. Knowing he would have to keep this new development to himself for now. Truthfully, it was Chloe who initiated it.

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