Chapter 7

Chapter 7


The drive to the mall is mainly silent. Apart from the excited mother who keeps ranting about the stuff she is going to check out.

My mate, on the other hand, is busy on her phone typing away and giggling to herself. It’s causing my heart to squeeze in pain. Who is she chatting with?

Did someone replace me? I’m supposed to be the only one making her laugh like that. Goddess! She doesn’t even look at me twice. Did she completely forget about what we had?

f**k, Anna.

“Watch out Jace” Mother shouts from the back seat and I immediately step on the brakes. My breathing is hard while my hands are tightly clutching the steering wheel.

f**k! I lost control.

“Do you want to get us killed? Oh! Goddess, I can’t believe you” She stressfully runs her fingers through her hair giving me a disapproving look.

Instantly, Anņa puts her phone away and worriedly stares at me. I scared her.

“Sorry,” I mumble looking away from the girl. How do I stop feeling this way? It’s so agonizing.

“Pull over,

I can’t die a day before my birthday” Mother adds grabbing her bag and I pull over to the side of the road.

“Let’s go, honey,”. She tells Anna who is still strangely staring at me. What is she thinking?

“I will stay mum” she mumbles with a sigh.

I tiredly press my head on the wheel and close my eyes. I feel so tired. I don’t know what to do with my life anymore.

My wolf is back and I’m sure he won’t stay if she leaves again. Without Ana, my future is empty like my heart feels right now.

“Hey,” a warm hand touches my shoulder, and my b*dy instantly shivers. Her touch is different from when we were not mated. The power of the mate bond is stronger than anything I have ever experienced.


“Stop crying Jace, come here” her voice is low and pleading. I have never felt this vulnerable in my whole life. I never thought one day I will be in this position.

She doesn’t wait for me to respond. Ana takes my head and holds it to her chest. Both of her arms cage me in her warm embrace, and I snuggle more into her. This is a place where I always found comfort from.

She always hated it when I was sad. Anna used to say she felt hurt when I’m hurting and I wonder if she still feels the same.

Her heart is beating so fast just like mine. Her scent is everything I need to be okay. Anna brings me back to life.

She doesn’t talk again, she holds me tightly like she always did when we were growing up.

“I’m sorry” I croak out holding her tightly by her tender waist. I wish there was no barrier between our seats. “I ruined us” I sniffle, lifting my head to look at her but she doesn’t let me.

“Shh, relax” she whispers in my ear and touches her soft l*ps on my temple ” I hate to see you like this, you need to take care of yourself, Jace”

“I don’t know how to,” I say with a defeated sigh and she doesn’t talk again.

Ana always put me first before anything. How could I hurt her of all the people? She knows every detail about me, from the smallest to the bigger aspect. Ana knows me so well than my parents do. She was the closest friend I had.

Right now, she is just trying to make me feel better. I know we have a lot to talk about and I pray she gives me a second chance to make things right.

“You will be fine” she whispers running her hands in my hair, and I sigh forcing myself to calm down.

Lifting my head, I glance into the green eyes that are tenderly staring at me with utmost care and concern. She is beautiful.

“Can I hold your hand?” Ana immediately laces our fingers and I sigh in contentment. She didn’t deserve what I did.

“Thank you” I place a gentle k*ss on her forehead and she slightly smiles at me. I love her.

“Is your head working now,?” Mum asks staring at our laced fingers. The hidden smile on her face doesn’t go unnoticed by me. She was the most


affected by what happened and I pray one day she will forgive me for that too.

“Just get in Mother” I mumble with a tired tone but smile anyway. I have a long way to go to bring back the joy our family once had.

They say you will never understand the importance of something until it’s gone. Looks like Ana was a big part of our family than we thought. The house became lifeless when she walked away.

“Great” Mother cheerfully says getting back in her seat.


“Found something you like? ” I ask starting a conversation. Anna has been awfully quiet since earlier and I wonder what she is thinking. I know that this is the last place she wanted to be, and I can’t blame her because I feel the same way.

All we have been doing is making sure we are not next to Mum, and so far we are doing okay. Maybe she hasn’t noticed that we are not following her around yet. I pity the saleswoman and the guards carrying her bags. “I don’t need anything” she sighs tucking her hair behind her ears.

Do you want to sit somewhere or maybe leave this place?” I nervously whisper scratching the back of my n*eck. I want her alone so I can try again. The way she held me earlier, gives me hope that maybe she will listen if I come clean with her.

