Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 2


After walking back from walking her dog, she had to climb the two flights of stairs to stop at her door. Chloe saw a note on her door about the late payment of rent due. Sighing about the note on her door and stressing about deadlines that are due. She knew working freelance writing was not paying the bills these days. Knowing she saw that now-hiring sign on the front window of the diner. Chloe would have to give them a call. She decided to do that tomorrow.

Her Yorkie looked at her and barked at her. Chloe took that as a cue to give her dog dinner and make herself something. While doing so, her thoughts came back to the white blonde guy who crashed into her outside of the diner. Who was he? He obliviously not from Billings.

Dinner was cleaned up and everything was away. Chloe went over to her laptop to see which projects need to be done by tomorrow. Luckily, there was an article for the column in the local newspaper. In the middle of writing her column, there is a knock on her door. Getting up and opening the door to her best friend, Margo, standing in the doorway.

"May I come in?" Margo asked.

Chloe motioned for Margo to come inside. Then shut the door afterward. She looks at Margo and questions, "What brings you by so late? Won't Thomas worry about you coming here after work?"

"Came by to tell you. I mentioned you to my boss at the dinner. You have an interview tomorrow." Margo told Chloe.

Chloe was flabbergasted and said," I was going to call them. Margo you did not have to do that for me."

Margo sat down on the worn-out sofa and took Chloe's hand to force her to sit down next to her. Then told her she knew that freelance writing was not paying the bills. Chloe hugged her friend and bid her goodbye.

Before going to bed, Chloe completed the article that was due tomorrow. Her Yorkie, Cody, followed suit to bed. The night passed real quick. The alarm didn't go off on time.

"Cody, can you move off the bed? I need to get up." Chloe shifted the blanket.

Cody moved off the bed. Chloe sped to the bathroom for a brisk shower and dressed for the interview. She ran to the diner.

The manager was waiting for her as she enters and stands up to shake her hand. The boss gestures for Chloe to sit. Chloe and the manager went over her references from past jobs. Overall, the interview was successful, and Chloe was to wait for them to give her the schedule for next week. Margo was going to train her.

Chloe called Margo to tell her the news. She was actually to have a second job to help with rent even if it's not much. Going down the same street she saw the same guy who ran into her while walking her dog. Realizing, he was from out of town gave her an indication that he must be on vacation. She sped and walked back to her apartment. Her dog was waiting for her at the door.

Her cell rang indicating it was probably the landlord calling about where's the money at. She answered and explained her situation and hoping he would understand. Her landlord only gave her until next week to get the money or the eviction notice will commence. Chloe was in full panic now that she needed to get more money from freelance writing and working as a waitress.

Later, she decided to take her Yorkie for a walk. The walk will help clear her head. Chloe was minding her business when her dog ranged on his leash and went flying down the sidewalk. She only crashed into the guy from the other day again. Her dog was jumping on him.

"Cody, stop doing that," Chloe lectured her dog. She apologizes to the guy.

The guy said, " Don't be sorry for your dog. Dogs always gravitate towards me."

"Okay," Chloe said and thinking his statement was weird. Cody and Chloe went to the local dog park to play catch. She immediately saw the guy again. It made her feel weird about him being there. He was holding up something and Chloe realizes that she forgot her house key. Feeling around in her pocket and it was empty. The guy brings her the missing key.

He walks away soon after.

Chloe was still thinking about how constantly meet that same guy again. She thinks that will become a constant thing or tradition. Her time at the dog park came to an end and went home for the day. Her thoughts kept drifting toward the mystery guy in town when she went to bed that night.

The next day, Chloe went about her usual routine and did her freelance work. She got her work done by mid-afternoon just before when there was a knock on the door causing a setback with the other deadlines that needed to get done.

"Coming!" Chloe shouts. Cody starts barking again. She had to shush her dog.

Margo stood there with a bottle of wine to celebrate her being hired at the diner. She also bought dinner. Chloe ushers her in and follows her to the small kitchen.

Setting the food out and grabbing plates, Margo opens the wine.

"Did you tell Thomas that you were coming over?" Chloe asked sipping some wine.

"Yes, I did. He still doesn't think I am safe since moving here. He wants to make sure his sister takes defense classes for extra safety measures. I happen to agree with him on it. Since she is still a teen." Margo explains.

Chloe does not know what it is like to raise a teen but she knows it can be difficult. Margo and Chloe both clean up the kitchen and then moved to the living room. They chatted until both of them were blurry-eyed drunk from the wine. Thinking about when she met Margo, she knew they were instant friends. Chloe took the blanket from the armchair and then placed it over Margo. Finally, Chloe turned in for the night thinking about the mystery guy and her friendship with Margo. Also, thinking about her financial situation.

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