Love to Hate You: An Enemies-to-Lovers New Adult College Sports Romance

Love to Hate You: Chapter 37

As soon as Olivia and I walked through the door of this party, some guy glommed onto me and I haven’t been able to shake him loose.  He’s not getting the hint that I’m not interested.  My guess is that his inebriated state has something to do with it.


Even if I were single and ready to mingle, drunk guys are never on my radar.

For one thing, they have the tendency to think they’re hilarious.  As if everything that spews from their mouth is comedic gold.  Let me tell you from experience, it’s not.  Far from it.  Half the time, you can’t make heads or tails of what they’re slurring.

Two, they’re usually way too handsy for my taste.  I’m not a girl who likes to be manhandled.  Unless, I give you the green light to manhandle me.  Then I love it.  But otherwise, forget about it.  I’m liable to deck you. 

And lastly, there is no such thing as letting them down gently.  They get all offended if you’re not interested and either end up calling you a bitch or a dyke.

Who needs that?

I glance around for Noah.  Where the hell is that guy when I need him?

Any other time, he’s hovering over me, chasing guys away.  When I could actually use his assistance, he’s nowhere to be found.  So freaking typical.

I raise my brows and shoot Olivia an exasperated look, but her gaze is trained on something over my shoulder.

As I turn to see what’s captured her attention, she mutters, “Incoming.”  

Before I can blink, a strong male arm snakes around my body and hauls me close.  Carter’s masculine scent hits me all at once.  I glance at him, but his eyes aren’t focused on me.  He’s glaring at the guy who won’t take no for an answer.  I shift my gaze to the drunk guy, hoping he’ll give up and find someone else to harass.

Now that Carter is here, I just want to move on with my evening.

I’m still riding high from the jersey he gave me earlier this afternoon.  Truth be told, I don’t have much interest in being at this party.  But I figured Carter would want to celebrate with his team.  We haven’t been together long, I don’t want to be that girlfriend who wants to sit home and watch Netflix on a Saturday night.

Although, Netflix sounds really good right now.

“Dude,” Drunk Guy slurs, “I was in the middle of something here.”

At least that’s what I think he says.  It’s hard to tell.

Carter shakes his head.  “I don’t think so.  You need to move it along.  She’s not interested.”

Drunk Guy’s unfocused gaze bounces between the pair of us.  “She wants me.  We were just headed upstairs.”

Unsteady on his feet, he staggers a few steps toward me and I wince.

“Right?” he asks.

I shake my head.  “No, sorry.  That was never on the agenda for this evening.”

“Riiiight,” he sneers.  “Why don’t you tell pretty boy to take a hike and I’ll show you the anaconda that’s hiding in my pants.”

Laughter bubbles up within me.  I can’t help it.


Methinks not.

“It’s a tempting offer,” I lie. “But I’ll take a hard pass.”

Maybe I was annoyed a few minutes ago but now that Carter is here, there’s nothing to worry about.

“Dude,” my cousin says. “Beat it.”

My gaze swings to Noah, not having realized that he was standing behind me.  Olivia’s eyes dart between Noah, Drunk Guy, and Carter.  She doesn’t like confrontations.  Although, I don’t think Olivia has anything to worry about.  Most guys back off when Carter or Noah come into the picture.  These two are well known around campus and most people don’t want to mess with them.  I’ve given this guy more than enough of my time.  If he can’t understand that he’s unwanted, then that’s his problem.  Not mine.

Ignoring him, I glance at Carter.  “Want to get out of here?”

His muscles loosen as he nods, and a smile touches his lips.  “Sure.”

As we turn to leave, fingers tangle in my hair and jerk me back a few steps.  My scalp stings as I cry out in surprise. My hands go to the back of my head wanting to dislodge the hold.

What the hell?

“Hey,” Drunk Guy yells, “I wasn’t done talking to you!”

I blink, and chaos breaks out.  Noah yanks the guy’s hand from my head.  It feels like a chunk of hair has been ripped out by the roots and the back of my head is on fire.  I stagger as Carter gets in the guy’s face and shoves him back a step.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Carter growls.

Olivia and I get shoved behind Carter and Noah.  I can’t tell what’s going on, but conversations around us stop as people turn and stare.  Olivia’s eyes flare wide and her mouth hangs open in shock.  Wanting to inspect the damage, I touch the back of my head and feel the spot.  It’s tender to the touch.

“I told you, dude,” Drunk Guy slurs, “that bitch is with me!”

Oh crap.

Carter takes a step toward him and pulls back his arm.

I grab his bicep and scream, “Carter, no!”

He blinks and focuses on me before sucking in a breath.  His arm falls back to his side as if in slow motion.  Noah yells at a couple of guys to get Drunk Guy out of here before he gets his ass beat.  Carter remains silent, looking like he’s in a daze.  When I reach my hand out to touch him, he flinches and takes a step away in retreat.  He drags a hand over his face and stares around him as if only now coming back to his senses.

I’ve never seen Carter look so shaken.  My heart constricts.  I want to comfort him, but he won’t let me.

“Carter,” I say softly, trying to get his attention.  I’m not sure what’s going through his head.  Or why he’s acting like this.

When he remains unresponsive, I try to pull him back to me.  This time, he raises his hands in a motion for me to stop.

“I’m sorry,” he says hoarsely. “I need to get out of here.”  His eyes dart around looking for an escape.

I’m slammed with the realization that he’s unsettled by what transpired with that drunk asshat.

“Yeah, sure,” I agree.  “Let’s go.”

I never wanted to be here in the first place.  We can head back to the apartment and chill for the rest of the night.  Maybe watch some Netflix and snuggle.

“No.”  He shakes his head.  “I want to be alone.”

“What?”  A wave of hurt crashes over me.  “But—”

“I’m sorry,” he snaps, plowing both hands through his hair.

Whatever attention had been drawn to us when Drunk Guy grabbed my hair has dissipated.  Especially since a fight never broke out.  Everyone has moved on with their evening and I want to do the same.

“I need to be alone, okay?” Carter says.

As I try to formulate a response, he mumbles something about seeing me tomorrow under his breath and pushes through the crowd.  He’s already out the door before I can consider going after him.

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