Ana’s brows furrow in thought, like she always did when thinking about something. Before she could answer though, my over-excited mother finds us again and I internally groan. Way to ruin my chance.

“Come on guys, you are completely no fun. Try these on honey” Mother dumps a couple of clothes in Ana’s arms, and it’s my turn to chuckle at the horror on her face. At least this is one thing that never changed about her.

We always did shop online and I still do.



Okay mum” she drawls turning around.

Come on Son, I am finding something for you too” She grabs my hand before I could even object, and I’m compelled to follow her. I wonder when she will realize we are no longer kids. It’s embarrassing when she holds my hand like this in public, but I can’t tell her to let it go. I missed her, and I will do anything to have our relationship back.

So I ignore the eyes around us and focus on the woman pulling me to the


male’s clothing shop.



I knew it was going to be a long day and unfortunately, this is just the beginning. I was contemplating Jace’s offer, and I’m sure as hell I was going to say yes. I will do anything to leave this place.

I locate the female fitting rooms but before I could take a turn towards the area, I bump into someone or vice versa. The hurdle of clothing in my hands drops on the floor due to the great impact of our collision. The person must be hella strong. What happened to people watching their steps?

Begrudgingly, I lift my head ready to lash at this person but a gasp leaves. my l*ps instead when I look into his eyes. The piercing, beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. Well, maybe they look just like mine. The man has the same expression as me, and I’m sure he wonders why we have the same set of eyes.

He is tall and broad. His muscular frame emits strength and dominance. Now looking at him, I’m lucky the clothes dropped instead of me. The man is powerful, I can vividly sense it and it’s making my wolf stir within me. He is not human.

His handsome face is adorned by a slight beard and thinly parted l*ps.

I would have said he is an alpha wolf but his power exceeds just alpha.

He is in an expensive grey neat suit that marches his power and wealth. Now I feel inferior.

“I am sorry, I was in a hurry and I didn’t see you” I mumble bringing my eyes back to his now softened ones. Goddess, they are amazing.

“No dear, I am the one who is supposed to apologize. Sorry, for your clothes” his response surprises me, and I find myself releasing the breath I didn’t know I was holding all the while. There is something about this man that I can’t put a finger on it.


“I will help you pick them up,” he says bending down but I quickly hold his arm, and he instantly glances at my hand on his. I quickly take my hand away, scared I might be getting him uncomfortable. He appears familiar to me though. Have I met him somewhere before? His musky and powerful scent is so calming. Unlike my mates, his is like a gentle promise of care and protection.

“No no, please I will do it”. The man immediately smiles and it’s so f**king beautiful. His set of teeth are pearly white and I don’t think he uses them. Two little dimples appear on either side of his cheek, and I find myself smiling back. I can’t help it, it’s contagious.

Wow! You are so beautiful” I exclaim a little bit louder and quickly cover

my mouth with my palms. The man laughs some more and finally

stretches his hand forward for a handshake.

So are you princess. I am Noah, and I am delighted to meet you” I quickly shake his large hand, and the familiarity from earlier appears again.


Gianna, it’s nice meeting you too” An emotion that I don’t decipher passes his eyes at the mention of my name, and I wonder what it means.

Again sorry for your clothes” he points to the forgotten heap on the floor and I dismissively wave at them.

“They are not important, I wasn’t going to try them anyway” I chuckle sidestepping the clothes, and his brows furrow in confusion. He is so cute. Alpha will be so jealous when I tell him I met a man who is more attractive than he is, and probably more powerful.

The clothes though, I was gonna tell Mother that none of them are fitting. I have a lot and I think it’s a waste of resources to get more things you don’t require. I understand responsibility now, and my priorities are completely different.

My wolf is behaving funny. She wants to come out, and I don’t know why. Right now, we are in the human world and I can’t mess up. I wonder if it’s because we haven’t shifted in two years or if she wants her mate. I should find Jace.

“Are you okay, your hands” I quickly glance at my hands when he points at them, and it’s the same thing that happened two years ago. The painful dark veins. Before I could say anything, a searing pain goes throughout my b*dy and the veins becomes more prominent. They are everywhere.


Shit, it’s happening” the man mumbles lifting me from the ground and I’m too weak to ask questions or fight him.

What does he mean it’s happening? Does he know me?

Who is he?

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