Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A na.

I’m still perplexed by what happened yesterday. Who was that man and where did he come from?

Immediately he touched me, the veins and the pain disappeared and it was like it never happened. We didn’t get time to talk either because my mate came looking for me, and he left with a promise of finding me. As much as I know, he had no bad intentions. More so, I felt calm and safe with him which is strange. I can’t also ignore the vivid resemblance between us. It was clear as day and I can’t help but assume that we are related in some way.

It was hard for us to say goodbyes too. The hesitation in his eyes, when Jace was taking me away, was apparent. I dint want to go either. I wished we would spend some more time together, even though we were just strangers. There was something about him that made me feel instantly attached.

“Can we talk?” Jace strolls into my room, breaking through my thoughts and I sigh sitting up.

I wonder what I should do with him. He looks so broken and depressed and I don’t want him to do something stupid out of desperation.

He has a responsibility now even though he doesn’t know about it yet.

“About what Jace?” I stand up from the bed and stroll to my window. It has always given me the perfect view of the forest. I always stood here when I wanted to think because the view provides a calming sense.

“Us Anna” he mumbles sitting on my bed. I know what brought him here. What he wants us to talk about, but I’m not sure if I’m ready for that type of conversation yet. It’s inevitable though, especially after yesterday. It seems like there is a lot going on that I don’t know.

The man knew who I am and he also know whatever the black painful veins means. I haven’t felt it for the two years I was away, and it scares the shit out of me. I don’t want something bad to happen to me. Please, Goddess.

“You know there is no longer us Jace, we died two years ago, remember?” I say not minding how my own words hurt me.

At his moment, I can’t dare look at him. I hate vulnerable Jace because he


always makes me feel remorseful.

“I was protecting you” he whispers in an almost breaking voice ” I was being manipulated, and if I didn’t do it, you were going to get hurt. I will rather have you alive than dead Anna”

“Who were you protecting me from?” I turn around to face him as his sad face looks up to meet mine. Goddess, I hate this guy. I don’t think it’s the man from yesterday though. I might be wrong but the look in his eyes showed more care than hate.

Goddess, I don’t even know what to think.

“Someone I don’t know used to send me these threatening letters at the camp. Then one day I don’t know how it happened but when I woke up, she was n*ked beside me. After a week or so, the same letter appeared demanding me to take her with me, as my chosen mate”

“I don’t believe you,” I whisper turning away from him. ” If you wanted a girlfriend, all you could have done was ask Jace, you f**king knew how I felt about you. And that day when you found out we were mated, you could have just told me the truth than hurt me Jace” I shout wishing I could break something in this room, but I have to maintain calmness.

f**k this idiot.

“I know, I know, okay. Because I loved you as much, but they had a bunch of your photos Ana. This person used to follow us everywhere. I had no choice. I couldn’t take a chance with you” he lowers his voice to a whisper and I harshly bite my lower l*p. He was supposed to be mine alone but went ahead entertaining another b*tch, I don’t care what his

reasons were.

What if it was her blackmailing him? Jace has always caught every female’s attention and I always knew that it would never change. My only hope was my trust in him. I knew he will never hurt me or choose another behind my back, but he did anyway.

“Ana I’m sorry,” he remorsefully says but I don’t look at him or answer All the promises he made were all white lies. Maybe we were just two stupid kids in a dreamland. This is reality and it Slaps so hard.

“You have been saying that a lot, I have had enough already. You let her touch and mark you, do you know the amount of pain that stupid act caused me? You have no idea what I lost Jace. I don’t care about this anymore. I think it’s time I accept your rejection. That way, everyone will

be free to move on with their lives”

“Anna no” Jace screams and in seconds, he is kneeling in front of me. He possessively wraps his hands around my waist and buries his face in my tummy.

“Please don’t, I have suffered enough already. My Life has been a mess and I swear, I will die if you say those horrible words. Please don’t” he begs between sobs and I feel my own eyes watering. My heart painfully squeezes and it’s like I can feel his pain.

I hate him. I hate that it has to be him.

My hands itch to rub his head for comfort but I keep them tightly fisted on my sides.

I went through hell. I almost died if Nia didn’t show up. Goddess! I don’t want to think about what I lost that night.

