Chapter 37

Chapter 37


The man exits the room and his minions approach us, but Jace is quick to push me behind him.

“Don’t you dare touch her” He harshly whispers, clenching his fists, and before I know it, the men charge forward ready to hit him but my mate instantly shifts. I watch in amazement as he precisely tears them one by one to pieces. They don’t stand a chance.

“I knew you would cause trouble” The man reappears when his men don’t show up. He reeks of wolfsbane and I’m of the gun he is holding. In the blink of an eye, he targets my mate and shoots.

No, goddess.

Wolfsbane will weaken my mate.

Jace’s wolf growls and leaps toward the attacker but he repeatedly shoots him until my mate’s wolf tiredly falls on the floor.

“Nooo” I shout running to my mate but he aims his gun at me instead.

Goddess, please. For the sake of our son.

“Not a step, you are coming outside with me” He grabs my hands and starts pulling me with him. “I wanted to make this as friendly as possible but he had to ruin it” He chuckles and something in me snaps.

I can’t lose my mate, and Liam can’t lose his father.

I feel my mate’s pain and the groans he is releasing are loud and painful.

“Bring him to the field. I want to make sure this goes as planned” Two men nod and walk back to the room we just exited.

My breathing becomes labored due to the great intensity of the pain I’m feeling. My b*dy starts to shake and my sight becomes clearer.

The sun is harsh outside in contrast to the hole we just left behind. I take the chance to examine the man holding me. The mastermind behind everything and my former Luna lover. The man holding me is the same as my father and I’m disgusted he will want to ruin families for his own sick pleasure. He ruined my parents, He ruined alphas and now he wants to ruin mine.

“Let me go,” I say and he hits me with the back of his gun.


“Keep quiet bit c h, or I will put bullets in your head. Do you think I give a dam n about you?” He angrily yells. The veins on his forehead pop out and I realize something. He is a deranged wolf.

“No. You don’t, and I also know you are not going any near the throne” I say and he punches me in the face and I feel my lower l*ps cracking. The man grabs my hair and throws me on the floor.

Suddenly, the sounds of guns co c k i n g sounds around us. The men in black uniforms and my dad surround us. The traitor guards point their guns back and my mate’s b*dy is thrown next to me.

“Let them go and face me as a man, Gamm a” Dad whispers taking a step. forward and the wolf aims his gun at him.

“Come close and I will shoot” Dad chuckles eyeing him.

“Hiding behind a dam n weapon, what a coward?” Jason grits his teeth and pulls the trigger but luckily, Dad hastily moves and the bullet misses.

I cradle Jace on my chest and k*ss his head. His eyes are closed and he keeps releasing painful growls. We need to find him help before it is too late.

Jason’s eyes darken when he looks at us and immediately his gun points. my way. However, before he can react, a big wolf appears and attacks him. I recognize the wolf so well. It’s my mate’s father.

“Take them out of here” Dad instructs the men in black but I quickly shake my head, I don’t trust anyone here.

Dad, no I hold Jace more, and Father sighs crouching next to me. “Sweetheart, he needs help before the poison spreads in his b*dy” he motions fro a guy who is likely Jace’s age.

Go with them, I will handle this”

Royal doctors pullover with an ambulance and rushes to us. They pick up my mate and the guy follows us but before I can enter the van, a howl of pain sounds at the clearing and I hastily turn back.

Jace’s dad.

He can’t die. My mate lost his mum and he can not lose his dad again. The dark wolf is about to tear his throat out when suddenly an overwhelming energy takes control of my b*dy. I don’t know how it happens but like a blur, I am standing in front of the wolf.

My clothes are no longer on my b*dy and before I could freak out, I

marvel at the flutty fur covering every inch of my b*dy. My nails are also long and razor-sharp.

Everyone on the battle ground stops fighting when I release a powerf loud growl. I feel power dancing on my skin. Its so immense that I makes the ground beneath me tremble.

Unshifted wolves start dropping on their knees in submission but my eyes remain on one particular wolf. An opportunist wolf who is set to harm innocents.

Slowly. I approach him and he keeps eye contact. daring me.

I just shifted and my wolve is different.

I am apure lycan wolf. Unlike the rest. I don’t go on fours but I stand on two legs. My form is larger than the rest on the field and everyone can

feel my power.

The wolf charges at me but I grab his n*eck mid-air and slam his b*dy on the floor so harshly. I pin him down with great force but he is still


My ears catch the sound of bullets coming my way and I lift the wolf toward them. He releases a howl when the poison enters his b*dy and I smirk.

Pay time .

What should I do with him. Dad?”

As much as I want to end him, I know Dad has a better way of handing


You did well baby. However, he challenged the King and he needs to fight me to death’ Dad approaches as the crowd part way for him.

It appears everyone from the pack assembled.

“Today, once again your gam m a challenged me to the throne, as half of my men who unfortunately, had to die” Dad announces and I stare at the countless bodies of the traitors.

“Shift” He commands and the wolf in my hands can’t fight the power of the king’s order but succumb.

How stupi d.

His n*ked as s falls to his knees, and I know it’s the poison working. F u c k I hope my mate got help.

don’t feel his pain anymore. Jace is calm.

Everyone working for him will receive the same punishment. Bring them in Father shouts, and a group of cuffed men and women are pushed forward.

One of them catches my attention.

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