Chapter 38

Chapter 38


Immediately, I glance at where Alpha is and he has tears in his eyes. This must be hard for him. The woman though, doesn’t show any kind of emotion, let alone remorse. She doesn’t even glance at his way.

I need to shift back. This will be traumatic and he will need someone to be there for him.

Chase’ I whisper in the mind link looking around for any form of clothing,

‘Ana, thank goddess you reached out. What is happening out there, I was given orders not to leave the house’

Is Liam okay?’

“Yes, though he keeps asking for you guys, he appears to be restless’

It’s about to get messy, Chase. They caught the traitors and Luna is among them. Alpha is here too’

Shi t, Ana, That doesn’t sound good. Is Jace with you? You need to get him out of there’

The Jason guy shot him. He is in the pack hospital as we speak

F u c k, , I am sorry. Do you want me to him?’

No, Stay in the house until it’s done, Watch him for me okay?’

‘Okay, update me’

As if sensing my discomfort, Father sends someone with clothes my way and I quickly find a hiding spot to change.

I don’t ponder where the basketball shirt and shorts came from. I hastily put them on and run to Alpha who is shockingly staring at his mate.

“Dad” I whisper hugging him and he quickly returns the hug.

“Sweetheart, I can’t believe it’s her. I lost her Ana. I lost my mate” He shuts his eyes and holds me fight.

“She chose her fate, Dad. There is nothing we can do about it” I whisper shielding him from the terrific sight,

My dad nods at me and takes off his suit jacket, and one of the men in black quickly takes it from him.


“You all know what happens to traitors. Before we begin, any of you who support The Gamm a should join the group” he points at the group of cuffed wolves but no pack member makes a move to join the group.

“It’s going to be okay, it will pass. Do you want to get out of here?” I whisper running my fingers through his hair. ” We can go see Jace” I add and he shakes his head.

I want to make sure Ana. When I get out of here, only then will I accept my fate honey, No matter how much it hurts” He whispers and I nod sitting beside him. The wounds he got earlier are already healed.

Thank goddess they didn’t use wolfsbane on him.

“In that case, shall we begin?” He walks towards the bleeding Jason and drags him up.

“Fight me wolf” Dad chuckles grabbing his n*eck and he winces but composes himself regardless.

I dare a glance at Luna and she has her eyes on her mate. Unlike other day, today she is not in her always fancy clothes.


She is wearing dark jeans and a plain green T-shirt. She has dark circles around her eyes and her hair is matted. Why did she destroy her beautiful family? We would have forgiven her.

She did wrong but she was a good mother to me and Jace. I remember her waffles every morning. Her hidden smile when Jace let me win. Deep down I know she loved us, she loved her son.

My eyes water when I remember how she filled my closet to the brim with designers. She didn’t neglect me.

My mate will hurt so bad.

“Should we ask Dad to pardon her?” I whisper still glancing her way,

“I want to honey, but the law is the law no matter who breaks it. I am a leader too and I know this”

She was good to Jace and I, she..” I bite my l*p when I remember how she hit my son and look away. At this moment, whoever lays their hands on my baby is my enemy. She could have just hurt me and not Liam. Jace’ I try again but his end is silent. Goddess, I hope he is doing okay.

I glance back to my dad and he is still humiliating Jason. I don’t understand how a low-ranking wolf would want to challenge my dad. His

power alone is prior


Come on Jason, defend your s” He picks Jason by his n*eck like I did earlier and hits his b*dy on the floor.

“You the consequences of your actions. Your minions are going to be killed under your watch and then you will follow suit a few minutes after”

At Dad’s order, all the traitors are forced on their knees and the soldiers in black align themselves in front of them with their weapons. I have never seen a lot of dead bodies. It is like thousands, a whole pack of wolves. This bloodbath will forever remain the worst in history.


I pray no one will challenge my mate when he takes the throne,

Shoot” the king yells and bullets go off in a loud roar. I shut my eyes not to look at her and the alpha beside me growl in pain. He grabs his chest. and falls on the floor. The bond is being deterred.

Breath, Dad, breathe okay?” I rub his back trying to calm him down. His b*dy is covered in sweat and his breath comes out forcefully.

The last bullet sounds and I don’t have to guess who it hit.

“Help him” Dad points in our direction and the men rush to us. They carry alpha and when I’m about to follow him when Dad calls out for


Come here sweetheart” He takes my hand k*sses my forehead and faces. the crowd

“From today things are going to change around here. I will call a pack

meeting tomorrow to announce my successor. Anyone who messes with my kids will have me to face”

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