“What do you expect me to do, Jace? Run in your arms like nothing happened?” my voice softens but the bitterness in it is very much prominent.

“Just hate me okay, kill me if you have to” he lifts his face and my heart -breaks more than it ever has.

This is the most difficult situation I have ever encountered.

“Please just stand up” I whisper, fisting my palms so tight my knuckles are turning white. I can’t hold him. ” I f**king loved you, so much Jace. So much that it scared me” I sniffle holding my head so tightly. ” Then when I looked into your eyes that day, the joy I felt when my wolf said the long-awaited words was unmeasurable. Then you just had to t take that joy away. Till today, I haven’t regained it” I hate breaking down like this. I haven’t in a long time and I promised to remain strong no matter what. The past should remain in the past. I came here for one purpose and I will leave as soon as the damn party is over.

I can’t let him get to me.

I was young and stupid. I thought it was the only way to protect the girl I ever loved. It did hurt me too Ana. When I couldn’t do it anymore, I told Dad and that’s when she decided to mark me. I didn’t let her go through with it. Baby, I’m sorry” My eyes land on his n*eck where only my mark should be.

“What about what I lost, Can you give it back to me?” I whisper and his guilty eyes Immediately look away.” Let me go please” I add trying to unlock his hands from my b*dy but he’s damn strong.

“Just one chance, I can’t change the past but I will surely make our future right. I just want my Anna back” he whispers and I finally let my tears run free.

He looks exactly like Jace.

Staring in the sad wet eyes makes me feel like I’m hurting him. The blue eyes, the brown hair. Why is life so unfair?

“I will have to think through this first. I didn’t expect this when I came” I mumble and he nods standing up. ” The threat notes, do they still appear?” I ask turning to face the window.

“No, they haven’t from the day you left” I nod holding myself from crying but it’s damn impossible. It’s like it’s happening once again. I cover my mouth when the silent sobs break out.

“Ana” I hear him behind me but I can’t let him see me this way.

“Just go please, I want to be alone” his footsteps fade away and when the door closes, i fall on my knees due to the awakened pain in my chest. “f**k” I grip my hair and let out a scream. I don’t care if the whole house `hears me or not. I have locked these feelings in my chest for so long.

I had to be strong for myself and him. But now being at the place it all happened, seeing the man who hurt me brings all the pain.

“It’s okay, it’s going to be fine” Luna’s arm drapes around my shoulder as she pulls me to her chest. I didn’t even hear her come in.

She has always been my mother.

“I hate him so much,” I say between hiccups as she rubs my back in comfort.

“I know baby, he is stupid”

“He has been miserable Ana. Jace stopped living the moment you left. He’ spent six months in the forest, living there as a human. His wolf was punishing him”

“We had to drag him back here because he almost went crazy. He detached himself from everyone around him, his friends, even your dad and I.

“My son stopped playing and turned into an empty b*dy without a soul. He could lock himself in his room for days and refused to eat or drink anything”

“I almost lost him, Ana. That’s why I never stopped looking for you.


When you reached out to me eight months ago, that was the day My Jace started to spot a positive change.

“I constantly call because he is always somewhere listening and it makes him regain his composure. I know he is the last person you want to see but he is still our Jace, Ana. He is still the boy you fell in love with, and the goddess knows my son loves you”

“She even mated the two of you so as not to damage that pure, young, and innocent love, honey. For the sake of your dad and me, think about it, sweetheart. Just last chance, if he fucks up again, then I will never interfere, I will let you go wherever you want”

“For me please” She places her palms together and her eyes start to tear up again. I know how it feels like for a mother to have that fear of losing their kid. Mothers always put their kids first.

Sometimes I wonder what happened to my biological mum.

“Okay” I whisper, clearing my throat ” I will think about it” I slowly add and she nods with a relieved sigh.

“I will leave you to rest. Tomorrow is my big day and I need my beauty sleep” She exclaims her countenance completely changing. This woman is seriously obsessed with her looks.

I’m sure she was a spoiled rich girl when she was my age. I don’t know what could have happened if Dad was poor.

Nevertheless, I’m thankful for her golden heart. She is selfless, and no day did she choose between Jace and me. She treated us equally and it’s thanks to her and her husband I was raised with much love that I could have never received from anywhere else.

Maybe I should forgive Jace for their sake.

Is it the right choice though?

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